what do cheapassgamers have for breakfast?

honey bunches of oats. And once like every two weeks, i take myself to a local cafe place wiht the sports section, 5.25 gets me heaping pile of biscuits and gravy, two eggs, two bacon, and homefried potatoes.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']grape nuts w/ sugar.[/quote]

1/2 cup grapenuts with 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 cup milk, and a couple of splenda packets, microwaved for a couple of minutes is tits.
Cinnamon toast crunch or somteimes a mixture of honey bunches of oats peach and strawberry, honey nut chex mix and rasin bran all in one bowl oh yeah. :D
Breakfast = Nothing. If I eat less than 3 hours after I wake up I get terrible IBS. I have to wait until atleast 3 p.m.
Normally I wake up and don't have anything to eat. It's normally around 2 when I wake up anyways, so I eat within a few hours and have a sandwich or something.
Holy crap......I thought that I was going to be the only one that said they ate grapenuts.....with 1/2 packet of splenda.....the other half goes in my coffee.
I'm usually up around 5-6 am my gf is in London and the time difference is a bastard. But I usually eat around 5 or so in the evening usually its a pretty big meal either a pizza, or chinese food, and on rare occausion a steak and baked potato. I might be thrifty when it comes to games but I don't skimp on food only brand cerals no Mighty crunch, Rice Pops or Fairy O's. Just don't have a taste for them I guess.

i usually eat some watermelon at work...i work in the produce dept and the lady that cuts the fruit up in the mornings hooks me up with free stuff...sometimes i sneak in a banana too...free food is always good food
[quote name='TomCloud9'][quote name='Bann']I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast. :wink:[/quote]

you eat peices of shit ? lol

ps I dont eat breakfast[/quote]
I would have guessed you drank lot and lots or, umm, milk.
Well, with all the extra money laying around from my cheapass purchases.... I would have to say my butlers fix me up some cereal drenched in cristal...and maybe a dozen krispy kreme donuts.
[quote name='BigNick'][quote name='TomCloud9'][quote name='Bann']I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast. :wink:[/quote]

you eat peices of shit ? lol

ps I dont eat breakfast[/quote]
I would have guessed you drank lot and lots or, umm, milk.[/quote]

"We eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.
Huh? Yall eat pieces of shit? What's the basis?
We ain't going nowhere but got suits and cases"

lol, you guys totally missed what he was referrin to...well, if you dont listen to rap/hip hop, then i wouldnt expect you to, but if you do...shame on you! ;) great song....its called "Jesus Walks" by Kanye West if you want to try listenin to it ;)
I had a chicken, rice and bean burrito. I threw in some A1 steak sauce for extra flavor.

Yeah its unconventional but I think breakfast is the most important meal of the day so its important to fill up.
dont eat breakfast never hungry in the moring, if I do eat breakfast it is after a night of catfishing I go to cracker barrel and get something there usally biscuits and gravy and some type of meat. (fish, pork etc)
I dont like sauage or bacon that much either and I am big go figure uh =)
I don't necessarily eat breakfast since I usually like to wake up at around 10 in the mornings in the Summer, but at around lunchtime (around 12 - 1 pm),
I cook myself some rice or instant noodles with :spam:, and maybe chips or some ice cream. :)
bread's done