What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you?

Single event: almost drowned when I was 7.

Long term: Spent 6 months with a paranoid schizophrenic mother when I was 10 years old. She threw our TV out a second story window because she was afraid we were being watched through it. Had the cops called on us for other stuff being thrown out the window. Watched her try and cut her wrist with a dull knife. She aggressively interrogated me because she thought I was helping people watch her. I didn't really understand what was going on and it was by happenstance and my friends' parents and neighbors that my dad found out when I was visiting him that summer. Moved in with him and I've had very little to complain about in life since that. I'm very fortunate.
[quote name='Survivalism']I almost died once from being too fat. True story. So I lost 100 pounds and now I'm super sexy. Turn the negatives into positives.[/QUOTE]

That little paragraph has signature potential written all over it.
Almost drowned when I was 8.

Stabbed when I was 14.

Almost shot in a drive by. Then almost shot at a party where some dumb fuck decided to shoot up the damn place cause some guy pissed him off (almost got trampled in the mad rush to the doors).

Contracted Hepatitis C at birth.

Father died, cousin who has been more like a brother to me was left permanently disfigured by an ied while serving (this isn't really me but left me devastated for a while especially when his hand looked less like a hand and more like a bloated piece of flesh)

Abandoned by my mother and have not seen my sister in near a decade now.

But hey, not all bad I am going to graduate from the 9th best public school in the nation this year (knock on wood). Also have been with a phenomenal woman for the past 7 years of my life.
I was homeless as a teenager. It sucked really bad. I slept in my beater car and was harassed by cops for parking in nice neighborhoods. I had a day labor job that kept me barely above starving and kept gas in my uninsured car. My spanish got pretty decent though.

I joined the military after a couple of months.
[quote name='berzirk']I had told my 3.5 year old son I would take him to the pool. On the drive there he asked me how my "race" was going. That's what we referred to it as while I was in the hiring process. I told him I tried really hard, but for some reason I didn't win, so the race is over. He pauses for a second and says, "Did you try as hard as you could?" I told him I did. Then he says, "Well, I'm really proud of you, and I love you". Maaaan, where all that came from, I do not know, but I won't lie, it had me in tears for the rest of the drive to the pool. [/QUOTE]

Kids are great. On more than one occasion my 4-year-old daughter has really brightened my day by saying something like that.
Long story short... I guess I fractured a bone in my left arm (not sure which one, I was never really told) and didn't go to the doctor for three months when I was 13. I couldn't use it much, but I just hate doctors and avoid at all costs. So, from September until roughly November, the hospital up here said there wasn't much wrong with it... They drew fluid from it, took X-rays... Went to a different hospital, did a few tests, an MRI... Nothing. Went to a hospital down in Green Bay (bigger city) and they drew some blood and shot the white blood cells back in to see if they'd attack an infection... Don't really remember the results... Finally, they recommended me to the children's hospital down in Milwaukee around late January...

My dad and I get down there (about 180 miles away) on Monday, they start an MRI, pull me out, give me an IV, and tell me I'm staying there all week and getting surgery on Wednesday. They told my dad they weren't positive if it was an infection, but if it was, amputation may be necessary. So, they cut my elbow open, take out a bone chip, give me a PICC line, and wake me up. Later that night, in my room, as my dad is laying on the couch (he stayed on a small, hard couch the entire week with me) my heart stopped beating because I couldn't handle all the medicine they gave me. Brought out a defibrillator, and got me back to kickin.

Had one arm with a PICC line all wrapped up, and my other arm in one of those metal casts that you can take off, as I had to change the gauze every day. To this day, I still can't fully use my left arm, but it's still here. Had to quit playing bass because of it and switched to guitar.

Also, not terrible, but it really kind of screwed me up... My mom got transferred from Rockford, IL to Green Bay with her job in 1998. She moved up here while my dad took care of my brother and I for about three months down there, until we were able to move up here. So, we moved up here to a one bedroom motel room, my mom had the car so my dad had to walk to work in winter in Wisconsin... Well, she left us to live with a new guy. She got kicked out, so she came back with us. We were able to purchase a house, and she was... My mom. She had the cops follow her here, and when she continually refused to exit the car, they smashed the window and arrested her. That's when my dad said enough was enough and she found... Other guys. My dad raised myself and my brother, who wasn't even his child, but has been raising since he was about five.

When my brother turned 17, he hated rules and moved out, and has made increasingly worse decisions over the past ten years. I honestly don't hate those two for what they did to our family, but I look at them and see how I never want to turn out.

The bad things in life make you realize what it takes to live to the fullest and how to be the best you can. You don't take shit for granted, and everybody in here I'm sure have used the horrible situations they have been thrust into to better themselves.
[quote name='maykol']Being Idle is one of life's greatest tragedies. I really need to stop and say hello to someone[/QUOTE]
Ya me too. I really need to put down the games, take the earphones out of my ears, and go out and meet people. Unfortunately that's easier said then done.
I've had a couple of terrible miserable experiences,but I guess my worst was a car accident that scratched up my face and scared the shit out of me. My friend was driving and ran into the back of a car turning off.
Some of these stories sound a bit far fetched. I guess that's why we're gamers though. Sorry for not sharing mine, I would if I could.
[quote name='J7.']Some of these stories sound a bit far fetched. I guess that's why we're gamers though. Sorry for not sharing mine, I would if I could.[/QUOTE]

Which ones?

If anything, this makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who's gone through some shit. Some people... WOW if it's true.
[quote name='J7.']Some of these stories sound a bit far fetched. I guess that's why we're gamers though. Sorry for not sharing mine, I would if I could.[/QUOTE]

Meh, believe or don't believe. I just posted the bad stuff that happened in my life that I am comfortable posting.

I wonder what would be posted if someone created a anonymous confession thread.
[quote name='2DMention']Which ones?

If anything, this makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who's gone through some shit. Some people... WOW if it's true.[/QUOTE]agreed. I don't think we've reached the exaggeration stage yet.
[quote name='cindersphere']Meh, believe or don't believe. I just posted the bad stuff that happened in my life that I am comfortable posting.

I wonder what would be posted if someone created a anonymous confession thread.[/QUOTE]I guess so. I more or less consider this anon as it is but maybe others don't.
[quote name='Wolfkin']
I guess so. I more or less consider this anon as it is but maybe others don't.[/QUOTE]

I do too. If people really wanted to dig they could find you out, but it's unlikely.
with me it wouldn't even be hard but I bank on the security thru obscurity. When I get up to CheapyD on the C list internet celeb status maybe then I'll start shoring up my wholes. :ugh: that reminds me I need to start working on a new universal password for the new year. my traditional password is too short for many sites and it's annoying having to add numbers and stuff to other sites.
I've had a lot of bad moments in my life, but the worst moments are the ones most personal to me, so I'm not going to post them here.

One exception: When I was 10, I saw an indian man get hit by a car while crossing the street. He died in the hospital later that day.
bread's done