What would you like to see out of RE5?

MSI Magus

83 (100%)
Personally first and foremost I want another game similar to RE4 and not the rest of the series. I liked that this game was more about the action with a touch of horror then the past games which were pure puzzle and survival.

Next up though I would like to see online play! I want the main quest to be offline just like RE4 but parts of the game were just built for online play. Imagine playing Mercenaries online against or with a friend, going head to head to see who can get the high score or teaming up with a friend to fight the Bella Sisters back to back! I think RE4 was amazing but if RE5 can deliver the same great experience but also add some online options its replayabilty would just be insane.
Just more of the same (RE4 style) would be fine by me. Capcom probably has better ideas for additions than me. I don't think it would work that well online though (I don't think MGS worked well online either); games where you need to stop to shoot don't work very well competitively against human players IMO.
[quote name='terribledeli']I'd perfer if they abandoned the RE4 gameplay in favor of the original. However, I know I'm in a minority so I doubt it'll happen.[/quote]

This is what I want also, but the guy in charge really isnt about that.

More puzzles, actual conservation of supplies (you know....SURVIVAL). Actual ZOMBIES.

This one looks to be even more actiony and even more fast paced than RE4.
Twin stick controls ala FPS. Cause the game to control like Ghost Recon 2 and GRAW in THIRD PERSON. Specifically in the way that you can't run at 50mph, and your aim is greatly effected by moving. HIGH realism. Since Halo run&gun controls don't fit the series at all IMO.

So, basically, I want the controls of Ghost Recon applied to RE. I think they could maintain the RE gameplay with that innovation, but they'd have to put some hard work into it.

Loved the controls of RE4 though, compared to the prior games (I own 'em all). But I think they oughta keep improving it.

*dons flamesuit*
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']
More puzzles, actual conservation of supplies (you know....SURVIVAL). [/QUOTE]

I didn't mind the limited supplies of the original ones, but the bigger problem was just limited space. There seemed to be quite a few areas where you would need to have a key or two (which really shouldn't take much space at all) and there were too many items to pick up. Then later you would need more items but you weren't able to carry all the ones from earlier. When I played the beginning of RE2 a few days ago, I found myself running to a storage box far too often.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Actual ZOMBIES.[/QUOTE]

By definition, those were zombies.

For Resident Evil 5, I'd like to see apocalyptic zombies... and more disturbing human interaction, displaying that humans are far more dangerous than zombies.
[quote name='PenguinMaster']Just more of the same (RE4 style) would be fine by me. Capcom probably has better ideas for additions than me. I don't think it would work that well online though (I don't think MGS worked well online either); games where you need to stop to shoot don't work very well competitively against human players IMO.[/QUOTE]

I wasnt saying to compete against others like in a deathmatch. Im saying imagine playing Mercenaries where you compete against another player to get a high score, or IMO better yet to play with a friend. It wouldnt sky rocket the game to another lvl or anything but I think online play would be really fun.

And you can have survival horror without conservation of supplies. RE4 was alot of fun, but it didnt have as large of a survival element. However, to get that back you do not need to make ammon in limited supply, hell I wouldnt mind if they did away with ammo all together(meaning its unlimited). They just need to toss lots of enemies at you at once, if your running for your life or trying to hide in a closet its still SH. Hell I would say a game like that would be closer to fitting the title of Survival horror.
[quote name='PenguinMaster']I didn't mind the limited supplies of the original ones, but the bigger problem was just limited space. There seemed to be quite a few areas where you would need to have a key or two (which really shouldn't take much space at all) and there were too many items to pick up. Then later you would need more items but you weren't able to carry all the ones from earlier. When I played the beginning of RE2 a few days ago, I found myself running to a storage box far too often.[/QUOTE]

I agree, that was really annoying. I dont mind conserving ammo, but I really really hated having limited space. Its annoying to play so well that you are not wasting ammo and still find yourself without ammo because you just didnt have space to pick some up(even RE4 that happaned to me once).
[quote name='guyver2077']multiplatform would be nice first of all so we dont have to shell out for a ps3.[/QUOTE]
It was announced for 360 and PS3. Anyway I think they should keep the RE4 format but add more, better puzzle. Clever like puzzles. We are all tired of moving blocks, finding which key opens this door, etc.
a Co-OP mode online or even on the same system would be sweet. Also I think a multiplayer online where a bunch of people are zombies and you have to survive your friends' wave after wave of zombies. Other than that have a continuation of the story from 4 and have at least one of the main characters be someone we already know about
-great graphics
-similar style of gameplay as RE 4
-fun but challenging puzzles
-more zombies of the undead variety
-dual weapons (well maybe at least pistols)
-even more interaction with the sudden button command (cutscenes etc.)
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']a Co-OP mode online or even on the same system would be sweet. Also I think a multiplayer online where a bunch of people are zombies and you have to survive your friends' wave after wave of zombies. Other than that have a continuation of the story from 4 and have at least one of the main characters be someone we already know about[/QUOTE]

Hehe I have been saying since the start of this generation there needs to be an online Survival Horror where 1 person plays as a human and a group of others play as Zombies, Chainsaw Maniacs, Werewolfs etc etc. The human charcter is naturally weaker but can use curative items, recovers from stun faster and use various items. The point would be for the player to escape a randomly generated(to keep replayabilty and suspense high)hedge maze, creepy house, deserted town, island etc etc within an alloted time. The game would also read player rankings and how many people are in a game to decide what items a player finds or what monsters he is up against. This way it wouldnt be a medicore human player against 10 werewofls/vampires or 1 Zombie against a rocket launcher wielding human player.
Maybe get rid of the merchant system. I've always been kind of on the fence about this.

Stick with the RE4 style and I'll be happy. And give us a difficult where ammo is super scarce - the game was too easy IMO.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Maybe get rid of the merchant system. I've always been kind of on the fence about this. [/quote]

NO!! More Merchant, give that guy his own game already!
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']And ninjas.[/quote]

Oh shit - how could I forget about ninjas? OK here's the definitive list of what would make RE5 (or any game) the best ever:

1. robots
2. ninjas
3. vampires
4. pirates

Please Capcom!!!
[quote name='Madskills1182']It was announced for 360 and PS3. Anyway I think they should keep the RE4 format but add more, better puzzle. Clever like puzzles. We are all tired of moving blocks, finding which key opens this door, etc.[/QUOTE]

you know what.. i totally forgot about that announcement and trailer... its like it never happenned
[quote name='javeryh']Oh shit - how could I forget about ninjas? OK here's the definitive list of what would make RE5 (or any game) the best ever:

1. robots
2. ninjas
3. vampires
4. pirates

Please Capcom!!![/QUOTE]
Zombie Pirates are in an eternal struggle against Vampires. Vampires have created robots to fight their battles but this has angered the ancient ninja clans who hate robots.
[quote name='2Fast']NO!! More Merchant, give that guy his own game already![/quote]


As for RE5, I'd like to keep the same control scheme as RE4 for the most part, although I wouldn't mind the ability to actually run and shoot at the same time. More items to find and put back together like RE4 had (the crown and steins and that stuff). More and better puzzles (maybe I'm in the minority but I wouldn't mind if RE5 is about twice as long as RE4 was). Online Co-Op is a must for me. Some other online modes might be cool too. Just don't do anything deathmatch-y. Some original stuff kind of like what MGO does. I'd love it if the story was with the same cult from RE4 because those guys in the robes scared the shit out of me. Revamp the items stuff a little (to have more room). Maybe make it to where each type of ammo only takes up 2-3 spots no matter how much you carry (I don't care if that means less ammo found overall).
All I want is Resident Evil 4 style controls and gameplay. I wouldn't mind if the game was a little bit longer (closer to 30 hours).
They don't need to change anything in my opinion besides a new setting. That game was so much better than anything else last year that they could release the exact same game and it would be the best game of 06.
[quote name='javeryh']Oh shit - how could I forget about ninjas? OK here's the definitive list of what would make RE5 (or any game) the best ever:

1. robots
2. ninjas
3. vampires
4. pirates

Please Capcom!!![/QUOTE]

Needs more cowboy.
[quote name='javeryh']Oh shit - how could I forget about ninjas? OK here's the definitive list of what would make RE5 (or any game) the best ever:

1. robots
2. ninjas
3. vampires
4. pirates

Please Capcom!!![/QUOTE]

I think that all of those could actually be worked into the game and still make sense LOL!!!

I'd say have all of what made RE4 so great, along with cooperative and competitive multiplayer.
More of the same would be perfectly acceptable. A new story and new enviroments is all I really need.

I loved the extra stuff like Mercenaries, and Ada's mission. More of that would be great too, and online mercenaries would RULE!

One of my favorite parts of the game was the cabin where you had to hold off the hoard of villagers, and barricade all the doors and windows, more situations like that would be cool. Even letting us set up some booby traps like the villagers had set up would be cool. Putting bear traps and dynamite tripwires everywhere to secure an area would be cool.

Also, I want the bodies to stay on the ground and once in awhile they turn into crimsonheads like in remake.

Controls are fine imo and dont need to be changed.
Don't know if this is a RE4 spoiler or not but:
In RE5 I'd like to see more chainsaw-wielding-burlap-sack-over-head guy
I'm playing through the first 4 games on the GCN right now (for the first time too), and I must say I hate the controls. The tank movements artificially make the game more difficult.

The RE4 change was greatly welcomed.

Now if ammo or other inventory space could be conserved more, but please stay away from the fixed camera unless it can be implemented as well as Eternal Darkness.
[quote name='terribledeli']I'd perfer if they abandoned the RE4 gameplay in favor of the original. However, I know I'm in a minority so I doubt it'll happen.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I am willing though for Capcom to take the best of both worlds. Same camera and gameplay elements as in RE4 (kick and such). However I wish they make the game less linear (more puzzles) have less ammo for weapons, no merchant, and the story of past RE games.
I played through 4 and then went and played deadly silence on the DS. I just grabbed remake, 2, 3 and 0 for the cube. I'm a bit torn. I love RE4 but I also really liked 1 on the DS. I guess I liked all that 4 had to offer with a little more survival. Although there is something to be said about having enough ammo and not needing a damn ink ribbon to save. I like playing the older games now... since I never played them but I think it would be hard to go back to the style of 0-3 now that 4 set the bar so high. So basically they should stick with the RE4 format and maybe add some old school survival into it.
[quote name='ananag112']I agree. I am willing though for Capcom to take the best of both worlds. Same camera and gameplay elements as in RE4 (kick and such). However I wish they make the game less linear (more puzzles) have less ammo for weapons, no merchant, and the story of past RE games.[/quote]

If there was no merchant for RE5, I would hope you could still upgrade your weapons by finding parts and modifying them like in past versions. Maybe they could implement an upgrade system that tracked weapon use, accuracy, etc., and then upgraded the stats accordingly.

Personally, I really liked the departure from actual zombies. To me, a leatherface wannabe chasing me with a chainsaw is much scarier than the typical shambling corpse.

EDIT: Just read jkam's post and I agree about the save ribbons. Capcom should never include those in another RE game again. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to save your game quickly and having to decide whether you want to "waste" a ribbon just so you can go to bed.
[quote name='lebowsky']If there was no merchant for RE5, I would hope you could still upgrade your weapons by finding parts and modifying them like in past versions. Maybe they could implement an upgrade system that tracked weapon use, accuracy, etc., and then upgraded the stats accordingly.[/quote]

That would be really cool - just integrate weapon upgrades in the story line. You could have some crazy zombie with a shotgun coming at you shooting erratically (because I don't think zombies can aim) and if you kill him you keep the shotgun. That's a simple example but I'm sure they could get creative with the placement of these types of things...
Zombie Animals, big creepy Zombie animals, like elephants and bears, a whole trapped in a Zombie Zoo level. I like the weapon upgrade idea too, I would like some good Melee weapons though
[quote name='javeryh']Oh shit - how could I forget about ninjas? OK here's the definitive list of what would make RE5 (or any game) the best ever:

1. robots
2. ninjas
3. vampires
4. pirates

Please Capcom!!![/quote]

You forgot Nazis.

Actually an RE game with zombie Nazis from WW2 would be pretty bad ass. They've already taken the game to Europe. It's just a hop skip and a jump from Spain to France of Germany.
In THEORY, I like the original style of RE games...it was cool that you had to run and survive, rather than kill everything.


But Communism worked, in THEORY.

...meaning I never got into a RE game before RE4, simply because I could not STAND the controls. Maybe RE4-style controls, but gameplay a bit closer to the earlier ones?

Then again, it was nice not having to worry about each bullet I used...hmm...
I do not want to have to worry about bullets. Maybe a "survival" mode where ammo is scarce for expert players but I hate having to worry about what comes later in the game every time I fire my gun.
The first RE's were good once you got used to the control scheme. They just milked it a little to much and it got stale. RE4 to me wasn't survival horror anymore so for 5 they should come up with away to use how RE4 played both go back to the roots of Survival Horror games.
[quote name='javeryh']That would be really cool - just integrate weapon upgrades in the story line. You could have some crazy zombie with a shotgun coming at you shooting erratically (because I don't think zombies can aim) and if you kill him you keep the shotgun. That's a simple example but I'm sure they could get creative with the placement of these types of things...[/QUOTE]

They had a pseudo upgrade system in past RE games where you just find weapons all over. I liked that system better actually.
[quote name='javeryh']I do not want to have to worry about bullets. Maybe a "survival" mode where ammo is scarce for expert players but I hate having to worry about what comes later in the game every time I fire my gun.[/quote] I totally agree...things like that can completely ruin games for me...
It seems like it would not be very hard to have both as different levels of difficulty.
More like RE4. I love the old RE games but the damned camera kills me nowadays. When I was younger and more patient I could put up with the cameras. I want a game that plays like RE4 or better, a killer story, and at least 30 hours of gameplay if possible.
bread's done