What are you playing?

[quote name='deszaras']I just started playing Skyrim. I could never get into previous Elder Scrolls games because dialogue was weak and the stories were bland. I prefer RPGs like ME and KOTOR but I'm enjoying it so far. Seems like there is a shit load of things to do.[/QUOTE]

I'm the same way, but Skyrim gets REALLY addicting. Once you get out of the tutorial levels, it opens up ridiculously. I'm taking a break at the moment to try and finish some of my backlog, because I find it way to easy to play it for hours. The combat is definitely weak, but otherwise it's incredible IMO. And saying there's a s*** load is putting it midly:applause:From what I hear, Fallout 3/NV are very similar, so you might want to check them out (have 3 but haven't played it)
I've been a lot more scattered lately for some reason. I usually try to stick with one game (well 1 portable 1 console) until completion.

Just finished Gravity Rush - great game

I'm back to Unit 13, have 5 more solo missions to finish up and will probably try to complete the high value target levels as well. - Best VITA shooter

Playing God of War 2 on the PS3. - Halfway through and still enjoying it thoroughly.

I'm in Chapter 2 of The Walking Dead (PS3) - Pretty sweet, just like the comics\show.

I'm about halfway through Sly Cooper 2 (PS3) - always feel as if Sly is overlooked and undervalued. It's not the most technically impressive set of games but I always have fun playing them.

Started Darksiders on the 360 but not sure how far I am. Might cut my loses and sell my copy since I got it for free on Plus.

Playing Assassin's Creed on the PC and about halfway through. - The game is awesome but it sucks

Finally playing Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS XL. - I really really like this game. Very well done. Good mix of old and new Resident Evil. Halfway through.
Dropped Rayman Origins and God of War as I wasn't having fun with them.

Started up Uncharted 2 and loving that so far. Still playing a little BL2, but won't jump back in much until the next DLC and/or a raise of the level cap.
Just finished tomb raider today, gonna go bak and get most of the collectables and the last tomb I managed to miss somehow. After that gonna play through metal gear rising and dmc. Then going to finally finish infamous and the two transformer games.
More then half way done with Max Payne 3 and I just want to be over with it. It feels nothing like a Max Payne game and has just been dumbed down to an annoying cover based shooter. That and the signature bullet time dive seems to just cause more problems as it often leaves you in the open to get shot. Pretty goddamn disappointed.
Playing through Gears of War series right now and plan on tackling Bioshock series next on Xbox 360. Also going through entire Starcraft series on my PC starting with the very first one. Good times.
Just finished Uncharted Golden Abyss on Vita. I enjoyed it altough it's not the quality of it's console cousins. Also finished Resistance Burning Skies on Vita, which I really enjoyed. I'm currently playing Rage on PC, I was suprised how much I like this game. Didn't even know about it until recently. Also playing Max Payne 3 on PC. Really enjoying the game. Need to get back to Alone in the Dark on Dreamcast (I know old skool!) I like the game alot. Walking Dead on PS3! Wow amazing, played the first chapter and am anxious to get back to it!
Slowly playing borderlands 2 and persona 4 golden. It's hard when it seems like I only have a few hours a week to play. I think I need to start sleeping less to make more time.
Just finished Starcraft 2:HotS earlier today. No spoilers but with the events of the game it'll be interesting to see how they tie up loose ends in Legacy of the Void. I'll dabble in the occasional multiplayer match.

I'd like to finish Uncharted 3 before Bioshock infinite comes out. Woot! I picked up Xcom for $15 at Best Buy, so I plan to play that after Bioshock.
Darksiders 2 - I'm going to be honest, but this game is just not grabbing my attention well. There's a lack of urgency, it feels over-budgeted and extremely sparse.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - God Damn you Monster Hunter and your addictive ways. I can't stop gathering berries and shit, OH SHIT, it's a fucking monster! GODDAMN I LOVE THIS GAME
kinda in between games now. I just beat Red Steel 2 (awesome game, will have a review up), and I think I'm just gonna play something non story based like FTL for a bit. I'm kinda in one of those weird "I've got so many games, but I don't want to play them" phases right now.
i've been trying to beat bioshock 1 & 2 before infinite comes out next week. i don't think i'm going to win this race though. what i see happening is me buying infinite monday night and forgetting about bioshock 1&2, resulting in wasted effort in exchange for shiny new fun. i hope i won't be mad at myself for that.
As a Plus subscriber I have way to many games to play. My backlog just keeps increasing month by month and makes me confused which game to play. I recently got a Vita and I just platted UC Golden Abyss today. Im playing Gravity Rush rite now.
PS3: Ni No Kuni
360: Skyrim (now that I have the DLC )
Vita: Playstation All Stars
3DS: Fire Emblem: Awakening
[quote name='intrikit']i've been trying to beat bioshock 1 & 2 before infinite comes out next week. i don't think i'm going to win this race though. what i see happening is me buying infinite monday night and forgetting about bioshock 1&2, resulting in wasted effort in exchange for shiny new fun. i hope i won't be mad at myself for that.[/QUOTE]

You really only need to play 1. One of the best games of this Gen. The 2nd game wasn't bad, but it was nothing to write home about.
I've actually jumped backwards to play a title that I never finished. I threw the Ratchet & Clank collection into my PS3, and have been playing through the very first game in the series. I've had the Ratchet & Clank series on my shelf for years, but never got more than a few hours into the first game.

After giving the first Ratchet & Clank a longer attempt, I have to say that I am pretty pleased with it, and that it holds up well. The biggest disappointment would probably be the boss fights. They don't feel like as much thought was put into them as some of the levels. The level design shines bright. The levels were carefully constructed, as were the enemies and their placement in the levels. Everything was set up to encourage flexible thinking and experimentation with the numerous available tools and weapons. That makes for some solid design.
[quote name='letskissthesky']You really only need to play 1. One of the best games of this Gen. The 2nd game wasn't bad, but it was nothing to write home about.[/QUOTE]

I actually think the second game improved on the gameplay in many areas (hacking is SO much less annoying), and dual wealding really helps. The story wasn't as good, but I think it's just that it felt so similar to the first game that people didn't like it. I just want to jam them both together and have it be perfect:applause:
[quote name='MrNinjaSquirrel']I actually think the second game improved on the gameplay in many areas (hacking is SO much less annoying), and dual wealding really helps. The story wasn't as good, but I think it's just that it felt so similar to the first game that people didn't like it. I just want to jam them both together and have it be perfect:applause:[/QUOTE]

Personally, I don't feel that this game is as bad as people say. If you're craving more Rapture, this game satisfies. I enjoyed it. I will say though that this is one of the few games where I felt the expansion, Minerva's Den, is much better than the main game.
[quote name='perfectmf1386']Personally, I don't feel that this game is as bad as people say. If you're craving more Rapture, this game satisfies. I enjoyed it. I will say though that this is one of the few games where I felt the expansion, Minerva's Den, is much better than the main game.[/QUOTE]

that's also what I've heard, though for whatever reason I haven't gotten around to playing it:cry:
When i can tear myself away from Black Ops 2 (damn you multiplayer) I'm trying to finish up Forza Horizon and AC: brotherhood. I have AC: Revelations, Bulletstorm and Prototype 2 still in the plastic waiting to be played .
[quote name='MrNinjaSquirrel']I actually think the second game improved on the gameplay in many areas (hacking is SO much less annoying), and dual wealding really helps. The story wasn't as good, but I think it's just that it felt so similar to the first game that people didn't like it. I just want to jam them both together and have it be perfect:applause:[/QUOTE]

I definitely agree with the fact that hacking and some other gameplay mechanics in 2 were more refined. But 1 had solid gameplay and the story was just so good. Also, even though they're set in the same world. I felt that the first game's setting just felt better. Maybe it's because it was fresh, but the I think 1 had more varied areas and felt more eery and creepy. Bioshock 1 had me filled with anxiety when exploring new terrain. Not to mention stumbling upon a big daddy and little sister is one of the most nerve racking and exciting moments I've ever felt in video games.

Bioshock 2 was a good game. I just feel like overall Bioshock 1 is a better experience.
[quote name='letskissthesky']I definitely agree with the fact that hacking and some other gameplay mechanics in 2 were more refined. But 1 had solid gameplay and the story was just so good. Also, even though they're set in the same world. I felt that the first game's setting just felt better. Maybe it's because it was fresh, but the I think 1 had more varied areas and felt more eery and creepy. Bioshock 1 had me filled with anxiety when exploring new terrain. Not to mention stumbling upon a big daddy and little sister is one of the most nerve racking and exciting moments I've ever felt in video games.

Bioshock 2 was a good game. I just feel like overall Bioshock 1 is a better experience.[/QUOTE]

yeah, I love Bioshock 1 more than 2. It's just a little hard going back to it now, after the improvements in 2
I just finished the last chapter of The Walking Dead...WOW. Storytelling and character development at its best. I cant wait for season 2. I am almost done with RE6 (i.e. Gears of Redfield). I prefer to have 2 games at a time that I am actively playing...one being a "gun" game and one being a "non-gun" game. I plan to start Ico/Shadow Collection and Far Cry next.
[quote name='aheineken']I just finished the last chapter of The Walking Dead...WOW. Storytelling and character development at its best. I cant wait for season 2. I am almost done with RE6 (i.e. Gears of Redfield). I prefer to have 2 games at a time that I am actively playing...one being a "gun" game and one being a "non-gun" game. I plan to start Ico/Shadow Collection and Far Cry next.[/QUOTE]

I think 2 was the best, followed closely by 5. It just had so many "oh :hot:" moments
Didn't finish Uncharted 3 before Bioshock Infinite came out, but will finish it when done.

Loving the game. I love the city of Columbia. Its fascinating how the city functions with all its disfunctional thinking.

The girlfriend is plowing through the PS3 version and I'm a bit behind with the 360 version.
I've been ADHD as of late with my game playing.

Starcraft 2
XCom: Enemy Unknown
Borderlands 2
Guild Wars 2
Meh, nothing much.

Just been playing some Bioshock and SW: Force Unleashed for the :ps3:
Been trying to put my Steam Library to use and so far, I've been playing Nation Red for :pc:
PS3 - Ni No Kuni (currently taking a break; for some reason, I don't want to play it right now)

PS Vita - P4G (New Game +, trying to get all Social Links maxed)

PC - The Sims 3 (trying out the University Life expansion)

XBox 360 - Skyrim (trying out patch 1.9)
I bought a new PC rig that I put together to play all my games on Ultra settings/3 monitors and I resorted to playing my 3DS. What game has me addicted?


Bought it a week ago and put in 35 hours already. Every other game has been put on the backburner to this. Craziness.
I've been playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate as well, but on the Wii U. I have a regular group that plays a couple times a week or so - good times. I picked it up on the 3DS as well, thinking I could knock some of the single player out on the go, but ick that game does NOT belong on a handheld imo. Just felt clunky compared to the console version.

I'm also playing Final Fantasy XIII-2. It's taken me a while to sit down & really get into that game, but now that I have it's definitely hooked me. Gonna go for the plat in that one. A MUCH better game than FFXIII!

Finally, I started playing the Soul Sacrifice demo yesterday and I'm loving it. It sold me on the full game, and since from what I understand the save from the demo will carry over to the full game I'm gonna keep plucking away at it.
[quote name='argyle']I've been playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate as well, but on the Wii U. I have a regular group that plays a couple times a week or so - good times. I picked it up on the 3DS as well, thinking I could knock some of the single player out on the go, but ick that game does NOT belong on a handheld imo. Just felt clunky compared to the console version.

I agree with you that it feels clunky. However, that's if you play it without a circle pad pro. I bought one for my XL and it's a night and day difference on this game. That's how I've been able to stand the game...and unfortunately I don't have a Wii U, so I had no choice.
[quote name='XeRoFuN']I agree with you that it feels clunky. However, that's if you play it without a circle pad pro. I bought one for my XL and it's a night and day difference on this game. That's how I've been able to stand the game...and unfortunately I don't have a Wii U, so I had no choice.[/QUOTE]

I'll admit saying that it doesn't belong on a handheld was a bit harsh. A better way of putting how I feel is to say that once you play it on a console, it's VERY hard to "downgrade". The controls were part of the problem for me, but not all - I also found it more difficult to see. The graphics seemed a bit soft to me, but again, part of that is coming off of the Wii U version.
[quote name='j-cart']SWTOR.

Seriously, it's freaking Star Wars, what's not to love?[/QUOTE]
  • Facile, lazy, moralistic storytelling.
  • The Force. How the Force is used in storytelling. How the Force is explained.
  • Fans who tell you how awesome the Timothy Zahn books are to avoid talking about how dumb the movies are or how the genesis for ALL of the sequels to the original has been selling toys (and not masterful scifi).
  • The movies and content therein, including but not limited to the dialogue, design, and characterization.
Star Wars is shit. It always has been. That someone has been able to make two failed MMOs out of it is not surprising to me at all. They should make a third one, I will enjoy watching that one fail, too.

Also, if people are actually looking to this thread for games to play, you should check out Minecraft if the last time you played it was ages ago when it was the hotshit indie title of the month. They've added a TON of new stuff, yet there's still the grown-up lego feel to it. Lots of fun.
bread's done