Which Picture Represents Emo?


For further analysis, consult Degrassi high. Not the new one.
Well people have natural eyes like that.

Emotional people is all over the place.

Leave the Ostrage out of this.

Also hey who really cares about what people is what we are all children of Adam and Eve do we really need to care about anybody looks.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Leave the Ostrage out of this.[/QUOTE]Okay, I have no idea what an ostrage is or is supposed to be. Outrage? Ostridge maybe? I googled ostrage and got a weak urbandictionary entry for cocaine?

I don't get this emo stuff. When I was a kid, it was all about grunge.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']Well people have natural eyes like that.

Emotional people is all over the place.

Leave the Ostrage out of this.

Also hey who really cares about what people is what we are all children of Adam and Eve do we really need to care about anybody looks.[/quote]shut the fuck up
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I can't believe you're showing your face around here without an update on the girl situation, The Don.[/QUOTE]Yeah well, nothing much has happened. I can tell she doesn't like me. At least in the gf/bf way. I still think she is the perfect girl, but for some reason my attraction for her has gotten very weak. I guess it's because there wasn't much response from her. Oh well. The unrequited love is a perfect reason for me to be emo.
[quote name='The Don']Yeah well, nothing much has happened. I can tell she doesn't like me. At least in the gf/bf way. I still think she is the perfect girl, but for some reason my attraction for her has gotten very weak. I guess it's because there wasn't much response from her. Oh well. The unrequited love is a perfect reason for me to be emo.[/QUOTE]

posting from jail yet?

Also hey who really cares about what people is what we are all children of Adam and Eve do we really need to care about anybody looks.

Wurds of wizdom!
[quote name='The Don']Yeah well, nothing much has happened. I can tell she doesn't like me. At least in the gf/bf way. I still think she is the perfect girl, but for some reason my attraction for her has gotten very weak. I guess it's because there wasn't much response from her. Oh well. The unrequited love is a perfect reason for me to be emo.[/quote]
It's good to know you're back to masturbating.

And as for op, I remember back in the days when I went to high school. Emo's werent invented yet but we had people that could be described as their progenitor. What did we call them again ... Oh yeah! Douchebags! I'll never forget the first time someone tried to explain to me what emo was (this was back in 2000) and I was told it was "emotional hardcore". I loled.
[quote name='Maklershed']It's good to know you're back to masturbating.

And as for op, I remember back in the days when I went to high school. Emo's werent invented yet but we had people that could be described as their progenitor. What did we call them again ... Oh yeah! Douchebags! I'll never forget the first time someone tried to explain to me what emo was (this was back in 2000) and I was told it was "emotional hardcore". I loled.[/QUOTE]Ummm, noooo. I still don't masturbate.
[quote name='The Don']The unrequited love is a perfect reason for me to be emo.[/quote]

You're not emo, you're just pathetic. Although I guess there isn't much of a difference between the two.
[quote name='thespillcanvas']You're not emo, you're just pathetic. Although I guess there isn't much of a difference between the two.[/quote]

[quote name='RegalSin2020']Well people have natural eyes like that.

Emotional people is all over the place.

Leave the Ostrage out of this.

Also hey who really cares about what people is what we are all children of Adam and Eve do we really need to care about anybody looks.[/quote]

Well, if one shouldn't care how another looks, why don't you go bang that toothless crack ho on the corner while wearing your bullet proof vest. Oh wait, no need to go to the corner, its your mother...my bad...
[quote name='mykevermin']

For further analysis, consult Degrassi high. Not the new one.[/quote]

Bauhaus are emo? Since when? Emotive, yea, sure, but they're not really hardcore about it.
Scene kids annoy me to no end. It's funny to watch them get crushed at hardcore shows though.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Bauhaus are emo? Since when? Emotive, yea, sure, but they're not really hardcore about it.
Scene kids annoy me to no end. It's funny to watch them get crushed at hardcore shows though.[/QUOTE]

Please. Emo is just goth that's been fucked in the ass by James Taylor.
[quote name='mykevermin']Please. Emo is just goth that's been fucked in the ass by James Taylor.[/quote]

I've been thinking about this off and on for a while.

EMO is for indecisive tweens. In (my) HS there were 3 "camps": the goths, the skaters and the preps. Goths were basic blacks and dreary. Skaters were all about pot, baggy cloths and an all around aloof attitude. Preps were all trends all the time.

EMO is the result of members of these divergent factions 'growing up' getting older and feeling like they missed out on something cool from one of the other teen sects. So they just raped all three and vomited them into one self-abusing, acting-like-I-dont-care, it was cooler when I did it 2 weeks ago facist regime of total wankers.
[quote name='d00k']You shouldn't categorize people like that :mad:

You should categorize them like this! It's much easier!

[/quote] lol,:rofl:lmfao:rofl:
[quote name='mykevermin']Please. Emo is just goth that's been fucked in the ass by James Taylor.[/quote]

All I know is I'd rather listen to some real emo than some real death rock.

fucking whiney bastards all around, but at least the emo bands have some edge.
[quote name='d00k']
You should categorize them like this! It's much easier!


Ok, as a fag, I'm offended by this. Not because you used the term fag, but because you grouped the emos with us. On behalf of the gay community, we do not want them either.
[quote name='wbc1228']ahhhhhhhh......

none of the above.
I think you forgot to add the letter l to it.
Now it kind of make sense.


Wouldnt you love to see him go emo?
[quote name='Kayden']I've been thinking about this off and on for a while.

EMO is for indecisive tweens. In (my) HS there were 3 "camps": the goths, the skaters and the preps. Goths were basic blacks and dreary. Skaters were all about pot, baggy cloths and an all around aloof attitude. Preps were all trends all the time.

EMO is the result of members of these divergent factions 'growing up' getting older and feeling like they missed out on something cool from one of the other teen sects. So they just raped all three and vomited them into one self-abusing, acting-like-I-dont-care, it was cooler when I did it 2 weeks ago facist regime of total wankers.[/quote]

Yes, one of the best explanations of emo I've seen! :applause:
Hey RegalSin2020, I could tell that post was yours without even seeing your name attatched to it. After reading a couple of your last posts and some deductive thinking I have a question for you>

Are you by chance a monkey?
[quote name='sheepboy_1923']Ok, as a fag, I'm offended by this. Not because you used the term fag, but because you grouped the emos with us. On behalf of the gay community, we do not want them either.[/quote]


Emo: because being in a comfortable socio-economic class is too fucking banal for the likes of my Sartre reading, bull-shit spewing, guitar strummin, clove smokin' self.
The don, I don't understand why you always either try to look stupid by your posts or is this the real you. I mean i'm always the odd person of the group but even I think you're nuts.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']If I were to guess what "Emo" is supposed to be... I would guess this picture best represents it.
I would be emo if I lived in Baltimore myself.
[quote name='sheepboy_1923']Ok, as a fag, I'm offended by this. Not because you used the term fag, but because you grouped the emos with us. On behalf of the gay community, we do not want them either.[/quote]
LOL! I don't blame you. So, because of the new information brought to my attention, I have adjusted the chart to make it more accurate.

[quote name='d00k']LOL! I don't blame you. So, because of the new information brought to my attention, I have adjusted the chart to make it more accurate.

No one thinks you or your chart are funny. Just stop.
[quote name='thespillcanvas']No one thinks you or your chart are funny. Just stop.[/quote]

What he said. :roll:
bread's done