What was your favorite game of this generation?


95 (100%)
Obviously both the PS2 and the GC have a little life in them yet, but up to this point, was has been your favorite game on the DC/PS2/Xbox/GC/GBA/Ngage/Other random handhelds that are past their prime?

I think I'd have to vote for Ninja Gaiden. Tough as nails but really enjoyable. The key to all good next-gen games: solid game play, fast, smooth frame rate, and some nice visuals to top it off. Sure, the story made no sense, but it was a good time. :)
hmm... thats a trciky one. I liked a bucnh, but since you said an xbox game I will too... Fable. That game had me hooked from start-finish and took me only a day to beat. I should probly pick it up for pc, anyone know if the extras are significant?
With so many different genres, its really hard for me to pick an absolute favorite, its marginally easier to make a top 3/5/10/etc list.

Disgaea/Shadow Hearts 2/Xenosaga Ep 1.
Resident Evil 4 (GC version, the PS2 version didn't feel as nice for me) is easily the hands down best game of this generation so far (I'm not forgetting Zelda TP).

Metroid Prime, ICO, Wind Waker, MGS3, and if you count PC games, Half-Life 2 were all very worthy games.
It's a toss up between Tekken 5 and REZ for me. Tekken 5 because I keep finding out so much in it and it's limitless amount of possabilities to be better, and REZ because it fulfills alot of my artistic needs and wants in video games. I'm expecting Ryu Ga Gotaku/Yakuza to replace Tekken 5 when it hits stateside though.
I'm gonna go do a little count down...

3) GTA III - This is the game that made me jump into this generation. The game blew me away it was so far beyond anything from the previous generation.

2) Metroid Prime - I didn't buy this game until it became a budget title, and I'm sorry it didn't get it sooner. Being a huge Metroid fan I hesitated because it was a FPS, but it stayed true to the franchise and was an awesome experience.

1) RE4 (GC) - The graphics, visual detail, sounds and overall immersive gameplay put other games to shame. Seriously. This game ruins other games of it's generation worse than the next gen games. Next gen games don't fare any better against it. After playing this game I found that Condemned was just "meh".
God of War.A great action/adventure game with tons of blood,great game mechanics,story and boobies.Do I have to say more?
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, first RPG I had played in a while. The only reason I bought it was on a whim and a recommendation from some one, didn't really read anything about it aside from it being awesome. I was blown away by it, the story was great, game was fun to play and there was so much to do. Also, one of the few games that I've beaten twice, I've probably put 80+ hours into it.

Also enjoyed Wind Waker immensely.
I'm sure you can see this one coming, but I'd say Sly 2: Band of Theives. The second game just did everything right. The first and the third games were great, but 2 will always be my favorite.
There were plenty of fantastic games this generation, but this is the easiest question I've ever heard: the answer is Metal Gear Solid 3 (Snake Eater or Subsistence, it doesn't matter). Hands down the best game I have ever played, this generation or any other. It took me a long time to accept that (I tend to cling to my love of older games), but in the end Snake won me over. Amazing graphics, great gameplay, and the best story I've ever seen.
If I were to pick an absolute favorite it would probably be RE4. I thought it was an incredible experience, so much so that it's the only game in my collection I've taken the time to play twice.

More significant to me though are the surprise hits; those games that I was reluctant to buy for one reason or another, yet enjoyed them tremendously. Metroid Prime and Xenosaga Ep I would be at the top of that list.
I'll wait until I get through my backlog to definately give an answer but for right now I'm really into Tekken 5, Shadow of the Colossus, and Tales of Symphonia. I've got a nice rotation going with those 3 games. It always seems like a fresh game when I start up again.

But my pick for this generation is either Brothers In Arms game. My buddy Psiphi and I will welcome all challengers on the Causeway.

EDIT- How the hell could I forget about Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution? I still don't know how this game can sit on shelves in TRU for 10 bucks.
Phantasy Star Online easily. It was my first MMO, and it was the first game I was really immersed in (spent 700+ hours over two platforms). I also made a lot of close online friends that I still talk to to this day.
Tough question, since, just in 2005, I've played a bunch of excellent games. If I had to choose one game though, I would probably pick Shadow Hearts: Covenant.
Off the top of my head:

1.) Resident Evil 4
2.) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
3.) Halo 2
4.) Jade Empire
5.) Katamari Damacy

I realize that two of those games make me stupid and not a real "gamer", but I must have bad taste. :'(
[quote name='Brak']Off the top of my head:

1.) Resident Evil 4
2.) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
3.) Halo 2
4.) Jade Empire
5.) Katamari Damacy

I realize that two of those games make me stupid and not a real "gamer", but I must have bad taste. :'([/QUOTE]

Actually liking Jade Empire makes you an idiot but you can call yourself whatever you want.

Oh and Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime are probably the best games this generation.
I'd say Kotor 1, it played it through several times, but the first time was great. Probably have the most playing hours on that game in that generation.
1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
2. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
3. Super Smash Bros. Melee
4. Halo 2
5. Resident Evil 4
This thread reminds me of all the great games I've played for the PS2. Some of them I can't believe I forgot about considering how much I enjoyed them. I can think of 10 or 20 favorite games but I'll just randomly pick one and say Breath of Fire 5 was my favorite. I've beaten that game more times then anything else I have. I might go back and play through it again this weekend.
[quote name='Brak']Off the top of my head:

1.) Resident Evil 4
2.) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
3.) Halo 2
4.) Jade Empire
5.) Katamari Damacy

I realize that two of those games make me stupid and not a real "gamer", but I must have bad taste. :'([/QUOTE]

I hope you're not referring to Katamari in that respect...regardless of what anyone says, those games are fantastic.
[quote name='Blind the Thief']I hope you're not referring to Katamari in that respect...regardless of what anyone says, those games are fantastic.[/QUOTE]

Nope. Not Katamari. Halo 2 and San Andreas are, apparently, retard games.
Well, it's hard to name one...So here's some of my favs.(need like a top 20 list or something)

Resident Evil 4
God of War
Shadow of the Colossus
MGS 3:Subsistence(maybe #1 overall)
Shadow hearts 2
Halo 1
Super Smash Bros.
And so on....

This list could change/be added to later this year with the new zelda coming out, Okami, Yakuza , and some others.
Far and away my favorite game of the gen was Super Smash Brothers Melee. Other notables include Wind Waker, Kingdom Hearts,
Halo, Metroid Prime and Devil May Cry 3. Plus there's still some awesome games in my backlog and the upcoming Okami, Twilight Princess and Final Fantasy XII are all looking super hot. Current gen FTW.
Another vote for Resident Evil 4.

Re-inventing a successful franchise could have been a letdown (Zelda WW), but RE4 got everything right.
I enjoyed the Prince of Persia games the most this generation. There are a lot of favorite games on my list though.

From the looks of things, I am really missing out on RE4 as it is still sitting in my backlog of games.
#1: Resident Evil 4 (GC)

The game so nice I played it twice, in a row. Which is rare for me. Plus the Mercenaries and Ada extra stuff are just delicious icing on the cake!

Honorable Mentions:

GTA San Andreas
God of War
In no particular order, top 5 (except for 360, which only has 3, because that's all I've played :( )

Xbox 360:
Call of Duty 2: is amazing me, multiplayer is so addictive
Dead or Alive 4

Dead or Alive Ultimate
Half Life 2
Ninja Gaiden

Resident Evil 4
God of War
GTA Trilogy (i can't pick just one)
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 2
[quote name='Riptard']Shadow of the Colossus[/QUOTE]


My top ten are:

Shadow of the Colossus
Ninja Gaiden Black
Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Kingdom Hearts
TimeSplitters 2
Forza Motorsport
Here comes the one and only vote for.............NASCAR Thunder 2003

It was my first Nascar game I bought since becoming a Nascar fan. The game was unbelievable. I played the career mode for over 300 hours before my dog ate the memory card (honestly).

The more recent NASCAR games have had better graphics, but the intial wow is not there and the fact that they dont let you race back to the line on cautions, makes wrecking unconsequential.

NASCAR Thunder 2003 on the Gamecube
id probably say a toss up between ninja gaiden and shadow of the colossus. but there are a couple good ones that are yet to come, final fantasy xii and the legend of zelda may surpass them before all is said and done.
I cannot believe no one has even mentioned this:

Viewtiful Joe.

When I got the preview disc, I looked at the bullet-time cover, and thought it looked nice. When I sat down to play the demo, I was knocked flat. I played the demo through about 10 times.

When the game came out, and after I had beaten it a couple times, I noticed something: Everything about the game is, in a word, perfect. The gameplay is like a fluid, lucid dream. The graphics and partical effects are stunning. the music is some of the best I've ever heard in a game. The sound effects and voice acting are outstanding. The script is hilarious. The challenge is extreme beyond all measures.

And no one bought it.
This generation has had an overwhelming amount of great titles, each generation it seems that the amount of quality titles has been increasing. I can name some games that stand out, but I have had a lot of fun overall.

Castlevania Circle of the Moon
Zone of the Enders the 2nd Runner
Resident Evil REmake
Resident Evil 4
Metal Gear solid 2
Metroid Prime
Zelda Wind Waker
Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Racoonus
Jak 2
Onimusha 2 Samurai's Destiny
Kingdom Hearts
Prince of Persia The Sands of Time
Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter
Devil May Cry
Mario Sunshine

Keep in mind I'm only putting up games I own or have played extensively. There is so much more, the past 5 years have been some of the best years for gaming that I have lived in my 20.
bread's done