What are you playing?

[quote name='dothog']
  • Facile, lazy, moralistic storytelling.
  • The Force. How the Force is used in storytelling. How the Force is explained.
  • Fans who tell you how awesome the Timothy Zahn books are to avoid talking about how dumb the movies are or how the genesis for ALL of the sequels to the original has been selling toys (and not masterful scifi).
  • The movies and content therein, including but not limited to the dialogue, design, and characterization.
Star Wars is shit. It always has been. That someone has been able to make two failed MMOs out of it is not surprising to me at all. They should make a third one, I will enjoy watching that one fail, too.

Also, if people are actually looking to this thread for games to play, you should check out Minecraft if the last time you played it was ages ago when it was the hotshit indie title of the month. They've added a TON of new stuff, yet there's still the grown-up lego feel to it. Lots of fun.[/QUOTE]

But, but, but I can Force Choke someone, throw my light saber at them and I can even force push someone off a cliff!
I just finished Tomb Raider and now went back to God of War II. Tomb Raider was fantastic. Nearing the end of GOW II. I'll probably move back to The Walking Dead (currently on Episode II) when I'm done. Playing Guacamelee! on the Vita...really digging it.
I'm doing overnights at work this week, my job being to open doors and make sure the contractors don't steal anything, so I have a lot of free time. Since I only have my iPad with me,and people bought me way too many iTunes cards over the holidays, I decided to finally play Final Fantasy Dimentions. Very happy with the game so far. Just started Chapter 2, the game so far reminds me greatly of FFV. I'm intrested on how often the switch between the two parties will happen.

At home I'm in the middle of Mass Effect 2. My husband played it years ago, but this is my first play thru.
Just started Demon's Souls, which I will probably juggle with something lighter. Open to suggestions, as it's a toss up between starting Castle Crashers, Dust, and Joe Danger 2, or finally going back and finishing Folklore or Lego Pirates. Also playing through Bioshock again, but just here and there on the side.
Reached the cruise ship in Uncharted 3 and I cant play it more than 5-6 minutes without getting nauseous. I'll eventually get past it but I'll take my time with it.

Still plowing through Bioshock Infinite, I only play it once every one to two weeks but when I do I play for about 3-4 hours.

Just started playing Xcom and it is freakin' awesome. Love it!
Im playing ragnarok online 2 ... the one from warpportal.. im planning to play tera but the downloads takes too long so ill stick to RO2 atm
I'm going through Sly 1 HD now, really enjoying it (these were some of my favorite PS2 games). Also going back to a bunch of arcade games, like PacMan CEDX, GeoWars RE2, and Super Puzzle Fighter 2.
After not playing anything for almost 3-4 months solid, I Just beat Bioshock Infinite(PS3), what a complete snorefest & disappointment. Not a bad game, but wow just not anywhere near what I think it could have been... I'd give it a 5/10. Beautiful, but boring... good for a rental. Now I'm finishing up with Tomb Raider(PS3) and this game is excellent! I'm very pleasantly surprised by it, possibly one of the best gaming experiences I've had this gen.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']what a complete snorefest & disappointment. [/QUOTE]

Couldn't disagree more, but that's how it goes. I definitely agree that Tomb Raider was a blast though.

Finally beat Crimson Shroud on 3DS. Nice little TRPG. Ran about 10 hours total. Apparently there's more content and a new ending after beating NG+, so looking forward to that.

Otherwise, Monster Hunter's taken over my life again. Seems to happen pretty much every time one comes out over here. Injustice is more fun than anticipated. Hoping to get more time to spend with it.
I just finished up God of War II HD, so I moved onto Gears Of War 2. I'm sort of on a mission to finish up the older stuff I never got around to phase. I've been popping in Sly Collection here and there (currently about halfway or more through 2, finished 1) and I'm now playing Metal Gear Solid 2 on VITA. I never got around to finishing it, I also realized I was probably more than halfway through it when I stopped on PS2. Oh well, I think I'm enjoying it more now since I can pause mid cutscene, lol.
Saw that Gran Turismo 6 is coming out. I've been playing GT5 everyday for the past 5 days. Ideally, would like to platinum the game before GT6 release but who knows.

Recently picked up Batman AC GOTY, Fallout New Vegas GOTY, and Halo 4 to dump in the backlog.
Currently working through:

Borderlands 2 (75% or so done with the campaign)
Assassin's Creed 2 (50% through maybe?)
Bioshock (very slowly, I cant get into it at all)
Mass Effect (6th or 7th time through it, on Insanity mode this time also about halfway through)
Skyrim DLC
Also some LEGO Pirates and LEGO Star Wars in doses.

Next on my lineup:

Bioshock 2
Kingdoms of Amalur
Fallout New Vegas (just picked up the Ultimate edition so gonna finish up the character I have now then start a whole new one)
The Witcher 2
Borderlands 1 DLC
Just beat Lego City Undercover. Really enjoyed the story but no urge to be a completionist so I'm happy just being done with that. Currently on the end of the 3rd Mansion of Luigi's Mansion, am having lots of trouble beating that boss... And just started up FFXIII-2 after buying it awhile ago. Still have X-Com, Valkyria Chronicles, Darkisders I & II, Skyward Sword and Paper Mario Sticker Star on my backlog.
Still slowly making my way through Persona 4 golden. A little sleeping dogs and smash bros brawl on the side. And as always NHL 13.
bread's done