What are your thoughts on this man?

[quote name='PKRipp3r']this isn't a political thread

you have eyes and a brain..... use them[/QUOTE]

It's a thread about a controversial and political figure.

Use that thing three feet above your ass. You always like to try and start shit. Fine. Reported.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']It's a thread about a controversial and political figure.

Use that thing three feet above your ass. You always like to try and start shit. Fine. Reported.[/quote]

He is not really a President. He is just an Assasination waiting to occur.

Bush had a terrible run from the start along with the new Mayor of New York.

First off the Twin Towers iccident and then how US troops just start bombing this and that.

Then the fact that this is sappose to be an ageof peace but instead we have a really dumb war.

Who cares what I say by the time the people who is like 12 grows up nobody will care at all and more people will start other wars.

We have the Chvek Republic right around the corner also and they are just monsters. I mean one statement by a man with an ugly mole about how they are related to Africa and there decendents and the whole place goes up in flames.

That is like Turkey Russia or whatever they would like to call it. Also China is just getting dumber and dumber everyday with slight changes.

If we could just go to 1985 in a time machine then everything would be alright.

He is a slave to the people and his work is pending.
George W Bush is a lying sociopath and anyone who supports him at this point is either insane or spends every single waking moment lying to themselves.
[quote name='Msut77']George W Bush is a lying sociopath and anyone who supports him at this point is either insane or spends every single waking moment lying to themselves.[/quote]

Or an oil tycoon.

Or Suadi Royalty.

Or some other classification of 'more money than god'.
[quote name='PKRipp3r']

Also a fairly snappy dresser.

I didn't know he was gay.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']It's a thread about a controversial and political figure.

Use that thing three feet above your ass. You always like to try and start shit. Fine. Reported.[/QUOTE]

exactly what i would expect from you

you have the mental capacity of an eight year old

feel better now that you told mommy and daddy so they could fix the world for you?


i'm sorry you care that much... i really am

how sad for you
The picture of George W. Bush will not be painted for about 30 years. I'm sure many of you will disagree with me, but when it is I will not be surprised if liberals are more receptive to his foreign policy. They will admit he made some mistakes, but he might go down as Woodrow Wilson-esque president.
[quote name='munch']The picture of George W. Bush will not be painted for about 30 years. I'm sure many of you will disagree with me, but when it is I will not be surprised if liberals are more receptive to his foreign policy. They will admit he made some mistakes, but he might go down as Woodrow Wilson-esque president.[/quote] all people have short memories nowadays. the admin knows that & its why they teeter on the edge so much. most ppl accepted the admins policy & dismissed what ppl voicing out said. then it slowly built up. now most ppl disapprove but are apathetic to the whole situation. 30 years from now the only people even remembering all the shit that happened will be grandpas in rocking chairs and professors. young people think they know it all and dont know jack. old ppl have seen it all and just dont care anymore.
ohh and btw, the reason his suits look so nice is because they cost 2-20 grand each. they're oxxford custom fitted & he never wears the same one twice. (and ppl complained about clinton's $300 haircut lol)
[quote name='propeller_head']ohh and btw, the reason his suits look so nice is because they cost 2-20 grand each. they're oxxford custom fitted & he never wears the same one twice. (and ppl complained about clinton's $300 haircut lol)[/quote]

Do you work for the National Enquirer?
[quote name='munch']The picture of George W. Bush will not be painted for about 30 years. I'm sure many of you will disagree with me, but when it is I will not be surprised if liberals are more receptive to his foreign policy. They will admit he made some mistakes, but he might go down as Woodrow Wilson-esque president.[/QUOTE]

In 30 years, I sure as hell hope that Iraq is nothing like it is at the moment - heck, I wish it stopped being that way as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, the world poured its heart out to us after 9/11, the nation was politically unified (in the sense that we agreed on the need to fight terror, so more prescient political issues that we've been divided on for decades weren't at the forefront), and things seemingly couldn't go wrong.

Today, you have 66%+ of the American people disagreeing with the military escalation in Iraq Bush brought up last week, increasing suspicion in the government based on secrecy, the death of habeas corpus, corporatism, fearmongering, and a majority of people wanting the military to get out of Iraq. We've spent the past 4 years thinking that American political process is a dichotomy where flag burning, gay marriage, abortion, and the war(s) are issues that are black and white, with no particular detail to opinion or concern for nuances. One is or is not on "your side," and that's all that matters politically.

We have gone on a route of unilateral military maneuvers against a country unrelated to 9/11, based on selective information from unreliable sources (Curveball, Achmed Chalabi), spent half a trillion dollars despite the promise that the US cost would not exceed $1.7b, replaced the single most worthless secretary of defense in recent memory, dealt with the entire upheaval of our federal representative government, found out that the United States has engaged in rendition of its captives and thus supported state-sponsored torture, ignored FISA laws, sent our children to die, killed tens of thousands (if not more) of innocent Iraqis, turned widespread international goodwill into widespread international resentment, promoted supply-side economic policies (tax cuts with no reduction in spending) that showed themselves to be unsustainable during the Reagan administration, and created a culture in which any and all Muslims are completely suspect and considered potential terrorists.

I'd not, then, say he's a lazy man. I'd also not say that I think he's intentionally malicious. I would say that he's a charming persona with a "hyuk hyuk" kind of dumbass likability, who has a lot of people hellbent on assuring the wealthy American elites the continuance of their obscene share of the pie in his administration. He has a lot of people who have nothing but disdain for the United Nations (which is fine by itself), but take that to the logical extent that international diplomacy and approval is a sign of weakness (rather than, say, bridge building for future alliances and support). Most of all, he is the representative of a political party who strongly believes that government intervention into the lives of the American people is, without fail, fraught with problems and fundamentally contrary to the freedoms we all possess and act upon. In that regard, he's been a resounding success in proving them correct.
Man... couldn't you just be like everyone else and say, "lawlz, he are fagzorz!"


[quote name='mykevermin']In 30 years, I sure as hell hope that Iraq is nothing like it is at the moment - heck, I wish it stopped being that way as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, the world poured its heart out to us after 9/11, the nation was politically unified (in the sense that we agreed on the need to fight terror, so more prescient political issues that we've been divided on for decades weren't at the forefront), and things seemingly couldn't go wrong.

Today, you have 66%+ of the American people disagreeing with the military escalation in Iraq Bush brought up last week, increasing suspicion in the government based on secrecy, the death of habeas corpus, corporatism, fearmongering, and a majority of people wanting the military to get out of Iraq. We've spent the past 4 years thinking that American political process is a dichotomy where flag burning, gay marriage, abortion, and the war(s) are issues that are black and white, with no particular detail to opinion or concern for nuances. One is or is not on "your side," and that's all that matters politically.

We have gone on a route of unilateral military maneuvers against a country unrelated to 9/11, based on selective information from unreliable sources (Curveball, Achmed Chalabi), spent half a trillion dollars despite the promise that the US cost would not exceed $1.7b, replaced the single most worthless secretary of defense in recent memory, dealt with the entire upheaval of our federal representative government, found out that the United States has engaged in rendition of its captives and thus supported state-sponsored torture, ignored FISA laws, sent our children to die, killed tens of thousands (if not more) of innocent Iraqis, turned widespread international goodwill into widespread international resentment, promoted supply-side economic policies (tax cuts with no reduction in spending) that showed themselves to be unsustainable during the Reagan administration, and created a culture in which any and all Muslims are completely suspect and considered potential terrorists.

I'd not, then, say he's a lazy man. I'd also not say that I think he's intentionally malicious. I would say that he's a charming persona with a "hyuk hyuk" kind of dumbass likability, who has a lot of people hellbent on assuring the wealthy American elites the continuance of their obscene share of the pie in his administration. He has a lot of people who have nothing but disdain for the United Nations (which is fine by itself), but take that to the logical extent that international diplomacy and approval is a sign of weakness (rather than, say, bridge building for future alliances and support). Most of all, he is the representative of a political party who strongly believes that government intervention into the lives of the American people is, without fail, fraught with problems and fundamentally contrary to the freedoms we all possess and act upon. In that regard, he's been a resounding success in proving them correct.[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']Man... couldn't you just be like everyone else and say, "lawlz, he are fagzorz!"


There's a "poe-tay-toe/poh-tah-toe" thing in there, but I didn't want to retype my post again.

Besides, you know I'm too PC for that kind of language.
bread's done