What's the most delicious cereal of all time?

1. Several different themes (like TMNT, Spiderman, Ghostbusters, etc.) but they have Chex Mix with marshmellows

2. Lucky Charms

3. Coco Puffs
Theres a severe lack of Trix fans here. Other than that, i've always loved Crunch Berries, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Multi Grain Cheeriors.
1.Crunch Berries(I'm eating a bowl right at this moment)
2.Fruity Pebbles
3.Cocoa Puffs
4.Golden Grahms
5.Honey Nut Cherios
There's no correct answer other than Count Chocula. Hell, it's so good that every time I play a Castlevania, I enter my name as Chocula.
This was by far my favorite cereal growing up:


but none of the grocery stores in Austin carried it, so I would only have it when I visited my grandmother in Houston because Kroger's carried it. It's so damn good. What I would give to be able to have it whenever I want.

Other than that, I like Honey Nut Cheerios (can't believe this hasn't been said yet), Fruity Pebbles, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']So I'm the only Corn Flakes fan?[/QUOTE]

I am a fan of almost all cereal. If you put some banana slices or strawberries in a bowl of corn flakes, they are quite a treat.
Quaker Cruncy Corn Bran.

BEST CEREAL EVER. I ate it all the time as a kid and then when a Meijer was built in my hometown, they actually carried it!

Alas I moved to the city for college and now Japan so I cannot eat my favorite cereal. :(
Fruity Pebbles are where it's at, as long as you stop after two bowls. Any more than that and you are gonna have some serious gravel mouth.
its hard to pick one..

fruity pebbles

the ghostbuster cerial they used to have out

the cerial they had out for when the spiderman movie droped it was berry flavored.
french toast cerial
Damn.I guess my favorite is Captain Crunch Regular or Peanut Butter Crunch, Fruity Or Cocoa Pebbles.My favorite Cereals as a kid were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Batman.Does anyone remember the Batman tirtilla chips??
I used to eat the Ninja Turtles cereal alot too. I had the bowls that came attached to the box. It was good, but got soggy a little fast from what I remember.

Kellogg's S.W. Graham - it was like shredded wheat but made with graham flour and frosted with cinnamon sugar. Mmmmmm...

Also Jean La Foote's Cinnamon Crunch - this was Capt. Crunch's nemesis and his cereal was kinda like Cinnamon Toast Crunch but not as sweet. Tasty...
Lucky Charms were always a favorite growing up. I especially liked the extra marshmellows they were adding in the late 80's -- the swirled colors, the whales, then the swirled whales. Pack in a glow-in-the-dark Wacky-Wall-Walker, and I was set for the weekend. Now who's Daddy was responsible for that?
I gotta have my POPS!

My friend told me when he eats Cap'n Crunch, the cereal cuts his inner cheeks. Does it happen to anyone?
[quote name='trunks982']I gotta have my POPS!

My friend told me when he eats Cap'n Crunch, the cereal cuts his inner cheeks. Does it happen to anyone?[/QUOTE]

It was also a joke on Family Guy about cutting up your gums. Yes, it does that to me as well, which is why I do not eat it.
Cereals today are a pathetic excuse for the sugary nonsense we used to have in the 80's......Today the Captain Crunch group is the only one consistantly good..all the different flavors rank as pretty good....but todays cereal no longer has the festive sugary goodness of cereals of old :)

One of the more disgusting cereals I've ever tasted was this one:

Click on the 2nd or 3rd video in the list, its the commercial for it I captured from an old videotape :D

The last few batches of cereal I tried were all pretty nasty...Cinnamon Toast crunch is good, the Captain Crunch's are good.

The S'Mores Crunch ones they used to have in the 80's was great, the stuff they put out today that has S'mores in the name is a pathetic substitute.
The Cinnamon Bun cereal thats out now isn't bad.

Of course we're talking super sugar bomb cereals right? Not "adult" stuff like Museli and Chex right? :D
I love a lot of different kinds of cereal, and don't go a day without having at least a bowl. My pick is a bit obscure, but it's got to be French Vanilla Temptations cereal. I swear that it must have had heroin in it, it was so good. A friend of mine and I ran home from the bus from school to eat some, and we polished off a box in one sitting. Seriously delicious. Just the smell from the box was amazing. I think I shed a tear the day I couldn't get it anymore.
I really liked the strawberry-flavored Cat in the Hat cereal they put out. I enjoyed many a box thanks to Target's clearance end-cap. ::ahem::
Cocoa Puffs, hands down. Man, I still remember when I was a kid and I first tried some of that - wow, some 25 years ago or so. /old
Does anyone else here remember when Golden Grahams came out with their s'mores variety. That stuff was to die for. They don't make it anymore, now they have that other smores crap. If you want the experience, get some golden grahams and a packet of hot cocoa mix with the mini marshmallows, mix with milk and enjoy.
bread's done