What is the Wii to you? A revolutionary success, or nintendo's biggest failure?

Well you can say that you can play guitar hero or rock band with a standard controller as well. Does it make it as fun as playing with toy instruments?

I think the big reason I bought my wii was for the first party games. Nobody can beat nintendo in the software department. its a good complementary system paired with one of the other consoles.

The only improvement I see with the other consoles are the graphics. Was Halo 3 so much better than Halo 2? or GTA IV better than San andreas? There is a saturation point when it comes to graphics so whats after that?

The Wii is the best party system with friends. Thats how it's revolutionary for me. and the motion controls only adds to the party atmosphere.
In terms of getting people to realize that videogaming isn't a niche and should stand alongside music, movies, television and books, it is a revolution. It may not seem revolutionary, but it does represent a tipping point that removes the barrier to entry large segments of the population felt.
I don't think you can attribute this to marketing, because Nintendo has marketed before, and has enjoyed tremendous success with the nes, snes and gameboy. And sony, also, is and has been very good at marketing and enjoyed success with the ps/ps2. Still those systems were not ubiquitous.
Not that the wii is there yet, but it is on a dvd player/tv/refridgerator path where everyone has one and does not think they are enjoying some odd "hobby" by using it.

With that being said-
the Virtual Console has been a disappointment
the storage space is appalling
friend codes, online support and online gaming (with the exception of blastworks and mario kart) is painful
wiiware release dates are secrets
games can look worse than on the gamecube to the point they hinder enjoyment
games, especially 3rd party games, feel rushed to market
sports games have not taken advantadge of the controls
certain genres are underrepresented

But I enjoy the system and some games very much. In terms of a party machine, it is unequaled. I wish there were more awesome experiences like Okami or No More Heroes and I wish those games sold better so that my tastes would be better catered to.
It gave me No More Heroes and Fire Emblem. Could use more on the FPS and RTS side, but other than that, my Wii and I are pretty cool. Online's a non-factor for me. I think they coulda used the controller better on Mario Kart, but whatever.
I hear a lot of chatter about graphics... well....

If you play Mario Galaxy on a CRT tv at 480P it looks amazing. In fact, I routinely say that Mario Galaxy, with the previous conditions, puts MANY "next gen" games to shame.

That being said, graphics < gameplay, and regardless of control scheme the gameplay in Nintendo first party games is bar none. The Wii mote is equal or greater than a regular controller, I haven't found a FIRST party game that feels rushed or forced into Wii mote controls (at least what I have played).

The first party titles have been fantastic.
The virtual console is well executed.
Wii Ware is looking better every week, already bought a few games.

While the third party support has lacked compared to 360, it is easily on par or greater than Ps3.

I would say that the console is by far an overall success. That being said, the Gamecube, if you don't consider sales, was a great console and from a development and software perspective should be considered a great success, in my opinion.

My Console Play time: Wii > 360 > Other > PS3 (Ps2 and Ps1 included)

A final note on graphics... if you are so concerned with graphics then don't play ANY Console, they all pale in comparison to PC.

There is no "NEXT GEN" in PC talk, they scoff at that term, PC gaming graphics ebb and flow without sudden breaks.
The Wii got me back into video games. The problem is with third party effort (at least in a sense, visually, yes I'm a visual whore). I could care less about all the bad mini game collections, so those naturally go ignored.

With success you are going to get plenty of bad games like the previous Playstations. I don't need a 360; Gears of War, Bioshock, Mass Effect, The Orange Box and COD4 are for the PC if I need them. Plus I have my Blueray player/PS3 for MGS4 and RE5 when it comes out.

Definitely a marketing success, but it has only given me the FPS experience I was seeking outside of MOH Heroes 2 (ranked 80th in the world before I quit it cold turkey) but I'll wait and see what The Conduit, Red Steel 2 and the next Call of Duty do for me.

After getting a taste of how FPS could work on the Wii with MOH H2 it was very hard for me to go back using dual analogs, as good as mouse and keyboard when set up properly. Grenades were probably the best thing in that game, the way you could cook the grenade and lightly nudge the remote to drop it at your feet to an attacker in front of you. The way you could swing the Wii remote and lob it across the screen to a crowd of enemies behind some cover. The ability to slightly skew the angle of a throw to ricochet off the walls down a hallway to someone camping on the other side. That is something that I couldn't get before playing the Wii. I look forward to seeing more things like this down the road.
just my two cents.

I play big boy games 3 and have fun.

My wife is not so skilled in the arts of the videogame. Its fun that we can play together using the wii. I think its great that a 20 dollar simple game can get more play and have more fun then an expensive 60 dollar game. I seem to play only the cheapy wii games and we have fun playing them.

I don't think graphics make a game fun. I still have fun playing the old super nintendo. Sometime the realism takes the fun out for me. EX. GTA 1 and 2 were fun I had a blast running over people. Then gta IV. Its a little too real. Fun but the realisim of the people kinda makes it not so fun to run people over. I try to avoid hitting them now?

I'd say in the way they make something so simple that its fun. Who would have thought that actually throwing the baseball would be fun.

I'd have to say its a huge success just in the way they can get old farts to girls to boys to babys playing the wii. That says something when my grandma wants to play! It's just something for everybody.

I haven't played online with the wii so I can't comment there.
[quote name='Artie Lange']I wouldn't say I that I hate it, but it's definitely my least favorite Nintendo system to date and I've owned them all. However, I do hate Nintendo's new casual geared business model. I do feel the Wii remote is a 100% total gimmick, and that standard controllers work far better at 99.9% of games.[/quote]

I agree with the idea that motion control is merely a gimmick, and it is also my least favorite Nintendo console, or really, gaming system.

[quote name='antlp89']The Wii is a breath of fresh air. I'm betting both the Microsoft and Sony are planning on using the Wii's control scheme or some sort of variation of it as their standard controllers next generation. To me, it's a great complimentary system.[/quote]

Well, Microsoft is trying to weasel out a motion control peripheral in an attempt to lure people who don't own a Wii, like what they know of 360 games, and dig motion controls. Essentially, it's just to gain profits in the short-term.

I sincerely doubt Microsoft, Sony, and hell, even Nintendo is planning on a long-term investment with motion controls. A gimmick can only last so long.
I'm still on the fence about buying a PS3 or 360. When I peruse the game aisles I count the number of games for each system I want to play and I get 2, maybe 3 for the PS3 and about double that for the 360. But I just can't justify spending another $500 for updated graphics for the SAME GAMES I've been playing for the last 10 years.

Every time I play someone else's "next-gen" console I'm blown away by the spectacular graphics, but 15 minutes later I can't help but think how tired I am of playing the same freaking Call of Duty game over and over again. Shoot, cover, kill everything in the room, move on to the next room, repeat. Halo 3 is more of the same. Half-life, Unreal, Medal of Honor, and every other rehash of the same genre just doesn't give me that excitement I felt when playing games for the first time.

I'm looking for a new experience and a new level of immersion with videogames and the Wii is the only console offering a fresh angle into remote control enjoyment. So, in that sense, I consider it the only success in the industry right now. Everything else being offered is just a continuation of previous achievements, re-wrapped and re-priced for their pleasure. The end of the PS2 generation was really dragging me down and making me want to quit playing games altogether, but some games for the Wii make me feel all giddy inside. It's a feeling I haven't had since I was 9 years old and playing Adventure for the Atari VCS at christmas time. The Wii has allowed me to enjoy gaming again like a child does.

No, every game hasn't been executed perfectly, or even well, but I'd rather have a company experimenting with real next-gen ideas instead of re-issuing the same formulaic crap they've been relying on for a decade. People are complaining about the amount of shovelware for the Wii and I just laugh because every console has it's shovelware, they just look prettier on PS3 and 360 and they cost $60.
I've had more fun with most games on the Wii than I've had on the HD systems. The Wii has its share of crap, and the others have their gems.

I think it's a bit premature to judge what the Wii has done. If it ends up really expanding the gaming audience, moving people from Wii Sports to other games, and thus spurring developer creativity, audience, and genre variety, I think it'll be great for the industry all around.
Personally I love my Wii. Sure I am pissed off at Nintendo because they refuse to release Mario RPG, Earthbound or fix the storage issue BUT, they are really minor annoyances.

I myself do own a X-box 360, and while it is not technically mine I could play it during the daytime. Have I been, actually no. The last game I played for the 360 was turning point which my dad bought to try it out for a hour. Graphics mean shit to me, and it seems that every game for the 360 is sports, fighting, racing, action or shooter. Sure the 360 has better online, but I usually focus on a few games not every one at a time.

Now atleast on the Wii, a lot of the games are fresh and new for me. Games like Mario Galaxy bring new twists to old favorites and games like No More Heroes just keep me coming back for more. I will admit most companies don't use the motion controllers to it's fullest potential but in my opinion companies have beome lazy as fuck anyway in the past years as long as they could make a quick buck which is also why a lot of good games look like shit on the Wii or the Wii gets shitty ports. Also the online does suck with the friend codes, but I got over it.

For me personally, the Wii does have it's problems. I don't sit and compalin about them though. Instead I look past the flaws and play what I do have which have about 13 games in my Wii collection, all of them which are fantastic and well in my opinion a lot of them comparable to gears on the 360. Thats just me though, maybe my gaming tastes have changed but well...
The Wii was a financial success, there's no doubt about that; however, in relation to their loyal fans, I believe it's an absolute failure. We have been given Smash Brothers, Mario Galaxy, and Metroid Prime 3. Great games, but Nintendo should feel obliged to release a Zelda game (Twilight Princess was a port and doesn't count) and other first party titles like Donkey Kong or F-Zero, or even a Pilotwings. These would all sell and I'm not sure why Nintendo has forsaken games like Donkey Kong or Pilotwings. F-Zero was a great gamecube game, but I wish they'd start giving signs that some of these games are in development. Does Nintendo have ANYTHING worthwhile over the next year? To me, I would say no.
Does the Wii have its problems? Yeah. Every console does.

Does that mean I care? Absolutely not.

Out of this (home console) generation, the Wii has the most of my playing time. Currently I'm Wii60, but my 360 hasn't been played much. AC was disappointingly mediocre. ME disapointed me by being more of a shooter than a RPG. Blue Dragon disappointed me too, but I'll try to get back into that. I'm not a huge fan of shooters, thus I have absolutely no fucking clue why I bought CoD4 (which I've barely played) or Bullet Witch (which is still sealed). My top 360 games right now are Crackdown, EDF 2017, Wartech, Dynasty Warriors Gundam and Eternal Sonata in that order. There hasn't been much else for me to like. Granted, I'm still waiting to get LO cheap. The RPG announcements did help, though, but its not a whole lot.

The Wii has so much more different experiences for me to like. Super Mario Galaxy is the first 3D Mario I played to beat. (I didn't play Mario 64, because 3D actiony stuff jarred me back then. Right now I'm more than willing to go back to it) Blast Works is a shmup fan's wet dream. I just started Opoona and I think it's great. No More Heroes captures my over-the-top needs. Brawl has any fighter needs that aren't covered by the PS2. Mario Kart really is the only racer I'll play. There are other games that are just simply fun for me.

That's just it. The Wii is simply fun for me. I only got my 360 to be able to play the next-gen RPGs that won't make their way to the Wii. I couldn't give a shit about online play; hell, my 360 is only connected to the interwebs for the marketplace. But right now, I hardly touch the 360. The Wii satisfies my needs. It could use more RPGs, but that's what my gargantuan PS2 RPG library is for. One day I'll beat them all. Maybe.

So, is the Wii a gaming failure? Hell no.

[quote name='tayaf69']Does Nintendo have ANYTHING worthwhile over the next year? To me, I would say no.[/quote]

It's partly because they haven't announced anything. Iwata's currently philosophy is to not announce something until its reasonably close to completion. He doesn't want another Twilight Princess situation happening.
[quote name='EXStrike']Does the Wii have its problems? Yeah. Every console does.

Does that mean I care? Absolutely not.

Out of this (home console) generation, the Wii has the most of my playing time. Currently I'm Wii60, but my 360 hasn't been played much. AC was disappointingly mediocre. ME disapointed me by being more of a shooter than a RPG. Blue Dragon disappointed me too, but I'll try to get back into that. I'm not a huge fan of shooters, thus I have absolutely no fucking clue why I bought CoD4 (which I've barely played) or Bullet Witch (which is still sealed). My top 360 games right now are Crackdown, EDF 2017, Wartech, Dynasty Warriors Gundam and Eternal Sonata in that order. There hasn't been much else for me to like. Granted, I'm still waiting to get LO cheap. The RPG announcements did help, though, but its not a whole lot.

The Wii has so much more different experiences for me to like. Super Mario Galaxy is the first 3D Mario I played to beat. (I didn't play Mario 64, because 3D actiony stuff jarred me back then. Right now I'm more than willing to go back to it) Blast Works is a shmup fan's wet dream. I just started Opoona and I think it's great. No More Heroes captures my over-the-top needs. Brawl has any fighter needs that aren't covered by the PS2. Mario Kart really is the only racer I'll play. There are other games that are just simply fun for me.

That's just it. The Wii is simply fun for me. I only got my 360 to be able to play the next-gen RPGs that won't make their way to the Wii. I couldn't give a shit about online play; hell, my 360 is only connected to the interwebs for the marketplace. But right now, I hardly touch the 360. The Wii satisfies my needs. It could use more RPGs, but that's what my gargantuan PS2 RPG library is for. One day I'll beat them all. Maybe.

So, is the Wii a gaming failure? Hell no.

It's partly because they haven't announced anything. Iwata's currently philosophy is to not announce something until its reasonably close to completion. He doesn't want another Twilight Princess situation happening.[/QUOTE]
what happened to TP. I thought it was a great game.
Overall, I like the Wii, b/c it allows for a different experience. The Wii has allowed for games that can't be done on other systems, and some of the games done using the motion controls (Trauma Center, Boom Blox, Wii sports) are great fun. No they aren't really a hardcore game, but they're still fun. It's not powerful graphically, but so long as the games don't look horrible, graphics don't really affect your experience that much.
I admit that the wii isn't going to satisfy the hardcore of the hardcore gamer. In fact, I think the Wii has created a market separate from the usual game cliches (graphics, dual analog control, 10+ buttons) in order to appeal to a larger audience. I for one embrace this idea and happily see the Wii as a successful console complimentary rather than replacement. In fact the Wii is the reason I will probably pick up a PS3 or 360 *pending price drops ;), because it got me back into playing games for fun. I love the fact that Nintendo is doing something different b/c change is good in my opinion, but I also love the fact that both the 360 and the PS3 can provide me with hardcore games too. Let's face it, would you really rather instead have the Wii be a next generation HD system? I wouldn't, but that's just my opinion.
Wii fails for me.
Everything is so dumbed down any sort of activity just feels like cheap entertainment with the overtones of "busy work"

TP, MK, Brawl is already losing its luster...
The Wii motion controls are awful.

I love the first party games, but come on people.

The only thing fresh and revolutionary about the Wii is its marketing.
[quote name='blackbird3216']what happened to TP. I thought it was a great game.[/quote]
Well, they announced TP, then made us wait like 3 years, people got pissed at that
Let's see some of the Wii stuff is great.

It's a new idea for a system, yet gimmicky designed to get non-gamers into the fray
It's first party titles are good
Re-makes of other games are hit and miss (RE4, come on it was meant to be played on the ps2/cube)
Storage space sucks
VC is cool
Shows its age already with its limitations graphics, online play, etc.
Some third party games are decent Okami, etc, most are cheap crap produced just to sell as a gimmicks (Just look at review sites, the Wii has the most amount of games that get terrible ratings)

Now not to say I wouldn't get one cheap for me and my wife to be to play together. I like it but there are a few things that I'm not happy about.
I find it to be the worst system ever when played alone. When your playing the Wii with friends it becomes the most entertaining thing ever.
The Wii to me is my favorite console for reasons that have nothing to do with actual gaming. I like its minimal power and storage footprint, and I like its overall look. I like the fact that it appeals to the whole family and not just the gamer (me): the wife likes it for Wii Sports/Play and now Wii Fit and the kid likes it for the slideshows in the Picture Channel (which is far and away the most used app or game on our system).

As far as gaming goes, it's a bit of a disappointment to me. There's still a bad taste in my mouth from Twilight Princess and the forced waggle therein...things are slowly coming around in Wii games, but it's taking longer than I anticipated a year and a half ago. We're this far in with the VC, I'm still waiting on Yoshi's Island, and the high prices that prevent me from scratching the nostalgia itch are still intact.

However, as I have time to game less and less (and give what gaming time I currently have to TF2), the fact that the Wii isn't what I want it to be in terms of gaming isn't so important, especially given that it appeals to everyone else in the family. In that sense I think I'm part of Nintendo's ideal demographic for the console. So mission accomplished, Big N: I've got one and the family digs it.
The Wii has re-ignited my interest in video gaming like nothing since the Atari VCS. I dropped out of gaming sometime around the end of the PlayStation 1 era, due to a combination of a lack of free time, the complexity of then-current games, higher prices, a narrowing focus of new games on a handful of genres, and the sense that spending time playing games by myself was a disservice to the rest of my family.

Needless to say, the Wii has reeled me back into gaming with a vengeance. I'm buying games at a prodigious rate, and have to forcibly restrain myself from buying even more high-quality titles that beckon to me every time I troll the aisles. The system and the games are more affordable to me, there's a healthy selection of arcade-style uncomplicated fun titles to choose from, most games can be played in either short pick-up-and-play sessions or longer bouts, and the inclusive nature of the system makes it a family resource instead of a selfish one. About the only thing I'm missing right now is a decent sci-fi FPS title, but I'm sure that will come in due time.

I also think that any "hardcore gamer" who whines about the Wii's lack of horsepower and its casual-friendly approach is a self-centered twit with an overinflated sense of importance who can't see beyond his own nose. From my (former) outsider's perspective, the video-gaming industry was heading towards a massive implosion from overpriced systems and narrowing niches. It's only the arrival of the Wii and the DS -- as embodiments of Nintendo's inclusive philosophy -- that's saved the hobby.

[quote name='Artie Lange'] There is no game on the Wii right now that couldn't be made better with a standard controller on a more powerful system. [/quote]
Ya i'm sure wii sports would sell like mad on the 360
The Wii has been a fantastic experience for me, introducing me to new genres of games that I might not have played before the Wii came around. Metroid Prime 3 is a prime example. I have had difficulty getting into many games with a first persion point a view (mainly FPSes), due to their non-intuitive interface and clunky controls. Yet Prime 3's control schema brought in something that was not only easy to use but also felt very natural.

Games like Mario Galaxy and Wii Sports bring something completely new to the table that has not ever been seen before. 3 years ago, who would've guessed at the possibilities that Wii Sports has introduced?

Just because there is a new control scheme, doesn't mean that we've lost all that we've come from. Many games still use the classic/gamecube controller where needed.

Maybe my opinion is biased considering the only non-Nintendo consoles I currently own are a PSX and a PS2. I sure don't feel like I'm biased, but the price point and the general lack of interest in games on the PS3/360 are not enough to motivate me to get anything else other than the Wii.

Based on the Wii's financial success however, it would be hard to argue that Nintendo has created a failure. If you don't believe so, maybe the Wii isn't for you.
I consider my Wii the best video game console purchase in 2007. Why, because my wife and play it constantly (and that is worth every single penny +), and then we have been able to introduce video games to people that thought we were crazy for spending so much time playing games. Now they understand, now that they actually were able to play a game without having to know much at all and have great success and a lot of fun all the while.

Yes, many 3rd party games just don't take advantage of the wii remote controls the right way, most of the content from many of the games are low quality, short, or just a complete waste, but then there are huge gems out there, like SMG, Zelda TP, No More Heroes, Zak and Wiki (the best 3rd party game we think).
But you can argue where will Nintendo go from here? If the Wii is the console that makes up for the last two and it does in leaps and bounds what can we expect to see next? Will there be a Wii 2?
[quote name='kube00']But you can argue where will Nintendo go from here? If the Wii is the console that makes up for the last two and it does in leaps and bounds what can we expect to see next? Will there be a Wii 2?[/quote]
I really don't even see a need for a Wii 2 unless it incorporates something the Wii cannot as related to gameplay. Graphical upgrades are about the only thing I can think of, and sales have proven that that's not a deciding factor.

The only real reason to go Wii 2 for Nintendo is to keep the brand fresh and get a marketing boost, but it doesn't seem like they'll need that anytime soon.

I would love to see the Wii stay mostly unchanged for 10+ years and just keep adding new control schemes and perhipherals.
[quote name='JMEPO']I find it to be the worst system ever when played alone. When your playing the Wii with friends it becomes the most entertaining thing ever.[/quote]

I agree so much. As with everyone here on the forum I have a love hate relationship with my Wii. Lack of megaman games non 8 bit ones at that and just games in general. I love the games I have Mario Kart SSBB Wii Sports but man thats three games. My Xbox gets more love I wanna love the wii but just seems like they not tryin hard enough
[quote name='Mrcapcom']I agree so much. As with everyone here on the forum I have a love hate relationship with my Wii. Lack of megaman games non 8 bit ones at that and just games in general. I love the games I have Mario Kart SSBB Wii Sports but man thats three games. My Xbox gets more love I wanna love the wii but just seems like they not tryin hard enough[/quote]
On that note, are you looking forward to Megaman 9 on the Wii?
[quote name='mephitical']I really don't even see a need for a Wii 2 unless it incorporates something the Wii cannot as related to gameplay. Graphical upgrades are about the only thing I can think of, and sales have proven that that's not a deciding factor.

The only real reason to go Wii 2 for Nintendo is to keep the brand fresh and get a marketing boost, but it doesn't seem like they'll need that anytime soon.

I would love to see the Wii stay mostly unchanged for 10+ years and just keep adding new control schemes and perhipherals.[/quote]

I think there is defiantly room for improvement, mainly getting the motion controls much closer to 1:1. Well the current motion controls work fine for some game in others they just fail. Imagine how much more popular the wii could be if the motion sensing were good enough that you could practice your golf or baseball swing and It could give you accurate feed back. Also I bet all the systems will have motion controls next gen so they will have to have something new to make them stand out.
[quote name='itachiitachi'][/font][/color]

I think there is defiantly room for improvement, mainly getting the motion controls much closer to 1:1. Well the current motion controls work fine for some game in others they just fail. Imagine how much more popular the wii could be if the motion sensing were good enough that you could practice your golf or baseball swing and It could give you accurate feed back. Also I bet all the systems will have motion controls next gen so they will have to have something new to make them stand out.[/quote]
I agree that there is room for improvement, but all your suggestions could be implemented with the existing hardware - all the problems with motion sensing are the result of programming flaws, not hardware.
The Wii is a huge disappointment to me. It's hard to call it a failure since it is doing so well but last night was the first night I turned on the Wii in ages and that was to play RE4 (which is a port). I generally like the first party games but really only Mario, Metroid and Zelda these days and I'm getting sick of them too. I feel like I've been playing the exact same Nintendo games for the better part of 15 years now and it's wearing on me. Is Twilight Princess really that different from Ocarina of Time? Or Mario Galaxy compared to Mario64? Don't even get me started on games like Mario Kart which has remained virtually unchanged from system to system. Bah, I'm just annoyed because I no longer fit into Nintendo's plans even though I've been a fan for a long time. I still remember the day in the summer of 1986 when I bought my NES with money saved from mowing lawns. Now I'm a grumpy old man.
[quote name='javeryh']I feel like I've been playing the exact same Nintendo games for the better part of 15 years now and it's wearing on me. Is Twilight Princess really that different from Ocarina of Time?[/quote]
Is Halo 3 that much different from Halo 2? How about GTA3 vs. GTA4?

Hey, if you want new and original gaming experiences, try these:
  • Play Zack and Wiki
  • Play Boom Blox
  • Play Elebits
  • Play Endless Ocean and find the
    Great Mother.
  • Play We Fit and lose 10 pounds ;)
  • Play We Ski with a balance board
  • Go pre-order De Blob, Wii Music, We Cheer, and Samba de Amigo

[quote name='javeryh']Or Mario Galaxy compared to Mario64?[/quote]
Gotta disagree with this one. I was okay with Mario 64, but I adore Galaxy. IMO, Galaxy is the best refinement of the 2D platformer's "go from point A to point B" in 3D space, which Mario 64 largely abandoned for assorted collectathons. Add in the various secret stars and sub-games (manta surfing and ball-rolling deserve to be spin-off games of their own), and Galaxy is easily leagues above Mario 64.

[quote name='rjung']Is Halo 3 that much different from Halo 2? [/quote]

Probably not (I never played Halo or Halo 2). I don't think I really like it though I played through Halo 3 and was unimpressed.

[quote name='rjung']How about GTA3 vs. GTA4?[/quote]

GTA4 is MILES better and quite different from GTA3 because of all the new features (although I agree with your point about sequels in general). There's no comparison which is the better game. People could make a valid argument that OoT is better than TP (and I'd agree).

[quote name='rjung'] Hey, if you want new and original gaming experiences, try these:[/quote]
  • Play Zack and Wiki - it's on the list (I'll buy for $15 or less)
  • Play Boom Blox - it's on the list (I'll buy for $15 or less)
  • Play Elebits - not interested (but I'd play it for free I guess)
  • Play Endless Ocean and find the
    Great Mother.
    - not interested AT ALL
  • Play We Fit and lose 10 pounds ;) - not interested AT ALL (and I don't need to lose 10lbs ;))
  • Play We Ski with a balance board - not interested AT ALL
  • Go pre-order De Blob, Wii Music, We Cheer, and Samba de Amigo - not interested in any of these AT ALL
[quote name='rjung']Gotta disagree with this one. I was okay with Mario 64, but I adore Galaxy. IMO, Galaxy is the best refinement of the 2D platformer's "go from point A to point B" in 3D space, which Mario 64 largely abandoned for assorted collectathons. Add in the various secret stars and sub-games (manta surfing and ball-rolling deserve to be spin-off games of their own), and Galaxy is easily leagues above Mario 64.[/quote]

I can give you this one I guess - SMG is definitely leagues better than SM64 but just doesn't appeal to me as much at this point in my life. When SM64 came out (I was in college) I skipped class for a week to play it. SMG felt a little too familiar - it is great though. :D

I don't know what I want out of the Wii - it's just not giving me the games I want to play. Maybe I am a graphics whore or I like the online aspect of the other consoles more or I just want to play more "adult" type games (whatever that means) ... I don't know. I'm just not compelled to play the Wii as much as the other systems.
I've been on the fence about this recently as well. I think the Wii is great and all, but I'm not in the least bit compelled to play it. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I turned it on.

Now that the Brawl excitement has come and gone, I can't think of a single upcoming game that I'm for sure going to get. Not one. So it's not so much that the Wii's fault, it's the fact that there are simply just not enough quality games for it.
[quote name='javeryh']
  • Play Elebits - not interested (but I'd play it for free I guess)
  • Play Endless Ocean and find the
    Great Mother.
    - not interested AT ALL
  • Play We Fit and lose 10 pounds ;) - not interested AT ALL (and I don't need to lose 10lbs ;))
  • Play We Ski with a balance board - not interested AT ALL
  • Go pre-order De Blob, Wii Music, We Cheer, and Samba de Amigo - not interested in any of these AT ALL
Soooooooooooooooo... you're complaining that the games on the Wii feel like the same stuff you've been playing for the last umpteen years, and then you turn around and say you have no interest in playing games with experiences that aren't the same stuff you've been playing for the last umpteen years? :roll:

The problem here isn't the Wii, methinks.

[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Now that the Brawl excitement has come and gone, I can't think of a single upcoming game that I'm for sure going to get. Not one. So it's not so much that the Wii's fault, it's the fact that there are simply just not enough quality games for it.[/quote]
It's hard to make this conclusion without knowing what Nintendo is bringing in the second half of 2008, but I'm already looking forward to The Force Unleashed, Tomb Raider Underworld (I liked the Wii port of Anniversary), and The Conduit (pleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegood).

But then, I'm not a finicky player; I can easily spend several months just playing Mario Kart Wii online, and that's not even counting the other titles already available. :)

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A MAJOR Disappointment. I loved my N64 and Gamecube. I toughed it out during those constant gaming droughts with those few games, but still loved those systems and even bought into the whole GBA connectivity thing (me dragging a TV, Gamecube w/gameboy player to my friend's house to play FF:CC will attest to that). The Wii though, I can't help but feel disappointed. Sure there are a few shining gems here and there (specifically Super Mario Galaxy and No More Heroes), but overall I barely play the damn thing nor do I have any urge to.

I think this more so stems from Nintendo not living up to the hype I HAD (which I'll kinda admit is my own fault) on how it'll revolutionize gaming and the whole wii-mote thing gave me hope for something different. Instead it felt like it was a step back because it either doesn't feel like a gaming system to me (Wii Fit) or how it makes it SO APPARENT that Nintendo seems to really half-ass a game. Loved Mario Party games, but goddamn that game felt like a Mario Party ripoff game then it did an actual Nintendo first party game. Shaking the controller DOES NOT make for an overall better game (or mini-game). Super Paper Mario I was looking forward to since it was announced for Gamecube, but the stupid tacked on Wii functions (pointing at screens constantly to find doors) kinda killed the game for people who want to get the most out of it. Not to mention Zelda for once in my life bored me to friggin tears and made it apparent how little that game has evolved (I loved Wind Waker and Twilight felt like a step back for the whole series). Swinging the sword with the Wii-mote does not make for a whole new experience, it just makes for a new way of pressing the A button and I expected MORE then that from Nintendo. Not to mention Smash Bros. I was hoping for something monumental, but mostly for the online play because how can I not have fun with that? Instead online is a mess in ways that have been spoken of countless times that the whole thing just pushed me away from wanting to play it because all I feel is disappointment.

Biggest disappointment though? Nintendo's ego in all this. How in the very beginning it was constantly about not competing with the other consoles, but instead everytime Reggie or another Nintendo rep talks they always bring up sales and how they're beating the 360. OH PLEASE. Now I understand whenever a company has a success on scale or close to the Wii, they have every right to talk, but the fact that this system has disappointed me THAT much, it just pisses me off instead (I don't even need to get into that HDD debacle because I barely play the thing to use up or come close to using all that space).

Now I HOPE for the love of Mario and all Nintendo makes me eat my own words at E3 because I still love this company (my DS can attest for that), but this system so far has made me disappointed I spent $250 for what really makes for nothing but underwhelming experience except for a select few.

Sorry for the rant BTW but had to let it out...
[quote name='bardockkun']A MAJOR Disappointment. I loved my N64 and Gamecube. I toughed it out during those constant gaming droughts with those few games, but still loved those systems and even bought into the whole GBA connectivity thing (me dragging a TV, Gamecube w/gameboy player to my friend's house to play FF:CC will attest to that). The Wii though, I can't help but feel disappointed. Sure there are a few shining gems here and there (specifically Super Mario Galaxy and No More Heroes), but overall I barely play the damn thing nor do I have any urge to.

I think this more so stems from Nintendo not living up to the hype I HAD (which I'll kinda admit is my own fault) on how it'll revolutionize gaming and the whole wii-mote thing gave me hope for something different. Instead it felt like it was a step back because it either doesn't feel like a gaming system to me (Wii Fit) or how it makes it SO APPARENT that Nintendo seems to really half-ass a game. Loved Mario Party games, but goddamn that game felt like a Mario Party ripoff game then it did an actual Nintendo first party game. Shaking the controller DOES NOT make for an overall better game (or mini-game). Super Paper Mario I was looking forward to since it was announced for Gamecube, but the stupid tacked on Wii functions (pointing at screens constantly to find doors) kinda killed the game for people who want to get the most out of it. Not to mention Zelda for once in my life bored me to friggin tears and made it apparent how little that game has evolved (I loved Wind Waker and Twilight felt like a step back for the whole series). Swinging the sword with the Wii-mote does not make for a whole new experience, it just makes for a new way of pressing the A button and I expected MORE then that from Nintendo. Not to mention Smash Bros. I was hoping for something monumental, but mostly for the online play because how can I not have fun with that? Instead online is a mess in ways that have been spoken of countless times that the whole thing just pushed me away from wanting to play it because all I feel is disappointment.

Biggest disappointment though? Nintendo's ego in all this. How in the very beginning it was constantly about not competing with the other consoles, but instead everytime Reggie or another Nintendo rep talks they always bring up sales and how they're beating the 360. OH PLEASE. Now I understand whenever a company has a success on scale or close to the Wii, they have every right to talk, but the fact that this system has disappointed me THAT much, it just pisses me off instead (I don't even need to get into that HDD debacle because I barely play the thing to use up or come close to using all that space).

Now I HOPE for the love of Mario and all Nintendo makes me eat my own words at E3 because I still love this company (my DS can attest for that), but this system so far has made me disappointed I spent $250 for what really makes for nothing but underwhelming experience except for a select few.

Sorry for the rant BTW but had to let it out...[/quote]
No, let it out, we don't want you that vein on your head to blow, hahaha. I also hope Nintendo wows me at E3, hoping to god in fact, I need a reason to play my Wii
[quote name='MattJ1991']No, let it out, we don't want you that vein on your head to blow, hahaha. I also hope Nintendo wows me at E3, hoping to god in fact, I need a reason to play my Wii[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping for the same thing too...

I'm actually more interested in seeing what third parties have cooked up because I get the feeling I'll disappointed by Nintendo. I'm guessing we'll see pre-existing franchises casualized (Animal Crossing, Pikmin, etc.) and more casual stuff (like Wii Fit and such).
[quote name='rjung']Soooooooooooooooo... you're complaining that the games on the Wii feel like the same stuff you've been playing for the last umpteen years, and then you turn around and say you have no interest in playing games with experiences that aren't the same stuff you've been playing for the last umpteen years? :roll:

The problem here isn't the Wii, methinks.[/quote]

A game still has to appeal to me on some level if I'm going to invest any time into it. I'm sure Hannah Montana DS isn't like anything I've ever played but I don't think I'll be trying that anytime soon either. My free time is quite valuable to me. Zack and Wiki and Boom Blox are "different" looking games that I haven't experienced and they do appeal to me which is why I'll try them out. The other games you mentioned just look bad. I know what I like and I can make a pretty good guess as to what I think I will like - from my perspective the problem is most definitely the Wii.
[quote name='bardockkun']
Biggest disappointment though? Nintendo's ego in all this. How in the very beginning it was constantly about not competing with the other consoles, but instead everytime Reggie or another Nintendo rep talks they always bring up sales and how they're beating the 360. OH PLEASE. Now I understand whenever a company has a success on scale or close to the Wii, they have every right to talk, but the fact that this system has disappointed me THAT much, it just pisses me off instead (I don't even need to get into that HDD debacle because I barely play the thing to use up or come close to using all that space).

You're upset at Nintendo's ego NOW ? Maybe your were absent that day but Nintendo has never had a reputation for being humble. Not when they decided to bury Atari, break with Sony, strong arm retailers, or dictate the licensing for their earlier systems that laid the foundation for the model still used today. They basically resurrected videogaming from ashes and made it an industry and have never apologized for anything.

Your opinion sounds just like all the other gaming elitists that are miffed because Nintendo isn't catering specifically to your needs, (like HD and hardcore games) and don't seem to realize you are now only a small part of the videogaming demographic. There are generations of gamers being introduced to gaming as we speak that are 10 years younger and 10 years older than you, and need to be coddled to join the videogaming ranks of the future. The hardcore gamer simply isn't a big enough market to sustain the industry.
[quote name='bmulligan'] The hardcore gamer simply isn't a big enough market to sustain the industry.[/quote]

What hogwash. The hardcore was enough to get the industry to where it was today, but now that the wii is selling to senior citizens and people who want to play wii sports and nothing else, the industry is doomed without the Wii? Give me a break.

Check it out, a lot of us have been gaming since the 2600, and we're all enjoying games as they've been from then till now. The wii is not like what we're used to. A lot of us have tried it or even own a Wii (i have a Wii) and i think it is garbage from a gaming perspective. Nintendo wants the soccer mom/senior citizen demographic? Thats fine. They obviously want money, and those people want their product. Nothing wrong with that. But when nintendo fans come out and say its the wii or the highway as far as the future of this gen, its pathetic to say the least.

Gamers still want hardcore games. Always have, always will. Just cause gimmicky crap like a scale that you can play with sells doesnt mean its any good as far as a serious gaming platform. The wii is a disaster when it comes to gaming, and its not because of the horrible graphics, the crap online, its the shoddy controls that are so imprecise that its pretty much unusable.
bread's done