what would you do if you came home and your parents did this..

[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I'd laugh at them for being idiots. Maybe have the locks changed too.[/quote]

What would be really sick is if the authorities came along and charged the parents with abandonment like the article mentions.
[quote name='dental_regurgitation']There was a movie about this sort of things, just moms though.[/quote]

Then I'd definitely have a yard sale. Pimpin da mom's.
Maybe those lazy-ass kids will finally *gasp* start to clean up after themselves! Mooommm, why isn't my laundry done? I don't wanna mow the lawn, Dad!
17 years old and won't do household chores?

The parents should have kicked HIM out into the front yard.

Seriously though, there must be something wrong with these parents who probably created this situation to begin with. I'll bet they're the types who never let their child's feelings get hurt, or threatened them with punnishment and actually followed through with it.

I was at Target today and some 7 year old kid would not listen to his mother to leave the videogame isle and follow her because they had to leave or they were going to be late for something. Repeatedly she whined "c'mon honey we're going to be late. Please come with me. Please come now", etc. etc. This went on for a good 5-6 minutes. She finally became so annoying I wanted to smack her for being a whiny bitch, and the kid for being disrespectful. You don't plead with kids to do things, you TELL them to do things. They are orders not requests. I'll bet the parents in that news story are the whiny bitch types who never issued any discipline until it was too late for the kids to be conditioned by it.
[quote name='neocisco']Maybe those lazy-ass kids will finally *gasp* start to clean up after themselves! Mooommm, why isn't my laundry done? I don't wanna mow the lawn, Dad![/quote]

Damn right! Serves those kids right for being so lazy. And I agree with bmulligan too. Household chores shouldn't be too hard to do.
^ yeah, what he said.

those kids better wise up, 'cause you know whats even worse? college-age kids that don't know how to do their own laundry, clean and cook. so they let their stank-ass clothes pile up for a good 6 months till mommy comes to visit....oh, how sweet the smell!
[quote name='Limitbreaker02'][quote name='neocisco']Maybe those lazy-ass kids will finally *gasp* start to clean up after themselves! Mooommm, why isn't my laundry done? I don't wanna mow the lawn, Dad![/quote]

Damn right! Serves those kids right for being so lazy. And I agree with bmulligan too. Household chores shouldn't be too hard to do.[/quote]

Yeah, chores should be a standard for teens to do.
Both kids are in college now, so if my parents did that, I'd have them examined. They probably should have done that years ago though...
I read that story today, thought it was pretty damn stupid on the parents part.

If I were the kids, I'd let all the shit and chores pile up for a while until the idiot parents come back in the house and clean it, it's not their job to take care of themselves until they're 18. I'd call the police too just for a good laugh.

The parents can feel free to kick their kids out after they turn 18, but, then again, at that point any kid will clean and cook up a storm just to keep the free room and board.
[quote name='DrunkTigerWoods']Wow, so this is what you have to do when you dont beat your kids?[/quote]

Most parents exist somewhere in between striking on the front lawn and beating their kids (which, rightly, is illegal). Though I remember this mother, in MA, who went on strike in the kids treehouse about 10 years ago. The news interviewed her in the threehouse too, she said she was protesting the fact that her kids and husband didn't help her and didn't appreciate her. Though I felt bad for that one, since the husband was someone she should have been able to depend on. This one doesn't seem as sad, since it's just kids vs parents.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']
If I were the kids, I'd let all the shit and chores pile up for a while until the idiot parents come back in the house and clean it, it's not their job to take care of themselves until they're 18. I'd call the police too just for a good laugh.

ackkkk. i can sort of see where you're coming from when you say "it's not their job to take care of themselves until they're 18.", but at the same time i can't help but vomit in my mouth and swallow it. especially if they're teenaged like the numbnuts in the story, they should have already developed some sort of responsibility at home, with or without a parent's decision. it should come naturally, eh!

your statement has helped me figure out something that has been mystifying me for quite some time now though. hmmm, so kids can start driving at 16, but since, they're like, not 18 yet... it's not their job to take care of themselves and the people around them on the road, while piloting an occasional metallic missile on wheels. that being said, their mentality to drive recklessly fast and crash into shit all the time stems from the simple fact that they can't help it because they're not old enough to mind yet. yayyy. i get it now!......... i really need to quite being a bitch lol. especially with me being a newbie again (re-noobie-fied? renewbification?). I'm like fresh meat at a correctional facility.

Anyways, I do agree that the parents are being idiotic though. fucking living in a tent outside on THEIR own property. haha. they shouldn't beat their kids as disciplinary action, but hey.... they shouldn't take it up the ass either.
I saw that on Drudge earlier today. If my parents did that, it wouldn't make much difference, because, well, I don't live with them.
I would laugh, go inside, and order a pizza. I would probably do something that would piss them off so badly they would come back in. What that is, I have no clue.
Wow, that's an immature of handeling things. Learn how to discipline your kids, and maybe there won't be needs for these "protests."
I'd Donald Trump them...

[quote name='bmulligan']17 years old and won't do household chores?

The parents should have kicked HIM out into the front yard.

Seriously though, there must be something wrong with these parents who probably created this situation to begin with. I'll bet they're the types who never let their child's feelings get hurt, or threatened them with punnishment and actually followed through with it.

I was at Target today and some 7 year old kid would not listen to his mother to leave the videogame isle and follow her because they had to leave or they were going to be late for something. Repeatedly she whined "c'mon honey we're going to be late. Please come with me. Please come now", etc. etc. This went on for a good 5-6 minutes. She finally became so annoying I wanted to smack her for being a whiny bitch, and the kid for being disrespectful. You don't plead with kids to do things, you TELL them to do things. They are orders not requests. I'll bet the parents in that news story are the whiny bitch types who never issued any discipline until it was too late for the kids to be conditioned by it.[/quote]

i cud not agree with u more..growing up..when i did something wrong, i got the living shit smacked out of me..and i never did those things again..my mom was loving when i was good, but when i wud piss her off..WHACK!! when i wud do something wrong..WHACK, and i think smacking the crap out of ur kids gets the job done..heck ! its even been proven..just dont get carried away :whistle2:x...and parents like that, i seriously cant stand, i remember a few years back, i was at a pharmacy, and this kid went 2 him mom "give me money, i want 3 dollars"..mom: no
kid: I WANT IT NOW!!!
mom: no
kid: SLAP...*yes he slapped his mom..well on the leg* GIMME THE MONEY!!
mom: here! *hands 3 dollars
kid: *walks away*

i think thats a really extreme case :whistle2:\
HAHAHAHAHAH, this is funny shit, made my day, by 17 I could cook already full meals, my chicken parm is sick and my baked ziti is amazing, and my steak with lemon sauce owns. Anyways I would have done ok in his situation but I was never really a dick to my parents, still arent even though they say I abandoned them to go upstate to college haha love yah mom and dad.
[quote name='greydemise'][quote name='bmulligan']17 years old and won't do household chores?

The parents should have kicked HIM out into the front yard.

Seriously though, there must be something wrong with these parents who probably created this situation to begin with. I'll bet they're the types who never let their child's feelings get hurt, or threatened them with punnishment and actually followed through with it.

I was at Target today and some 7 year old kid would not listen to his mother to leave the videogame isle and follow her because they had to leave or they were going to be late for something. Repeatedly she whined "c'mon honey we're going to be late. Please come with me. Please come now", etc. etc. This went on for a good 5-6 minutes. She finally became so annoying I wanted to smack her for being a whiny bitch, and the kid for being disrespectful. You don't plead with kids to do things, you TELL them to do things. They are orders not requests. I'll bet the parents in that news story are the whiny bitch types who never issued any discipline until it was too late for the kids to be conditioned by it.[/quote]

i cud not agree with u more..growing up..when i did something wrong, i got the living shit smacked out of me..and i never did those things again..my mom was loving when i was good, but when i wud piss her off..WHACK!! when i wud do something wrong..WHACK, and i think smacking the crap out of ur kids gets the job done..heck ! its even been proven..just dont get carried away :whistle2:x...and parents like that, i seriously cant stand, i remember a few years back, i was at a pharmacy, and this kid went 2 him mom "give me money, i want 3 dollars"..mom: no
kid: I WANT IT NOW!!!
mom: no
kid: SLAP...*yes he slapped his mom..well on the leg* GIMME THE MONEY!!
mom: here! *hands 3 dollars
kid: *walks away*

i think thats a really extreme case :whistle2:\[/quote]
Slapping a kid to get them to do what you want won't solve anything in the long run...If anything it'll only change the way the child develops. There's other ways to deal with children instead of hitting them, and the method these parents chose probably wouldn't work either (but it's still better than hitting them).
[quote name='Ugamer_X'][quote name='greydemise'][quote name='bmulligan']17 years old and won't do household chores?

The parents should have kicked HIM out into the front yard.

Seriously though, there must be something wrong with these parents who probably created this situation to begin with. I'll bet they're the types who never let their child's feelings get hurt, or threatened them with punnishment and actually followed through with it.

I was at Target today and some 7 year old kid would not listen to his mother to leave the videogame isle and follow her because they had to leave or they were going to be late for something. Repeatedly she whined "c'mon honey we're going to be late. Please come with me. Please come now", etc. etc. This went on for a good 5-6 minutes. She finally became so annoying I wanted to smack her for being a whiny bitch, and the kid for being disrespectful. You don't plead with kids to do things, you TELL them to do things. They are orders not requests. I'll bet the parents in that news story are the whiny bitch types who never issued any discipline until it was too late for the kids to be conditioned by it.[/quote]

i cud not agree with u more..growing up..when i did something wrong, i got the living shit smacked out of me..and i never did those things again..my mom was loving when i was good, but when i wud piss her off..WHACK!! when i wud do something wrong..WHACK, and i think smacking the crap out of ur kids gets the job done..heck ! its even been proven..just dont get carried away :whistle2:x...and parents like that, i seriously cant stand, i remember a few years back, i was at a pharmacy, and this kid went 2 him mom "give me money, i want 3 dollars"..mom: no
kid: I WANT IT NOW!!!
mom: no
kid: SLAP...*yes he slapped his mom..well on the leg* GIMME THE MONEY!!
mom: here! *hands 3 dollars
kid: *walks away*

i think thats a really extreme case :whistle2:\[/quote]
Slapping a kid to get them to do what you want won't solve anything in the long run...If anything it'll only change the way the child develops. There's other ways to deal with children instead of hitting them, and the method these parents chose probably wouldn't work either (but it's still better than hitting them).[/quote]

love ur icon! :whistle2:D!! but seriosuly tho, i understand what ur saying, but i have to disagree..personally i think hitting works, but doing it every time the kid dus something wrong..then theres a problem..i dno, i guess there are varying degrees of discipline..and its always gonna be a controversial topic, sry just giving my 2 cents
Ha, I thought this was going to be a post about you getting home and finding out your 'rents had sold (or given away) all/a lot of your gaming stuff.
[quote name='RaekwonThaChef']What a couple of absolute asshats (the parents). Seriously, nuff said.[/quote]

cudnt agree more...
bread's done