What time to Line up for Wii?


CAG Veteran
I am new to all of this and wanting to get me a Wii tomorrow at my local CC. What suggestions would you have for lining up? I am thinking about going at 3am and they open at 8am? How does this sound to you regulars? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Located in Tally, FL so if anybody else is around here give me a shout!

Thanks in advance for your responses!
Those are pretty different responses, lol. They won't allow you to line up before the store closes so I wouldn't think there would be any reason to be there now.
[quote name='dustincarter19']Those are pretty different responses, lol. They won't allow you to line up before the store closes so I wouldn't think there would be any reason to be there now.[/QUOTE]

Who said? People lined up for Xbox 360's, PS3's, and Wii's 2-3 prior to there release date.
Its going to vary slightly from place to place. Maybe drive by for some recon every 2 hours or so starting at midnight.

If you have portable gaming options and can dress appropriately, then its no big deal to sit out there and blow that time.

5 am for 8 is dead wrong.
Everybody has them in their ad for tomorrow which is another reason I am thinking 3 should def. be good to make me feel comfortable. I am going to drive right before I crash at midnight just to make sure. I have a tent, it is pooring down rain here so if I need to I will just pop it up and go to sleep.
[quote name='dustincarter19']Everybody has them in their ad for tomorrow which is another reason I am thinking 3 should def. be good to make me feel comfortable. I am going to drive right before I crash at midnight just to make sure. I have a tent, it is pooring down rain here so if I need to I will just pop it up and go to sleep.[/QUOTE]

Yea I would mos def check at midnight. You don't want to miss your last chance ( Maybe ? ) at getting a Wii.
As early as you can. If you're able to camp out tonight, go. There are going to be a lot of people there tomorrow attempting to get one for Christmas.
Why not wait till after christmas is over and walk into a store and just pick one up. Enjoy your 360 or ps3 until then.
[quote name='dmes65']Why not wait till after christmas is over and walk into a store and just pick one up. Enjoy your 360 or ps3 until then.[/quote]

1) Thats what they said last year.

2) That assumes they have a 360/PS3.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']1) Thats what they said last year.

2) That assumes they have a 360/PS3.[/QUOTE]
CAnt really call yourself a gamer if you dont have a 360 or a ps3 now can we. Most of the people buying these wii's are doing it for quick ebay cash. If he waited this long to get a wii what is a few more weeks.
5am is an ideal time, you'll probably the first or second in line. 6am if you live far. 7am is too late, you might not get it. 8am just go to breakfast.
Do you really think they will be that readily available after xmas? I am hoping since I live in a relatively small town that has a TRU, BB, Wal, Targ etc that there won't be tons of people lined up at each store. I am going to check out the scene at Midnight and decide if I am giongto eith erstay then if there are other people or go back at 3 and stay then for sure. It is raining and thundering really bad here and is supposed to all night. I am hoping this will mean less crowds until right before opening.
[quote name='dmes65']CAnt really call yourself a gamer if you dont have a 360 or a ps3 now can we. [/QUOTE]

Wow, what beautiful bullshit.
[quote name='dmes65']CAnt really call yourself a gamer if you dont have a 360 or a ps3 now can we. Most of the people buying these wii's are doing it for quick ebay cash. If he waited this long to get a wii what is a few more weeks.[/QUOTE]

Again thats what everyone said last year. Who knows, these maybe hard to come by until next Christmas.
I think Japan would take offense to that

Hardware - This Week | Last Week |       YTD |        LTD
1. NDS   -   168,267 |   124,627 | 6,446,771 | 20,452,450
2. [COLOR=Red]WII [/COLOR]  -   115,057 |    74,764 | 3,140,843 |  [COLOR=Red]4,060,486[/COLOR]
3. PSP   -    91,481 |    74,626 | 2,551,681 |  7,083,810
4. [COLOR=Red]PS3 [/COLOR]  -    38,123 |    37,092 | 1,009,525 |  [COLOR=Red]1,467,083[/COLOR]
5. PS2   -    11,987 |    13,703 |   708,193 | 20,863,052
6. [COLOR=Red]360 [/COLOR]  -     8,876 |     6,632 |   217,866 |    [COLOR=Red]482,568[/COLOR]
7. GBA   -       114 |        33 |    50,394 | 15,348,473
8. NGC   -        46 |        32 |    10,463 |  4,179,931
Personally, I'm just going to wait until I happen to see one in the store during normal business hours while I am there on OTHER business. It will happen eventually, or the next Nintendo console will come out. Either way, the games I will want will be /cheaper/ and still available in large quantities.

I know this will sound strange to many. There /are/ things I am willing to wait several hours out in the elements for. Such as a new kidney for my wife, or a chance to escape Nazi Germany, or fresh bread in communist Russia...
[quote name='Gourd']Personally, I'm just going to wait until I happen to see one in the store during normal business hours while I am there on OTHER business. It will happen eventually, or the next Nintendo console will come out. Either way, the games I will want will be /cheaper/ and still available in large quantities.

I know this will sound strange to many. There /are/ things I am willing to wait several hours out in the elements for. Such as a new kidney for my wife, or a chance to escape Nazi Germany, or fresh bread in communist Russia...[/quote]

Thanx for bringing sanity into this world, lol.
[quote name='Gourd']There /are/ things I am willing to wait several hours out in the elements for. Such as a new kidney for my wife, or a chance to escape Nazi Germany, or fresh bread in communist Russia...[/quote]

You should pick up a used kidney, they're cheaper and are guaranteed for 90 days.
[quote name='djkunai']You should pick up a used kidney, they're cheaper and are guaranteed for 90 days.[/quote]

Gamestop has used Kidney, but its only $5 less than the release price.;)
I'm so glad I got my Wii at launch :D

Depending on the size of your city, or if you live in the suberbs, 3 AM may be too late. I know in my city of 35000, there were people camping at Gamestop for a Wii, I don't know how long they were there though. It may not hurt to go at midnight.
[quote name='dmes65']CAnt really call yourself a gamer if you dont have a 360 or a ps3 now can we. Most of the people buying these wii's are doing it for quick ebay cash. If he waited this long to get a wii what is a few more weeks.[/QUOTE]

ignore +1

With this being holiday season and desperate parents wanting to appease their kids...i have to agree...3 Am is a perfect time. Bundle up...hope you have DS or a PSP and jug of joe because its gonna suck out there. Good Luck on getting it OP..
I remember back on launch day when I foolishly thought Wii wouldn't be that big of a deal and stopped by target like half an hour before it opened. Luckily, the Toys R Us down the street was opening a few hours later and only had like 10 people waiting in line when I got there for a supply of like 80 systems. I ended up waiting like two hours and I got my system.

So basically, I wouldn't go any sooner than 3:00am. I'd be fine with waiting until 5:00am personally, but my life doesn't depend on buying a Wii or anything, so I might not be the best opinion.
thinking about going to kmart around midnight (they only get a few on Wii big sale sundays) they open at 6am, hopefully i can score one there along with my 2 buddys that are going to hang out for $50 a unit scored.....Then it's off to Target about 2 minutes away (both me and my buddies), talked to a kid from electronics today (he said they got 60 units in the last time they were in the sunday ad....Hopefully in line at 6:20 will be sufficient....If so I will have 2 people in line there allready for $50 a unit, If I my buddies and I all score ther also, It could be an 8 unit day........SWEET, only cost me $300 for line sitters
[quote name='excelyourhealth']thinking about going to kmart around midnight (they only get a few on Wii big sale sundays) they open at 6am, hopefully i can score one there along with my 2 buddys that are going to hang out for $50 a unit scored.....Then it's off to Target about 2 minutes away (both me and my buddies), talked to a kid from electronics today (he said they got 60 units in the last time they were in the sunday ad....Hopefully in line at 6:20 will be sufficient....If so I will have 2 people in line there allready for $50 a unit, If I my buddies and I all score ther also, It could be an 8 unit day........SWEET, only cost me $300 for line sitters[/quote]

LMAO prepare to be FLAMED!

This is not the best place to brag about trying to score 8 wii's to scalp.
I could care less personally.
Also that is probably not the best post for your first on cag.
Is it really that hard to find a Wii? I can still walk into a store and find them. Well not around this time due to the Holiday rush. But I don't have trouble finding them. Just a few weeks ago, I walked into a store and they had piles of Wiis just sitting there. And I don't live in a small populated area unless you consider the bay area in California to be small.
[quote name='dmes65']CAnt really call yourself a gamer if you dont have a 360 or a ps3 now can we. Most of the people buying these wii's are doing it for quick ebay cash. If he waited this long to get a wii what is a few more weeks.[/quote]

I take offense to this. Some of us are just not ready to plunk down the cash on a next gen system yet, considering some of us just got into the PAST gen 5-6 years ago. I could into my normal rant about the expensiveness of this gen, but I won't. I also won't touch on the rampant RROD problems with the 360s. I definitely would NOT shed a tear if console makers waited a couple more years between 'generations'.

Oh wait, I just did.

Hell, I just got my original Xbox 2 years ago, but I've had numerous PS2 systems before and after that. As for me, I'd rather have a full time job and be guaranteed a payday rather than hawking some 'must-have' item. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I'll be damned if I'd wait in the cold(here in Pennsylvania)and possibly wet weather just for a possible payoff.

For example, right now it's sleeting in Pennsylvania, so anyone already waiting for a Wii tomorrow morning is going to be sick as a dog for at least a week unless they're properly prepared for this weather to camp out.
3 am may or may not be too late. id say just leave as early as you can. some people lined up the night before at my local best buy, and that was a few weeks ago. depends on your geography, if you live in a big city like me, i wouldve been there already.
I work on a dock for a trucking company open doors all year long and no heat, I along with my buddies will all be prepared......besides it feels like it's in the 20's here in illinois, snowin like a banshee but not that cold....But thanks for the concern... and I'm off
Dude or gal, good luck to you.

A very small part of me admires people who wait out there for stuff like this.

A /very/ small part, but it is there.

I'm going to open a bottle of white wine and kick back with a bag of Jalapeno flavored chips and think warm thoughts for you.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Who said? People lined up for Xbox 360's, PS3's, and Wii's 2-3 prior to there release date.[/quote]
12 people lined up for the 360 on launch at my CC i was the 4th...and i got there at about 12 and there was only 3 other people. luckily for us they gave out vouchers so we could just come back when the store opens.
[quote name='gweedyj']12 people lined up for the 360 on launch at my CC i was the 4th...and i got there at about 12 and there was only 3 other people. luckily for us they gave out vouchers so we could just come back when the store opens.[/QUOTE]

You must live in a Wee Tiny Tiny Tiny Town with only 12 people in it ;)
I wonder if people here in St. Louis are still going to line up for Wii's considering we got 6-8 inches of snow and it's still coming.
I saw a couple of guys waiting outside of a circuit city at 8:00PM on Saturday. Asked them what they were waiting for....they responded a "Wii, of course".
Well, excuse me.
[quote name='unforeseen']I saw a couple of guys waiting outside of a circuit city at 8:00PM on Saturday. Asked them what they were waiting for....they responded a "Wii, of course".
Well, excuse me.[/quote]

You should keep you back hand strong for people who respond like that.

So, Did anyone score a Wii ? Or are people in line right now?
I'll get to see here in the next 45 minutes if anyone was stupid enough to line up hours early around here since we got hit with a lot of snow and freezing rain.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']I'll get to see here in the next 45 minutes if anyone was stupid enough to line up hours early around here since we got hit with a lot of snow and freezing rain.[/quote]

You must be either in the Midwest or my area, King, since we got nailed with tons of freezing rain. They were predicting about 6 inches of snow, but it was mostly freezing rain. That ought to make the roads a nice skating rink this morning. I pity anyone having to go out in this slop.
I DARE SOMEONE to take their empty Wii box, stuff it with news papers, pass by the crowd of people waiting in line and TOSS the box out of the window! Either the fools will think it's an empty box OR they will actually jump out of line and rush to it thinking someone dropped a free Wii.

Now that's YouTube Material.
You mean like the people who scammed others on Ebay by posting an auction for a 'Playstation 3 game box' and sent the empty box to anxious suckers?

My one friend said he was gonna do that, but he woulda been taking payment via money order and thus giving out his address. I told him I'd come see him in the hospital once the buyer came to his house and pummelled him for scamming him.
[quote name='rmb']LMAO prepare to be FLAMED!

This is not the best place to brag about trying to score 8 wii's to scalp.
I could care less personally.
Also that is probably not the best post for your first on cag.[/quote]
lol let him be. less than 10 days before christmas and how is he going to get those out before then? maybe if there was a 1 day auction.but who knows maybe the wii will still be expensive then.
bread's done