What Type of Gamer are you ?


4 (100%)
Funny article on gameradar...exploring 7 stereotypes of gamers.


Curious to see.. what type of gamer do you consider yourself.. (Well the closest to one of the stereotypes)

Frat boys:
Usually plays: Halo 3, Guitar Hero 3
Favorite snacks: Brewskies, pizza, passed-out sorority chicks

RPG snobs:
Usually plays: Any RPG and/or "something you wouldn't understand"
Favorite snacks: Dhalmel pie, Bland grilled shark fin (STA +1)

Non-existent gamers:
Usually plays: Family friendly fun-fests
Favorite snack: Organic rice cakes

PC Elitists aka :
Usually plays: Counterstrike, WoW, Starcraft
Favorite snack: Bawls

Devil children:
Usually plays: Pokemon, Naruto, Halo
Favorite snacks: Pop Tarts, dirt

The "takes-it-too-far" guy:
Usually plays: The same game since 1992
Favorite snack: Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor

Obsessed forum guys
Usually plays: Nothing
Favorite snacks: Cheetoos, Doritos, Fritos
I guess I would be a RPG snob/PC Elitist hybrid. Though I don't drink Bawls and only eat Safeway sandwiches with -2 to Strength (eating these things have been making me lose weight faster than I want).
I'm probably a mix between a frat boy, an RPG snob, and a PC elitist (though I haven't been playing many PC games lately).

Still, I don't really fit in to any of those stereotypes, and since the list was a "types of gamers we hate" kind of thing, it isn't really a good way to say what type of gamer are you. Still a funny article, though.
By that I guess I'm probably a frat boy gamer since I mostly play AAA block buster games, like CoD4, Halo, Guitar Hero etc., and usually have some brewskies while playing. Though I'm actually drinking good beer, unlike most frat boys...
I play games from each of those categories. I go through phases where I like to play one type of game for a few months then tire of the mechanics and switch to a different genre.
I am not part of any of those. I am not playing any game right now, but I love this forum. ;) Seriously though, I just play games. They are my hobby and I don't have a set way or what I play.
If I had to fit into one of those categories it'd be The RPG snob. I definitely don't fit the attitude, but I do play the games :D. I used to be the frat boy to a "T" though. Lived in a frat, played multiplayer Halo, and yelled all sorts of obscenities as to why everyone else was gay cause I couldn't keep my ass from being killed every 2 seconds. Fun times. Glad it's over though.
Sadly I'm probably closer to the obsessed forum guy. I spend more time on here and various video game forums then actually playing games. If it's any consolation, I mostly lurk and don't get involved in ridiculous nerd rage flame wars.
I put Frat boy even though I'm not in a 'real' frat. But when I'm not working or at class I'm generally either playing ultimate frisbee with my team or getting shitfaced drunk with them. It's a good time. After all that comes gaming unfortunately. I don't have as much time as I used to, hell I still have like 5 unopened games I need to start.
Well I guess out of those, I would be Frat Boy. However I don't think that is really the best description of me. I also kinda fall into the PC Elitist category.
Honestly I'm not on the list...does that make me the perfect gamer?!

I like to consider myself the all-around gamer. I love playing many games regardless if they're categorized as casual, hardcore, mainstream, or obscure.

Maybe I'd be closest to takes it too far guy....I practically own every system out right now...
[quote name='leveskikesko']Honestly I'm not on the list...does that make me the perfect gamer?!

I like to consider myself the all-around gamer. I love playing many games regardless if they're categorized as casual, hardcore, mainstream, or obscure.

Maybe I'd be closest to takes it too far guy....I practically own every system out right now...[/QUOTE]

Ditto. Although I'd say I'm everything combined, just different aspects of me flare up at certain times. Sometimes I'm the Frat Guy, sometimes I'm the RPG nerd, other times I can get down with PKMN & YGO, etc, etc.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Oddly, they left out my catagory which I guess would be called is Art Game Lover.[/QUOTE]you can be a JEKKI GAMER too!
yeah.. the only bad things is they group the steretypes too wide (general)... since many gamers don't fall in some of those categories.

like the im the tough beat your ass gamer (only over online)
or the obsessed.. i play everything and anything that comes out and will beat it.
or I really enjoy playing hype games...


even though what i mentioned may have touched upon the stereotypes... i think there could be more to cover more types of gamers...

but it was still funny and thought it would be fun to post.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']1992 was a really good year for gaming.

Super Mario Kart
A Link to the Past
Street Fighter 2
Final Fight
Turtles in fucking Time[/quote]

fuck Yeah!

Take it too far, over here. Have I derailed this thread onto Starcraft or Fire Emblem yet? No?


bread's done