What You Hate About Games (Venting Time)


1 (100%)
I think as gamers we put up with a whole lotta crap, despite spending the big bucks.....we're like addicts for digital entertainment. So what annoys you the most?


-gameplay flaws

Let this page lessen your gaming woes!
Games that have to have endless patches starting immediately after release. I would rather wait another 6 months for the game to ship completely functional than buy the game at release only to have a completely buggy and unplayable game and wait 6 months for them to release 20 patches to fix all of the myriad problems.
I hate games with querky save systems. When real fucking life hits and you gotta go, I want to be able to save right then and there. Mass Effect & Fallout 3 are good examples of this. I don't like sitting there needing to do something or my wife needing me and I am sitting there saying "hold on one sec...just give me a sec..."
Stupid AI. Specifically when they don't know when to move or got to babysit their asses throughout the game.

Oh yes and fetch quests that lead to more fetch quests and escort missions with weak people.
Tediousness - I can't stand going here and there to get a key, and then having to bring that "key" back to open up one room that leads to the rest of the game, (or level). I like games that are more straight forward action
I hate when they try to rush games out year after year (mostly sports games) that are almost the exact same game every time. They add a few new gimicy features, update the rosters, then charge you another 60 bucks for it.

What they should do with sports games is release updates for the games as they come out, then only have another game come out every other year.

Game studios are simply too rushed to come out with new material. Lets use Madden as an example.

The new game comes out every year in late summer. That means, the designers of the game can't even get started on the next years game for at least a few weeks after that years launch. They need to be there for launch, covering press events, ect. They then get a few weeks to plan out new features, maybe 5 months to actually work on the new game, then the next 6 months is getting it ready to launch, getting coppies made, getting it all shipped.

Most good games take at least 2 or 3 years to make. Games like Mass Effect, Gears of War, Oblivion, they spent over 3 years coming up with these games. If they had spent a 3rd of the time, those games woulda sucked. We don't need another NBA live game every single year. Give us roster updates and we'll be happy. That gives you way more time to work out bugs and make the games actually worth buying when the come out.

^end rant. :)
[quote name='Thomas96']Tediousness - I can't stand going here and there to get a key, and then having to bring that "key" back to open up one room that leads to the rest of the game, (or level). I like games that are more straight forward action[/quote]

Right on, bro!

Truthfully though some of my most cherished games are tedious as hell. Myst comes to mind, and even some moments in Zelda. However, now I'm finding it hard to go back and play these games. My patience just isn't what is used to be. What pisses me off is that developers think this translates into gamers wanting easy game aka they're getting lazy on us.

The real gamers don't want easy games, they just want a game that's expertly crafted and challenging. The world of game guides has made these games more bearable, but it's a shame that one must resort to that.
Don't throw out a good challenge, just make your games more natural. That is what a good developer does. And don't make a game difficult for the sake of difficulty aka Megaman 9, sure there will be some gamers that appreciate that, but I don't!
Forced stealth sections!! I can't stand stealth in games that aren't in the stealth action genre. Phantom Hourglass I'm looking at you.

Escort missions. Enough said there. I can't really think of anyone who likes them. I don't know why developers keep using them.
Item collecting and when a game doesn't run smoothly (slow down, framerate drops, etc)

Also gamers who think their opinion on games is the right one.
[quote name='JEKKI']the only thing I hate about games is gamers.

and the game industry.[/QUOTE]

Amen. "Hardcore" gamers can all choke on a dick an die. Those losers make me ashamed to have an interest in playing games.

Just set foot in any Gamestop for endless examples.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Amen. "Hardcore" gamers can all choke on a dick an die. Those losers make me ashamed to have an interest in playing games.

Just set foot in any Gamestop for endless examples.[/quote]

Hate em all you want, but you are a hardcore gamer by most people's definition of the word. Seriously...you're probably more hardcore than my other hardcore gamer friends just by looking at some of your posts. I think elitist may be the word you're looking for.

As for me, I tend to dislike most people I bump into in general, gamers are definitely no different.

Oh and I just thought of another one. Games that don't let you copy their save files, and oddly enough Nintendo has the worst case of this. Keep in in mind that it's really not helping that the Wii has a mere 512MB.
Poor controls are pretty much unforgivable to me.

Any first person vehicle game that doesn't allow me to have reverse Y-axis controls. Hell there is never a good reason to not let the player remap the controls if he so chooses.

Any of the cutscene-esque press "X" now to not die scenes.

Have to agree on the forced stealth and escort stuff. Is it ever fun?

The fact that dropping connection in a multiplayer game isn't always an instant loss. The average person's internet connection is good enough now that accidental disconnects should be fairly rare these days outside of a buggy game kicking everyone constantly. Which brings me to...

Buggy games. I don't mind the occasional bug. I've been a PC gamer forever. It's always happened and it will continue to happen. But game breaking bugs or bugs that make online play nearly impossible are unacceptable.
Games that insist on having a 30 minute intro of nothing but video that you have to sit and watch and not do anything. I play games to play them, not watch them. Also, video sequences in games that you can't skip. I'll almost always watch them the first time, but if I die or decide to play through a game a second time, I don't want to have to sit through it again.
I hate shovelware. I worry the endless pile of crap coming to casual-favorite consoles Wii and DS will prompt another industry meltdown a la the 2600 era. I sure hope not, but I got a baaaaad feeling...
-Unskippable cut scenes immediately followed by difficult action/boss sequences.
Perfect example: Mass Effect, on Noveria when you're going in to fight Benezia, there's a fairly lengthy dialogue + cut scene to go through. Granted, you can speed through the dialogue, but it's still a pain. That was probably the hardest boss fight in the game. They actually do the same thing in 2 or 3 parts of that fight, but luckily you can save between each portion.

-Exploiters/Glitchers. I can deal with a multiplayer game having flaws, and I can deal with people finding and messing around with those flaws. I've done it myself. But I cannot stand people that exploit those flaws during gameplay to their advantage.

-Excessive collection quests. I can handle collection quests, they're a standard staple of many games; even more so now that Trophies/Achievements are widespread. But some games just go (in my opinion) too far.
GTA's packages/tag sprays/pigeons. I hate them. The only time that excessiveness becomes passable to me is when there's an ingame system that either shows you which you've collected or which you have left to collect.

-Secret info that can't be found in the game, but can affect the gameplay.
FF12 had this, there were 4 chests that you had to completely avoid until a late stage in the game. Opening any of them would disable your ability to get one of the best weapons in the game. There was no indication within the game which chests these were...
Pokemon falls under this too. You're waiting at the bus stop playing on your handheld, and suddenly one of your pokemon is about to evolve! Do you let him evolve or is there a move you want that requires he reaches a specific level before evolving? Better hope you have your guide with you...

-Bad interface/menu designs. This isn't usually an issue to me, I can pretty much adapt to what the developer felt was the best way to tackle an interface, but I just had to mention Fallout 3's save interface. I hate it. Autosaves each start a new save file instead of writing over the previous autosave? I don't know, maybe there was an option somewhere that I missed to change that...
So one day I was going through deleting all the autosaves that had filled up my memory card, when I accidentally deleted my most recent save on the card. Whoops. There goes my 18 hours of gameplay.
Luckily it was my second play through (I was going for 100% that time around). I wasn't even really all that mad, it was my fault for not paying enough attention, but it was frustrating enough to make me shelve the game and move on to the next. [/rant]
[quote name='Chambered']-Bad interface/menu designs. This isn't usually an issue to me, I can pretty much adapt to what the developer felt was the best way to tackle an interface, but I just had to mention Fallout 3's save interface. I hate it. Autosaves each start a new save file instead of writing over the previous autosave? I don't know, maybe there was an option somewhere that I missed to change that...
So one day I was going through deleting all the autosaves that had filled up my memory card, when I accidentally deleted my most recent save on the card. Whoops. There goes my 18 hours of gameplay.
Luckily it was my second play through (I was going for 100% that time around). I wasn't even really all that mad, it was my fault for not paying enough attention, but it was frustrating enough to make me shelve the game and move on to the next. [/rant][/quote]

So, your mistake makes you hate a good feature of a game?

I don't know how many times I've been pretty deep into the game and then I die out of no where. The first thing I think is "Holy shit when did I last save!??!?!!" Then the game puts me right where I walked into that room/building just a few minutes prior. "Thank God" spills from my mouth and then I don't die in the same place.
- The first person perspective
- Open world gameplay instead of actual pacing
- Emphasis of online multiplayer over single player campaigns
- Shooters (FPS, TPS, RPG-Shooters, Action/Platformer Shooters) [exempt: shmups and rail shooters]
- Analog sticks
- Cameras in most 3D games
*Bad save systems (ie infrequent save opportunities)
*Fetch quests
*Back tracking
*When important items/doors/levers are too hidden or complicated to get to
*Kiddie type games and most platformers (ie just about anything on the Wii)
*Games that aren't graphically/technologically congruent with the time they're made (ie just about anything on the Wii)
*3D games with no camera control

And something I haven't really encountered until Fallout 3 .. being able to access missions/areas of the game before you're supposed to. It's basically my only complaint about F3 but it's a big one cause it fucked me up and caused me to revert to old saves a few times. Thankfully F3 is an example of a game with a great save system. :)
piss poor movie based games that are slapped together just to make money ( which is the majority of them) the biggest offender was that first matrix game. complete shit.

remakes or sequels with only minor changes but still cost full price.

lack of real innovation in games in general. zelda twilight princess comes to mind. the game hasnt evolved much since oot that was a giant leap from previous zelda games but since then the formula has been the same and if you played one youve played them all. i did enjoy the one on the ds but like most zelda games past oot the boss battles are weak and the endings are kinda lame. i know it wont ever happen but if the people who made zelda teamed up with the people who made shadow of the colossus then those boss battles would be very amazing .

im still waiting for a game that reall allows you to explore and do things your way while being given a story. take for example a zombie game its pretty lame you have all this shit lying around you in an environment but cant use it. take re4 you kil the chainsaw chicks why cant you pick it up and use it? or why cant you rummage through places for items to use? or climb up on a car to shoot down at zombies? why dont headshots give you instant kills?

i havent been blown away by anything in this new generation. i had fun but nothing has given me a holy shit moment. im sure one will be coming but its annoying to wait. i felt that way when i started playing gta 4 it ws kind of holy shit but over time ( and especially after that lame ending) all i could think of is what the game was missing compared to san andreas or even vice city. they give you this huge world and you cant do much of anything with it. where in san andreas you get this huge world and there was always something more to do or find. damn i want to see san andreas given the gt4 treatment( graphics and online playwise).
[quote name='Malik112099']So, your mistake makes you hate a good feature of a game?[/quote] No, I love autosave. It's saved my ass more than once. But I hate how Fallout 3 creates a new save file for every autosave. I had to stop playing the game and go through to delete all the extra saves several times while I was playing, it was annoying and inconvenient. [quote name='Maklershed']And something I haven't really encountered until Fallout 3 .. being able to access missions/areas of the game before you're supposed to.[/quote] Do you have an example of what you mean?
[quote name='lokizz']im still waiting for a game that reall allows you to explore and do things your way while being given a story. take for example a zombie game its pretty lame you have all this shit lying around you in an environment but cant use it.[/quote] You must have completely missed Dead Rising. Check it out.
-Fetch quests
-Save points to far apart (prefer being able to save anytime)
-Related to the last one--anytime you have to replay large chunks of a level when you die
-Cheap AI (i.e. the infinite respawns until you hit some invisible point in the Call of Duty games)
-Hard bosses (especially final bosses who are much harder than anything else in the game)
-Long, multi stage boss battles-annoying as hell to have to play through a couple easy parts over and over when you die late in the battle.
[quote name='Chambered']You must have completely missed Dead Rising. Check it out.[/quote]

well if they ever port that sumbitch to the ps3 id buy it. i refuse to get a 360 just to play it......its the only game i envy the 360 over. other than that i dont care.
One thing that bothers me much so is games that don't let you copy their saves. I can't remember how bad this is on ps3 or 360, but I know for sure Wii has a horrible case of this. It's just a little scary that I only can ever have one save file of a huge game like Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I'm not crazy or anything, but I have incredibly annoying experiences of corrupt data in the past, I doubt things have changed.

What also grinds my gear are games that don't update themselves when they really need to be updated. It's unforgivable in this online digital age. Sorry to pick on the Wii again, but it only seems like Nintendo allows an update to a game if it will degrade the game to original form, such as the case of Starfox 64 when they actually made it go slower to better emulate the original. Never mind the other little fact that the game was known for its rumble features, not important. In the meantime games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl have the same crappy online. Maybe it's all due to the mere 512 mb storage, Nintendo just wants to save some space. Pathetic excuse.
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[quote name='Chambered']No, I love autosave. It's saved my ass more than once. But I hate how Fallout 3 creates a new save file for every autosave. I had to stop playing the game and go through to delete all the extra saves several times while I was playing, it was annoying and inconvenient. Do you have an example of what you mean?[/quote]

I accidentally discovered the gas station that had the secret vault that my dad was trapped in and I did the entire Tranquility Lane mission before realizing that I leaped frogged a lot of the main mission by finding him.
[quote name='Maklershed']
I accidentally discovered the gas station that had the secret vault that my dad was trapped in and I did the entire Tranquility Lane mission before realizing that I leaped frogged a lot of the main mission by finding him.

Wow, I had no idea that that was a possibility. That's a pretty bad bug.
Escort missions and forced stealth sections are about it. Protecting the dumbass is never really fun and stealth sections in some games comes off as ridiculous. I have enough weapons to kill every person in the room but hey you have to hide anyway.
- lag or "bugs" during online play...
- Control in terms of the lack of setup however you want.
- Jumping.
- Prices of games.
Slow movement to artificially increase game time
Repeating the same quests (I'm looking at you Folklore)
Timed events
Not being able to skip cut scenes
Fanboys, all those fucking fanboys. I use to thought they were a bunch of kids on a forum that would go at it in the so called "console wars"....

That is until I found out a bunch of adults and teenagers are also inclined to argue over minute topics like, "whcyh systm is moar poweful" or "meh systm haz betre gaems". I've seen it way too often at GameStop, on campus, in the mall, wherever.

Oh, and fuck the hardcore too. They didn't bother me until they started their bitchathon about casual gamers and, like an earlier poster, I hope they choke on a dick and die.

Otherwise, gaming is pretty damn good. As long as you own a console/portable or two, you can play just about anything you want in quality and quanity alike.
[quote name='FroMann']Paying 60 dollars for a game. What will the prices be next generation?[/QUOTE]

This is why I'm terrified the industry could crash here and by extension possibly Europe and Japan as well. This could happen unless the industry expands substantially, see to the level of movies or even having HALF that audience. It's a problem without a unified platform and an effort to make sure it's in EVERY electronics place, any place that sells a DVD player period. 3DO was the machine that, to my knowledge, had a standardized spec. set across the board with both Panasonic and Goldstar making them. If you managed to pull something like this off with a Panasonic, LG, Samsung, etc. it would be a huge step in the right direction. The issue is being able to do that with something as dynamic as gaming.
  • Thats theres hardly nothing new to buy and play then all of a sudden theres like a good solid month or two with so many good games to get.
  • Prices. I've always felt that games should be priced like this:
£29.99 - Brand new retail games (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii)
£19.99 - Budget retail console games, Handheld games, PC (360, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP, PC)
£14.99 - Budget PC and Handheld games

Or something similar to this I think would be fair, all dlc and arcade games can be priced however they are now.

I'm not completely sure for the US but I the same sort of thing $40 for retail, $30 budget etc etc
-escort missions
there really is no excuse for these and they need to die. the escort portion of RE4 killed that game for me.
-wonky physics
i've been killed in fallout 3 by a car sailing in from outerspace in the middle of the wasteland. not the alien craft event, a car. the sackboys of LBP have incredibly inconsistant weight. one second it feels like you're controling a rose petal wafting on a breeze. suddenly, it changes and you're trying to steer an out of control semi on an icy highway that someone dumped bannana peels on.
[quote name='bardockkun']People who leave online games because they're losing or about to lose.[/quote]

i second that one very annoying shit.
Trolls and fanboys is my number one.

Others include:
Stiff and lifeless movements
Broken gameplay
Thoughtless Collector's Editions
1. Random encounters.

2. Unresponsive controls.

3. Games going out of print.

4. Interminable cut scenes.

5. Prices above 29.99.

6. Bad cameras, cameras that cannot be reversed or aren't mapped to the right stick.
Over hyped games. People talk so much about a game, and you play it then you think it is crap.

People leaving early online or during a match.

People that sing or talk about stupid stuff during the game.

People that cuss you out over a game or for no reason.
Hateful people in general.

Prices of games I think 59.99 is really steep. *although I've bought alot at that price.*

Some games being way to long, and lots of back tracking or doing the same thing over, and over.
Forced restrictions added for variation.

ie. Oh btw, your skill/power X doesn't work here due to some bullshit reason.

Forces you to adopt some play style that you fucking hate.

Also, every game being far too easy released in the past 10 years. Final bosses being a massive joke.
- Unresponsive/Random Controls
- Framerate Drops, especially ones that hurt gameplay
- Unskippable Cutscenes (I'm looking at you, Tales of Vesperia)
- Standardized Game Pricing (A game like Blue Dragon should not be the same price as a Halo 3 on Day 1)
- Multiplayer in a game where it is not needed (This one is rising on my list, example: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts)
[quote name='KingBroly']- Standardized Game Pricing (A game like Blue Dragon should not be the same price as a Halo 3 on Day 1)[/quote]

So which one is worth more in your opinion? I think Halo 3 should have been $40-$50 at launch.
[quote name='Malik112099']So which one is worth more in your opinion? I think Halo 3 should have been $40-$50 at launch.[/quote]

I would say Halo 3's worth more, but that's because I've gotten a lot more time out of it than Blue Dragon.
bread's done