What would it take for you to reasonably not be disappointed with E3?


Stole this topic from NeoGAF, (because it's a good idea, and the crowd here doesn't seem to be as viscous):

The post from NeoGAF:
We've done unreasonable expectations, and I think we've all proved that we can come up with desires that won't be satiated at this or any E3. So, what news would you need to hear at E3 to keep you from being disappointed?

Or, do you admit that there's really no way for you not to be disappointed by E3 because you're hoping for too much? Either's fine.
For me, the big ticket, end-all, "best E3 ever" item would have to be Half Life 3, for consoles. One day, long ago, it would have been World of Warcraft on consoles, but that ship has sailed, and Blizzard fails to impress. Valve needs to get Half Life 3 announced at the very least. Confirm it exists, and give us a rough time frame for release. Even if it's holiday 2016, tell us fans who have waited a decade for a follow up.

Acceptable runners up would be:

Microsoft makes an Illumiroom or a comparable VR/augmented reality technology reveal/announcement for the Xbox One.

Voodoo Vince is revealed/announced, (there is evidence we may get this).

The Goldeneye remake for XBLA that was shelved years ago is revealed/announced. The Nintendo exec that stopped this from happening, saying "over my dead body", is now dead. Screw that guy, make it happen. Nintendo is in a much more precarious position, to where they may negotiate licensing, given the crapshoot time they've had with the WiiU. This game, coming out multi platform would be a win-win for everyone.

That's my short list.
Yakuza 5 or Ishin localization or some new IPs from Platinum or Capcom. Otherwise E3 is E3. We'll see more of the same and it is quite disappointing the beginning of the new generation has been lackluster for new IPs or new ideas. 

I would like more info and release date for Legend of Zelda besides the $99 12/31/14 info on Walmarts site and I know this won't happen, but would love a wii u paper Mario :)
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Nintendo needs to do their direct with just Reggie. He could talk about all the games and even play them. Wii u sales will sky rocket. Also I want an adapter for the wii u that lets you play ds/3ds games on the system, they have the game pad for the bottom touch screen, it would be perfect.

Microsoft already announced halo 5 so a bunch of people are already happy, so they can revive some old ips?
I'm not too hard to please. The kind of things I'd like to see:

- Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars full reveal

- Saints Row V reveal

- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn expansion reveal

- Gears of War 4 and/or Uncharted 4 appearance (probably just in teaser trailer form)

I think those are all pretty realistic things to expect. For things I'd be thrilled to see but don't truly expect to happen, how about live gameplay for Final Fantasy XV and reveal teasers for Mass Effect 4 and Resident Evil 7.

There's really no way I'll be disappointed since I'm not hoping for anything.  That only leaves room for happy surprises.

I'm mainly hoping for a new Mass Effect game and maybe the trilogy on next gen consoles. I would like to see some more gameplay on both Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XV.  That's about it. 

Some localization announcements of high-profile Japanese 3DS games (the Dragon Quest VII remake and Fantasy Life are at the top of my list). Other than that, happy surprises, like ihadFG mentioned.
Metroid for 3ds. Real Metroid. Not the FPS kind.
Same. My 3DS will likely get sold off if that doesn't come out as I've played all the released games I care to, and no currently announced games interest me.

The rumored Marjora's Mask 3D is something I might would pick up eventually if I keep the 3DS, but it's one of my least favorite Zelda games, and I'm burnt out on the series, so it's far from a must play.
Here's the lineup for those who haven't heard:http://www.shacknews.com/article/84751/twitch-reveals-full-e3-week-lineup

Personally, I would love to see Fallout 4 but there's been enough letdowns and hoaxes for me to know not to expect it. I think this'll be a good E3, all the big next-gen games have either been disappointments(i.e. Watchdogs) or were lackluster enough to fade quickly(i.e. Titanfall, Infamous:SS). All the Big 3 are going to want to announce some big stuff to prove that their console is superior.

Gears of War 4 and Borderlands 3 are the only actual inevitable games I'm really interested to hear about. 

I still need to get through the rest of the series, but Kingdom Heart III news would cause the Internet to go nuts (but guess we need to wait for Versus first).  I'd be pleasently surprised if Last Guardian is talked about.

I would not mind a real new Zelda announcement for Wii U.  I would also love if Nintendo scrapes the Ruby/Saphire remakes and just does an Emerald version and somehow ties it with Z.

Oh and the best would be if Nintendo decides to pull some of the invites for the Smash Invitational.  I know people in the community (some actually know some attending) and many believe some invitees are undeserving.

Hard US release date for X and a real name for the game. That's the only reasonable thing I can hope for at this point.
Came to post this. I'll go just a little further and hope that it's a 2014 release for X - I want that to be my Christmas break game. Maybe a hint that Dragon Quest VII is coming to North America as an added bonus.

Hard US release date for X and a real name for the game. That's the only reasonable thing I can hope for at this point.
I just wanna see more of the game. It's about the only game that's got me hyped as of now for the Wii U, though I'm sure Nintendo will reveal a new Zelda.

Hopefully there will be a lot announced that will keep me busy this year.

I'm stoked, I took half the day off work to watch the press conferences live... Im such a dork.

news that oculus or sonyvr is coming soon. i guess thats all i really care about. a fatal frame hd would also be nice.

Reasonably disappointed with E3 if: 

Vita TV isn't announced for North America for a December of this year release at the latest.  (Edit: Hurray this is going to happen!)
Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain is delayed to late 2015 for PS3/360.
Yakuza 5, North America/English subtitle release isn't announced.
Timesplitters 4 isn't shown.
Halo 2 Anniversary is an Xbox One physical exclusive.

Unreasonably disappointed with all future E3 if:

Zero Escape 3 never gets released.
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is never localized by Capcom.
First person Mega Man is never made into a game.
Time Crisis HD collection is never made for PS3/360.
Yakuza Ishin/Kenzan are never localized and released with English subtitles.
Edit: Shenmue series is never given a proper ending.

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