Which is the better shooter?

As far as exclusive shooters go the best is KZ2 by far. Your best bet at this point in time is going to be to wait for MAG though. I bought SOCOM day 1 and shortly got rid of it and then bought it again a month ago and dropped it another week later. I wanted BADLY for SOCOM to be the best out but it simply is not. Even with all the patches and improvements up to this point it still shouldnt be able to pass QA for a retail release.
Thanks for the advice everybody, just bought KZ2, loved the first Killzone so I should like this one.

I'll still prolly pick up the CODs, Resistence, Uncharted, etc - after the drought on PS2, the PS3 has done a great job of attracting FPS titles.
[quote name='camoor']Thanks for the advice everybody, just bought KZ2, loved the first Killzone so I should like this one.

I'll still prolly pick up the CODs, Resistence, Uncharted, etc - after the drought on PS2, the PS3 has done a great job of attracting FPS titles.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to Killzone 2! - Don't forget your headshot!
[quote name='Puffa469']I just jumped aboard the PS3 bandwagon with the slim last week.

So far I like the system alot, with one exception.

I simply cannot play a FPS with the dualshock controller.

I downloaded Resistence 2 and Killzone 2, so I could experience PS3 only shooters and see if they were worth a purchase.

I find these games to be unplayable on Sony's controller.

I know some of this is me, and I need to get used to it, just like I got used to the 360 controller after years of mouse + kb.

But compared to the 360 controller, the DS3 just feels light and cheap, like a toy.

Not trying to hate cos as I said, I love the PS3 so far for racing games and PSN games. It's just shooters I have an issue with.[/QUOTE]

I will never understand this. Having a preference is one thing, but unable to play? Really?

I guess I'm just amazing because I have no problems playing with either controller.

P.S. Not completely directing at you, tons of people make the same comment.
All are good. Killzone is fun, but rather slow paced. Resistance 2 is faster paced, but the much of the online community is in it's co-op, not competitive. SOCOM is...well, SOCOM. Same as the old ones, plus load times. I do suggest Warhawk though. It's rather cheap now and the community is still going strong. It'd be the cheapest one to purchase.
[quote name='Puffa469']I just jumped aboard the PS3 bandwagon with the slim last week.

So far I like the system alot, with one exception.

I simply cannot play a FPS with the dualshock controller.

I downloaded Resistence 2 and Killzone 2, so I could experience PS3 only shooters and see if they were worth a purchase.

I find these games to be unplayable on Sony's controller.

I know some of this is me, and I need to get used to it, just like I got used to the 360 controller after years of mouse + kb.

But compared to the 360 controller, the DS3 just feels light and cheap, like a toy.

Not trying to hate cos as I said, I love the PS3 so far for racing games and PSN games. It's just shooters I have an issue with.[/QUOTE]

I think that ALL OF IT IS YOU! There is nothing wrong with the PS3 controller design. Yes, I know that shooters may feel better on a 360 controller, but honestly, I use the PS3 controller all the time and I've never had a problem playing any game. Also, I can't say that using a 360 controller would (or ever has) given me any advantages to playing any game. The only thing I don't like about the 360 controller is that it uses batteries, and that the rumble on a 360 controller is NOT as good as it is on the Dual Shock, and/or DS3. It all comes down to preference.
[quote name='Thomas96']The only thing I don't like about the 360 controller is that it uses batteries[/QUOTE]

Oh, what does the DS3 use, an arc reactor?
[quote name='ohboy10451']killzone 2 clearly[/QUOTE]

Felt incredibly clumsy and the dialogue was laughable and embarrassing at best. Resistance all the way.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Felt incredibly clumsy and the dialogue was laughable and embarrassing at best. Resistance all the way.[/QUOTE]

*high five*
i only say Killzone purely for the graphics and action/visuals....i hated the way I felt 2 feet shorter than every other character in the game and also agree with the above comments
I'll put one down for the underdogs... RSV2, GRAW2 (online), Soon to be Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising.

Edit: Oh, exclusive to the PS3? none... they all FAIL. Especially... SOCOM
lol @ all the Socom Haters.... Everyone knows its gunplay is miles above anything else out for consoles...Malik Socom is more than fine now. Not sure what problems you were having
[quote name='smiggity']lol @ all the Socom Haters.... Everyone knows its gunplay is miles above anything else out for consoles...Malik Socom is more than fine now. Not sure what problems you were having[/QUOTE]

Considering that you recommended Facebreaker to someone in another thread, your opinion isn't worth much.
I've only heard bad things about Socom Confrontation. Its fan base is pretty pissed off about the bugginess that has plagued it. Not sure if they fixed it yet.

Something about Resistance 2 rubbed me the wrong way from the moment I started playing it, so I didn't put much time into it. Maybe it grows on people. I like the story a lot.

Killzone 2 was graphically pleasing, but generic in many ways. The controls were sloppy, and the single player was uninspired and monotous. Overall, the deal breaker for me were the sloshy controls, as it ruined the multiplayer experience for me.

All in all, Killzone 2 is definitely worth renting, and possibly Resistance 2. I'd recommend ignoring Socom Confrontation and getting MAG instead when it comes out. It's made by the true Socom developer.
Yah know... I tried to play and accept SOCOM for what it was, but when it's THAT bad of base system of functions it's kinda hard to keep shooting yourself in the foot. Also, I suppose when all you know is a shitty shooter game I guess it would be hard to know how bad it is compared to what else is out there in the world...

[quote name='bleak']Killzone 2 was graphically pleasing, but generic in many ways. [/QUOTE]

They killed any originality Killzone 1 had when they made 2.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Yah know... I tried to play and accept SOCOM for what it was, but when it's THAT bad of base system of functions it's kinda hard to keep shooting yourself in the foot. Also, I suppose when all you know is a shitty shooter game I guess it would be hard to know how bad it is compared to what else is out there in the world...

They killed any originality Killzone 1 had when they made 2.[/QUOTE]

I don't see how you guys can say that Killzone 2 was generic, and what exactly was so "original" about killzone 1 vs killzone 2. You make statments, but there's no explanation... how are you coming up with these conclusions... what game(s) does Killzone 2 emulate so closely?

I got KZ2 on the release date, and I didn't like the feel and responsiveness (or lack thereof) of the controls at that time. A recent patch helped give aiming a bit more responsiveness, but it never really sold me on the MP part of the game. SP was alright, not spectacular to others I played, nor memorable (hell, the only good instance that sticks from my memory is the Arc Cannon segment, which was brutally short imo).

I like Resistance 2 more, especially the MP aspect of it. Yeah, pretty generic (and as an 11 year old has told me, it looks like a mixture of CoD4 and Halo 3), but the arcade-yness of the control made it highly enjoyable and fun experience. Too bad most of the players moved on from R2 to KZ2, so the online matches and co-op are pretty lacking in some days.

SOCOM is a game I never played but wouldn't mind renting for a night or two just to see how it really performs. I'm not a big fan of CS-like FPS (non respawn games) so I'm really hesitant on picking up the game as a purchase.

As for MAG, I got into one of the betas for the game, and it's pretty alright too, albeit a tad on the generic side. Only thing going for it is the large player battles which is a selling point for me. It strikes a balance between R2, KZ2, CoD4, and maybe even SOCOM, but in doing so it makes the game feel highly derivative. But the game isn't even out yet and I haven't played the beta in a while, so thing could have changed.

You know what you should stay away from? MGS4 Online. Newbs are so underpowered, and the power gamers are essentially gods in that game.
Yeah, Killzone 2 was incredibly generic with its beautiful levels, enemies that actually used tactics like flanking and taking cover, a various amount of guns including a gun that shoots lightning, great boss fights, a challenging and very rewarding Elite mode, and the feel that you are taking part in an epic battle between the Helghast and the ISA. Yeah, very generic.
[quote name='TruthinessFC']You're responding to a troll...

Also, most of the hate SOCOM gets is based on the release game, not how the game plays now.[/QUOTE]

I'm not going to call the guy a troll, he has an opinion and I respect it... I just want to know if there is something behind it or is it really just a troll statement. So if they don't like the game at least have something to explain the statements... "its the worse game I seen" is just a troll statement, but sometimes there's more behind it.. sometimes its a troll... I just want to expose it for what it is.
[quote name='Thomas96']I just want to know if there is something behind it or is it really just a troll statement.[/QUOTE]

You don't find it odd that he is the ONLY one following me around defending his pathetic game... ? Why aren't all his Socom followers defending him? Hmm... Wow... I give up. Especially if I'm the one being called the troll...


When he says "good" were talking in terms of Socom...

[quote name='Thomas96']I don't see how you guys can say that Killzone 2 was generic, and what exactly was so "original" about killzone 1 vs killzone 2. You make statments, but there's no explanation... how are you coming up with these conclusions... what game(s) does Killzone 2 emulate so closely?[/QUOTE]

: Puts on flame suit: Well... play Resistance. play... ugh... CoD4. All the same crap. Why is that going to come off as a Troll statement because I'm in the minority. But... look at the players that play those games online too. That will tell ya a lot about the "majority".
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Yeah, Killzone 2 was incredibly generic with its beautiful levels, enemies that actually used tactics like flanking and taking cover, a various amount of guns including a gun that shoots lightning, great boss fights, a challenging and very rewarding Elite mode, and the feel that you are taking part in an epic battle between the Helghast and the ISA. Yeah, very generic.[/QUOTE]

Pasted below is the review I wrote after playing game. I just re-read it and still agree with it.

Killzone 2 Review
An average shooter with above-average graphics. Expectations were high for this shooter and unfortunately it doesn’t live up to the hype.

Even critics of the game have generally praised the graphics, but they are not without fault either. The good aspects are the realistic motion of the enemies, the lighting, the atmospheric effects, and the weapons. On the downside, the environments are subdued and monotonous, and after a while, one begins to notice a distinct lack of variety. Also, I’d like it if the Helghast heads would explode. In the end, they’re the best graphics you’re going to find on a console, but mind you that both consoles are employing graphics tech several years old.

As for the gameplay, it’s not very good. The controls are sluggish and imprecise. In short, they don’t do what you feel like they should. This becomes especially glaring due to the constant duck and cover strategy of the enemy AI. It’s frustrating and difficult to aim at them behind cover, which makes the duck and cover mechanic not very fun. Enemies have no other strategy than to hide behind things. This may be realistic, but more visceral gunning down of hordes of enemies would have been nice. Moreover, the guns are uninspired and with few exceptions provide little reason to play with anything but the stock assault rifle.

There’s an obvious amount of scripting in the way the levels unfold, but they always unfold the same way. There’s no sense of real progress in the story, like in – dare I say – Call of Duty 4. One simply moves from one stage to the next, doing exactly the same things – shooting glowing eyes behind the remnants of their blasted society. Finally, the ending is frustratingly unsatisfying. After a mere 7.5 hours, one finds themselves at the end of the story, which in fitting fashion culminates its non-story with a non-ending. I won't spoil it for you.

All in all, I’ve owned the game for 3 days and I traded it in today for a cool $45. Was it worth the $15? Sure, or just rent it for $10. The multiplayer, thanks to the poor controls, was not particularly fun and did not offer a compelling reason to keep the game after the single player campaign was done. Neither does the incentive of collecting briefcases of “Intel” or shooting Helghast “Medallions.” These are simply hastily thrown in additions to add replay value for those with OCD. Thanks but no thanks.

Overall: 8/10
Worth a play-through, but not a game that anyone will still be playing when a shooter with better graphics comes along.
I really don't understand all the hate for KZ2's controls. It only took me a couple hours to get use to. I couldn't imagine the game having the controls/aiming of R2. KZ2 is at a much slower pace and its controls fit it. Also, I don't suggest staying behind cover + aiming to take out enemies. I beat Elite mode by always being on the move. Oh well.. To each his own.
Took me like 2 minutes to get used to the controls. I don't know why people have such a problem with them.

If anything, KZ2's biggest fault is that your character shrinks throughout the campaign :bomb:
I have them. I'd say they make the PS3 controller better but the problem is on most FPS or shooting games you can't even use the triggers to begin with so it's kinda a waste anyway.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I have them. I'd say they make the PS3 controller better but the problem is on most FPS or shooting games you can't even use the triggers to begin with so it's kinda a waste anyway.[/QUOTE]

Oh. All I have is Bioshock, I was thinking they could definately help out after I beat the game on easy.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I have them. I'd say they make the PS3 controller better but the problem is on most FPS or shooting games you can't even use the triggers to begin with so it's kinda a waste anyway.[/QUOTE]

What FPS can you not use the triggers?
Well... it's nice then but it still don't change the fact that even my fav game RSV2 is worthless on the PS3 along with the DS3.
the triggers on the DS3 are pretty much shitty...i forgot what game i played (KZ2?) but it didnt even use the triggers to fire.....i bought those trigger things from gamestop and uit has made a HUGE difference
It VERY MUCH depends on the TYPE of game you like.

Thinking of online only: (SOCOM has no offline mode)
Resistance: non-tactical, arcade, earn weapons/abilities.

Killzone: graphically amazing, semi-tactical, earn weapons/abilities, class-based action

SOCOM: Everything is open to you from the start of the game, third-person perspective, most realistic of the 3

SOCOM is now in a very functional state as a result of heavy patching. It is personally now my favorite of the three, although K2 and R2 are both close.

All three are just very different types of games, in my opinion. R2 is unrealistic altogether, with abilities beyond human. Killzone is a futuristic fictional world, but abilities are grounded in reality/technology to some extent. SOCOM is real-world. You won't be invisible in this one except by your camoflouge and good hiding spots.

I personally have been playing SOCOM most lately. I keep picking up R2/K2 occasionally, but it's mostly b/c I haven't gotten all the trophies, and a few of them take a looooong time/a lot of effort in those games. SOCOM's trophies I've already admitted I may never achieve, haha. But because of its realism, and tactical orientation, it's my choice currently. Not to mention many people bought the bundle meaning voice chat is much more common in SOCOM than other PSN games.

As far as single player goes, neither R2/K2 is clearly better. I honestly am more of a multiplayer gamer. Same claims apply about realism/fiction as with multiplayer though. Arcade gamers should pick up R2. Realism gamers should pick up K2. But I still favor SOCOM most personally, haha...it's just a much tougher game than the others.
If my Target would drop the damn price of the Socom bundle to $13 like they're supposed to I'd try Socom... I have two copies hidden behind some really hideous looking radio that no one will ever conceivably want to buy.
I've been playing a lot of Socom ( alot more than usual) and I like it more than Call of Duty 4, because its more realistic... (more practical may be the right word) I think the perks (especially juggernaut) kinda destroy the realism of COD4. I don't like the fact that if you're "SHOOTING" someone at close range (online) that they can still use a knife to instantly kill you. If you get shot in Socom while shooting it actually effects your aim. Also the game has larger battles... plus it only takes a couple of shots to kill someone in Socom.

But I love em all, K2, R2, COD4... its really depends on what mood you're on.

I wish they would have a hoard mode on R2 and just let you kill waves of enemies... yes they do that.. but its limited.. I'd like to see it keep coming.
Man, I don't know what it was about Killzone 2, but I absolutely hated it. I got exactly one trophy and then gave up on it. I just loved Resistance 1 and 2 so much more. Killzone 2 just felt so clunky to me, and I couldn't get the aiming right at all.

It felt like they were trying to be too realistic (well, as realistic as a Sci-Fi shooter can be), and in doing so just stopped being fun. I'm just not a fan of all this uber-realistic stuff.
bread's done