what tv show series are u waiting to come out on blu-ray in boxset

Is this really an appropriate area for a discussion likes this?

I don't mean to sound like a jerk but the forum is titled "DVD,Blu-ray, and HD-DVD Deals".
Although I haven't gotten on the Blu-Ray wagon (I still love my DVDs), but I would be looking forward to in no specific order:

-Will and Grace
-King of Queens

-South Park
[quote name='DeskLaser']I voted other, I want the original Batman series.[/quote]

Yup, but I'll take it in DVD or Blu-ray I just want them to release them!
24 Season 1-6

Battlestar Galactica Season 1-3

Lost Season 1, 2, and 4

Prison Break Season 2, 3

Heroes Season 1, and 2
^^^Ditto on 24. I'm holding out until it's available on Blu-Ray.

Simpsons Season 1 on Blu-Ray is supposed to be in the works.

South Park will never be released in high def. Matt and Trey concluded that, after they realized the difficulty in doing so, when they did that trial episode for xbox live.

What I'm really waiting for is the complete Blu-Ray box-set of the Sopranos. They already did Season 6 Volume 1 for HD-DVD and Blu-Ray a while back. I know it's just a matter of time but I wish they would hurry up.
It may be wishful thinking, but Fist of the North Star, the original Transformers, DBZ, and Star Wars Collection
You know I wish someone would treat Blu-ray as the media that can hold ALOT more data than DVD, rather than just a high definition disc. That said, if someone bothers with it, a lot of anime tv shows could verily well be on BR. Case Closed has over 490 ep., if Funimation were trying to release more episodes for American consumption, think of how many episodes of DVD-quality can they fit on it.
I really don't see HD making a huge difference for SP & The Simpsons, especially the early years of the shows, DVDs will work fine for me. There's only one show I'd really go ape about if they announced it for HD & that would be Carnivale... But I'm sure the HBO price tag will be enough to scare me away. :D
south park, family guy and the simpsons wont see much benefit going into blu-ray, I think all those episodes are not even wide screen.

I much rather have the office seasons on blu-ray.
[quote name='orgy08']south park, family guy and the simpsons wont see much benefit going into blu-ray, I think all those episodes are not even wide screen.[/QUOTE]

Nope. All those shows are 4x3 produced. At best they are 480p. That would negate any benefit of being put on Bluray outside of "oh wow 50 episodes on one disc" for people who are just too lazy to change the disc every once in an while.

Edit: Season 1 at least for "Family Guy" is 480i given the interlacing issues on the Volume 1 boxset. Forgot about that until just now.

I'm perfectly happy with DVD for most shows anyways. It was hard enough getting Fox to release "Millennium" on DVD already..... I can't fathom them even wanting to release it on Bluray at this (or any) point.
Why are shows shot in full screen included in this list? is it even possible to put out blu-ray releases of full-screen shows like Seinfeld and King of Queens?

I got Weeds, which is quite frankly all I really need. Venture brothers would be money though, that's widescreen.
Yes you can put full screen on a blu-ray disc, the begging of "Enchanted" was done in full screen (the cartoon world, though it was on purpose.) Several special feature are sometimes full screen, but not in High Def.
The Wire
Battlestar Galactica
The Shield

Already own these on DVD, but I would gladly sell those to get HD versions. I'm just an HD whore nowadays and can barely tolerate DVD unless I have to.
There is no excuse for all new seasons shows shot in HD not to also get a Blu-Ray release as the DVD release comes out!

In particular I would love to see Blu-Ray releases for Dexter, the entire ABC lineup of shows coming to DVD in September (not just Pushing Daisies, Grey's and Lost). Also, Stargate Atlantis, the Futurama direct to video films (they are shot in HD), 24 (Why did they release a SE DVD version of Season 1?!--that should have been Blu-Ray!). Also new seasons of crime shows like Criminal Minds, Medium and CSI. Also, USA shows like Monk, Psych and Burn Notice.
I also wish the other studios (namely Disney) would follow the Lions Gate model and charge the same for the Blu-Ray or DVD version, instead of charging ridiculously high premiums!
lol I'm the only one that voted for King of Queens =P the truth is I haven't watched tv in over 6 months, my digital antenna is in the closet.
Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles (But that is on the way)
Lost season 1 and 2

That should hold me over.
South Park? Family Guy? Why? Animated series made for 480i/p would not look much better in 1080p. DVD quality is fine for standard definition animation.

Off the top of my head, I say...

1. Lost (I've never seen it! I've been waiting for a Season 1 HD set)
2. Dexter (amazing show, piss poor video/sound on the DVD set)
3. 24 (good show, sub par video/sound on the DVD sets)

[quote name='detectiveconan16']You know I wish someone would treat Blu-ray as the media that can hold ALOT more data than DVD, rather than just a high definition disc. That said, if someone bothers with it, a lot of anime tv shows could verily well be on BR. Case Closed has over 490 ep., if Funimation were trying to release more episodes for American consumption, think of how many episodes of DVD-quality can they fit on it.[/QUOTE]

One Piece. Maybe it'll be affordable if they could fit more than 4 episodes per disc =(

But they would end up being about the same price per episode, if not more. Discs and packing are fairly cheap, the big expense is licensing, encoding and distribution. Offering standard definition on BluRay just because it uses fewer discs does nothing but limit their potential buyers -- since far more people can play DVDs than BRDs. To make up for the lower sales, as well as the higher cost of high-definition encoding, their prices would have to increase.
[quote name='Cable387']24
The Wire
Battlestar Galactica
The Shield

Already own these on DVD, but I would gladly sell those to get HD versions. I'm just an HD whore nowadays and can barely tolerate DVD unless I have to.[/QUOTE]

I'm waiting for the complete series box set of Battlestar Galactica on Blu-Ray. I gave a buddy of mine my DVD copies of Season 1, 2.0, and 2.5 just so I could justify buying them again on Blu-Ray.
bread's done