What do you think happens when you die?

It would all depend on the judgement placed upon your soul. You would end up in either heaven, hell or purgatory.
a few people are sad, some may be happy, and most people say "wow, he died? that's too bad."

but you won't know, since there won't be much going on. or anything at all. you'll just stop existing. which isn't that bad, since, you know, at least it won't suck.
I want the afterlife to be like the trippy area at the end of Majora's Mask. You know what I'm talking about. Just without the crazy kids with weird masks. *shudder*
you get buried in the ground and the worms eat your rotting flesh. people move on, you turn to dust. endless cycle. nothing happens. it just ends.
i dont want to die, but i wouldnt say im afraid. ive come to terms that it will happen, and i cant prevent that. im just going to live while i still can. existence is too short to spoil.

anyone else this thread is getting very morbid very quickly?
[quote name='yellowaznboy']Is anyone afraid of dying?[/quote]

No. Of course, a staunch belief in the afterlife does a great deal to remove that fear.
We will all find out sooner or later. Too bad we cant come back and let every one know. Maybe you just end up in the ground. Maybe Heaven, maybe Hell.
i think dying would suck. like i said before, i believe in nothingness after death, so when you die..*poof* everything is just gone. now, even though you probably won't be able to..exist to think about the things you havn't done.
I feel deep pity for some of you.. not because you believe differntly that me, but because some of you
have a deep sense of dread concerning death.. it's a terrible thing to be living in fear of death.
I kinda want it to be nothingness, you just cease to exist, like the files emptied out of your Recycle Bin. I'd sacrifice the paradise of heaven to dismiss the possibility of going to hell. The ancient Egyptian religion is awesome! You either go to heaven, or you just cease to exist. So you don't have so much pressure to get to heaven, and there's no suffering left to you if you do something real bad.
I figure why fear the inevitable. I would fear a rather painful death, but other than that, I live life like it was my last day on earth. I try to have as much fun as possible and not work too hard.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='yellowaznboy']Is anyone afraid of dying?[/quote]

No. Of course, a staunch belief in the afterlife does a great deal to remove that fear.[/quote]

Which is, of course, how people came to believe these stories in the first place.
[quote name='XboxMaster']I kinda want it to be nothingness, you just cease to exist, like the files emptied out of your Recycle Bin. [/quote]

They're not gone. They're MARKED as gone, so that the disk space can be reclaimed, but they can still be recovered until that time (and, if you have really expensive equipment, even a write or two later).
you get burried and then turn into a ghost and haunt shit.... R0xXoR.. jk i dunno... i really dont believe in reincarnation, but we will never know if it really happens or not, because im guessing if u got reincarnated, u'd have no memory of the previous life... we could all actually be reincarnated right now and not know it..... I'M FREAKIN OUT MAN... THE SNASBERRIES TASTE LIKE SNASBERRIES
[quote name='BigNick']So what would make you go to heaven or hell?[/quote]

That varies by the religion to which you adhere. If you don't believe in any religion, I figure that you end up in purgatory... unless your actions are so far beyond the pall of commonly accepted stadards... in which case you'd end up in Hell. Of course, if you believe in a religion, and commit the same acts, I'm certain you'd end up in Hell.
Just to clarify my terms... purgatory is basically nothingness, absent of both pain and joy.
Hell is eternal pain and suffering, and Heaven is eternal bliss.
[quote name='ex0']I think there is a state of nothingness, sort of like before you were born.[/quote] By "before you were born" do you mean before physcially birth or before conception? Because even before birth, fetuses have been shown to have conciousness and can react to stimulus.
What about the multi-religion thing? Like say Christianity was really the true, and right religion. What about all the followers of other religions of Islam, Buddhism, and so on? Alot of them haven't had the chance to fully grasp the concept of Christianity or have been so influenced by their country or whatever that their mind has blocked it out permanently? What happens to them? Like I said, I'm not saying Christianity is the right way to go. I don't really know what to believe, although I think some religions are ridiculous, but I won't discriminate in public, so I'll keep the names of those religions to myself. And obviously, no one can be certain of the answer to these questions, I guess I'm kinda asking your opinion or whatever.
What about the multi-religion thing? Like say Christianity was really the true, and right religion. What about all the followers of other religions of Islam, Buddhism, and so on?

They'd still be able to go to heaven. They are devout in thier belief, and so long as they don't fall to a coruption of there religion (fundamentalist terrorists, etc), they all are likely to be correct. There is nothing that really shows that the supreme being they all believe in could not be one and the same.

Alot of them haven't had the chance to fully grasp the concept of Christianity or have been so influenced by their country or whatever that their mind has blocked it out permanently? What happens to them?

It depends. If they are truly devout in thier beliefs, and thier beliefs are founded in love, charity and not of hate, their genesis point is probably the same supreme diety. Of course, if they have no belief at all, they'd just end up in purgatory.. no pain, no suffering, but no joy either.

Like I said, I'm not saying Christianity is the right way to go. I don't really know what to believe, although I think some religions are ridiculous, but I won't discriminate in public, so I'll keep the names of those religions to myself.

One of the key precepts in many religions is that you respect and try to understand the beliefs of others. Of course, just because you try to respect and try to understand thier beliefs, you don't have to accept them.
[quote name='JSweeney']

One of the key precepts in many religions is that you respect and try to understand the beliefs of others. Of course, just because you try to respect and try to understand thier beliefs, you don't have to accept them.[/quote]

And there it is..... Thats how I see things. If you are a good person, you go to Heaven. If you are a bad person you go to Hell.
I think people become nothing after they die. They just disappear from the face of Earth. I think people only live once. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell and I don't believe in afterlife or reincarnation. I think Heaven, Hell and reincarnation are created by human to control human. Your definition of Purgatory sounds like Nirvana in Buddhism which is the highest achievement in Buddhism. But all of these are just my guess. Unless I have special power to see and understand all these I can't really say what can happen after people die.
[quote name='yogi99']I think people become nothing after they die. They just disappear from the face of Earth. I think people only live once. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell and I don't believe in afterlife or reincarnation. I think Heaven, Hell and reincarnation are created by human to control human. Your definition of Purgatory sounds like Nirvana in Buddhism which is the highest achievement in Buddhism. But all of these are just my guess. Unless I have special power to see and understand all these I can't really say what can happen after people die.[/quote]

That's what I was thinking about. Because think if there was no religion, I mean, what would stop ppl from just going out in public with a machine gun and blowing away innocent pedestrians. There's nothing to feel bad about because they don't really go anywhere, well, there is something to feel bad about. But still, there would be alot more chaos then there already is. Or maybe not, think of all the jihads (holy wars) going on in the Middle East, 9/11 was supposedly done because of religious actions (notice the supposedly).
[quote name='dcfox'][quote name='ex0']I think there is a state of nothingness, sort of like before you were born.[/quote] By "before you were born" do you mean before physcially birth or before conception? Because even before birth, fetuses have been shown to have conciousness and can react to stimulus.[/quote]

Before you/your fetus even came into existance.
I too believe in Reincarnation energy never dies it just changes forum . If any of your ever get the chance you should read There Is a River: The Story of Edgar Cayce it's very enlightening .

That varies by the religion to which you adhere. If you don't believe in any religion, I figure that you end up in purgatory... unless your actions are so far beyond the pall of commonly accepted stadards... in which case you'd end up in Hell. Of course, if you believe in a religion, and commit the same acts, I'm certain you'd end up in Hell.

JSweeney I think it's safe to say that you are one of the more intelligent people on this board but your views are so ridgid and one sided. Can you honestly say that If you don't believe in any organized religion then you end up in purgatory ?

I don't believe in Hell or purgatory do you honestly think that god would punish the wicked and Evil what kind of all mighty being would do that ?

I think we have many Lifetimes to get whatever lessons were here to do right . Once that process is complete we evolve in to a state of Nirvana
That's what I was thinking about. Because think if there was no religion, I mean, what would stop ppl from just going out in public with a machine gun and blowing away innocent pedestrians. There's nothing to feel bad about because they don't really go anywhere, well, there is something to feel bad about. But still, there would be alot more chaos then there already is. Or maybe not, think of all the jihads (holy wars) going on in the Middle East, 9/11 was supposedly done because of religious actions (notice the supposedly).[/quote]

That's one of the best things about some religions; the promoted moral fiber. Aside form that though, I think religion promotes something else that sis equally healthy. Everyone knows that life is one big screw over after the other, and sometimes it can get pretty hard. I knew a coworker who was -really- close to eating a hollow point; both parents were killed in a home invasion, his girlfriend was cheating on him, someone was trying to frame him for cheating on his thesis, and he was close to losing his job if he couldn't get productivity up. At one point he broke down at work and started crying and claiming that he was just going to end it so no one would have to put up with him anymore. No, I'm a Christian and I try not to be militant and self-serving about it, but my beliefs dictate that I'm not about to let a man kill himself over such trivial matters. Well, a few other coworkers who I knew were christian and myself basically got him aside and told him that he'd tried everything else so why not try faith. So, latter that night we went to a local church of ours whose sermon that night was (coincidence?) about eternal life and the Sacrifice. The sermon kinda went on and he was looking skeptical, that is until we got to the part about the Sacrifice. The reaction happened when the Rev quoted from John 3:16:
"For god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." He started sobbing uncontrolably, I mean, literally he was shaking. The Rev stopped the sermon and came down to talk to him. If I ever need validation in my faith, I'll just think back to when he told the congregation:
"I've never had anyone love me that much." He accepted Jesus the same night and the next time I saw him; he looked rested and was smiling.
I'm not telling you this to try and convert you or anything so self-serving as trying to make myself seem like I saved a life. I brought this up because religion not only bounds people with moral fiber, but it also can make one feel validated and loved. Right or wrong, religion saved that man. In more ways than one.
Wierd I was just thinking about this like 2 days ago. I guess I'm a little scared of death but more than anything I'll be sad about my own death. I mean I'm only 21 and I have so many precious memories that I look back on and smile and enjoy. If I just stop existing those memories end with me. Its just so final.

Another thing is that I'm such a curious person I can't wait to know what's out there. I want to know what will happen with our race. Will it end? Where are we going? Also I find it depressing that more than likely I'll never be able to leave this planet. Maybe I'll get to go to space if those commercial space vacations that they keep talking about ever happen but I'll probably never be able to stand on another planet and see how amazing and different it can be. I hate thinking that no matter what I do there are certain things I'll never be able to do in my lifetime.
[quote name='yellowaznboy']What do you think happens when you die?[/quote]

I get heated to 2000 Fahrenheit.
bread's done