What in your opinion is the worst PSone RPG?


Well I just got to playing my friend's Azure Dreams which he kept talking up to me and my G-d is it horrid. I can't stand the fact that you keep having to leave the same dungeon and come back at Level one after doing a ton of work and just crawl. It's boring and monotonous with no point in sight, IMO.
[quote name='gmzone']Saga Frontier. It's repetitive and boring. I hate every single thing about that game.[/QUOTE]

I actually enjoyed the SaGa games on the PSone but don't really like Unlimited SaGa on PS2 with its new crappy system for everything.
azure dreams sucks sooo bad. worst graphics i have ever seen. saga frontier is pretty bad too. i bought it because i had remembered playing it when i was younger and had thoroughly enjoyed it. that was not the case.
Saga Frontier was just frustrating. What is the point of building up your character if the game just adjusts all the enemies to match. The storyline in general seemed like they were put together by someone with a severe ADD problem that kept them from focusing long enough for anything coherent.

Azure Dreams is part of a long tradition of rnadomly generated dungeon games like Rogue dating all the way back to mainframes with text-only displays. Not everyone cares for the style but many of us do. Torneko the Last Hope is one that I gave a lot of time last year but Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon didn't do it for me. More recently, the GBA Lufia game had random dungeon you could visit almost any time you wanted during the game. You could only level up your main character and his pet monster but the mondo powerful artifacts you could bring back were usable by your whole party. If you can consistently beat the Ancient Cave you can pretty much stomp through the rest of the game.

Valkyrie Profile I found very disappointing. It seemed like a very ambitious design that got lost in the development process. After four hours in the game I encountered very little of what the manual described. It just couldn't hold my attention while the option of selling it for a almost 50% profit loomed. I'd give it another chance if they did a PS2 remake for a decent price.

Beyond the Beyond gets a lot of undeserved abuse. It had a few interesting bit such as the depiction of combat. It's biggest failing was being generic with little to distinguish it from many similar games. It wasn't so much that it was bad but that it didn't do anything new beyond a few FX. Disappointing for experienced players but not a bad start for a first time RPG player.
[quote name='ragtop70']Final Fantasy VII. I bought it for $5, played it for about 10 minutes, and traded it in to EB.[/QUOTE]

Can you really judge an RPG on ten minutes worth of gameplay? Maybe you would have liked it if you gave it some more time.
SaGa Frontier is awesome. If you actually invest some time into the game, you will realize how deep the fighting system is, which is what this game is all about. The seven storylines are pretty straigtforward, but there are tons of optional sidequests in the game that are both fun and challenging. There are also plenty of secrets that offer great replayability, including hidden characters, weapons, and even alternate endings. Probably the best aspect of the game is the superb soundtrack. It simply rocks.

I say, give it a sincere try. At least complete Red's or Blue's storyline, learning the basics of the battle system. Then try out T-260G's, Asellus', or Riki's story. You will experience new fighting styles in these storylines. Finally, play Lute's game, where you have total freedom in what you do. You can take on the final boss within minutes of starting his game, but you won't beat him. Acquire party members, master some skills and magic, and do the sidequests. If you get this far, you will probably have a greater appreciation for the game.
yea I also love Saga Frontier. Easily one of my top 5 RPGs on PSOne. I think a lot of people were turned off by the graphics, and never really got into it.
FFVII, only because it is highly overrated, good game but the fact that people make it out to be godlike gives me alot of hatred for the game.
i liked Saga Frontier 1, even though i was only 8-ish when i played

Saga Frontier 2, though was confusing and boring I returned it to blockbuster after playing it for a half an hour
Alundra 2 - Nothing like the kick-ass original. Crappy 3D graphics and nothing to really keep you playing. I only have it because it's sort of rare and I found it cheap.

Beyond the Beyond - I remember working at Funcoland when this came out -- first PSone RPG. Everyone who played it said it was boring crap. I actually didn't play it, and instead waited for Wild Arms (decent), Suikoden (awesome), and Persona (cool).

Final Fantasy Origins - I loved FF 1 on NES, but this collection left a lot to be desired. I guess I expected too much after the first two FF collections on PlayStation.

By the way, I really enjoyed Valkyrie Profile. It's pretty confusing at first -- making you wish you could start over after about 8 hours. But, it's unique, fun, and quite beautiful.
[quote name='Rozz']Can you really judge an RPG on ten minutes worth of gameplay? Maybe you would have liked it if you gave it some more time.[/QUOTE]

No... but I can understand him.

FF7 is a great game... but for the first half hour, or so... it's dull and extremely difficult to understand what's going on.

For me... it was Chrono Cross. Chrono Trigger was such a great game... and Cross was so confusing, and boring, and the fighting system was horrible.
[quote name='Lina']No... but I can understand him.

FF7 is a great game... but for the first half hour, or so... it's dull and extremely difficult to understand what's going on.

For me... it was Chrono Cross. Chrono Trigger was such a great game... and Cross was so confusing, and boring, and the fighting system was horrible.[/QUOTE]

ok, I dont like you anymore...:cry:

Chrono Cross was a surprise to see it done so well. Though I was sad to see it wasn't Chrono, Marle, Frog and the rest of the gang.

Chrono Trigger is my favorite RPG of all time, and the first 10mins of Chrono Cross I was like "What the fuck is this shit? This isnt a Chrono Trigger sequel!!!"

But once I got into it, I fell in love....

Worst RPG on the PS1? I hate to say it...but "Vagrant Story". Loved the art design, loved the very americanized concept plot line, loved the intro! Badass!.... but the game just sucked so bad...

So many awesome ideas, Such poor completion....

Legend of Mana was a serious letdown as well.
I did expect it to be like Chrono Trigger... which was a big part of the disappointment.

Plus, the main reason I play RPG's is for the characters. Where Cross struggled hard. Something like 50 playable characters, and 47 of them are meaningless.
Vanguard Bandits. cliched storyline, boring characters, mediocre graphics, crappy sound, and boring combat. Only thing I enjoyed was the little bit of music that played when you struck an opponent and the mecha designs.
[quote name='Lina']I did expect it to be like Chrono Trigger... which was a big part of the disappointment.

Plus, the main reason I play RPG's is for the characters. Where Cross struggled hard. Something like 50 playable characters, and 47 of them are meaningless.[/QUOTE]

also the "forcing" of you to change your party all the time i didn't like.. the thing i didn't like about Cross the most was how you had to "build" your weapons and armor instead of just buying it. because usually you'll have enough of the "highest level" material to make one or two things for the main character then your other characters will be very very weak until its common place but by that time you'll probably want the next armor/weapon.. it was just irritating that way.
Either SaGa Frontier, or Dragon Warrior 7.

I put about 15 hours into SaGa and got through 3 or so characters' quests, and 75+ into DW7. I couldn't bring myself to finish either. SaGa was boring, DW7 frustrating IMO.
[quote name='urzishra14'] which i'd like to add "why the hell in an RPG can't i save anywhere?"[/QUOTE]

Save points keep memory card requirements lower. It probably stemmed from a technical requirement and stuck.

However, in most cases I like not being able to save anywhere, especially in dungeon crawlers. That 50 level dungeon in Arc the Lad would have been cake had I been able to save whenever.
Keep in mind, this is not my personal worst PS1 RPG, but Final Fantasy Tactics probably has the least appeal to the casual PS1 gamer. Even the casual SRPG player. It has a steep learning curve, and the difficulty ramps up relatively quickly. The story is also hard to follow on the first play through.

My pick: Final Fantasy Origins. The graphics update to FF I was nice, but they nerfed the entire game. And it was already easy. Also, I just plain couldn't get into FF II. It seemed the primary goal of the magic system was to piss me off. It made sense, but I hated it.
Legend of Dragoon.....god I hate that game. I'm sure theres worse, but I only tried to play good RPGs and this one snuck by my gaydar.
Worst: Beyond the Beyond
Most Dissapointing: Legend of Mana/ Alundra 2 (tie)

I bought Legend of Mana at Gamecrazy yesterday anyway... just to remind me not all sequels are good.
Wild Arms. It's the only non-Square/Namco RPG that I played on the PSone. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just mediocre in every category. Boring graphics, gameplay, story, characters, and music.

FF8, legend of mana, complete Saga Frontier is medicore at best, Brigadine


Wild arms 2
Vagarant story
Vanguard bandits


Tales of Destiny 1 & 2
Chronocles and Anthology
Chocoboo Dungeon
Beyond the Beyond
WIld Arms 1


Vandal Hearts 1 & 2
Ogre Battle Limited Edition
Chorno Coss


FInal Fantasy Tactics
Suikoden 2
I hated Alundra 2... terrrible graphics (granted, PS2 was very much out when I picked up A2, but still...) and the most annoying gameplay I've ever encountered. My gameplay consisted of:

Get pissed trying to get past the ugly-robot baddies to the 1st boss
Do it again
Get pissed trying to get to the next boss
Kinda enjoy running from the Minotaur-ball
Get REALLY pissed and frustrated with the make-the-fire-light-thingy-chase-you puzzle
Give up and trade the damn thing in... trade-in #3 of my game-collecting career

I don't think I even got 2 hours in before I couldn't take it anymore...
Geez, I couldn't stand Chrono Cross. The music, IMO, was the only saving grace. I didn't get attached to any characters, felt ripped that the Chrono Triggers only made a far too brief cameo, and what the heck was with the final battle and the tones?

Question: Anyone else think that Squared made Chrono Cross to mimic the Suikoden series with trying to collect 100+ people? I'm not sure how far apart Suiko II and Chrono Cross were, but they seem to be around the same time.

I've been meaning to throw this question out for a while.

Playing Valkyrie Profile right now and am a tad disappointed. Not feeling the character attachment. Again. The battle system is interesting, however.

And call me an "elitist bitch", but if you don't have good voice acting (at least Shadow Hearts Covenant level), don't put it in. I'd rather just skip them talking and read it myself to spare my ears the excessive bleeding.
Wild Arms? Final Fantasy 7? :beer:
Those are the worst PS1 RPGs some of you can come up with?

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lunar yet.

How about Persona 2? Now that is an aweful game.
Beyond the Beyond - After playing so many Great SNES RPGs this was a BIG disappointment. I wanted to love it so much but I couldn’t force my self to have any enjoyment with it. I kept thinking to myself that this is next gen RPG grrr.

Dragon Warrior VII- I was hoping big things from this game and after spending 30+ hrs on it I quit out of boredom and no sight to the end.

Vandal Hearts II- I was in love with the first VH but II had a fucked up battle system I could not get into.

Final Fantasy VII- FF fanboy going into this game and had high hopes after picking it up the day it was released. I was enjoying the story very much but I hated the new dungeons. I also hated the mini games. I love VIII and IX BTW

Breath of Fire III- BoFII was and still is my favorite SNES RPG and III felt like they took out every thing that made II great. I did like IV.

Crono Cross- Grrrr I hated this game with a passion. What a disappointment. All the hype EGM put into this game and my own hype, it was a let down. Battle system a chore, come to think about it every thing in this game was a chore and I had little if any enjoyment going through CC.

Thousand Arms- The first 2 hrs of TA was great and seemed very innovative. Ii like the dating sim part of the game for the first few times but after many long pointless conversations this game became to talky ‘bout pointless shit. Every thing else about the game was below par. The novelty of it grew tiring quickly.

Vagrant Story- Awesome graphics, music, sound fx, story and characters. Bad control scheme and the worst boss fights ever! Maybe I sucked or most likely Square polished everything but a good battle system that works. Squares thought was if they add 100 different weapons, magic and items it might overshadow the flaws of an over complicated hack and slash. I spent more time in the menus switching weapons for every different monster then actually playing the game.

The Legend of Dragoon- Everything about this game reeked of FFVII but with a limited inventory space, a timing battle system. The no need to earn exp ever off of ordinary monsters is a major WTF? It seemed the only time I would get a good amount of exp is off of bosses. Earning exp in dungeons is one of my favorite parts of playing a RPG.

This is not to start a flame war just my honest to god opinion. I could go on and on about why I disliked the above games but it has been at least 5 years since I have played any of the above games. This is just the nasty taste they all left in my mouth.
/end of rant

Edit: added a few more games
bread's done