Where were you when you first heard about the 9/11 attacks?

At home, listening to the radio and sewing- we'd just moved and didn't have TV set up yet. The radio announcer came on said, "for those just tuning in, the World Center is gone". My excact thought was "Holy Crap!... What's the World Trade Center?" My mom was crying when she got home from work.

We went out to dinner that might (9/11 is my sister's birthday) and the restaraunt staff largely ingored us to look at a small TV in the back... which was fine, it was a buffet anyway. I think maybe one other person was in there.

By the time we got the TVs set up and the cable going, they'd stopped showing the footage to avoid 'undue stress on the affected' or something. I still haven't seen it.
I was in Austin at the time, and riding the shuttle to my British literature class. I noticed that the shuttle had very few people compared to normal.

I got to class, and about a third of the class was missing. Estimation, of course, cause it was a class of about 400-500.

The Professor was late, and when he walked in, talked about people being worried about family members, and dismissed the class. At this point, I still had no idea what happened.

I went back to my apartment, and saw on the news what happened. I forgot if any of my 3 roommates were there at the time or not.

I remember my sister being scared, because she had just started work in a tall building, on like the 10th floor, but not in NY. That's about all I can recall.
I was doing coloring sheets in my sophomore biology class (don't ask, the teacher was weeeeiiiirrrrd). While we did these, he liked to turn on the tv so we could hear the news while we worked. Just happened to be right after the first plane hit and we watched everything afterwards.
bread's done