What's your job and how much you get paid per hour?

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[quote name='captainfrizo']1. We don't have to

2. It's something we don't want to disclose

3. There's no real reason to disclose it outside of everyone's curiosity

Personally, I'm more interested in what people do than what they make.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Broccoli Storm']A relative of mine started his own company which basically gathers all the salary information in different fields and sells neat summary packages so employers are able to keep track of trends, etc.[/quote]

That's a pretty good idea. Earlier last year one of the top firms in the city raised starting salaries for first years by $20,000. Within a month everyone in the city got the same raise. It was sweet!
I am a "Member Service" 'dude' at Costco. I'm that bastard at the front door checking cards and checking receipts as you leave. I also get $10.75 an hour and I've been there since August of last year. I calculated it and it's roughly $14,000 a year.

However, I'm attempting to get into a field that only takes 3 years of schooling, everyone needs, only works 4 days a week and I'd get approximately $70,000 a year.
[quote name='sonderiaom']However, I'm attempting to get into a field that only takes 3 years of schooling, everyone needs, only works 4 days a week and I'd get approximately $70,000 a year.[/quote]

Just started at Costco in August, making $10.25. I'm only working part time while I go to school, and once I graduate I plan to head to law school.
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']nursing?[/quote]

Naw, same location though, it's radiology. I basically became stagnant on my studies and I wasn't going anywhere so my aunt, who is a nurse is hooking me up with a guy who's really good at that and he's hooking me up.
Air Force Staff Sgt. working as a journalist/editor payed ona salary basis though. So my hourly rates suck when i work a lot of hours and are good when I have a lot of time off
[quote name='PKRipp3r']if it sucks we're holding you personally responsible[/QUOTE]

We're certainly doing the best we can given the time and resources we have. However, I am pretty pleased with how it has turned out. It's a very different kind of hack-n-slash, where technique and choosing your enemy and weapon are more important than mashing that button down fast. The PSP is a tough platform to work on, but I think we've made the best game we could have, and I think most people will be pleasantly surprised if they give it a chance.
[quote name='xeverex18']You should have made the game before everybody tried to sell off their PSP systems for 150. Maybe a PS2 remake will show a games true potential.[/QUOTE]

Trust me, ALL of us are wishing this were on the 360, as that's where this type of design should go. But I imagine that was a decision WB made a long time ago, and we've made the best of it. I do believe we are pushing the PSP hardware just about as far as it can go with regards to the amount of characters and animations seen on-screen at any time. We're tweaking the performance right now, and it should be running at a smooth 30 FPS by the time we're done.
Rona Home & Garden as a cashier. I make $9.35/hr in Canadian Dollars of course.

I made $13 an hour this summer working for a roofing company as a labourer.

I also run my own little business on the side video taping stuff. Mostly figure skating. I'm taping an ice show this spring I'll probably make around $5000 off of.
Are you ever ashamed that you call yourself a teacher? :whistle2:|

[quote name='ITDEFX']a co-worker of mine figured out how you can find out how much you make a year by the hourly amount.

so me it would be 10.00 (lets even it out) X 2=20.00$ X1000=20,000$ :(

or if you are salary and you make oh 56,000$ a year to figure out hourly it would be

56,000 / (divided) 1000=56 / 2 = 28 $ per hour :|

with the cost of living, house, car, spouse and kids, you need to be making like more then 35 dollars an hour or 70,000$[/quote]
I make 15.50 an hour putting computers together. When you factor in monthly bonuses, over time, vacations, PTO, free benefits and all that, its probably about 35-40k a year. I also just got a $1.25 raise. :bouncy: I'm also in the middle of MN, so on the coasts, I'd be making like... a million dollars or something.
[quote name='Kayden']I make 15.50 an hour putting computers together. When you factor in monthly bonuses, over time, vacations, PTO, free benefits and all that, its probably about 35-40k a year. I also just got a $1.25 raise. :bouncy: I'm also in the middle of MN, so on the coasts, I'd be making like... a million dollars or something.[/QUOTE]

I don't suppose this is a company that might also be looking for help in NY, is it? :D It's something I'd love to get into, but it's damn near impossible to get a foot in the door....
[quote name='Number83']COBOL Programmer...FTW![/QUOTE]

We had some mainframe apps die on us not too long ago and rather than get the Indians to do the work, we hired out 3 contractor positions to come in and rework the COBOL code for us.

Every one of them was over 60 years old, it was like the old folks home was suddenly giving Indian contractors a run for their money.

"$20 an hour? Hell I'll work for free hot coffee and someone to listen to my complaints about the world today!".

Cobol is still around, and will likely be for a long, long LONG time....your skills are valuable, just hunt for big companies..they all run mainframes that run Cobol.
All this talk about saleries as well as the fact that I'm tired of my current job makes me wanna find something better. I work at a restaurant that's not exactly fast food, but not fancy either. Making around $7 an hour as a shift leader has gotten old. Any suggestions for something computer, art related that I could find work for in a town of about 24,000 people? I'm currently attending college and majoring in graphic design. There's gotta be something better to be doing with my time. If you have any ideas, I'd really appreciate them.
I make about $8.50 as a "3rd-in-command" at a family-run sports merchandise store. I'm a poli sci major as well.
[quote name='Mike23']I make about $8.50 as a "3rd-in-command" at a family-run sports merchandise store. I'm a poli sci major as well.[/QUOTE]

I wanna say UofT, but that's cliche. I'll go with UWO or York?
[quote name='Mike23']I'm a poli sci major as well.[/quote]

Bad move man, you mentioned something related to college in a thread jPod was subscribed to - its all over now.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Bad move man, you mentioned something related to college in a thread jPod was subscribed to - its all over now.[/QUOTE]

shhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;)
[quote name='jlarlee']Air Force Staff Sgt. working as a journalist/editor payed ona salary basis though. So my hourly rates suck when i work a lot of hours and are good when I have a lot of time off[/QUOTE]

You're kidding, right? Maybe you control incredibly advanced military software that actually writes and edits for you, or something?

I work in the tax department for a major accounting firm, and I don't get paid per hour. That way I can still believe I'm making a lot of money when I'm working 80 hour weeks without overtime.
IT Tech Support WSU Chemistry Building 10.25 a month
Struggling Freelance Game review and commentary writer $25 a month
[quote name='defiance_17']You're kidding, right? Maybe you control incredibly advanced military software that actually writes and edits for you, or something?

I work in the tax department for a major accounting firm, and I don't get paid per hour. That way I can still believe I'm making a lot of money when I'm working 80 hour weeks without overtime.[/QUOTE]

it's called spell check in word and it is pretty handy. Sorry I don't think enough of you guys to spend the extra 3 seconds to fix shit. It is a message board get the stick out of your ass and lighten up.
[quote name='cagefighter']Same here.
SSgt Air Force
Pay I think is about 2.00 an hour if you figure deployments, excercises and such. Hell if you considder the fact that we are on call and duty 24/7 and can be called in at anytime maybe .001 an hour. lol[/quote]

somewhat the same here.
Sergeant in the Army. Hours are insane in the military, especially if you try to break it down to pay per hour.
[quote name='jPoD']Sounds interesting. I'll be a marketing major at BU. My ultimate goal is to work for the Red Sox or for a consumer products company (P&G). I have a good reference for P&G since my Econ. teacher worked for P&G for a while. Although that might entail moving to Cincy or another random place (He's lived all over), i'm up for it.
My cousin is a film major at SCAD. Def. heavy duty stuff. Unfortunately, it doesnt pay horribly well. Isnt BU's film supposed to be better than NU's? Not knocking NU, thats just what ive heard (although Emerson is the best in film in Boston).[/QUOTE]

Ya, it does not pay horribly well. That's partially why I've been taking marketing jobs as well so if worse comes to worse...

NU's film program is not strong, you are correct. And many people who came here for it left. But I personally stayed for two reasons:
1) I've been able to help start a Television Station here and sat on numerous boards and committees with university higherups to get things done, including giving all on-campus housing cable television. An experience that I no doubt could not replicate at an established film school.
2) The co-ops/internships have given me three oppertunities to work for 6 months in the field, so I'm graduating with a year and a half full-time work experience next year.

I have some friends who go to BU for film, and I wasn't really that impressed with their film program. I'd say it's about a step above ours, but it's a far cry from Emerson's (and Emerson is a far cry from FSU/NYU/USC (and all the other Cali schools who have really great programs)).

And a little interesting note for those of you who are wondering why I didn't just go to Emerson or another film school. Of my television station's original 6 person executive board, 3 people had applied to Emerson, and been rejected outright because they had no previous film experience... in high school. My high school had almost no programs outside of the traditional academics, so I went into my major with 0 experience in the field. Kinda sucks that they want a portfolio of your film/TV work before you even get there. But that's the way it goes.

Another neat thing: Joe Castiglione (The Red Sox Radio Personality) teaches a class called Sports Broadcasting at NU. I took it last year and it was really a cool class.
[quote name='lordwow']Ya, it does not pay horribly well. That's partially why I've been taking marketing jobs as well so if worse comes to worse...

NU's film program is not strong, you are correct. And many people who came here for it left. But I personally stayed for two reasons:
1) I've been able to help start a Television Station here and sat on numerous boards and committees with university higherups to get things done, including giving all on-campus housing cable television. An experience that I no doubt could not replicate at an established film school.
2) The co-ops/internships have given me three oppertunities to work for 6 months in the field, so I'm graduating with a year and a half full-time work experience next year.

I have some friends who go to BU for film, and I wasn't really that impressed with their film program. I'd say it's about a step above ours, but it's a far cry from Emerson's (and Emerson is a far cry from FSU/NYU/USC (and all the other Cali schools who have really great programs)).

And a little interesting note for those of you who are wondering why I didn't just go to Emerson or another film school. Of my television station's original 6 person executive board, 3 people had applied to Emerson, and been rejected outright because they had no previous film experience... in high school. My high school had almost no programs outside of the traditional academics, so I went into my major with 0 experience in the field. Kinda sucks that they want a portfolio of your film/TV work before you even get there. But that's the way it goes.

Another neat thing: Joe Castiglione (The Red Sox Radio Personality) teaches a class called Sports Broadcasting at NU. I took it last year and it was really a cool class.[/QUOTE]

Chapman, SCAD (where my cousin goes :)), NYFA, Ohio, Ithaca, etc. FSU is insane. 15 kids a year IIRC. They pay for everything you do too.

My cousin didnt get into FSU's program. He got into SCAD with a pretty nice $10K a year scholarship despite average academics. He did send them his portfolio which was QUITE good.

That's pretty cool about Joe. I gotta figure out a game plan to try to get an internship with the Red Sox. I took marketing at Temple University here this past summer and we got to spend an hour or two in the Phillies front offices talking to all the higher ups there. I asked about internships and all that. Basically, they both happened to NOT be business majors (one was chemistry, the other english). They said a business background cant hurt you and the most important thing is to get your name out there and apply for internships. So I guess that's what i'll do :)
[quote name='jPoD']Chapman, SCAD (where my cousin goes :)), NYFA, Ohio, Ithaca, etc. FSU is insane. 15 kids a year IIRC. They pay for everything you do too.

My cousin didnt get into FSU's program. He got into SCAD with a pretty nice $10K a year scholarship despite average academics. He did send them his portfolio which was QUITE good.

That's pretty cool about Joe. I gotta figure out a game plan to try to get an internship with the Red Sox. I took marketing at Temple University here this past summer and we got to spend an hour or two in the Phillies front offices talking to all the higher ups there. I asked about internships and all that. Basically, they both happened to NOT be business majors (one was chemistry, the other english). They said a business background cant hurt you and the most important thing is to get your name out there and apply for internships. So I guess that's what i'll do :)[/QUOTE]

Ya you'll find a lot of people end up in these careers like marketing and events and have degrees with nothing related to them.

Ya, FSU accepts I believe 25 undergrad and 25 grad each year out of a ton of applicants. I am applying to FSU's grad film program next year, but I'm not holding my breath. They interview their top 100 candidates (as in you have to fly down there and speak to the selection committee) and end up choosing 1/4 of them, at least for Grad school.

Scholarships are big, it's fair to say that I'm leaving my school basically in no debt, thanks to my jobs and scholarships, which is always nice to say when you go to a 38k/year school for 5 years.
That obviously wasnt sarcasm. It's kool. I understand that not too many other people appreciate academia the way I do, but no need to flip out chief...
[quote name='jPoD']That obviously wasnt sarcasm. It's kool. I understand that not too many other people appreciate academia the way I do, but no need to flip out chief...[/QUOTE]

No, Cindy...I'm *in* academia, and while I appreciate the vigor with which you're pursuing your education, it's just not topical to people's careers and wages.
[quote name='jPoD']That obviously wasnt sarcasm. It's kool. I understand that not too many other people appreciate academia the way I do, but no need to flip out chief...[/QUOTE]
Not a big Animal House fan, but the subtle commentary of Blutarsky's shirt sums up your love for "academia".

[quote name='mykevermin']No, Cindy...I'm *in* academia, and while I appreciate the vigor with which you're pursuing your education, it's just not topical to people's careers and wages.[/QUOTE]

Cindy? Cute. So you're a janitorial engineer right? As for what I do, it has nothing to do with mine specifically. I enjoy learning and reading about academia and helping people with their future plans. How it DOESNT correlate to careers/wages, I dont understand.
[quote name='Brak']Not a big Animal House fan, but the subtle commentary of Blutarsky's shirt sums up your love for "academia".



I love that shirt :p
[quote name='jPoD']

I love that shirt :p[/QUOTE]
A shirt that adorns the word "COLLAGE" would be funnier, I think.

You'd be surprised how many - uh - "collage"-goers spell it that way.
[quote name='Brak']A shirt that adorns the word "COLLAGE" would be funnier, I think.

You'd be surprised how many - uh - "collage"-goers spell it that way.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know dude. My friend's been spelling it like that for YEARS. Needless to say, he'll be goin to community college. Hopefully he sees the light and transfers like I told him to.

Hey Kev, if you're gonna talk shit, i'll talk shit back. Always.

EDIT: Oh, and 'classist' isnt a word...
EDIT 2: Well, it is, but it has nothing to do with what you meant. I think you meant classy. Classist is against cultures based on economic or social status. I wouldnt say that pertains to me.
[quote name='jPoD']Hey Kev, if you're gonna talk shit, i'll talk shit back. Always.

EDIT: Oh, and 'classist' isnt a word...[/QUOTE]He's just asking you to stay on topic... so can we stay on topic?
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']He's just asking you to stay on topic... so can we stay on topic?[/QUOTE]

No problem. Just dont make me the scapegoat for everything. Some people on this site are way too stressed.
[quote name='jPoD']EDIT: Oh, and 'classist' isnt a word...
EDIT 2: Well, it is, but it has nothing to do with what you meant. I think you meant classy. Classist is against cultures based on economic or social status. I wouldnt say that pertains to me.[/QUOTE]
You were classist right here, son:
[quote name='jPoD']Oh, I know dude. My friend's been spelling it like that for YEARS. Needless to say, he'll be goin to community college. Hopefully he sees the light and transfers like I told him to.[/quote]
If you need to go to a University to feel intelligent, so be it. Just keep in mind not everyone needs formal education to make it -- do you? If you do, what's that say about your character, and intelligence outside of the conformist, inside-the-box four walls of formal education and traditional, white middle-class societal dreams and delusions of grandeur?
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