What are you currently reading? Post here!

Finally got started on Charlie Huston's The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death.

I wasn't sure if I was going to like a Huston book that didn't have Joe Pitt in it but this is a blast. Palahniuk fans will love this.
Finally finished Naked Lunch. Going to start Brothers of the Snake by Dan Abnett (a Warhammer 40K novel), because I need something simple and dumbly enjoyable.
I'm reading Plato's Republic right now. It's for a class, but it's been on my "to read" list for a while, so I think of the class as just motivation. :lol:

[quote name='Maklershed']
Bret "Hitman" Hart: My real life in the cartoon world of wrestling.

It's very interesting and I would recommend it to any wrestling fan.
Finished reading my son's Legend of Zelda manga (volumes 1 and 2). They read like an extended version of the Ocarina of Time, which is damn cool.

Working on Essential Silver Surfer Volume 1 and the Marvel Chronicle.

Currently I'm reading nothing but I'm trying to find a book and thought this would be one of the best places to start. I think the name of the book is The Silo Project only I can not find anything that comes close to what the book is about with that name. The book is about if the civil war never ended. I want to say it is out of print and atleast 10 or 15 years old. Someone let me read it about 3 years ago at work and I never finished it due to me wanting to get the book back to them and the first 5 chapters started out really slow. Has anyone heard of this book or know a place where I could find it? I tried amazon and didn't see it there. I think I saw it on there about 2 or 3 years a go when the lent me the book but never bought it.
[quote name='scion of ys']Just finished A Clash of Kings, starting on Storm of Swords. A Song of Ice and Fire is probably one of the best fantasy series out there right now.[/quote]

Take your time with those because I doubt we will see a Dance with Dragon for a long time.

It took 5 years between book 3 and 4 and looks like it will be the same way if not more between book 4 and 5. It has been delayed so many times that I'm not sure if it will ever come out. (joking of course)

Sort of like the last book of the Wheel of Time. Though there is a good reason for that. That books is also supposedly going to be more than twice as long as any of the previous books, so I'm going to have to assume it will be chopped up into 2 or 3 smaller books released a year or so apart each. Luckily I picked up the series when I was about 16 (and I'm 23 now) so I haven't invested as many years as most people have in the series.


Currently I am reading the Forever War by J Haldeman. I just finished up last week A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller Jr.
I'm currently reading Dragon Heir. I finished reading Mercedes Lackey Unchained Phoenix series. Waiting for my library to get The Assioate by John Grisham, The Riven Kingdom by Karen Miller. I also wanna read the George RR Martins new Wild Card book Broken Flush.

As you can tell I'm big into scifi and fantasy. I love Paolini's Eragon series can't wait for the next. Anyone got some good books about people with superpowers. Please no supernatural romance.
Thx guys!!!!
started the third book in the Planet of Adventure series by Jack Vance

Finishing up Angels and Demons. After that...it is on to purchase and re-read all the Dirk Pitt series novels by Clive Cussler.

Also, anyone in here ever read Tucker Max's I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell?
Just finished David McCullough's "1776." I'll probably be reading "John Adams" next. I'm also reading "Mass Effect: Ascension."
[quote name='scion of ys']Just finished A Clash of Kings, starting on Storm of Swords. A Song of Ice and Fire is probably one of the best fantasy series out there right now.[/quote]

Awesome. I'd give anything to have my mind erased so I could read them again. Me and my brother (mostly my brother) figured out Martin's biggest secret in the books. There's clues throughout all the books. It's fucking mindblowing once you figure it out. I don't even want to provide hints because it's that big of a spoiler.

[quote name='Dokstarr']Take your time with those because I doubt we will see a Dance with Dragon for a long time.

It took 5 years between book 3 and 4 and looks like it will be the same way if not more between book 4 and 5. It has been delayed so many times that I'm not sure if it will ever come out. (joking of course)[/quote]

I think the problem is he keeps getting so close to being done but his editors tell him certain chapters should be held off until the 6th book. There's already a major character that was logically to be in the 5th book and was for some reason removed and won't show up again until the 6th book according to Martin.

His current blog entry is funny though. He talks about all the people who says he better not "pull a Jordan" because he's "60 and fat." He probably will be 75 by the time the series is finished.
I'm reading
The Alphabet of Manliness by MADDOX and
The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, both funny in different ways, extremely entertaining equally.
I'm reading
The Alphabet of Manliness by MADDOX and
The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks , both funny in different ways, extremely entertaining equally. On a serious note I'm reading The Art of War
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2 days ago I finished up The Drunkard's Walk - How Randomness Rules Our Lives. Never knew how much i love applied mathematics. Starting Predictably Irrational whenever i get some free time.
Reading Drood by Dan Simmons. A historical fiction about Charles Dickens. Best part is the narrator is unreliable which makes it hilarious
[quote name='Maklershed']I was so close to getting that the other day but the number of pages kinda scared me off. :oops:[/QUOTE]

# of pages a turnoff? Blasphemy you are just getting more bang for your buck
Help..I need to find a new book to read.

I don't read that much book-wise, but recently, I got into reading more. I'm not really tied to one specific subject when it comes to reading, so I'm open to pretty much any book that has a great story. It also needs to be fiction. If possible, I'd prefer a novel with a mix of Asian culture in it, but anything good would do.
[quote name='v1et r1ce']Help..I need to find a new book to read.

I don't read that much book-wise, but recently, I got into reading more. I'm not really tied to one specific subject when it comes to reading, so I'm open to pretty much any book that has a great story. It also needs to be fiction. If possible, I'd prefer a novel with a mix of Asian culture in it, but anything good would do.[/quote]

The Road by Cormac McCarthy :whee:
[quote name='v1et r1ce']Help..I need to find a new book to read.

I don't read that much book-wise, but recently, I got into reading more. I'm not really tied to one specific subject when it comes to reading, so I'm open to pretty much any book that has a great story. It also needs to be fiction. If possible, I'd prefer a novel with a mix of Asian culture in it, but anything good would do.[/QUOTE]

read the Detective Chen books from Liz Williams

first book in the series is Snake Agent

or you can read The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril by Paul Malmont
The cover of Snake Agent looks like a John Baizely painting. Badass.

Just started The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon, which I'll read simultaneously with Brothers of the Snake. Was recommended by my english teacher based on a story I wrote.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']The cover of Snake Agent looks like a John Baizely painting. Badass.[/QUOTE]

Its an awesome series, think of a mix of Fables and Chow Yun-Fat making his way through Asian mythology set in the future. It crosses quite a few genre boundaries and with Liz Williams's superb writing.....its quite enjoyable.

But then again, you really can't go wrong with any books that Night Shade puts out
[quote name='coltyhuxx']A Game of Thrones.

My friend says its his favorite book and series of all time, of all genres.[/quote]

Man, I can't put those books down when I start them.

Right now I'm reading chapterhouse dune. At the end of the book I'll decide if it's worth it to read the other two novels his son co-wrote to finish the story.
Finished Chuck Palahniuk's two latest books on business trip last week.

Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey--really liked this one a lot. Best he's done in a good while IMO. Loved the style of the book and the way things were revealed.

Snuff- Didn't like this one so much. Boring characters, no big reveals. Forgettable.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Man, I can't put those books down when I start them.

Right now I'm reading chapterhouse dune. At the end of the book I'll decide if it's worth it to read the other two novels his son co-wrote to finish the story.[/QUOTE]

His son also wrote (I think) 9 prequels that as a huge Dune fan, I liked a lot.
Finished Forever War ... now to move on - I'll be starting Zelany's Lord of Light. Hopefully I can drag out this book to last 2 weeks.

Afterwards I will have to eventually pick up a copy of Forever Free by Haldeman. I read Forever War and Forever Peace.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']His son also wrote (I think) 9 prequels that as a huge Dune fan, I liked a lot.[/quote]

I've been picking all of those up through the clearance bin at Half Price. I really hope I like them, as I have all but one and I've only read Dune so far.
I'm not sure how much of it I'll read, but the cover of "Outcast (Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi, Book 1)" looks awe.some.
American Lion- Jon Meacham.

Reading it on the Kindle 1 I picked up on Craigslist today. Was planning on buying but the old owner already had it on their. Need to read that and another book or two left on their before I can set up my Kindle account as they'll disappear when I do so.
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[quote name='dmaul1114']American Lion- Jon Meachem.

Reading it on the Kindle 1 I picked up on Craigslist today. Was planning on buying but the old owner already had it on their. Need to read that and another book or two left on their before I can set up my Kindle account as they'll disappear when I do so.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I've been eyeing one of those for a while. Amazon's introduction of Kindle 2 just a year after the original does not inspire confidence. Going to save up for next year's iteration.

How much did you snag it for?
[quote name='doctorfaustus']Damn, I've been eyeing one of those for a while. Amazon's introduction of Kindle 2 just a year after the original does not inspire confidence. Going to save up for next year's iteration.

How much did you snag it for?[/QUOTE]

$200. They're going for $200-250 now on Craigslist and ebay (ebay seems to be hitting the $230 range most often).

The Kindle 2 looks nice, but it doesn't add a lot IMO. Better design, 20% faster page loading (page load is fine on the 1 for me), 2GB internal memory, slightly longer battery life, 16 shades of gray rather than 4 (doesn't really matter for plain text though) etc.

But you lose the SD card slot and the battery is no longer user replaceable and Amazon charges $60 to replace it (vs. buying a kindle 1 battery for $19.99).

But yeah, with early adopting any technology there will be better readers for less money down the road for sure. But for $200 this will tide me over for a few years until there are fancier one's in the $200 range (say with color e-ink, wifi and decent web surfing).
I'm reading Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell right now. Actually, I have been for a couple months. It's a thick book, and I haven't been particularly good about devoting time to it.
[quote name='evilmregg']I'm reading Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell right now. Actually, I have been for a couple months. It's a thick book, and I haven't been particularly good about devoting time to it.[/quote]

I bought that probably about a year ago when it was being clearanced out at Barnes and Nobles for about 4 bucks. I just keep getting intimidated by the size of it. Also the fact that I read at work sometimes, or in between classes or whenever. I think it just looks worse to big out a huge book (especially hardcover) ((especially at work)) since it looks like you are getting ready to settle in for a long read but a smaller paperback book gives the look of just killing a few minutes. Unfair but I want to keep up appearances.
I just finished East of Eden about an hour ago, and it is one of the best books I've ever read. An epic masterpiece if there ever was one.
Bill Bryson's In a Sunburned Country. Bryson is an excellent writer, I've read almost all of his books and he is witty and hilarious.
bread's done