What You Hate About Games (Venting Time)

Bugs in games, and the lack of save anywhere in games. Especially in pc games, that should be a no brainer, yet often times it's not there.
[quote name='Chambered']No, I love autosave. It's saved my ass more than once. But I hate how Fallout 3 creates a new save file for every autosave. I had to stop playing the game and go through to delete all the extra saves several times while I was playing, it was annoying and inconvenient. [/quote]

while playing Fallout 3 if you press start->settings->gameplay you can adjust the autosave to on or off for 3 different types of saves
The only big thing that really REALLY bugs me is the lack of camera control.

Also, cutscenes that are not skippable. EVEN MORE SO WHEN ITS THE SECOND AND THIRD TIME I HAVE TO WATCH IT.
All I've been playing lately is Tales of Vesperia, so mine right now pretty much all relate to that:

- Unskippable Cutscenes : My speedrun playthrough is my 3rd time through the game, I feel like I get to play for 20 minutes, then hold buttons down to go through dialog for 20 mintues. Just let me skip them, and lower the achievement time to 8 hours or so. This was also a nightmare with the secret mission achievements. I'd have to fight some of the bosses 10 times and watch the stupid cutscene everytime before I got them...ugh...

- Lack of super bosses : If you're gonna let me get to level 200 with ridiculously overpowered equipment, give me a reason to do so. FFX was great in this regard with the monster arena.

- Stupid achievements : Fly 100,000 km...this basically means leaving the game on with the stick held forward for like 6-10 hours *after* you've already cleared the game...this is the kind of garbage that's gonna cause a RROD
-The fact that Nintendo wont lower the price on first-party games (Mario,zelda,pokemon)

-Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen Being 29.99 USED at Gamestop

-Wii/DS Shovelware

-Australian Game prices 70-99 Dollars for A NEW Game WTF??Over here 19.99-69.99

-PC Game Installiation

-Data desgin interactive's MEGA CRAP SHOVELWARE Line Up

-The fact that gamestop overprices certain games

-Gamestop is forced to desroy stuff

-Unskippable cutscenes

-The death of the strategy guide

-Budget Titles (I Hate The name)

-the fact that Casual gamers have destroyed The Game market and thats why alot of shovelware is coming out
Is it me or is the industry lacking in beat em' ups? I don't think it takes alot of effort to make a good one, yet I get the feeling that the industry is ignoring the genre.
Games that don't let you move the camera with the right analog stick, or don't let you reverse the X or Y axis for camera control.
[quote name='Rodimus']Is it me or is the industry lacking in beat em' ups? I don't think it takes alot of effort to make a good one, yet I get the feeling that the industry is ignoring the genre.[/QUOTE]

I think they've been replaced by games like God of War, Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry etc.

There's Castle Crashers on XBLA arcade that's a pure beat em' up though.
I have found escort missions to be most bothersome for as long as I have played games. While more modern games have featured escort missions, escorting Natalya in GoldenEye 64 still tops my list of most annoying things to ever appear in games. It's like Rareware programmed her to be annoying.

This may be a bit of a tangent, but I also dislike games journalists whom have no business being in the business. I'm looking at you, Dustin Burg of Xbox360Fanboy.

I also agree with Maklershed about games not using the best technology available during their creation. I have come to believe it is important for developers to at least keep things current if not push limits. Most people buy the/a new game console because they expect better and not more of the same.
A lot of hate on unskippable cutscenes, but no mention of unpausable cutscenes? Those things aren't quite as annoying but still have a bad habit of showing themselves whenever someone trying to divert my attention.

Infinitely respawning enemies. Yeah, fuck that shit. If I'm playing an FPS or a WRPG or something, I like to be able to explore an area - or at least, move from one room to the next - without taking a bullet or an arrow in the back. So when I enter an area, I clear everything out before going about my business. But sometimes the developers just say "fuck you, Crotch!" and keep throwing bullshit cannon fodder in to whittle me down while I look for a switch to open a door or some shit. And then I start trying to skip any longish-looking fight entirely 'cause I think that it's all just one big respawning waste of my time and pretty soon I'm running through a game instead of playing it. The few times in a modern game where infinitely respawning enemies are actually implemented well are also cases where the developers were probably talented enough not to use them at all.

Oh, and chainmail bikinis. Recently played/am slowly replaying Planescape: Torment, and Jesus Christ Black Isle I know you guys like prostitutes a lot but that doesn't mean that every charracter this side of Fall-from-Grace has to look like one.
Not really related to the actual game, but the packaging/manuals.

Am I the only one who gets pissed off about small manuals? The Burnout Paradise and Dead Space manuals are like 4 pages thick.

Also, I hate it when they use those crappy ass game cases where the manual falls out of place every time you open it.
[quote name='Rodimus']Is it me or is the industry lacking in beat em' ups? I don't think it takes alot of effort to make a good one, yet I get the feeling that the industry is ignoring the genre.[/quote]

thats where mame picks up the slack.
[quote name='KingBroly']I would say Halo 3's worth more, but that's because I've gotten a lot more time out of it than Blue Dragon.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's relative, though. I bought Blue Dragon at launch for $60 and got 80+ hours out of it. I'd buy Halo 3 if it was like, $10. Granted, I'm pissed that Blue Dragon dropped so damn fast (to the point where I could buy multiple copies from Gamecrazy for $5 each, new, if I wanted last week with their $10 sale and B1G1 free).

So yeah, count me in as hating 360 owners who don't appreciate the good non-typical games the system has, resulting in them sellling like shit and losing value so quickly ;). (Blue Dragon, Beautiful Katamari, Culdcept Saga, etc...).

Oh, and people that complain about shovelware on the Wii (granted it's there, but I don't think it is killing the industry and there are plenty of good games for the Wii too).

But those are gamers I hate, not things in games :lol:.

OK, I'll go along with some of the things others have mentioned - huge multistage boss fights where you can't skip the easy early parts when you have to restart. Uh, I think I'd hate escort missions but I've never really played any games with them ;) (I guess Blue Dragon had one of sorts but it wasn't too bad). I don't mind fetch quests or collection achievements so much but someone else had a great point - at least provide some in-game guidance as to where things are. For example, in Lost Odyssey I was able to get every single achievement except the damn "find every item" one. So, sure, there's some stupid health potion in a corner somewhere I didn't get probably. At least once you finish the game, the loading screen for each area could tell you how many items you have left to get in that area. I don't mind looking around a bit, but at least allow me to focus my efforts and not have to search throughout the entire game world for just a few things. And in a similar vein, it would be nice to be able to play those types of games with huge amounts of collectables without needing a guide or Gamefaqs. Oh yeah, also games with missable achievements. Given that I rarely have the time or desire to play through a game more than once, that means that if I want maximum cheese, I have to read a FAQ ahead of time to see if there's anything I need do/avoid in order to not miss one stupid item or something along the way resulting in a lost achievment. This is somewhat of a pain and can result in spoilerage, so as a result I tend not to start the really long games I have - still have Vesperia and several other RPGs sitting here unplayed.
Oh, and critical hits can go fuck themselves. At least, in their present "X% chance to totally fuck up all of your planning!" form.

[quote name='Malik112099']Hey Crotch. You can pause just about any cutscene by pressing the Guide/Home buttons on the controllers.[/quote]
The Wii's home button is often disabled during cutscenes and I guess I haven't played a 360 game recently enough for that to have come up.

Plus older games, of course. And I loves my older games.
I hate quicktime events. Push this button in the .0005 seconds that it appears on screen or suffer a horrible death. Eat a dick.
- Mostly this generation of console games.

There's not only a lack of Jrpgs, but the action/adventure/platformer type also. It seems that almost every game company is trying to follow in on the Halo bandwagon and success, and hoping that their fps will be the next big thing. Do we really need like over two dozen fps games a year? Hell just give me a proper perfect dark sequel and I'll be set.

There was already a medium for this the PC, and now it has infected and taken over the consoles as well. If I wanted to play an fps game I'll just play it on a PC, especially nowadays where you can get a decent gaming pc for not that much money (compared to before).

- The first person view(Fpv). It just seems to me like some games are just trying to be popular when they use this for no reason. Mirror's Edge is a great example of this. Running around and doing a bunch of jumps, tricks, in FPV? Ugh.

- Underwater levels. Oh man I really hate this. They usually consist of slow movement, limited weapon choices, and having to find a spot to breathe, making them so damn annoying.
bread's done