What is your area of expertise?


35 (100%)
A simple question for you all. as for me....

...Well, I can tell the difference between butter and "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!" :bouncy:
360 sucks, PS3 for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
[quote name='SMMM']A simple question for you all. as for me....

...Well, I can tell the difference between butter and "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!" :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

That's impossible! Nobody can tell the difference!

I have magical procrastinating powers that let me slack off on things until the last minute and actually get it done....and pretty good most of the time.
I'm good with designing interfaces in order to make them more usable. I know 'usability engineer' sounds like a retarded job but the world around us really could be a lot better if usability was applied to the tools we use everyday.
Two movie related 'talents.' I can remember most movie quotes by watching the film only once. I also have a good knack for watching 15-30 seconds of a movie and any point on TV and knowing what it is, even if I've never watched it myself.
[quote name='projecteightysix']Movies and music, the two things that will get you nowhere. :([/QUOTE]

If it makes you feel any better, I doubt my fountain of comic book knowledge will get me too far in life ;)
I have a pretty wide knowledge of music. Wide, as in covering lots of things, but not covering anything particularly well. Pop culture, things like that, movies, TV. I always get my butt kicked though at everything else on Trivial Pursuit like History. So, yeah...

Oh, wait, I'm definitely in the top 30% on quite a few music games, like Guitar Hero, Amplitude, Frequency, things of that nature. Pretty decent at Tekken, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, some FPS games, and blah blah blah.

But expertise? I don't know. I can type pretty dang fast, without looking which freaks people out, but it's not really an expertise, is it? Let's just say I'm a jack of all trades, master of none.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Enterprise Java Development.[/QUOTE]


I on the other hand, am completely unremarkable in every way possible, although I suppose that may be considered a talent.
[quote name='jalu6']NERD!!!!

I on the other hand, am completely unremarkable in every way possible, although I suppose that may be considered a talent.[/quote]

It pays the bills. Hell, it pays more than the bills could ever think of being. For that, I'm glad to be a "nerd". ;)
The only thing I could say, other than "nothing" is web development (ASP or .NET). Probably not really an expert, but I generally know what I'm doing, at least.

Good thing is almost identical code can translate to desktop apps, so I can do my own personal projects with the skills I practice at work.
With regard to my job? Electronic engineering. Although I'm pretty much the dishwasher of the engineer world. Otherwise, I consider myself a gun nut. :3
[quote name='Strell']Your mom.[/QUOTE]

That's so weird, me too! Maybe Strell and I can work out a tag team with SMMM's mom. We'll call it a Manwich.
Hmm, I've always been able to tell whether something is CG or not in movies. As well, I can usually listen to about 5-10 seconds of a song and tell you what it was, along with the artist.
I guess I have a knack for telling people what they don't want to hear. I usually just don't care, so I'll say anything to someone, whether it's nice or not.

You always hear that people need the "non-yes" man around, so you would think I'd be in high demand. Yet, it gets me in far more trouble than it's really worth. I really need a friend who's an expert at getting friends out of situations they talk themselves into.
I'm a master of knowing pointless crap. Watch and be amazed.

Did you know the platypus has a poison stinger on its hind leg, only the male, and is deadly enough to kill a human.

There is a Winnie-The-Pooh statue in Lima- Peru.

Da Vinci invented the scissors.

Theodore Roosevelt died from an "infected tooth"
I know alot of random sports crap. I know U.S. geography pretty well. I was told by my professor that I should go into law. :)
[quote name='crazytalkx']That's impossible! Nobody can tell the difference!

oooh, I've failed again!! :cry:
Finding ways to make money & keep it (legally) & seducing women. I'm also a decent former graphic artist & an intense asian-o-phile.
[quote name='jPoD']I was told by my professor that I should go into law. :)[/QUOTE] Isn't that just an underhanded way for them to call you an asshole? :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Isn't that just an underhanded way for them to call you an asshole? :lol:[/quote]

Evil, dude. Totally evil. But funny. :lol::applause:
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Oh, I am also an expert at Tecmo SuperBowl on the NES. Throw in Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force while we are at it.[/quote]

Well, if we're including game skillz, I'm damn near unbeatable in SFII:Turbo with almost everyone (including punching bag known as Balrog). My only weakness is Chun-Li players (who I still feel get waaaaaaaaaay too much hit-priority in the game).
I pretty good with video game knowledge (compared to normal people, not some of you freaks on this board). Im also an expert at nutrition/exercise information.

In school, Im an expert at math.
Pointless videogame knowledge. I have spent countless weekends reading up on information I really don't need to know, but like knowing it. I think I once read a list of rare old Atari games just because it was good to know.

I'm also an expert at being quiet and creepy. Not really a handy skill, but I'm damn good at it.
Er, my degree is in Supply Chain. But I guess my expertise is in being better than you all in everything.

With I cant believe its not butter, you cant believe its not butter. With butter you can believe its butter. Check it out, its the law.
bread's done