What are you currently reading? Post here!

finished the farseer trilogy earlier today. really enjoyed that series.

I'm starting 'the book of the new sun' by gene wolfe tonight but don't think I'll get too far I'm because it's late.
Septimus Heap: Book One - Magyk by Angie Sage

I find I prefer the plot emphasis of young adult novels over the character emphasis of adult novels...
Finished Fellowship of the Ring, decided to go ahead and read The Two Towers as I should be able to finish it before heading out of town for two weeks this weekend (and switching over to Kindle reading). About half way through it already.
[quote name='Bazylik']Currently reading the third book in the Millennium series, The girl who kicked the hornet's nest. Awesome series.[/QUOTE]

Plan on reading that in the near future.
Finished Dune yesterday and started American Gods

About 700 pages into Memories of Ice by Erickson now. just another 200 or so left. Since I'm on vacation I probably won't get much reading done. (Ironic, I do more reading at work).

Has anyone actually read the majority of the Empire of the Matzalan books? Is it worth it to continue with this series?
Just finished Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett. Also just picked up a Nook. Looking for something similar to either a George RR Martin SOIAF or Douglas Adams (HitchHikers, Dirk Gently etc). Any suggestions?
[quote name='austenwithane']Just finished Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett. Also just picked up a Nook. Looking for something similar to either a George RR Martin SOIAF or Douglas Adams (HitchHikers, Dirk Gently etc). Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

What did you think of Good Omens? I finished it recently too and didn't think too much of it. I like both authors but this seemed like just another Pratchet book (which are all exactly the same IMO). I like Gaiman a lot but couldn't get into this.
[quote name='Maklershed']Finished Dune yesterday and started American Gods [/QUOTE]

No interest in Dune sequels?

[quote name='austenwithane']Just finished Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett. Also just picked up a Nook. Looking for something similar to either a George RR Martin SOIAF or Douglas Adams (HitchHikers, Dirk Gently etc). Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]

The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie seems to be popular amongst SOIAF fans, but I've not read it myself.
I tried The Blade Itself. It's unique as far as fantasy books go, but doesn't get its hooks into you the way ASoIaF did after "the fifty page challenge". I read well past halfway in TBI and it didn't pick up the pace enough for me. Only one of the characters in really interesting.

I loaned it to my brother, he said it starts getting good in the last third of the first book. Abercrombie is a fantasy writer that is somewhat anti-fantasy. He refuses to have maps, so you have to have a constant mental map that causes a lot of confusion until you get a grasp of the lay of the land. I might give it a second chance, but not anytime soon.
[quote name='jlarlee']Damn you guys were ever so right about Game of Thrones[/QUOTE]

I plan on reading this next after I finish the millennium series. I read a prologue of Game of Thrones but decided to go with millennium series first because I want to see the Swedish movie version of The girl with the dragon tattoo really bad.

Can anyone recommend some good humorous adventure/fantasy book, please?
[quote name='dmaul1114']Plan on reading that in the near future.[/QUOTE]

Don't get discouraged by the first half of The girl with the dragon tattoo book, it drags at times, but the character development is fantastic in my opinion and if it hooks you you will be eating pages by the second half of the book.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I tried The Blade Itself. It's unique as far as fantasy books go, but doesn't get its hooks into you the way ASoIaF did after "the fifty page challenge". I read well past halfway in TBI and it didn't pick up the pace enough for me. Only one of the characters in really interesting.

I loaned it to my brother, he said it starts getting good in the last third of the first book. Abercrombie is a fantasy writer that is somewhat anti-fantasy. He refuses to have maps, so you have to have a constant mental map that causes a lot of confusion until you get a grasp of the lay of the land. I might give it a second chance, but not anytime soon.[/QUOTE]

i loved that trilogy, so id give it a 2nd chance. i read it several months ago, so i dont remember how the pace was in the beginning. but i really enjoyed the whole thing. abercrombie is definitely anti fantasy, but he makes it work.

edit: he did release his map for his 4th book. the book, best served cold (which i havent read yet), is a stand alone book set in the same universe unrelated to the story in the trilogy. (well, im sure the other story is referenced, but its not a continuation). unfortunately the map is for only one continent in the book, and from what i can asses from reading the trilogy is there are at least 4.
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I really liked the first 2/3rds or so of Good Omens, the last third was so-so.

[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']What did you think of Good Omens? I finished it recently too and didn't think too much of it. I like both authors but this seemed like just another Pratchet book (which are all exactly the same IMO). I like Gaiman a lot but couldn't get into this.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='eldergamer']About 700 pages into Memories of Ice by Erickson now. just another 200 or so left. Since I'm on vacation I probably won't get much reading done. (Ironic, I do more reading at work).

Has anyone actually read the majority of the Empire of the Matzalan books? Is it worth it to continue with this series?[/QUOTE]

I've read all but the most recent book, Dust of Dreams, i believe, and it is one of the series that I have enjoyed the most recently. If you aren't that into at this point, you probably won't enjoy the rest of the series as I found Memories of Ice to be one of the most enjoyable books in the series. It is definitely a dense series that becomes better with multiple readings.
Lol, for a guy that hates on fantasy book maps, Abercrombie sure comes out with a nice one.

I'll probably give it a second chance. If I can get my brother to give the first book back.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Lol, for a guy that hates on fantasy book maps, Abercrombie sure comes out with a nice one.

I'll probably give it a second chance. If I can get my brother to give the first book back.[/QUOTE]

yeah, and like i said, its just one continent. thats one of the things i liked about the book, it was a very vast world. not like a lot of fantasy where its a map the size of pacific northwest, you get the feeling that its a big world and it reflects in the way the characters interact with each other and react to events.
well im almost 100 pages into the book of the new sun. it took a bit to find its groove, but i think im finally starting to grasp the sytle of the book. it was hard to get into in the beginning because your thrust into a very alien world, it takes you several chapters to get your bearings and get familiar with it. but one of my buddies loves this series, so im hoping it continues to get better.

Tough call. They're both immensely entertaining IMO. Prob go with World War Z first so if you really like Dragon Tattoo you can move on to Fire.
I really dug World War Z - the only book about zombies I actually truly enjoyed.

Also, I am currently reading The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. Good stuff. Been on a classic kick for about a year or so (which included re-reading Catcher for the 3rd time).
[quote name='ian1418']I've read all but the most recent book, Dust of Dreams, i believe, and it is one of the series that I have enjoyed the most recently. If you aren't that into at this point, you probably won't enjoy the rest of the series as I found Memories of Ice to be one of the most enjoyable books in the series. It is definitely a dense series that becomes better with multiple readings.[/QUOTE]

No, I'm really enjoying reading Memories Of Ice. It's just from reading wikipedia and amazon it seems like some of the other books in the series are just filler.

But this is a -very- complicated fantasy world with over 10 distinct races each with their own system of gods and magic.
Finished The Two Towers. Heading out of town for a couple of weeks so Return of the King will have to wait until I return since I'm not lugging the big hardcover.

Will read a book or two on my Kindle--thinking about The Post-American World, by Fareed Zakaria to start. Will start with that sample anyway and go from there.
:sigh:nothing good as of right now, my book isn't coming out till 8/24, Bearers of the Black staff by terry Brooks, so I'm just waiting. Brushing up on a few pages from Blade's, How to make knives, some grinding tips I wanna try, but not anything for great reading. :*(
[quote name='Maklershed']Gave up on American Gods as its shaping up to be the worst book I've ever read. I've moved on to Lucifer's Hammer. [/QUOTE]

Really? I rather dug it. Though, I do confess it took about halfway before the character names stopped being a distraction.
Hey Mak, let me know how Lucifer's Hammer is? It's sitting on my shelf with a bunch of other Niven/Pournelle books, and the plot sounded really interesting. If it's good I'll probably bump it up on my list.
Finished reading the novelization of Crisis on Infinite Earths. It was a pretty decent read-- in spite of all the typos.

Going to start either The Sword of Shannara, Chariots of the Gods (both based on a recommendation), or the novelization of 52
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Before that, I read Come Closer by Sara Gran. It's a pretty short novel but I thought it was fun. I have Pride and Prejudice and Zombies to get through, too.
I just recently got into the Dresden files, it's a pretty awesome series, about to finish up Death Masks now, and Blood Rites up next.
Still moving through Salems Lot. About halfway through, and am not impressed. I just can't get into it, and that makes for some slow going.

Picked up three new books at Chapters, buy two get one deal going on. Got 9 Dragons by Michael Connelly, who I am a big fan of (I own all his books), Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (just due to the hype you guys have been giving it), and The Strain. Not sure about The Strain, but it sounded interesting.
im almost done with the first half of the book of the new sun by gene wolf (The Shadow of the Torturer and The Claw of the Conciliator). but its a strange book with a narration that is frustrating at times, there have been parts where i have to force myself to read, but there are other parts that are very intriguing. ill have to wrap up the series before i decide how much i liked it.
as am a gr8 Stephen King books' fan am reading his The Shining at the mo


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[quote name='gbpackers94']Starting The Stranger by Albert Camus[/QUOTE]
My favorite book ever :applause:

Starting this today...


*insert joke about video game fiction :lol:*

Still plugging away at Storm of Swords as well. It continues to amaze.
I just finished The Stranger, I'd call it a thoroughly depressing book that slows down at the end. Probably going to start The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho on Saturday.
Stephen King's Black House was better than I expected. Certainly, his fiction was so much better before he got hit by that car and wants the whole world to know how mad he is about it in all his recent writings.

Reading a Magic: The Gathering novel now, In the Teeth of the Akoum. Husband got it for me. Rise of the Eldrazi has been my favorite set so far (I've only been playing since the tail-end of Lorwyn). I swear, I should apply to be an editor for MTG books, because they must not have one, what with all the errors in their books.

I am reading Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, it takes place in between Empire and Jedi and I am enjoying it very much.
bread's done