What game do you love that most everyone else thinks is garbage?

A lot of people seem to be listing good or even great games here, rather than ones generally considered bad. I mean River City Ransom? Starfox Adventures? Ape Escape? Shenmue? These are not exactly bad games :lol:

Anyway, I really liked the Gamecube Enter the Matrix, Naomi's side of the story. Ghost's seemed like an afterthought, and I've heard some versions of Enter the Matrix crashed, but not the 'Cube one.

That sucker had really great graphics (shiny!), and was one of the better 3D scrolling fighters I've ever played. I thought it was a lot stronger than the supposedly better Path of Neo (though I finished that too).

The Bouncer-I enjoyed this too, at least at the time it came out (wish I hadn't sold it). But then, I'm a fan of the side scrolling fighter. I swear sometimes the reviews bashing these games seem to fault them for being in the genre they're in...

Hmm, can't think of anything else that was considered bad that I liked. Probably lots of games that got mediocre reviews that I loved, and vice versa though.
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg for Gamecube. It's a boy in a chicken suit rolling an egg over things. Bad camera, bad jumping. But strangely compelling.
Maximum Chase (Xbox) - Just balls to the wall fun over-the-top recreations of chase scenes from movies and whatever. Very pretty to look at, and at least wasn't as confusing as Wreckless.

Sprung (NDS) - All it took was one positive review from Planet Gamecube to make me overlook the overwhelming bad press. It's an absolutely surprising game. Great artwork, numerous collectable objects, branching paths, and two different scenarios (one male, one female). There's a couple of game-halting puzzles that requires either hardcore note-taking or walkthrough cheating, but I think it doesn't deserve nearly as much of the ill-will that it gets. An adventure game with replayability?! If you're an old-school point-n-click adventure fan, why don't you pick it up the next time a store's trying to liquidate their stock?

Tokyo Xtreme Racer series (DC) - Yeah, a whole lot of doing the same thing over and over at a slow pace, but I actually enjoy it. Its premise was already explained earlier.

Aggressive Inline/Wakeboarding Unleashed - These actually reviewed well, but I think they were overlooked by the general public due to the Tony Hawk juggernaut. Some very good, big-exploration skateboard-game-alternatives.
[quote name='whoknows']We should have a thread that's the opposite "What games does everyone else play that you think is garbage?"

That would just turn into a flamewar though :lol:[/quote]I had a similar thought, and actually almost started it, but I came to the same conclusion.

I'll post a summary of what that thread would be.

"Halo sucks"
"Nintendo is for teh kidz"
"P$3 is duuuuuumb. Every game that will ever come out for it sucks."
"Mario is stupid"
"Zelda sucks"
"You suck"
"Shut up"
--thread closed--
Well I don't love the game, but Street Fighter The Movie for the Saturn is actually a decent game. It just gets a lot of shit from people who haven't tried the game.
[quote name='ch3zyp00fs']Well I don't love the game, but Street Fighter The Movie for the Saturn is actually a decent game. It just gets a lot of shit from people who haven't tried the game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I played the Playstation version and think so too. It's actually one of the best movie tie in games I've ever played. I mean the gameplay isn't 100% the same or as good, but it's basically using real actors from the film and just plugging them in place of the hand drawn art...which is kind of a cool idea.
Everyone likes Dragon's Curse, everyone likes Gladius, etc. Come one, let's pick games that people actually HATE :D LOL!
I loved Seventh Cross Evolution for the Dreamcast. Everyone else hated it since it only has a 43% score on Game Rankings. It was exactly the kind of mindless, level-grinding game that I adore - wander around killing things until you level up enough to take on the boss, then move on to the next area and repeat.
Wing Island on the Wii. The game gets so much hate, yet it's a decent flight game if you're into that kind of thing, which I am.
[quote name='Spades22']

But...here's one game I hate that everyone loves:


Gah what an awful story, awful characters...I can't stand this game. I want to burn it, but the fact that I spent my own money on it cause everyone said it was so awesome prevents me from doing that[/quote]

*Strangles Spades22* (and bumps this topic)
The game Alter Echo. The game got average reviews (around 6's). I think it is amazingly fun. I got it for the xbox, but I think it is out on the PS2 also. I recommend you check it out, it is awesome. You can morph into three different characters, and the puzzles are interesting.
Alter ECHO was an average platformer/adventure game with the MOST annoying chatty companion/talking suit.

[quote name='linkpwns']The game Alter Echo or Alter Ego (I believe it is the latter, but I'm too lazy to check.). The game got average reviews (around 6's). I think it is amazingly fun. I got it for the xbox, but I think it is out on the PS2 also. I recommend you check it out, it is awesome. You can morph into three different characters, and the puzzles are interesting.[/quote]
Have I said FF:CC yet? That was one of my most enjoyable games for GCN and I played through it single player twice, probably plugging in 50 hours or so. I was a little younger back then, so don't know if I'd have the patience now...but still, everyone seems to hate it and think its boring in SP! HATERS!!!!! :'(
[quote name='ihadFG']*Strangles huhhwaaaa* (and bumps this topic)[/quote]

Have I said FF:CC yet? That was one of my most enjoyable games for GCN and I played through it single player twice, probably plugging in 50 hours or so. I was a little younger back then, so don't know if I'd have the patience now...but still, everyone seems to hate it and think its boring in SP! ...and then they have the nerve to say Tales of Symphonia is a good game!! HATERS!!!!! :'(
[quote name='Spades22']Have I said FF:CC yet? That was one of my most enjoyable games for GCN and I played through it single player twice, probably plugging in 50 hours or so. I was a little younger back then, so don't know if I'd have the patience now...but still, everyone seems to hate it and think its boring in SP! ...and then they have the nerve to say Tales of Symphonia is a good game!! HATERS!!!!! :'([/quote]

I also think FFCC was a great game...so you're the HATER!!!!(of ToS)
[quote name='Kayden']Alter ECHO was an average platformer/adventure game with the MOST annoying chatty companion/talking suit.[/quote]

You are just proving the point of this thread...
It was originally on my radar because Gwen Stefani was doing the voice of Malice, and they were putting No Doubt songs for the soundtrack, but I ended up getting it and loving it (Even if they removed Gwen and the No Doubt songs for the final product.).
I think it got panned for no reason, sure the jumping is a little floaty, but I think you get used to it and the game looks amazing (To me, anyway.). It's also really easy, but I'd rather it be too easy than frustratingly hard.
I love this game! Once I understood how the game worked I couldn't put it down. Its now my favorite racing game of all time, even surpassing F-zero GX!
I was super hyped about Gotcha Force (GC) and I remember my buddies giving me infinite shit about the "kiddie" nature of the game and about my love for the gamecube. I still love that fucking game.
[quote name='Nibi']I was super hyped about Gotcha Force (GC) and I remember my buddies giving me infinite shit about the "kiddie" nature of the game and about my love for the gamecube. I still love that fucking game.[/QUOTE]

I vaguely remember that name but didn't get to play it. What was it about?

I can not STAND idiot "kiddie" people.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Final Fantasy X-2 -- Easily the best playing Final Fantasy of all time, but nearly everyone hates on this game.[/QUOTE]I don't know if it's the best FF of all time... but it's definately in my top three. FFX-2 is flat-out fun, and the general tone is a nice break from the full-time angst of most FF games. Great battle and customization systems, too.

And on that note: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, which I'm playing right now. It's got its flaws, but it's great for what it is. I think people were expecting the second coming of FFT and were let down, instead of judging (no pun intended) FFTA on its own merits.
Arrow Flash (gen) - which is a big surprise to me, I thought more people would enjoy it.

Kung Fu Chaos(xbox) - I like watching the replays w/ my own music.. Played this game w/ theme music from "The Last Dragon" and from Enter the Dragon... really made my day!
Actually it is difficult to say that game I like and other hate but even “parking lot” we can put in that category .
[quote name='willardhaven']
Romancing Saga - I can see why it is hated, but I think it's a most entertaining/frustrating dish.[/quote]

More or less frustrating than Unlimited Saga? You say "more", and I'm starting bonfires and rounding up the...."Romancing Saga fans" >.>
I like a lot of those Sega Master System games that ripped off from successful Nintendo games... Zillion (Metroid copy), Rambo (Commando copy), etc... I also like Soccer games like Konami's Winning Eleven. Since most of America hates the sport, I'm sure I'm in a pretty small group of Americans that buys Konami's lastest Winning Eleven Soccer game the day it comes out.
[quote name='MadFlava']I also like Soccer games like Konami's Winning Eleven. Since most of America hates the sport, I'm sure I'm in a pretty small group of Americans that buys Konami's lastest Winning Eleven Soccer game the day it comes out.[/quote]

I've never read a "bad" (like, below 8 out of 10) U.S. review of any WE game tho....But I agree that it's a small number of people who buy it here. Were you the guy who sent me the XPort WE9 option file? I can't seem to find a WE2007 Xport file...
Tokyo Xtreme racer zero for PS2. I was addicted to the game, had so much fun racing in the highways and finding the wanderers.
[quote name='Professor Oreo']South Park Rally. I played the hell out of that game on the Dreamcast and I loved every minute of it.[/QUOTE]

I really enjoyed the N64 version. It's a cart racer with decent controls and two nice additions:

1. The South Park universe, including hilarious character voices

2. Different types of races, such as collecting items, hitting various checkpoints (not necessarily just going in a loop), shooting the other players, king of the hill type thing, etc.
[quote name='Backlash']I really enjoyed the N64 version. It's a cart racer with decent controls and two nice additions:

1. The South Park universe, including hilarious character voices

2. Different types of races, such as collecting items, hitting various checkpoints (not necessarily just going in a loop), shooting the other players, king of the hill type thing, etc.[/quote]

Yeah I think it's a great game too, but the rest of whole world considers it a big steaming pile. :lol:
bread's done