What Is The All-Time Worst Game You Have Ever Paid Full Price For?

Gears of War 2 is the most recent one I can think of. The fact you could never find a multiplayer match when it had first came out pissed me off beyond belief. Campain was good at least.

Then again most of the games I buy just sit there on the shelf ... yet I keep buying them by the groves
I don't buy games at full price very often so I'd say 'Dark Sector.' I didn't HATE the game but it ran me 60 bucks and I expect a lot more for that much money :\
Spider-Man 2 for the Xbox. I liked the first game, so this was an automatic day (or at least week) one purchase, to tie in with the movie. And it sucked. Everything about it was worse than the first game. Cut scenes looked like N64 graphics, gameplay felt worse than the original. One of the earliest missions was insanely difficult and I died about 20 times trying it. Something about having to web-swing over to Liberty island and I kept falling in the water.

I quickly traded it at GameTZ for the then new-ish Onimusha 3 for the PS2.

Amazingly, I played Spider-man 3 for the 360 (picked up on the cheap at some sale) and enjoyed it.
I could say more if I looked back at games I got during Atari/NES era, but for now I'd have to say...

Transformers: The Game, if I had played it enough to unlock the real transformer characters (G1) it may have ruined my childhood.
I rarely ever pay full price for any game, but my brother did come home missing a full month's allowance once and holding Superman 64.

Boy, was that a blast...
[quote name='prence']I don't buy games at full price very often so I'd say 'Dark Sector.' I didn't HATE the game but it ran me 60 bucks and I expect a lot more for that much money :\[/QUOTE]

It was great for ten bucks....
I remember i posted a reply for this similar thread. anyway, mine is Mario Is Missing. Shittiest game ever. It was like 69.99 or something like that. The guy said "its the last copy". when i was a kid... i dont have any gaming mags. I thought it was a brand new mario world game.
[quote name='dinovelvet']Spider-Man 2 for the Xbox. I liked the first game, so this was an automatic day (or at least week) one purchase, to tie in with the movie. And it sucked. Everything about it was worse than the first game. QUOTE]

Really? I'd rate this as one of the best licensed games of all time. I loved it.

I think I have to change my vote (from formerly Red Steel) to "Megaman Battle and Chase". There was a company in town that sold import games when I was in highschool. They had battle and chase for 70 bucks- and I thought "I love Megaman, and Mario Kart-- this is the best idea of all time".

I didn't have my PSone modded, but they only had 1 copy so I bought it. I told the guy there that it may be a month or so before I got a chance to play it, and he told me I could toss it into the PSone they had set up. I played it for about 3 minutes before I felt sick. The guy didn't give me any grief about returning it then and there (I got the impression it wasn't the first time it had happened).
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Crap I can't keep this to just one game...

The Robotech game for regular Xbox is probably the worst. I bought the special edition or whatever that came with a T-shirt and bunch of other crap. The T-shirt had a million holes in it and the game was a horrifying piece of trash.

Monster Rancher Evo made me very angry as a huge fan of the series I ran out and bought this day one. I still have not recovered from the trauma.

Master of Orion 3. Master of Orion 2 is one of the greatest PC games of all time. Master of Orion 3 is one of the greatest disappointments.

Honorable mention goes to Hellgate London too.
Everyone who's said SaGa Frontier, I hate you. Hard.

I've played and owned literally every Playstation RPG released in the USA, and 95% of the PS2's, excluding minor crap like Eternal Ring. SaGa Frontier is in the top 10 of all that, easily.
bread's done