What the f***, weather?

Matt Young

8 (100%)
What the fuck, weather? I live in Moreno Valley, California, just outside of Riverside. After a week during which the temperature hovered between 90-100 degrees, it's now 52. Scary part is that I woke up to a tornado warning, after dreaming about a tornado hitting. After experiencing the tornadoes that destroyed a lot of shit in my hometown in March 2006 (Springfield, Illinois- Here's the aftermath) that scares the shit out of me.

Right now it's raining pretty hard, with thunder and lightning and all that jazz. I also just found out that my friend, who lives in the same city, had snow fall in his yard. It's 50 degrees. How is that even possible?


There had only been 1 snowfall here in 5 years (in December 2006). We're near the desert.
I'm with you, Matt. This shit is ridiculous. We've got downed powerlines all over the place - Imperial Hwy was backed up for about an hour this afternoon.
It was 30, it was 60, it was 90, it was TWELVE!

On the last day I was there, there was snow with lightning behind it! And I hadn't done drugs! THEY DON'T EVEN WRITE ABOUT THAT WEATHER IN THE BIBLE!
I hate this weather. Last week, it was hot as hell and stayed in the triple digits for almost 4-5 days. This week, it's been around 70-75. I hate it cause I have to move my game systems, modem, and router from my room upstairs to the living room downstairs and its a hassle each time I do it.
I Just came back from waiting at a bus stop for 2 1/2 hours...wearing a T-shirt and jeans completely soaked to the bone. and then have to ride my bike through the rain the rest of the way home.

When I left this morning it was nice and sunny, and now I'm at home soaked and freezing to death.
Sure that is snow and not hail?

The weather has been the same way here in Idaho. 95 degrees last week. 60 degrees this week and rainy.
I loved last week's weather. It was vacation weather. I work at a gym so the whole week I was just wearing shirt and shorts. It really felt like vacation. This week's weather made me put on pants. Thats crap.
Never had snow in the San Fernando Valley. But it was similar to your weather here, first in the 100s, then cold as hell, then hot, then cold/windy, and now it's threatening to rain (supposedly it was raining with hail in Downtown LA earlier today, had thunder here earlier). Sucks.
[quote name='GF_Eric']Sure that is snow and not hail?

The weather has been the same way here in Idaho. 95 degrees last week. 60 degrees this week and rainy.[/QUOTE]

My friend who took the pics said it was snow, but I don't know firsthand.
Here, on the east coast of VA, we've had multiple tornado out breaks this already this and, aside from during huricanes, I can't remember ever having tornados. Global warming -- what? -- GLOBAL WARMING![/FriskyDingo].
Yeah, here at ASU in Tempe, shit was like 100 degrees all week, then all of a sudden it's like 60 degrees.

My parents live in the San Fernando Valley (Calabasas) and the weather's been fluky, was getting a little bit of rain, which is really fuckin' weird for mid-May, shit should be like 85 degrees daily.
I love it when people think 60 is cold :lol:

People out west wear jackets when it's 60 outside. Here 60 would be considered nice weather.
Its not just Cali, here in western NY it was upper 80's a couple weeks ago, and now its getting near freezing at night. Hail storms aren't all that uncommon here but we've had that too. I refuse to turn the heat on again until the fall so I'm just sitting around in a 55 degree house.
[quote name='Strell']It was 30, it was 60, it was 90, it was TWELVE!

On the last day I was there, there was snow with lightning behind it! And I hadn't done drugs! THEY DON'T EVEN WRITE ABOUT THAT WEATHER IN THE BIBLE![/quote]

If you hadn't qouted Lewis Black, I would have. Good job.
Most of the people on page 1 are in California. I guess living by the ocean there is more variation with the weather.
I live near Seattle and on Saturday it was hot and sunny. Next day it poured rain and has been raining since. WTF. One day of sun then it goes back to shit.
The weather today was a trip, I was working out in Sun Valley and I guess we caught the edge of that storm.

One minute it was mostly clear, next it was windy, then it was cloudy, started drizzling up to heavy rain, stops with the sun coming out, and while the sun is out, BACK to heavy rain then we get hit with hail for about 30 seconds. I was trippin' out the whole time.

The worst part? for some reason, it made everything smell like crap all around right after :/
[quote name='Veronica Mars']Lol. That's what my mom's been saying recently.[/quote]
pfft, my dad was saying we're about to have an earthquake now.

he keeps saying this is earthquake weather :whistle2:s
[quote name='Inf^Shini']pfft, my dad was saying we're about to have an earthquake now.

he keeps saying this is earthquake weather :whistle2:s[/quote]

Are you in California?
[quote name='Matt Young']What the fuck, weather? I live in Moreno Valley, California, just outside of Riverside. After a week during which the temperature hovered between 90-100 degrees, it's now 52. Scary part is that I woke up to a tornado warning, after dreaming about a tornado hitting. After experiencing the tornadoes that destroyed a lot of shit in my hometown in March 2006 (Springfield, Illinois- Here's the aftermath) that scares the shit out of me.

Right now it's raining pretty hard, with thunder and lightning and all that jazz. I also just found out that my friend, who lives in the same city, had snow fall in his yard. It's 50 degrees. How is that even possible?


There had only been 1 snowfall here in 5 years (in December 2006). We're near the desert.[/QUOTE]

That's actually a pretty regular occurrence here (well minus the tornado warning parts, we rarely ever get those). One day it'll be beautiful outside, the next it'll be snowing.
I was just trippin' out b/c I was working then all of a sudden this loud thunderous noise comes out of nowhere, sounded like something exploded. I always hear airplanes everyday since I live and pass by the flight path of a nearby airport, so I'm used to loud noises, but that surprised me. The lights even flickered on/off for a sec in the building
[quote name='Inf^Shini']yea, where you at?[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Fragonard']I live near Seattle and on Saturday it was hot and sunny. Next day it poured rain and has been raining since. WTF. One day of sun then it goes back to shit.[/QUOTE]

That was $. :cool:
[quote name='Moxio']Creep.[/quote]
Nah, just askin'

The weather's been weird in LA recently. It's been almost 100 one day and then it's cold, cloudy weather, then back to scorching hot all in a couple days ?:/
[quote name='JJSP']I'm with you, Matt. This shit is ridiculous. We've got downed powerlines all over the place - Imperial Hwy was backed up for about an hour this afternoon.[/quote]

Yea, we had a power outage at my work today and it was a PITA! :bomb:
There is a running joke that Moreno Valley is where all the convicts from Los Angeles goes to live. Probably Perris now.

Anyways, there was thunderstorms in Riverside today, after I got off work. Weird to say the least.
Hm, and here I was thinking Seattle was the only place with random ass weather. It snowed here last month, and the weather has been pretty inconsistent. It's been raining a lot so far in 2008 (what else is new?) It was a nice 85 degrees this past Saturday and Sunday, and it's been raining off and on after those days.
[quote name='JolietJake']I love it when people think 60 is cold :lol:

People out west wear jackets when it's 60 outside. Here 60 would be considered nice weather.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know. I, too, lived in Illinois as you do now. I lived in Springfield for the better part of 22 years, in fact. I moved to California in December 2006, flying out at the tail end of that huge ice storm. We had no power and it was below zero. I came out here and the temps were in th 60s. Some people had on sweatshirts. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts.
Weather here in Illinois is shitty too. You'd think that with it being almost June, we'd have ONE nice day out. Nope. Been fucking 40 degrees since I can't remember when. WARM UP ALREADY!
Its been the same up here too.

Two weeks ago it was 79. The next day we got an inch of snow. The next day it rained. Then it was 75. Snowed AGAIN. Cold as fuck. More rain. Etc.
Here in AZ it was 100 degrees the past few days then all of a sudden it drops to about 65-70 and starts to rain. Real big shift for AZ.
My friend in OC (where I used to live), kept IMing me yesterday how bad the weather was there, and that she was scared out of her mind that a tornado was going to crush her house and kill her. Weathers fine down here in the south, so, I'm happy. But it did seem ODD of Cali to get hit with weather like that.
[quote name='GF_Eric']Sure that is snow and not hail?

The weather has been the same way here in Idaho. 95 degrees last week. 60 degrees this week and rainy.[/quote]

[quote name='Matt Young']My friend who took the pics said it was snow, but I don't know firsthand.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure that is hail. We had something like that when it was 60 degrees out about three weeks ago and it looked like it had snowed everywhere. You tend to see it in storms that are capable of tornadic activity and we were under tornado warnings when we saw that here.

[quote name='Eviltude']Here, on the east coast of VA, we've had multiple tornado out breaks this already this and, aside from during huricanes, I can't remember ever having tornados. Global warming -- what? -- GLOBAL WARMING![/FriskyDingo].[/quote]

I live 45 miles south of Roanoke and a few weeks ago was insane. We had tornado warnings from 7:30 pm to 1:00 am one night. I couldn't sleep because it was so crazy. A month before that we had some straight-line winds. I used to see a lot of tornados and tornado warnings when I lived in North Dakota, but they usually aren't as frequent here.

We used to have some good protection from winds due to the fact we are on the edge of the woods, but some people have cleared a huge swath of trees so I think the next time we get storms it could be really bad if straight-line winds come back.
It cleared up yesterday, I wake up today and it's raining already...what the crap man

I wanted to go out and play some b'ball :/
Yesterday at around 12:30 PM it became cloudy and then we had CRAZY rain and thunder for about 10 minutes and then it was sunny again. It is now beautiful.

bread's done