What's your stance on cursing/cussing?


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I personally don't cuss around people. Not even a "damn" or "hell" or "ass".

Sure, I can say it when I'm alone like if I forgot something at home..."Aww s***"

But online I will occassionally let some go...like some f-bombs if I get really pissed during an online game. And obviously the same goes for message boards.

I guess I'm fairly clean.

In public, I don't do it too often. Never cursed in front of kids because I think it's a bad habit to pick up at an early age.
I curse (like a sailor) only amongst my friends. People I've just met, classmates, colleagues, relatives are not gonna hear me cuss.
Only things i say are damn, ass, bastard, sob.

Dont really cuss, never have.
When im mad, or hurt myself, i usually just say garbled words, or just make random noises.
I actually don't do it very often, though I don't really have much reason to in my day to day life.

Online though, there's shit to get fucking pissed over. :twisted:
I can curse around my buddies no prob then when i am around parents or in a classroom I can drop it like a bad habbit. Cursing is only bad to the person who hears it, I frankly have no prob with it all as long as it not directed towards someone.
Between about 7-12 grade it was all "F this and F that"

Since then It's not quite as often, but I do use it when needed. Oh yeah, and when losing at video games too :D .
[quote name='nachzeher']I curse (like a sailor) only amongst my friends. People I've just met, classmates, colleagues, relatives are not gonna hear me cuss.[/quote]


I'm not too big on cussing in any kind of public place where someone else is gonna hear me either.
believe it or not, The_DeeJ has never cussed since he was 5 years old! (I didnt know any better back then)

I find other ways to express anger such as slamming controllers on the ground, and taking deep breaths when i'm angry.

I don't see much use for cussing anyways.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']I can curse around my buddies no prob then when i am around parents or in a classroom I can drop it like a bad habbit. Cursing is only bad to the person who hears it, I frankly have no prob with it all as long as it not directed towards someone.[/quote]

In my workplace, people cuss all the time...but I don't mind as long as it's not directed towards me. A lot of people ask me if I'm being offended because they never hear me swear. A lot of times, I'm unaffected.
I cuss like a motherf-----, so yea, I swear all the time, around friends, at school, i have no problems with it. I try to hold back but it sometimes doesnt work too well
I swear alot when driving. Californias are lousy drivers and I am swerving to avoid a collisions.
Cursing shows a lack of vocabulary; one should never do it. I'm kidding of course. You can curse as long as it is not incessantly! I seldom curse unless I really mean it.
I curse a lot, I enjoy it. I can usually keep it under control when I need to...except for that one time I went off in front of a cross country team while taking their photo...stupid camera.
i cuss like theres tomorrow around anyone, at least, anyone that isn't blood related to me. i will never cuss in front of my brothers, cousins, anyone that is family. i think of real cuss words as "fuck, shit, donkey-raping-shit-eater, bitch."
I'm the one who punched up the script of The Big Lebowski for the Coens. That should give you a general idea.
[quote name='Xevious']I swear alot when driving. Californias are lousy drivers and I am swerving to avoid a collisions.[/quote]

tell me about it. The only time times i get out of hand with my cussing, making up new words and combining old favorites and whatnot, is when i'm driving or playing videogames.
This is actually a really interesting topic for me.

Until college, I had never really sworn in school, but now I make movies for my classes that are full of swears. Also, TO THIS DAY, I have never sworn in front of my family. NOT ONCE. I also try to keep it clean around kids.

But when I'm around my friends, I cuss like a sailor. Its like some subliminal thing I have that keeps me in check.......weird...
Very rarely. I can deal withe hearing damn and ass, don't really wan't to hear s-word, f-word, or any of the other really rough ones. The Lord's name in vain is unacceptable.
[quote name='neocisco']Very rarely. I can deal withe hearing damn and ass, don't really wan't to hear s-word, f-word, or any of the other really rough ones. The Lord's name in vain is unacceptable.[/quote]

You do understand that God isn't your lord's name tho right. God is a title, like king or duke. His name is supposedly Jehovah. Oops sorry.
I only curse rarely. Ass, damn and hell aren't that bad when used moderately. The only problem I have is with people who have to use s-, f- and the n-word in every sentence they say. It's totally ignorant.
I don't like them in my WWII movies. I like to think of the allies as very articulate lads who never needed to say a naughty word. Thanks FCC! :) :) :) Can you add some puppy dogs and flowers to saving private ryan next time.
When I downloaded the Cat 4.12 ATI drivers that screwed up my computer I was swearing for the full 25 minutes it took to fix so I could play Half-Life 2.
Trying to cut it down - down to about once a week on average.

I just don't find any practical use - professionally or privately. It's just something that I picked up on.
I guess I'ved toned it down a bit. I was listening to some people who said F this and F that a lot in a conversation, and it made them sound "dumb" I mean, I will swear online at times.....no big deal. I try not to do it too much though.....
I swear consistently and without reservation, be it in general discussion or even (in the case of My political science course) formal essays. I believe profanity can liven even the most pedantic and trivial discourses, without sacrificing acedemic integrity. The onyl person who believes that an individual is automatically an "idiot" due to the amount of profane statements they make is nothing more than an inconsequential elitist. I fault no one for their appearance, only the way the live their life.
I swear, but not to the general public. I will here on CAG, and around close friends, but never outside of that. Oh yeah, and I swear around family as well.
Reality's Fringe said:
The onyl person who believes that an individual is automatically an "idiot" due to the amount of profane statements they make is nothing more than an inconsequential elitist. I fault no one for their appearance, only the way the live their life.

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