Whats everyones favorite pop to drink???

[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Whatever you call it, I like:

Barq's Red Creme Soda
Mt. Dew Code Red[/QUOTE]

I forgot CVDP, probably because I haven't had it in a while.

And I almost never say "soda" or "pop". I speak of brand names only. :lol:
Oh, and...I'm a big Coke fan. But if I drink a lot of Cola, then I prefer Pepsi. Pepsi is sweeter and doesn't get as sick as fast...but Coke is better on a short-term basis.

Mountain Dew is also really good. And Code Red Mountain Dew. Oh, and Crush, too! And I like Welch's Grape Soda, too. Maybe Welch's is not the company that makes it? I don't know.

For the record: it is officially "pop." Trust me, I know.
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']"Pop" or "soda?"
"Tennis shoes" or "sneakers?"
"Swimming trunks" or "bathing suit?" (XD)

Call it whatever you may, it's all the same thing![/QUOTE]
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']"Pop" or "soda?"
"Tennis shoes" or "sneakers?"
"Swimming trunks" or "bathing suit?" (XD)

Call it whatever you may, it's all the same thing![/QUOTE]

Aren't tennis shoes a type of sneaker?

Isn't swimming trunks a type of bathing suit?
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Aren't tennis shoes a type of sneaker?

Isn't swimming trunks a type of bathing suit?[/QUOTE]

My intent was to imply that no one is really wrong, simply because the reigon they live in determines the way they identify things.

Technically, though, you're probably right...but that's beside the point.
[quote name='Greetard']Wow. Someone that actually says "pop". I didn't think people said that anymore. I haven't heard anyone say that in....I have never heard anyone seriously say that. :)

Mountain Dew or Green Apple Jones.[/QUOTE]

Are you kidding? Out here in Minnesota and the surrounding states ppl would probly laugh at you if you called it anything but pop.
I'm a caffeine/soda addict. I'll go through anywhere between 6-10 cans of soda a day. I've been doing that for years.

My favorite is Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, but I'll also drink Diet Cherry Coke, Diet Dr. Pepper, and- when I'm craving soda but don't want caffeine- Albertson's generic Diet Orange.
Primarily Mountain Dew. Mello Yello as a gotta-have-it backup, but not often.
If Mt Dew is too expensive, Lowe's brand "Mountain Breeze".

Ginger ale, but only with vodka.

Sprite occasionally if we're sharing a drink.

I'm not supposed to drink dark beverages like coffee, tea, Coke, etc due to my kidneys.

I do drink lots of water, I try to limit myself to one can of carbonated beverage a day, if that much.
Other beverages:
water, Gatorade [it's volleyball season!], beer.
I drink the most Mountain Dew, but I like Dr. Pepper the best.


It seemed fucking impossible to get fucking Mountain Dew in a restaurant out in the Southwest. On our roadtrip to Vegas to get married last year, every fucking restaurant we stopped at didn't have Mountain Dew or a clone...even at restaurants with Pepsi products, no Mountain Dew. A restaurant with Pepsi products should have Mountain Dew 100% of the fucking time. I noticed that again in Las Vegas this year, buffets didn't even have a Mountain Dew clone of some sort. WTF is up with that? Mountain Dew is a staple of the Pepsi line, no, I don't want a fucking Sprite!!

Oh yeah, can I say fuck again? 'Cause fucking saying fucking shaq-fu is fucking awesome.
Coca-Cola. Only the best for me.

I didn't read through the whole thread, but in regards to the "pop" vs. "soda" debate on the first page, here in Massachusetts, we call it soda. I have a cousin in Nova Scotia, and around his parts they call it pop. We have long argued over which one sounds gayer. To date, the argument remains an unresolved standstill.
Current SODA I am drinking and enjoying is Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. It's odd that such a collection of flavors could come out good. But it does.
[quote name='bobo2k4']Pop is a Chicago thing. We call it pop here cause soda sounds gay.[/QUOTE]

Only hicks call soda "pop". They usually sit on their porch playing banjos, too.

And to answer the question, Pepsi Vanilla is my favorite soda.
[quote name='Haggar']Only hicks call soda "pop". They usually sit on their porch playing banjos, too.

And to answer the question, Pepsi Vanilla is my favorite soda.[/QUOTE]

:rofl:! Well said!
[quote name='enlightenedgamer']Carbonation is no good! I just don't like it. It feels spicy/hot-ish and not at all refreshing...[/QUOTE]

I agree. I usually buy Pink Lemonade or Iced Tea. If none of these I will drink Coke or Squirt.
[quote name='Haggar']Only hicks call soda "pop". They usually sit on their porch playing banjos, too.

And to answer the question, Pepsi Vanilla is my favorite soda.[/QUOTE]

and who the hell are you. Did you see the chart??? Soda is what its called down sout not pop. Get your facts straight redneck.

oh, btw. Steathly, stop trying to change the word "Pop" in my post, to "Soda" I will be watching you.
bread's done