When will you buy an XBOX 360?

I, too, am waiting on the backwards-compatability issue. That's the make-or-break buy-it-at-launch point for me. Oh, and whether or not Perfect Dark Zero is available too.
If I cant get a pre-order, then I will wait till i can find a deal, or till the good reviews start pouring in
The first price drop I will get it. Usually thats what I do, I wait for the first price drop. By then the system will have a reputable library to choose from so the launch titles are cheap :D.
the only reason i'm getting the 360 (same reason i got the xbox) is b/c of the live service...if the ps3 had online as good as the live service, i would get that...
This time around it's tough to decide.

I got a DC at launch - the price was right, the launch lineup was good, and I was ready for next-gen.

I got a PS2 at launch, but not because I was hungry for more (I was quite happy with my Dreamcast). I had a Sony credit card at the time with enough points to be reimbursed for the price of it, plus EA sent someone at my work SSX and NHL for some reason and they gave them to me. All seemed to add up.

I had been thinking about the 'Cube, but didn't feel the need for a third console. After Sega pulled support for the DC and there was a lull in PS2 games, I picked one up. Little under a year after launch, when Mario Sunshine came out.

I never did get an Xbox. Mainly because I have enough to play with the systems I have (also have a DS and a PSP) and there weren't enough games I really wanted on it to justify it. (Not a bash, I have nothing against the system).

Who knows this time, I like the idea of one Nintendo console plus one more to catch the more mainstream stuff. I have to see how much price point are and what the launch lineups look like. However, if Sony comes in really high this time (as is rumored, for whatever it's worth) then there's a good chance I may get a 360 to supplement the Revolution.
I'm getting mine for Christmas. My mom is reserving me one tomorrow (I already asked the dude working there, and he says there are still more spots on the first shipment) and I will have to convince her to send it to me early, before Christmas.
What I dont understand is whether or not the titles it will be backwards compatible with...would have to be rereleased, or will it be the system catering to that specific software. Star Wars Battlefront II comes out mere days before the 360, and i'm not selling my xbox if I can't play Battlefront II...so the question in point would be...

Are games released after the XBOX360 lauch be compatible with the 360?

Will games released just before the XBOX360 Launch, be immediately backwards compatible, or will it take a while?

This is my deciding point for the 360
My roommate is ridiculously rich, so I can count on him picking it up at launch. All we play at school is Top Spin, so the new one will completely take over our lives for a while.
Thanks to the recent 50% trade-in deal at GS I have $467 in cred. on a 360 Po :bouncy:, first thing I'll do when I get home is call MS & get a 2 year warranty I learned my lesson after 4 Xbox's :roll:
[quote name='Ozzkev55']What I dont understand is whether or not the titles it will be backwards compatible with...would have to be rereleased, or will it be the system catering to that specific software. Star Wars Battlefront II comes out mere days before the 360, and i'm not selling my xbox if I can't play Battlefront II...so the question in point would be...

Are games released after the XBOX360 lauch be compatible with the 360?

Will games released just before the XBOX360 Launch, be immediately backwards compatible, or will it take a while?

This is my deciding point for the 360[/QUOTE]I heard from someone on this board that they would make patches available on XBL to play Xbox games on your 360. They may have been wrong but it made sense.

How did you go through 4 Xboxes? I've had one for about three years and it's just now starting to act up.
Check this BS out:

I went to GS to preorder my X360 last Saturday and the rep was saying that its better to buy it at launch since they will up the price after x-mas since they will be losing money with every system sold and the cheaper price will only be available for the holidays

Its like he was trying to sell it to me, but I was already decided that I was going to preorder it when I said "Hi, I want to preorder the XBOX 360"
I'll hopefully get the 360 on day 1 at Best Buy with a 2 year warranty. I already have 12 360 games reserved at Gamerush thanks to the 2 for 29.99 deal so I'll definitely be trying to get my hands on the system ASAP.

I'll probably never get the Revolution, unless one of my favorite franchises suddenly sign an exclusive agreement witht them (like Resident Evil with GC). Even then I can wait til it's 99.99 or less like I did with the GC.

PS3, I'll probably wait til' 199.99 or less. I've never liked Sony's main exclusive series like GT, Socom, etc... It also depends on the the Ninja Gaiden and Bioware rumors coming exclusively to PS3. I-8, Heavenly Sword, and Killzone 3 look interesting, though.
[quote name='chickenhawk']I'll get it when I can get it new for $40 like I did with the current Xbox. ;)[/QUOTE]

I too bought the current xbox for $40 new, and it came with JSRF/Sega GT and Rallisport Challenge. Of course, this was after trade-ins. :lol:

I'll probably pick up the 360 when it hits $200 unless I have the extra cash and there are at least 2 games I must have.
I'm usually against Xbox, but I'll probably pick this up at launch. It should be $300, right? I just have to reserve it soon along with a few games.
I can't believe so many people (in the topic poll anyway) are getting the 360 at launch. You folks must have hit some incredible trade-in deals to put together that much credit. I guess I'll be awaiting a price drop just like I did this generation. :cry:
At launch. And I don't even have to waste a dime on it or the two games I'm getting. Had my sisters preorder it for me as an early X-mas gift. :D
I'll wait till theres a game I just have to have that gets released to buy it, or it drops to around 200, whichever comes first.
I am leaning to the 200 price point though, cause I can't think of 1 game that would cause me to pay 100 extra for the system.

For ps3 Im going to wait for killzone 2 or a HUGE price drop, and make sure the reports of faulty systems has died down in order to pony up cash for another sony breakstation.
Hey I'm just curious, wasn't the first Killzone a total disappointment? Why are so many people looking forward to the sequel? I'm just asking, I've never played it.
I'm probably going to wait until I have a better idea of how well supported the Hard Drive will be.

... Since it is an optional component now, I'm guessing that it will only be supported by a few games a year. If the only other reason to get it is for backwards compatibility with my current Xbox games, I'll wait on the Xbox 360 for about two years.


I do not have a High Definition television. I actually... loathe most television programing, and we haven't used a TV as much more than a large console game monitor for six years now. I probably won't buy a HD TV until my current TV starts to break down.

I've /tried/ to enjoy playing Live over the last year and a half, and frankly... I hate multiplayer games. Because of the multitudes of /complete jerks/ out there, and the lack of cooperative games. Cooperative. Not team deathmatch. A team versus computer controlled and based objectives. I'd love to see more games like that, as people seem to act less... juvenile and annoying.

The Xbox we have now is the only console that my wife regularly actualy plays with as the Hard Drive makes saving and loading less of a hastle, and the load times are bareable for her.

So, as I do not have the capability to fully enjoy the visuals, do not have the mindset to enjoy the abuse that spews from Xbox Live, and cannot see how a neutered Xbox 360 will actually hold my wife's attention for long, I'm going to wait until a major pricedrop, and used cheap games are plentiful.

I know it's not a big deal for everyone, but hearing that the Hard Drive is an optional component pretty much killed my enthusiasm. I'll probably get a 360 eventually, just not in the forseeable future. It /is/ a good move by Microsoft, however, as far as business is concerned, and it makes me confident that there will still be a lot of competition in the console world.

Edited to add:

The saddest part of all this? My wife brought up the 360 tentatively to see if it was something I would enjoy as a birthday or christmas gift, and I had to explain that I had no interest in it at this point. Seeing the interest in her own eyes die as well was... rather sad.
You right want to reserve it this week. The 4 EB games in my area already each have or 80% of they first shipment reserved. They also said that within 10 days they will be sold out if not sooner. I reserved mine today to make sure that I get it by X-MAS!!
I'm curious if Xbox 360, PS3, or Revolution will have a game that will wow me enough to buy the system within the first year after launch. Something like when Soul Calibur came out for Dreamcast.

I haven't given Revolution any thought until recently and one thing that really appeals to me is that maybe I'll be able to finally play Secret of Mana (SNES) on that system.
In the spirit of CAG I'll wait until a price drop or until a few of the games drop down to around $25. I don't mind paying $400 for the system, but I've got a hard time forking out $50-$60 per game.
I'll probably call around a couple places on launch day to see If I can get one. If I can I more than likely will, if everyone is sold out I think I'll just wait for a price drop or a decent sale on the system.
[quote name='postaboy']PS3 - Launch
XBOX 360 - NOPE, xbox was a huge disappointment.

Yes, Xbox was a huge disappointment.... for Sony fanboys.
bread's done