What's your job and how much you get paid per hour?

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Part-Time Computer Tech / Full-time Student @ CSULB
I get paid $16.10 an hour / 15 hrs a week
Easy kick back Job till I graduate 5/2007 :)
USC - University Of Spoiled Children.

Alternatively, what do UCLA and USC students have in common? They both got into USC.
[quote name='JJSP']USC - University Of Spoiled Children.

Alternatively, what do UCLA and USC students have in common? They both got into USC.[/quote]

haha your funny. actually they dont. USC acceptance rate is 22% where as UCLA is 25% SC's average SAT score and GPA is higher than UCLA's. Also being white, I will never get into UCLA since I am also not asian or hispanic. Its the truth

And are you seriously saying that it is bad to be rich. I guess you would rather have less money and spend your money more wisely than having more moeny to spend, invest, etc. Think about it. You are basically saying it is bad to be rich
[quote name='mvick288']haha your funny. actually they dont. USC acceptance rate is 22% where as UCLA is 25% SC's average SAT score and GPA is higher than UCLA's. Also being white, I will never get into UCLA since I am also not asian or hispanic. Its the truth

And are you seriously saying that it is bad to be rich. I guess you would rather have less money and spend your money more wisely than having more moeny to spend, invest, etc. Think about it. You are basically saying it is bad to be rich[/QUOTE]

Good lord. You're not even in college.
[quote name='mvick288']haha your funny. actually they dont. USC acceptance rate is 22% where as UCLA is 25% SC's average SAT score and GPA is higher than UCLA's. Also being white, I will never get into UCLA since I am also not asian or hispanic. [/QUOTE]

Of course that would be the reason. After all, there aren't any white students at UCLA.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Systems Analyst for a Fortune 500 company. I make about $40 Thou a year.[/QUOTE]

You are severely underpaid mook.

[quote name='mvick288']haha your funny. actually they dont. USC acceptance rate is 22% where as UCLA is 25% SC's average SAT score and GPA is higher than UCLA's. Also being white, I will never get into UCLA since I am also not asian or hispanic. Its the truth

And are you seriously saying that it is bad to be rich. I guess you would rather have less money and spend your money more wisely than having more moeny to spend, invest, etc. Think about it. You are basically saying it is bad to be rich[/QUOTE]

Plenty of white kids get into UCLA. I had a counselor who majored in film at UCLA who happened to be white.

[quote name='JJSP']USC - University Of Spoiled Children.

Alternatively, what do UCLA and USC students have in common? They both got into USC.[/QUOTE]

Yeah yeah yeah...we've heard it all before. Lemme guess? CSUF? My friend got a $25K/year scholarship to USC. He's got money, lives in Santa Barbara but is extremely opposite of the stigmata.
[quote name='guyver2077']im suprised how many "high paid" cags are cheap asses

You definitely got enough funds...[/QUOTE]

Yes, but (for a lot of people) when you get to the point in life of a decent salary you end up with higher car payments, a mortgage, college funds for kids, etc. Getting stuff ready for tax time we realized we paid over 15 grand in day care tuition last year. That sucks.

Obviously just an example, it differs from person to person.

Plus, being cheap means being able to play more games.
[quote name='megashock5']Plus, being cheap means being able to play more games.[/QUOTE]

Im cheap and my family is well off. We dont have lavish amounts of money but we are well off. My dad says that were getting whatever we would get in his will, we are getting it now plus more with the amount of money he spends to give us a good education. I go to a $25,000 school and my sister pays is $35,000 after scholarships. He is always saying that going to school is my job and that will determine how much money and wealth I will have in the future. He would rather give us the money for education now so we do not have to have jobs during colleg so that we can focus on our education. You might ask, why do I not go to a Public School and save all that money? In Los Angeles there are absolutely horrible. They are overflood with illegals, monorities, gangs, bad teachers, bad school district leaders; you name something bad about schools, they have it. During my vacation one time, I went to a public school for one day. I live in a pretty wealthy neighborhood, and I was one of the only Caucasians. They do not trust anybody to have locker, although they have thousands of them, because of all the weapons people bring. Nobody is motivated, the teachers have no reason to car because the students are not interested in what they are teaching. There is quite a bit of violence and overall I feared my safety. Thus my father would rather have me recieve an education and get a lead on everybody going into college, by the time I am in college.
[quote name='mvick288']You might ask, why do I not go to a Public School and save all that money? In Los Angeles there are absolutely horrible. They are overflood with illegals, monorities, gangs, bad teachers, bad school district leaders; you name something bad about schools, they have it.[/quote]

What exactly does minorities have to do with the quality of a public school??? and what exactly makes having minorities in schools a bad thing??
My job: Stay at home dad. Income: The joy of hanging out with my one year old daughter. It's an awesome rewarding job.

I am currently getting my teaching certification.

This has been a fun thread to read to know all the different types of jobs we all do.
[quote name='mvick288']Because when you are a pretty well of white guy, who is also Jewish, its not exactly the most comftorable place[/quote]

so you're saying minorities are prejudice against rich white folks who are jewish. I am a minority and could care less about your money,race or religion. I think you and people who think like you are the problem with any school. These public schools are better off without you in them.
[quote name='mvick288']well you do not live in Los Angeles, where racism is very strong. Thats why a bomb was thrown in my temple?[/quote]

And i guess the guy who threw the bomb was a minority right, must have been? Let me ask you do you feel the same about jewish people who are not white.
[quote name='mvick288']Because when you are a pretty well of white guy, who is also Jewish, its not exactly the most comftorable place[/QUOTE]

In America several decades ago, Jews were considered to be as bad or worse as many of these "minorities" you speak of today.
This does not have to be about minorities. I just did not feel safe there. What minority are you? How would you feel if you were surrounded by people who are not like you, and do not like you. I have many friends who are minority.

More importantly I did not feel safe being around people who have guns and knives at school, and people who also take drugs and do alchohol. That is not a life I would like to be associated with.
[quote name='mvick288']This does not have to be about minorities. I just did not feel safe there. What minority are you? How would you feel if you were surrounded by people who are not like you, and do not like you. I have many friends who are minority.

More importantly I did not feel safe being around people who have guns and knives at school, and people who also take drugs and do alchohol. That is not a life I would like to be associated with.[/quote]

I am hispanic and have always been around all types of minorities from school to work and everywhere in between. Now just a wild guess maybe they dont like you because you are a racist, and maybe thats the same reason they are not like you. I dont even like you ,because you are racist.
Jews have been a minority for as long as they have been in existence. First we were slaves, then we were slaughtered(6 million just in the Holacaust, not to mention millions of other Jews in other countries during that time, and also the other people from religions who were killed.) Then we were unable to get a Jewish state for our people due to the hate of our religion. You realize how much it hurts us when people consider Palestine a state? You realize how horrible it is in Israel with all the damn Arabs shooting everyone and bombing places. I have no respect for them, and do not call me a racist for that because many people in my family have lost lives due to that as well as the Holacaust. So excuse me if you think I am a racist, but with everything jews have overcome, I suggest you take that back
[quote name='mvick288']This does not have to be about minorities. I just did not feel safe there. What minority are you? How would you feel if you were surrounded by people who are not like you, and do not like you. I have many friends who are minority.

More importantly I did not feel safe being around people who have guns and knives at school, and people who also take drugs and do alchohol. That is not a life I would like to be associated with.[/QUOTE]

I am a white Italian, thus not a minority, but your thinking is part of what's wrong with this country. You say you're not racist, but there is definitely some part of you that is.

And once again we are off-topic. I'm done in this topic unless it is going to be on-topic again.
Do you think I am a racist for saying that all the damn illegals should go back to Mexico? Becuase they do not deserve to be in our country that many fought for. The same way my parents fought to be citizens.

Am I racist for saying that for the most part only black people can play in the NBA?
And once again we are off-topic. I'm done in this topic unless it is going to be on-topic again.[/quote]

The board room is called CAG LIFESTYLE & OFF TOPIC
[quote name='mvick288']Do you think I am a racist for saying that all the damn illegals should go back to Mexico? Becuase they do not deserve to be in our country that many fought for. The same way my parents fought to be citizens.

Am I racist for saying that for the most part only black people can play in the NBA?[/QUOTE]


yes you are

you're also extraordinarily ignorant
[quote name='mvick288']Do you think I am a racist for saying that all the damn illegals should go back to Mexico?[/QUOTE]You think all illegals from Mexico?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Why the hell is a teacher making more than an assistant attorney general? Oh that's right, the assistant attorney general works in Guam.

I hate Guam. I wish my boyfriend would get the hell out of there. If he can make more as an entry-level teacher and get way better benefits then what the fuck is the point in him being there. Something tells me that US law firms wouldn't care about his experience in Guam because, well, it's Guam, even though he is getting a ton of experience..[/QUOTE]

Here in Gwinnett County, GA a new teacher starts out at, I think, $31K and of course, pay increases as time goes on plus if you advance your degree (masters, phd). Also, if you teach in Georgia for 30 years, you can retire and get 70% (I think) of the average amount of salary you made your 29th and 30th years teaching for the rest of your life. This fact alone makes me consider teaching more and more since if you teach for 30 years, get a phd, you'll end up close or over $100k a year, so $70K each year after retirement...Amazing. I love how the tweaked the GA Lottery to gather all this surplus money for education (HOPE Scholarship and teacher retirement plans).

Edit: Also, on the radio, there is an Atlanta PD seminar this weekend and they mention that starting salaries for Altanta PD is $38-41K depending on education. Again, this makes me wonder why I'm wasting my time trying to get an engineering degree.
[quote name='Dkellar']Here in Gwinnett County, GA a new teacher starts out at, I think, $31K and of course, pay increases as time goes on plus if you advance your degree (masters, phd). Also, if you teach in Georgia for 30 years, you can retire and get 70% (I think) of the average amount of salary you made your 29th and 30th years teaching for the rest of your life. This fact alone makes me consider teaching more and more since if you teach for 30 years, get a phd, you'll end up close or over $100k a year, so $70K each year after retirement...Amazing. I love how the tweaked the GA Lottery to gather all this surplus money for education (HOPE Scholarship and teacher retirement plans).[/QUOTE]

Coolness, thanks for the info. That is a really shitty starting wage, though the later benefits are very good. I doubt my boyfriend would want to be a teacher, but with an MA and a JD he could probably end up on the higher end of wages. He makes about $41k a year by the way.
no im talking all illegals. butmost come from Mexico. they do not deserve to be here. they are ILLEGAL. they have committed a crime, just like any other criminal. They also should go to jail for tax fraud-not paying it
[quote name='mvick288']Do you think I am a racist for saying that all the damn illegals should go back to Mexico? Becuase they do not deserve to be in our country that many fought for. The same way my parents fought to be citizens.

Am I racist for saying that for the most part only black people can play in the NBA?[/quote]

There are many other reasons that almost anyone would find you racist, and frankly you disgust me. Im done with this topic!!!
[quote name='mvick288']no im talking all illegals. butmost come from Mexico. they do not deserve to be here. they are ILLEGAL. they have committed a crime, just like any other criminal. They also should go to jail for tax fraud-not paying it[/quote]

i wish i made 30k + a year.. college wasn't the anwser for me.. possibly a tech school before i'm 25 (i'm 22 right now.. with an associates)

right now i make 8.00 an hour as a cook at a restaurant and i'm on my own and i can afford to live.. next month i'll be making 12 - 14 as a dell tech support person.. which will get me at least certified in something then i can look into other things as they arise.. i don't want a 50 hour a week job then have to find time for my hobbies.. i like them too much heh..
[quote name='mvick288']lionel hutz out of all ppl would agree with me[/quote]

You do realize I'm not really Lionel Hutz, right?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Coolness, thanks for the info. That is a really shitty starting wage, though the later benefits are very good. I doubt my boyfriend would want to be a teacher, but with an MA and a JD he could probably end up on the higher end of wages. He makes about $41k a year by the way.[/QUOTE]

I think I may be wrong about the starting pay rate for teachers. I found what I believe to be the pay scale but Acrobate isn't working on this computer. You can also make more if you become certified to teach gifted and AP classes. Plus, do remember that teachers do get summer and holiday breaks just as students and they accumulate sick days. My English teacher had enough 'sick days' to take four months off with pay since she had a baby and all.

Here's the site

You can probably have a PhD in nuclear physics and teach 1st graders how to finger paint and make $80K+ over time.
[quote name='javeryh']You do realize I'm not really Lionel Hutz, right?[/quote]

oo your not, i could have sworn a cartoon character goes on message boards and talks about videogames.
[quote name='javeryh']You do realize I'm not really Lionel Hutz, right?[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl:

I don't know what the fuck is going on here but that was awesome.
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