What's a good gift for a girl to get her best friend- a guy?

Dead of Knight

15 (100%)
My best friend, a guy, has meant a lot to me ever since I've known him, and I want to get him a nice gift for Xmas. He plays videogames, so I thought CAG would be a good place to ask. I'm not going to see him until at least January 2nd when I go back to college, so I have time. I'm looking at a $50 limit- nothing too expensive, but something nice. He likes WoW, Dreamcast, Soul Calibur III, Japanese swords, anime, basically anything people on here would like. He has a DC and PS2. He's in my Japanese class. Basically, think of what you'd like to get for Christmas and post it here if you're having trouble thinking of something specific. Thanks. :)
Is there something that he's been wanting, but hasn't bought for himself? That would be your best bet. For example, maybe he's said, "I really want that anime figure, but I can't/don't feel like spending $XX on it."
If he has a 360, DOA4.

Otherwise, DVD copies of "The Wool Cap" and "Door To Door".

Actually, better get the DVDs as well as the game. I hear they're extraordinary filmmaking.
Given your little profile of him, I'm guessing he could probably use a little exercise (no offense, but the number of in-shape gamer/japanophiles is pretty low) so I recommend a suburi bokken: http://bokkenshop.com/eng/index.html A couple hundred strokes a day with one will hell of improve cardiovascular health. Barring that, they still look nice. They run around 40 for the standard ones.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']And he has a girlfriend, so no pron.[/QUOTE]
What does one have to do with the other?

edit: not that it's a good idea for Christmas anyway.
I'm gonna go ahead and be the asshole of this topic and suggest that if he doesn't have a girlfriend, he probably wants you.

EDIT: Late Post.
[quote name='rabbitt']I'm gonna go ahead and be the asshole of this topic and suggest that if he doesn't have a girlfriend, he probably wants you.

EDIT: Late Post.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: that was awesome!
I ended up getting my bestfriend DDS from the TRU sale, FF: DoS, Sword of Mana and Golden Sun 1 from pawn shops.
From the description I'd say import an art book from a favorite game/anime. I gave my best friend an art book one year and he loved it very much. I was going to get him a Legend of Mana art book this year, but it sold out before I had the money for it.
[quote name='thagoat']sounds like you want a piece of his action. if he likes games try "hide the sausage".[/quote]
Heh. I imagined Fry saying that when I read it and it suddenly turned genius.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']No, he's pretty in shape, actually. And he has a girlfriend, so no pron.[/QUOTE]

Every man needs his prawn, regardless of his status. :lol:
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Why does a man need crustaceans?[/QUOTE]

Sexual release. ;)

I love double entendres. :lol:
[quote name='jakescape53']jokes? i think they were being serious :D[/QUOTE]

Don't THINK they were being serious. KNOW that they were being serious.

If your looking for something cheap to add on, and maybe some more pricier stuff, here's a list with general prices...

Soul Blade - PS1 - $4-6 (The 'original' Soul Calibur)
Kingdom Hearts - PS2 - $10-15 (If he likes RPGs)
Disgaea - PS2 - $50 ( If he likes SRPGs)

DC Games - Creme of the Crop

- Mars Matrix - $Up the wazoo
- Radiant Silvergun $100+ (JP only)
- Gunbird $20
- Gunbird 2 $25
- Bangai-O - $30

- Silver - $4
- Shenmue - $5

- Crazi Taxi - $10

- POWER STONE 2 - $20
- MARVEL Vs. CAPCOM 2 - $30

That should be a decent list. If you tell me what specific genres he likes and maybe one or two games that he likes, I can give you a much more accurate list.
I actually have an extra copy of Disgaea that I got at a $5 CC sale, but I don't know if he'd be interested in it. I think I'm just gonna do the artbook idea, thanks guys.

I know they were being serious, but it's still funny.
[quote name='Deadpool']B.J.'s are always nice. ;)[/QUOTE]

Ok. I've heard of B.J.s before, but WHAT are they? Because some of my friends last year constantly called me 'Barney Jeanes' Just because they thought it sounded cool, but then they would abbreviate it to BJ and whenever they called me that in the hall I got odd looks from a bunch of people >_
[quote name='rjarmstrong100']Ok. I've heard of B.J.s before, but WHAT are they? Because some of my friends last year constantly called me 'Barney Jeanes' Just because they thought it sounded cool, but then they would abbreviate it to BJ and whenever they called me that in the hall I got odd looks from a bunch of people >_
[quote name='rjarmstrong100']Ok. I've heard of B.J.s before, but WHAT are they? Because some of my friends last year constantly called me 'Barney Jeanes' Just because they thought it sounded cool, but then they would abbreviate it to BJ and whenever they called me that in the hall I got odd looks from a bunch of people >_
tell him u will go with him to a cosplay convention and dress up squirtle so he wont look like a fool when he dresses as pikachu by himself
[quote name='Danro']Sun Tzu's The Art of War[/QUOTE]

I like this idea, although it's techincally Chinese :bouncy:

Along the same lines, perhaps a combo set of a Dynasty Warriors game and either The Three Kingdoms or Mastering the Art of War? (3 Kingdoms is what DW is based on, Mastering is musings on Sun Tzu'sa book, written by the real-life conterpart of a DW character.)

Or, if you're willing to shell out on shipping, look at jbox.com. They sell wonderfully bizarre Japanese products.

Like Ninja Shoes.
And socks glue.
And kit-kats made with french wine.
And Hello Kitty Toliet Paper.

You get the idea.
Here ill sum up this post to the ultimate gift

A slip in slide coverd in pudding and while he slides he reads the art book while dead of knight wears only a bow while sharing this mysterious "BJ" activity that leads to a pile of dream cast games.

And then use William H macy movies to wipe the left over pudding off for thats about all there good for....:bouncy:

well maybe im not that helpful... happy holidays :whistle2:/
I'm the first to call shenanigans? An otaku who is both in shape, and has a girlfriend? You're going to tell me next that she's not a beard?

That's like that fish with two mouths thread earlier, either a freak of nature, or an excellent photoshop. ;)

Seriously, a neat artbook and a anime themed RPG like Tales of Symphonia. Both should be acquireable (is that a word?) for under $50.
A restraining order. Or at least that's what I got for a (former) guy friend of mine this fine holiday season.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']The Amano book looks good. I'll have to look into it.[/QUOTE]
It is. I second that recommendation. Neil Gaiman's story is good in it, but Amano's artwork is the real draw. It's absolutely gorgeous.
[quote name='6669']A restraining order. Or at least that's what I got for a (former) guy friend of mine this fine holiday season.[/QUOTE]

I think we need the rest of the story.

Make it as salacious as possible.:D
[quote name='Quillion']I think we need the rest of the story.

Make it as salacious as possible.:D[/QUOTE]

Seconded! :D
[quote name='Quillion']I'm the first to call shenanigans? An otaku who is both in shape, and has a girlfriend? You're going to tell me next that she's not a beard?

*raises hand* My boyfriend's in excellent shape, and otaku enough to buy Kenshin manga in English and Japanese, despite not being able to read a lick of Japanese (I had to tell him what the volume numbers where). This is becuase he works in landscaping, for the most part (he also does some sword training on his own.)
[quote name='DuelLadyS']*raises hand* My boyfriend's in excellent shape, and otaku enough to buy Kenshin manga in English and Japanese, despite not being able to read a lick of Japanese (I had to tell him what the volume numbers where). This is becuase he works in landscaping, for the most part (he also does some sword training on his own.)[/QUOTE]
But, to your knowledge, which came first: the nerdism or the in-shapety?
I don't know how expensive the books are but I'm gonna suggest a translated version of "Men From the Marsh" since it's the literature Suikoden is based off of.
Another suggestion is Animal Crossing DS.
OTT jccc you gonna come back to the VS. forum one of these days or what man?
[quote name='jmcc']But, to your knowledge, which came first: the nerdism or the in-shapety?[/QUOTE]

Shapety. I love it.

But I thought the two cancelled each other out. :whistle2:s
[quote name='Sarang01']OTT jccc you gonna come back to the VS. forum one of these days or what man?[/QUOTE]
Nah. I do enough arguing already.
bread's done