What have you received recently?

Got Rock Band for 360 last week, and some cream of wheat today. CoW wasn't bad; like oatmeal if the oats were ground into a slightly gritty powder. Never had it before.

Rock Band I'm starting to enjoy, but only when no one else is home and I can blast the music. X3
I got my Cream of Wheat the other day, haven't tried it yet (although I had it years ago... my gram used to get it and baby oatmeal which is about the same)

I also got the first of my Philadelphia Eagles caps from Pepsi on Wednesday (addressed to my cat... hopefully they send the other three addressed to me). It's a lot nicer than the previous two free ones I got through them (both of them were just marked Made in China... this one's a Reebok one that was made in Bangladesh.) Hopefuly this one doesn't sweat stain as easily.

And today I got some crap from WWE Swagbucks... two of the wax paper wrappers from the old 80's wrestling trading cards. I just wanted to kill out the accumulated points as I got tired of trying to remember how many regular swag bucks I have since they're now non transferrable.

EDIT: Got my second cap today.
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Diet Dr. Pepper coupon, $25 GS GF from uTalkBack, Starbuck;s coffee sample, Betty Crocker's warm delights, GTA Chinatown Wars
[quote name='Gimpster']how did you do that? i missed that one[/quote]

Boredom i guess. Don't know when the promotion ended but going to be using these for my sister's wedding reception.
I got a Quacker True Delights free sample. It was good, but I doubt I'll buy it even with the coupon.
I just got my free Magic: The Gathering Cards. I thought I would only get a boster pack of 12 cards, nope! Got a 30 card pack of red and a 30 card pack of green, which used to be my favorite colors, then black and white. I remember I didn't like blue.

I got this controller and rechargeable battery from http://www.acrazytwist.com
just received the betty crocker delights microwavable delights, tasty but weird to make. Dunkin Donuts coffee, delicious.
I just got the second set of two packs of Magic Cards (blue and white this time). I checked out the white, they seem to have gotten cooler than when I used to play. I didn't look at the blue as I hate blue Magic.
Received a $25 Amazon gift "card" from MyPoints.com a couple of days ago. Used it to help pay for a new pair of headphones. Good times.
[quote name='Chibi Celina']oh yeah and the teeth whitening strips, so weird and i didn't see much of an improvement. meh[/quote]

That's because they come in a box of 30 and you're supposed to use them every day. A sample won't show much difference. They definitely show an improvement after awhile though.
Here's a list othe things I've received lately:

Live Search Club:
Forza 2 For Xbox 360
Xbox 360 System (20 gig)
Zune Cable Pack
Zune Dock Pack

Arriving some time next week (LSC):
Journal & Pen Set
Pink Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
White Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
Prize Rebel:
Text Messaging Kit For Xbox 360

1 Free DLC from RockBand/Star Trek
$5 Subway Gift Card
Free trial subscription for Xbox Magazine
1000 Free song downloads from Nationa Guard
48 hour Xbox Live Code
2- $1 Amazon codes from Opinion Place
$25 edo card. Which I used to buy H.A.W.X.

$39.99 - $25.00 = $14.99 :D

160 MS Points from StarTrek Sweepstakes
400 MS Points from McDonalds Sweepstakes
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I hardly do any contests but I received a Madden 09 keychain in the mail today. I was thinking WTF is this but the enclosed letter said I was selected as a winner in the Microsoft EA Sportts Challenge OCTOBER Sweepstakes.

LOL OCTOBER? Thanks for hurrying out my keychain.... It's got the XX aniversary logo and the back says 08.12.08..... They should have saved the postage as everyone who entered on Live has already forgot. :)

I have won on Blingo twice this year though, 2 $5 Amazon GCs.
Received a Nicoderm patch, a free sample of Total Cranberry Cereal, and a small pack of those 90 calorie Quaker snacks all within the last week.
KFC free meal
Magic cards

I got 4 decks of Magic cards from the latest giveaway and ended up with two white decks. I'd love to trade one of them for the (preferably) red, or black deck. If you're willing to trade, shoot me a PM.
Just got $750 in gift cards from christmasonus gift cards. Also 2 webcams from FSP, and 4 spice jars from FSP as well. Still waiting on my big prizes from rewardsparade! $1000 check!
bread's done