What games have you given up on and why?

[quote name='ITDEFX']oops, bought it a few weeks ago for the PC...haven't installed it yet..maybe I shouldn't.[/quote]

I mean, it's worth a shot if you are a Simpsons fan. I just got tired of the racing missions. It's basically Grand Theft Auto: Springfield.

Although, it is kinda cool driving around Evergreen Terrace and finding out where Moe's and the Kwik-E Mart is. I made it to the third Level where you play as Lisa and quit.
[quote name='geigerm']--GTA3. The only GTA game I ever owned, and the only one I'll buy, because the game made me motion-sick. No joke. I've got the same problem with FPS games, which is why I'll never buy one of those.[/quote]

Man Im the exact same way. I can play FPS games for about 5 minutes before i get nauseaus. I was playing Silent Hill 4 The Room the other day and that part in the beginning where you are walking around your apt. in first person made me real sick. I have no why i get motion sickness. Never used to but now it's real bad playing FPS.
[quote name='The Crotch']

Sonic Heroes: No. No. No. This is not how you make a Sonic game. Your runner sucks at running, your fighter sucks at figting, and your flyer sucks at flying. Glad I didn't pay much for this one either.

I wish I had quit Deus Ex: Invisible War long before I did. I slugged (slogged?) my way through a game with a shitty inventory, terrible AI, weak weapons, no quick-save(!), and entirely forgettable story. What did I get? 30 seconds of speech from some AI and then credits. I didn't even bother getting the other endings.[/QUOTE]

I bought Sonic Heroes when it dropped to 9.99, now its 5 bucks :( So confusing to keep track of all your partners and use them effectively.

Bought it last year, haven't installed it :|
[quote name='schuerm26']Man Im the exact same way. I can play FPS games for about 5 minutes before i get nauseaus. I was playing Silent Hill 4 The Room the other day and that part in the beginning where you are walking around your apt. in first person made me real sick. I have no why i get motion sickness. Never used to but now it's real bad playing FPS.[/quote]

Yeah, for those that mentioned something, I have no idea what causes the nauseous feeling (I don't think it's the blur effect), but it's nice to know I'm not alone. I'm basically prone to motion sickness--planes, cars, really big roller coasters, you name it. The worst is actually rides like "Body Wars" at Disney World, where you're in a room that's showing you a movie on the screen and tossing you around as if you're in the movie, but the movements don't really match what you're seeing. I came out of that thing and my mom was ready to take me to the hospital, 'cause I was white as a sheet.

Anyway, that's my excuse for not beating GTA3. :D Wish I had a ready-made excuse for the scores of other games I couldn't finish, but no such luck. Remembering the games I've beaten is waaaaaay easier.
[quote name='thorbahn3']Viewtiful Joe. You get to this point where you must fight like 5 bosses in a row with no saving option. fuck that shit![/quote]

if you thought it was bad playing that on adult, try v-rated using SYLVIA (SHE TAKES DOUBLE DAMAGE AAAAAAAAARGH)
[quote name='The Crotch']Keeping track wasn't my problem. I just couldn't control my guys. Sonic was always running into walls in the speed areas, Knuckles was always punching his way off cliffs, and Tails... well, he's Tails. He's sucked ever since Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast. I'm not even gonna get into the other teams.

As for Invisble War? Don't bother. Everything's been dumbed down since the original. That was a game.[/QUOTE]

oh i see. that bad huh?
There are a lot of games I've "given up on," but here's some of the highlights/more recent:

Advance Wars DS - fun game, but damn hard. I forget exactly which mission I'm stuck on, but I tried it about ten times and failed horribly each time.

Final Fantasy 9 - I reached the last area of the game but didn't go through and finish it.

Metroid Prime - it was a blast until I took a small break. . .and it's been kinda forgotten since.

Resident Evil 0 - to me it was one of those games you played until you ran across something better and then you tossed it to the side.

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - great game but it was kinda forgotten once I got my 360, I really should go back and finish it.

Honorable Mentions:
Prince of Persia
Warcraft 3
[quote name='captainfrizo']
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - great game but it was kinda forgotten once I got my 360, I really should go back and finish it.

SC:CT was actually a very fun, very cool game, sneaking around ...sneaking behind someone and taking them out :)

but I stopped :(
Far too many to list. My attention wanders and before I know it, years have passed before I remembered I'd left the game unfinished.

The one that may be next to be abandoned is Lunar DS. It has a few annoyances that can leave you in an untenable position for things you did far back in the game.

First, bosses level up as you do but they get far more benefit. If you level up too much the boss will hopelessly overwhelm you. It's a bad design that punishes you for being too strong.

In several places you need to stock up on equipment for characters you haven't even met yet. By the time they become part of your party and their equipment critical to the party's survival, the only stuff available pales compared to the stuff back in a location you cannot reach again until much later in the game. Plus, there is a random chance of certain monsters breaking a character's equipment, so you need multiples.

You cannot control which monster your character attacks. This creates a lot of situations where your heavy hitter, who can take out average monsters in one attack, is likely to attack a monster one of your weaker characters just attacked, thus wasting their effort instead of letting the weaker characters work together while the heavy hitter works alone.

They tried to do something different but so far it's more annoying than novel.
ghosthunter - dissappointed me to a very large degree, so gave up. gonna pick it up again to get it out of my "to finish" pile.

hulk: ultimate destruction - really thought i was on the last mission and discovered there was an entire act still left to get through. i'd been doing marathon sessions with the game up to that point, doing all the side missions and such as they popped up and just going around destroying things for kicks. i was almost relieved to be done and suddenly i...wasn't. just gave up. also still in the pile, so it'll get taken care of soon enough.

viewtiful joe - beat it on kids mode, picked it up on the adult difficulty. fuckin great game, but sweet gravy is it hard. as much as i want to unlock the other characters, i have a hard time going through again when i've technically already beaten it.
I gave up on "Life" the board game, cause it was too hard. 15 years later I beat Final Fantasy X-2 and became a crazed outfit collector. I'm still searching for that damn Samurai Outfit!!! Maybe I'll look in Japan...
As a game reviewer, I don't always beat the games I review. I also have a lot of games on my to-play pile. Thus, my list would be huge. But stuff I played in my spare time and gave up on this year includes:

Shadow of the Colossus - Too much traveling from point to point, bad camera angles, and nothing but boss battles.

Kirby DS - Sad to say, but it actually got too frustrating for me. I hate when you only have a tiny window in which to make it past chasms or you die.

Mario/Luigi Parters in Time DS - Got to a boss, pretty damn far in, who needed to be beaten in X amount of turns or he'd automatically kill you. Tried a few times, but now has been too long to have the good timing to ever beat him.

X-Men Legends II PSP - Played about 14 hours. Game is too long for its own good, as it's the same thing over and over. May have stuck with it if playing multiplayer.

Kingdom Hearts 1 - Bad camera and some lame levels. Didn't last long.

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath - Not sure why I quit. I really wanted to see "the twist."

[quote name='Michaellvortega']Tetris on Xbox Live, I had this soccer mom POWN my ass hard. She laughed at me and said it was alright and that it happens. I almost wanted to cry. I have never played tetris at all since that day.[/QUOTE]

Similar experience: An ex-girlfriend's mom used to whup my ass at Dr. Mario. It was the only game she'd ever play. I thought I was good at it, but she showed me otherwise.
I'm adding a few to my list.

.hack//Mutation and the rest of the series - I played the first one, Infection, TO DEATH. Unlocked every single insignificant thing, had amazing equipment, very high levels, tons of money, 99 of most items. Then, when I played Mutation, I was so burnt out from the first one I couldn't stand it. I still want to play through the whole four game series, but I don't think I ever legitamitely will, meaning I'll probably cheat my way through just to see the cutscenes and skip the horrible gameplay.

Viewtiful Joe - The stage I was on was too long and too hard, so I gave up.

Crap, there was one more I was gonna list. Can't remember it right now.
[quote name='gorgonzola238']

Kingpin: I remember when this first came out on the PC. I updated a patch, and it fucked up the save games. If you updated, you couldn't play an older save.[/quote]

Oh yeah...I remember that game. I didnt apply the patch because of that..I finished the game though.
All 3 mmorpgs I've ever played, since there is no finish point to those, and thats it! ... Although i find that if I start a game and don't play it at least once a week I feel like I dont know the story well enough and I restart, which is why it sometimes takes me a long time to beat the game.
[quote name='Spades22']All 3 mmorpgs I've ever played, since there is no finish point to those, and thats it! ... Although i find that if I start a game and don't play it at least once a week I feel like I dont know the story well enough and I restart, which is why it sometimes takes me a long time to beat the game.[/QUOTE]

MMORPG's you can't beat because 1, game bugs break it, 2, leveling takes forever, 3 developers change/fuck things up.
Add a few here:
Sonic Rush (DS) - The final boss has a few instant kill moves, regardless of ring possession. Really just runied the game as it's pretty much not in the spirit of Sonic games. Darn shame too, since it's easily the best Sonic game since S&K.

Sonic Heroes - Got it for $5 at Sears. I paid too much. I played through Sonic Adv. 1 & 2 on the DC, and figure I could muscle my way through this, but it's jsut painful. I hope Wildfire (or wahtever its new name is) is actually fun.

Trauma Center - I don't necessarily need to stab myself in the heart out of frustration... or my DS Lite's touch screen.

LoZ: LttP (Gonna be shot for this one I know) - Really more on an extended break from this one. After beating Wind Waker, I went back to start to play thought most of the older Zelda games (I had played and owned them all, but never beaten any of them). Beat Zelda 1, LoZ:LA, and started LttP then something else came out.... I think Mario Kart DS. Haven't booted it up since.

LoZ:OoT (REALLY gonna be shot...) - After playing Wind Waker, I just can't deal with OoT's and MM's sloppy controls. WW is so tight and beautiful; I wish I had sat down and just beat the N64 ones before playing WW.

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - I only played it a few times, but my friend is amazing at it and I knew I'd never be able to do even 1/4 of the stuff he was doing. Oh well.

Kirby Canvas Curse - Much like Sonic Rush, just never got around to beating the final boss. I really should, though. I really liked that game a lot.

Ikaruga - I suck. A lot.
[quote name='ViolentLee']As a game reviewer, I don't always beat the games I review. I also have a lot of games on my to-play pile. Thus, my list would be huge. But stuff I played in my spare time and gave up on this year includes:

Shadow of the Colossus - Too much traveling from point to point, bad camera angles, and nothing but boss battles. [/QUOTE]
It's a bloody free camera, it should take 7-8 minutes MAX to find the next boss if you have no clue what is going on, and the bosses are not only levels themselves but they are the most amazing boss battles of any game ever. Plus, the game can easily be beaten in like 8-9 hours.

[quote name='The Crotch']I'm not gonna shoot you. I loved Wind Waker, and went back to replay Ocarina and Majora only after beating it. The lack of camera control totally cripples the N64 games. I still beat Ocarina, though. As I recall, I stopped playing Majora's Mask right before fighting the boss of the water dungeon... Really ought to get back to that.[/quote]

I honestly enjoyed Majora's Mask more than OoT *ducks*, but thats mostly because I started on MM before OoT and beat it, then I went back to OoT (just got the master sword and met shiek) and now i'm stuck in kakariko village, haven't touched it in months, gonna go back and figure out who i'm supposed to find.
Makai kingdom *gets embarassed* got to the point where you have to fight a

hell of alot of monsters riding on tanks, and i didnt feel like leveling up "a

hell of alot"
Oh man, so many to list...

I've been really bad about beating games the past few years. I always try to convince myself that I love RPGs and can play them forever, but almost inevitably I'll get stuck or just tired of playing, or another game will come along that takes my attention. It's a lot harder to play a game like that at college - too many distractions and not enough time to devote 30+ hours to an RPG.

Recently, though?

Disgaea - I like the game, but whenever I think of playing it, I think of how long it's going to take just to fight one battle, and I get discouraged.

DMC3 - I can't get past that stupid fucking Cerberus boss in the third level, which embarrasses me.

Fallout - I love these games to death, but I'm not used to such extreme open-endedness that it gets difficult to figure out where to go. Also, I find it's really easy to get yourself into situations where you're too low-level to survive.

Brothers In Arms - Great game, got towards the tail-end of the missions, but I lost my saves in a format, and since then I've had no desire to replay all those missions again.

Many JRPGs - Tales of Phantasia, Star Ocean (SNES), Front Mission, etc etc. I just can't do it anymore. I don't have the patience I had when I was 15.
[quote name='Quackzilla']It's a bloody free camera, it should take 7-8 minutes MAX to find the next boss if you have no clue what is going on, and the bosses are not only levels themselves but they are the most amazing boss battles of any game ever. Plus, the game can easily be beaten in like 8-9 hours.


A)The camera part I didn't like in Shadow of the Colossus was when you were auto-targeting a boss -- it swung wildly, if memory serves.
B) When you only have an hour or so to play each night before your wife falls asleep (I'd always play with her watching/helping), spending eight minutes riding a freaking horse is not fun. And 8-9 hour games can take weeks to beat at that rate.
C) It just wasn't fun for me. I know it's beautiful and unique, but to me (and quite a few other people I've talked to), it's much better in concept than execution. I felt the same way about Kingdom Hearts 1 -- high review scores be damned. Not fun = not going to play. Ico didn't hold my interest, either -- partly due to my hatred of escort missions.

That's what happens with art: Some dig it, some don't. The difference is, if I don't like a poem or painting, I've wasted a few minutes. A TV show or movie, maybe an hour or two. But if I don't like a game, I'm not going to keep playing for hours of discontent unless I'm really motivated for the payoff.

As I amass more games, that payoff needs to be bigger. Thus, I don't finish a lot of RPGs anymore.
Megaman & Bass GBA.

This game made me realize that I had become "out of shape" in terms of retro platformers, and I put it down for some time because of its difficulty.

I recently picked it back up and beat all 8 bosses, but put it down again before finishing the whole game.
[quote name='The Crotch']I stopped playing Majora's Mask right before fighting the boss of the water dungeon... Really ought to get back to that.[/quote]
That's where I stopped too! I just lost interest in the game, but I should pick it up someday.

In addition to Majora's Mask, many of my games have been previously mentioned.

-Viewtiful Joe - I'm on the level after Bruce...I just can't pull myself to finish it. It's a shame I binged and bought VJ2 as well.

-FFX-2 - I'm on chapter 5. I just lost all will to play it, but a little bit of me wants to resume playing it just to find out what happens with everyone, if there is a conclusion. I will skip all the sidequests because I just don't care about them.

-Wizardry V - good God, this game was BORING. I had it for SNES, and at the time, I was 13. I didn't complete the game until 7 years later and the ending totally sucked with little fanfare. But, what should I have expected from a game with no animation? I remember buying it on clearance from Woolworth for $10. The second unappealing part of the game was the Hell level. Every damn enemy had the chance to hit your hours-dedicated warriors for millions of damage and then disintegrate them to ashes, often-times never to be revived. That was a bitch.
[quote name='Riyonuk']God Im gonna get laughed at...Super Mario Sunshine, I'm trying to find it so I can actually beat it 100%, man some of those missions are hard.[/quote]

I won't laugh at you - I got to something like 45 shine sprites and couldn't figure out where to go / what to do. To be honest, I thought this was the most difficult game I've played this generation...

And before you make fun, I HAVE played difficult games (just none with a camera that gave me brain damage). I've thought MULTIPLE times (when trying to get back into the game) that I'd just not been playing correctly, etc, but I really can't seem to get the feel for the game (I hate the lack of direction and the "find all the blue coins" b/c I don't use guides). I've beat ~20 games per calendar year and I fear this will never be one of them.

/end proof that I'm a pathetic excuse for a gamer
shin megami tensei : nocturne - i didnt know where else to go, and it got annoying...plus the dungeons were getting annoying too

WoW- i got to level 40, and then the dungeons started taking foreverr, plus..school :)

still life- it got so boring...

kingdom under fire : the crusaders- dark elf campaign...the desert one..and i just kept getting slaughtered

shadow hearts , from the new world - it didnt have the same charm for me to keep me into it..ill probably get into it later on
Sadly, mine are mostly rpgs. I get bored of leveling up. I've beaten maybe 10-15 rpg though. Some of the biggest ones I haven't are

Chrono Trigger (yes, sadly)
Final Fantasy 8
Any Suikoden

there are others

Any Syphon Filter
Castlevania Dracula X SNES (couldn't beat Dracula)
Jade Empire- almost feel asleep playing this one, couldn't play it more than one hour. Most boring game ever.
Otogi 1 & 2 Annoyingly hard IMO
robotech: battlecry - kept on failing the protect the building mission.

metal gear solid 2: substance - got bored of sneaking around. wanted to run out and fight but that was not an option

vexx - got stuck after lvl 1

oddworld: munch's oddyssey - got stuck in one of the levels and never went back

hunter: the reckoning - too repetitve

007 agent under fire - didn't like driving level

guild wars - friends out leveled me by a bunch and went on to pvp while i was stuck trying to lvl

final fantasy 8 - got to disc 3 i think and got stuck

warcraft 3 - didn't play campaign. all i play is multiplayer on battle.net

starcraft - see warcraft 3

will post some more when i can think of them
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']
Castlevania Dracula X SNES (couldn't beat Dracula)[/QUOTE]


its been awhile but wasn't Castlevania 4's dracula/Grim Reaper harder?
Red Dead Revolver - I couldn't get passed this Indian Boss chick and gave up.

Fire Emblem - About 3/4th of the way through the game and got on a part wher ei just kept getting my ass kicked. Gave up on that as well.

Trauma Center - fuck that game.

Maximo - fuck that game x2

Drakengard - I fell asleep playing the game... its so terribly boring.

Summoner 2 - I got my ass kciked by a boss about halfway through the game and gave up.
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']I get bored of leveling up...

Chrono Trigger (yes, sadly)[/quote]
You don't need to level up in Chrono Trigger. Just play it straight through, do a few subquests, and you're fine.

I need to add Psychonauts to my list. I adored the game when I played it, but I think I got burnt out because I was being an anal completionist, spending hours in a single mind.
[quote name='The Crotch']

I wish I had quit Deus Ex: Invisible War long before I did. I slugged (slogged?) my way through a game with a shitty inventory, terrible AI, weak weapons, no quick-save(!), and entirely forgettable story. What did I get? 30 seconds of speech from some AI and then credits. I didn't even bother getting the other endings.[/QUOTE]

Um, you DO know you can save anywhere in the game, right?

I can't really remember any game that I conciously "gave up" on, except maybe 007: Everything or Nothing, but that game just plain sucked ass, so it doesn't really count.

I do have a tendency to take long (sometimes years) breaks from games. I got FFX the year it came out and didn't really play it that much until late 2004, and I haven't played it since. Doesn't mean I didn't like the game (loved it, actually), but I just got other games that distracted me.
you know after reading how bad this game is compared to the first one I might as well not install it, and *might* put it up for trade.
[quote name='ITDEFX']you know after reading how bad this game is compared to the first one I might as well not install it, and *might* put it up for trade.[/QUOTE]
You talking about Deus Ex: Invisible War? I seriously loved it. It's not as good as the first game, but basically NOTHING is. The first Deus is one of my top 5 of all time. I still enjoyed Invisible War, and played through the Xbox version (all endings) in record time. Now that I have a PC graphics card that can support it, I'm planning on playing the PC version, too. If you're a fan of those types of games (I consider it a first-person KOTOR), I'd recommend you play it.
[quote name='ViolentLee']You talking about Deus Ex: Invisible War? [/QUOTE]

this one?


then yes for the PC... I bought it last May 2005 but never installed it.
[quote name='ITDEFX']this one?


then yes for the PC... I bought it last May 2005 but never installed it.[/quote]

That one isn't bad at all, though I heard the PC version was rather buggy when compared to the Xbox one. I'd say pick up a used copy of the Xbox one for $3, you cant go wrong.
[quote name='ITDEFX']OH?

its been awhile but wasn't Castlevania 4's dracula/Grim Reaper harder?[/quote]

Noooo, I beat Castlevania 4. Dracula was tough, but the toughest Dracula in any Castlevania I think most would agree is in Dracula X on SNES. I've beaten every Castlevania too except for the crappy N64 ones that I got bored with and the old original GB ones that I never owned.

from a gamefaq of Dracula X

BOSS: Dracula (2nd form)

ATTACKS: Throws two huge flames which swirl around, aimed at you, and unleashes
a beam of concentrated energy.

STRATEGY: OK, this is incredibly difficult. It might even rank up there among
the hardest boss battles in the history of video games. Dracula morphs into
a horned monstrosity that jumps from pillar to pillar, crushing you if you're
beneath him. You'll therefore need to be very mobile. He will also throw
huge infernos at you, two of them, which weave downwards at you with the sole
intention of knocking you into the pit. Occasionally he'll release a super
beam of concentrated energy. Try to predict when this is going to happen, as
the only way to avoid it is by ducking on the lowest pillars. Use guerrilla
tactics; get in a hit where possible and make use of all the hearts you've
stocked up. You may find it easier not to use them on itemcrash, but to shoot
at the demon's head. Good luck - you sure are going to need it this time!
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']
Jade Empire- almost feel asleep playing this one, couldn't play it more than one hour. Most boring game ever.

This game is incredibly boring in the beginning but once it gets going- its a great game.
[quote name='VidgamesgivemeA_D_D']Noooo, I beat Castlevania 4. Dracula was tough, but the toughest Dracula in any Castlevania I think most would agree is in Dracula X on SNES. I've beaten every Castlevania too except for the crappy N64 ones that I got bored with and the old original GB ones that I never owned.

from a gamefaq of Dracula X[/QUOTE]

oh yea now i remembered, it is those pillars that dracula knocks you from and into the pit.. Yea it was hard, but keep at it..if I where you play it on ZSNES and run the save state when the battle is moving in your favor..yea its cheating but look what drac is doing to you in that game.
[quote name='Rozz']That one isn't bad at all, though I heard the PC version was rather buggy when compared to the Xbox one. I'd say pick up a used copy of the Xbox one for $3, you cant go wrong.[/quote]The PC version runs like crap on my system. 3.2GHz P4, 1 gig of ram, Radeon X300, Omega drivers. It's like I'm playing Doom 3 on ultra settings.
[quote name='Z-Saber']The PC version runs like crap on my system. 3.2GHz P4, 1 gig of ram, Radeon X300, Omega drivers. It's like I'm playing Doom 3 on ultra settings.[/QUOTE]

whoa..that bad huh? I have a 3ghz 2gigs of ram, and the Evga 6800GT 256 AGP card..wounder what that is going to be like.
[quote name='b3b0p']Just one I can think of immediatly:

Secret of Evermore

The fucking Dog! And it just sucks.[/QUOTE]
I really didn't like that game. After FF III, Secret of Mana, and Chrono Trigger, it finally proved that Square could in fact do wrong. Of course, the fact that it was developed in Square's new-at-the-time US dev studio is nothing to be proud of...
DOH! Forgot a major one.

Resident Evil 4 - Well, basically I don't like survival horror gameplay, even though I like the genre. As improved as RE4 was over the other RE games, it still didn't have enough ammo. It may be part of the experience, but I hate feeling totally powerless in a game, especially if it's for a lack of ammunition.

Yeah, yeah, I just suck at the game. I'll get back to it sometime.
To add a few:

Zone of the Enders 2
--Awesome game, awesome graphics, but my disc ended up freezing halfway through. Got it resurfaced and working fine and yet I didn't bother playing through the rest of the game.

Trauma Center--Eh, got stuck on the bomb part. Screw it, it's too hard anyways and it's instant death to your touch screen.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney--I loved this game since I had just got done finishing a lot of really difficult games and it was so easy. Got to the last chapter, bought a DS Lite with a couple new games and never got back to it.

Ikaruga--Beautiful game, just too hard. No motivation to play it.
[quote name='Z-Saber']DOH! Forgot a major one.

Resident Evil 4 - Well, basically I don't like survival horror gameplay, even though I like the genre. As improved as RE4 was over the other RE games, it still didn't have enough ammo. It may be part of the experience, but I hate feeling totally powerless in a game, especially if it's for a lack of ammunition.

Yeah, yeah, I just suck at the game. I'll get back to it sometime.[/QUOTE]

I gave up on RE4, also. I freaking hate escort missions, and the part where the chick climbed a ladder and I had to protect her while watching my own ass was too much for me to stand.
I gave up on the last mission of Ace Combat 5 where you have to fly through that stupid tunnel. It drove me nuts.

Also made it to the last guy in shadow of the colossus, but couldn't make one of the last jumps and gave up.

DMCIII- I had no idea where to go about 30 minutes into the game.
[quote name='ViolentLee']I gave up on RE4, also. I freaking hate escort missions, and the part where the chick climbed a ladder and I had to protect her while watching my own ass was too much for me to stand.[/QUOTE]

WTF? That part was fucking easy.
bread's done