Which PS1, PS2 games should you NOT play on a PS3?

[quote name='oasisboy']This issue should have never happened in the 1st place. At least they fixed this. Shouldn't Sony give us credit for a free ps2 game for making us suffer with the ps2 games running on the ps3? At least a coupon for $10 off for God of War 2 :lol:[/quote]

You wish :) but you are right, this should have been a part of the launch day firmware. Especially since Sony advertise the BC for the full library of PS2 and PS1 games right out of the box. Too bad they didn't warn us that the games would look like ass on our HDTV's. Hopefully we will see more major updates to address BC issues and improve DVD playback. If Sony can keep improving BC then it can have an advantage over the 360. Less face it, what is the use of PS3 BC if it looks worst than just using our regular old PS2's on our non HDTV's.
[quote name='mykevermin']TGet over yourself, and be glad that they managed to get this taken care of within two months of the console's availability.[/quote]

Get over myself and be glad Sony fixed this? Uhh, Sony had the obligation of fixing this on day 1. Two months seems like an obscene amount of time to respond to this issue. Didnt Sony have enough time to release the ps3 with 1.5 firmware already on it? Sony knew they had an issue before releasing the console but they didnt give a crap. I mean, come on, dont they have a testing team that makes sure everything is ok with the console? Jeez... you need to get over yourself with those smart remarks...
[quote name='oasisboy']you need to get over yourself with those smart remarks...[/QUOTE]

I'm too busy having fun playing Panzer Dragoon Orta and the last two Prince of Persia games on my 360. Oh, wait...no I'm not because they don't play on it, along with about 500 other Xbox titles.

Look, I want a system that can play everything in 1080p, cook me dinner, and do my laundry...but it's not gonna happen. The fact of the matter is that this is a problem that is vastly overstated by virtue of people's disposition towards hating Sony for any number of reasons. Let me put it to you this way: where's my Wii News Channel? Where's all the VC titles I want to play? Why couldn't I multitask on my 360 at launch? Why could I only play about 8% of my Xbox games on my 360 at launch?

Every system will have growing pains as it evolves. The complexity of modern consoles, and now the virtue of backwards compatibility, have made that a damn-sure occurrance. Again, you were outraged when it flipped a handful of pixels, and now you're not happy that they didn't release it at launch. When I say get over yourself, I mean shut the shit up and be happy that it's fixed.

I knew that the moment I saw the post I quote in my signature, that it was a staggering work of genius.
[quote name='mykevermin']

1. I'm too busy having fun playing Panzer Dragoon Orta and the last two Prince of Persia games on my 360. Oh, wait...no I'm not because they don't play on it, along with about 500 other Xbox titles.

2. The fact of the matter is that this is a problem that is vastly overstated by virtue of people's disposition towards hating Sony for any number of reasons.

3. Why couldn't I multitask on my 360 at launch? Why could I only play about 8% of my Xbox games on my 360 at launch?

4. Again, you were outraged when it flipped a handful of pixels, and now you're not happy that they didn't release it at launch.

5. When I say get over yourself, I mean shut the shit up and be happy that it's fixed.

6. I knew that the moment I saw the post I quote in my signature, that it was a staggering work of genius.[/quote]
1. Microsoft never promised 100% title BC compatibility. This was stated months before the release of the 360. Sony on the other hand promised 100% backwards compatibility with ps1 and ps2 games. Now, you should've been smart enough not to sell your xbox because you knew that most xbox games were not going to work on the 360. If you cant play Prince of Persia, then itis your own dumb fault because you knew better.

2. Vastly overstated problem? I checked the Sony messageboards and plenty of people were complaing about this issue. And these were hardcore Sony fanboys. Ign.com complained, Kotaku complained, tons and tons of sites talked about the issue. Yet, all of these people (according to you) are Sony haters...

3. Microsoft never said that you were going to be able to multitask on day 1 and they never promised 100% backwards compatibility.

4. Yeah, my ps2 games looked pretty bad on the ps3. I couldnt play Sly 3 because of this issue. And yes, it took almost 3 months for this to be fixed. This is too much time to wait considering that Sony knew about this.

5. Ahh, the famous "shut up because I am right" answer. Very constructive criticism.

6. Yeah, this is the work of a geniuos / quote of the year: "When I say get over yourself, I mean shut the shit up and be happy". Did you steal this from the Sopranos? :lol:
Well, technically the PS3 was 100% compatible (aside from games requiring special controllers). The graphical issues shouldn't have been there, yes, but they didn't prevent you from playing the games. And I'll have to say that after the update while I can see that the "stair stepping" effect on some text and graphics is gone, it's not really that huge of a difference. I still don't see what all the outcry was about.
You didn't look at my signature, apparently. Find my first post on this page; it's there.

My point is that you ought to shut up because it's clear that nothing is going to make you happy. You weren't happy when the games didn't look perfect, and you'll still complaining now that it's fixed.

My question to you, then, is this: what can Sony do to make you happy?
[quote name='mykevermin']

My point is that you ought to shut up because it's clear that nothing is going to make you happy. You weren't happy when the games didn't look perfect, and you'll still complaining now that it's fixed.

My question to you, then, is this: what can Sony do to make you happy?[/quote]
One thing you need to learn is to never tell anyone in a messageboard to shut up because this is a messageboard and people have opinions (like them or not).

I am not complaining about the BC issue anymore (I am happy they fixed the issued). All I said is that Sony should go the extra mile and offer a $10 discount for a game or something like that. They don't have to, but it would be nice for Sony to say: Hey ps3 customers, sorry for the glitch but to compensate here is $x.xx coupon for a ps3 game. At least Microsoft extended the warranty for the 360 console.
[quote name='oasisboy']I am not complaining about the BC issue anymore (I am happy they fixed the issued).

All I said is that Sony should go the extra mile and offer a $10 discount for a game or something like that. They don't have to, but it would be nice for Sony to say: Hey ps3 customers, sorry for the glitch but to compensate here is $x.xx coupon for a ps3 game.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough on the first part.

As for compensation, we'd all be independently wealthy if we were remunerated for each and every glitch we encountered.
[quote name='mykevermin']
As for compensation, we'd all be independently wealthy if we were remunerated for each and every glitch we encountered.[/quote]\

restaurants give you free desert if they mess up on your order :lol:
[quote name='oasisboy']
I am not complaining about the BC issue anymore (I am happy they fixed the issued). All I said is that Sony should go the extra mile and offer a $10 discount for a game or something like that. They don't have to, but it would be nice for Sony to say: Hey ps3 customers, sorry for the glitch but to compensate here is $x.xx coupon for a ps3 game. At least Microsoft extended the warranty for the 360 console.[/QUOTE]
With that kind of logic Microsoft should buy you an xbox game everytime they update BC
[quote name='oasisboy']\

restaurants give you free desert if they mess up on your order :lol:[/QUOTE]

But if you complained TOO much, they'd give you the "special" chocolate sauce. :lol:
[quote name='oasisboy']At least Microsoft extended the warranty for the 360 console.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, they extended it to match what Nintendo and Sony were giving from the start. Not really something to praise them for IMHO.
[quote name='oasisboy']Microsoft never promised 100% title BC compatibility. This was stated months before the release of the 360. Sony on the other hand promised 100% backwards compatibility with ps1 and ps2 games. Now, you should've been smart enough not to sell your xbox because you knew that most xbox games were not going to work on the 360. If you cant play Prince of Persia, then itis your own dumb fault because you knew better.[/QUOTE]

If we are going off of what was promised, then Sony didn't really do anything wrong either. Personally, I think both MS and Sony need to get to working on BC, but Sony did just say the games were compatible, and since we are holding them to their word, they did live up to it. If we are not going by what was promised, then I agree with you. Both Sony and MS have done a poor job with BC.
1. Microsoft never promised 100% title BC compatibility. This was stated months before the release of the 360. Sony on the other hand promised 100% backwards compatibility with ps1 and ps2 games. Now, you should've been smart enough not to sell your xbox because you knew that most xbox games were not going to work on the 360. If you cant play Prince of Persia, then itis your own dumb fault because you knew better.

You keep claiming Sony promised 100% backwards compatibility when they never did. Still waiting to see a link where you have someone from Sony and not a 3rd party saying the system was going to be 100% at launch.

P.S. Microsoft should buy us all new HD TV's since they couldn't get the 360 outputting in 1080P at launch like they wanted too.
[quote name='MadFlava']You wish :) but you are right, this should have been a part of the launch day firmware. Especially since Sony advertise the BC for the full library of PS2 and PS1 games right out of the box. Too bad they didn't warn us that the games would look like ass on our HDTV's. Hopefully we will see more major updates to address BC issues and improve DVD playback. If Sony can keep improving BC then it can have an advantage over the 360. Less face it, what is the use of PS3 BC if it looks worst than just using our regular old PS2's on our non HDTV's.[/quote]

Umm its already fixed for every game. All they have to do is get a handful of games working now. Mainly games that use various special controllers.

Oh and Oasisboy why do you pop into every thread and start bashing Sony and praising Microsoft? No one here even talked about comparing the 360 to PS3 and yet you have to pop in and start going on with the same rant you always do. Seems alot like trolling.
I never understood the logic behind trolling. It's fine if you don't like the PS3. It's fine if you like the 360. But to spend a lot of time on the PS3 board praising the 360 when you could actually be playing the thing, thats just stupid.

And, as far as I remember, we were never promised 100% BC. We were promised some sort of BC, and that was it. I guess everyone assumed it was 100% (although they did come extremely close).
Sony's official stance was that the PS3 would play nearly every PS2 and PS1 game. Just like how the PS2 could play almost every PS1 game. They also never said that the system would play it without errors or artifacts.

I'm a business major so i always like to analyze what the company's are telling you because they can word their releases to basically mean anything they want. If you actually start breaking apart press releases you'll find it pretty intresting what they AREN'T saying.
[quote name='Brian9824']Sony's official stance was that the PS3 would play nearly every PS2 and PS1 game. Just like how the PS2 could play almost every PS1 game. They also never said that the system would play it without errors or artifacts.

I'm a business major so i always like to analyze what the company's are telling you because they can word their releases to basically mean anything they want. If you actually start breaking apart press releases you'll find it pretty intresting what they AREN'T saying.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I've noticed that. Alot of the "lies" that come from companies are actually just half truths. They say something and conveniently try and misconstrue the message so it sounds better than it really is. Sorta like when Sony "promised 1080p and 120FPS". In actuality, all they said is the PS3 is capable of it, they never said that any games would support it. Kind of shady, but what large business isn't shady these days.
[quote name='oasisboy']1. Microsoft never promised 100% title BC compatibility. This was stated months before the release of the 360. Sony on the other hand promised 100% backwards compatibility with ps1 and ps2 games. Now, you should've been smart enough not to sell your xbox because you knew that most xbox games were not going to work on the 360. If you cant play Prince of Persia, then itis your own dumb fault because you knew better.[/QUOTE]
Please provide proof that Sony promised 100% BC because I sure don't remember it that way.

And as far as BC, the PS3 does it a hell of a lot better than the 360 does. You shouldnt even be comparing them because the 360's BC is shit compared to the PS3's.
[quote name='Brian9824']Sony's official stance was that the PS3 would play nearly every PS2 and PS1 game. Just like how the PS2 could play almost every PS1 game. They also never said that the system would play it without errors or artifacts.

I'm a business major so i always like to analyze what the company's are telling you because they can word their releases to basically mean anything they want. If you actually start breaking apart press releases you'll find it pretty intresting what they AREN'T saying.[/QUOTE]QFT. That's what I heard myself and that's what I expected. I expected some games to have issues. If anything, I'm very impressed with what Sony did, because I can play most all my favorite PS1/PS2 games on PS3 without issues (along with transferring their datasaves), unlike having limited BC (with next to no games I like) and not being able to transfer datasaves (which would keep me from using BC, since I don't want to start all over).

I'm about ready to give up my long streak of playing my PS2 1400+ days in a row, and just play the games on PS3.
[quote name='Brian9824']

1. You keep claiming Sony promised 100% backwards compatibility when they never did. Still waiting to see a link where you have someone from Sony and not a 3rd party saying the system was going to be 100% at launch.

2. P.S. Microsoft should buy us all new HD TV's since they couldn't get the 360 outputting in 1080P at launch like they wanted too.[/quote]

1. "Mar 15th 2006" : IGN reports that the PS3 will be 100% backwards compatible, and that "all legacy titles played on the system will be displayed at high-definition resolutions. This is taken from the PS3 press conference back in March. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/03/15/ps3-press-conference-it-begins/

You will probably cry and complain that this statemet is not from a Sony website... :roll:

2. And Sony should buy HD TVs for those folks whose TVs dont have 720p output. :lol:
[quote name='oasisboy']1. "Mar 15th 2006" : IGN reports that the PS3 will be 100% backwards compatible, and that "all legacy titles played on the system will be displayed at high-definition resolutions. This is taken from the PS3 press conference back in March. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/03/15/ps3-press-conference-it-begins/

You will probably cry and complain that this statemet is not from a Sony website... :roll:

2. And Sony should buy HD TVs for those folks whose TVs dont have 720p output. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Interesting. I guess they did say it at one point. Although, that was pre-E3 and pre-TGS. Since then, both the 100% BC and BC upscaling statements have been retracted, if I remember correctly.

EDIT: and that worldwide in Nov statement was retracted. That conference is just full of old and incorrect information. Things tend to change leading up to launch for whatever reasons.
[quote name='dpatel']

EDIT: and that worldwide in Nov statement was retracted. That conference is just full of old and incorrect information. Things tend to change leading up to launch for whatever reasons.[/quote]

There are always excuses...:lol:

So then we can agree that Sony overpromised and then they had to retract their comments?
[quote name='oasisboy']There are always excuses...:lol:

So then we can agree that Sony overpromised and then they had to retract their comments?[/QUOTE]

Pretty much. Is there a reason why you are so fixated (and seem to be amused) by the fact that you are able to identify only Sony's lies (while, for some reason, ignoring lies of many other companies).
[quote name='dpatel'] Is there a reason why you are so fixated (and seem to be amused) by the fact that you are able to identify only Sony's lies (while, for some reason, ignoring lies of many other companies).[/quote]

I like to state the facts and it seems that people like you and whoknows and Brian9824 seem to get in this mode of: "show me a link, show me a link because Sony never said that." You all get so defensive about Sony. Its like you cannot say anything bad about Sony because that will obviously make you a Sony hater... that's all.

Has Microsoft and Nintendo lied? Yes, but they dont give me this arrogant feeling that Sony does. I guess its because of Kutaragi and his comments...


By the way, I do own a 60 gig ps3 :)
[quote name='oasisboy']I like to state the facts and it seems that people like you and whoknows and Brian9824 seem to get in this mode of: "show me a link, show me a link because Sony never said that." You all get so defensive about Sony. Its like you cannot say anything bad about Sony because that will obviously make you a Sony hater... that's all.

Has Microsoft and Nintendo lied? Yes, but they dont give me this arrogant feeling that Sony does. I guess its because of Kutaragi and his comments...


By the way, I do own a 60 gig ps3 :)

Well, generally when anyone states facts (whether it be positive or negative), most people would require some sort of proof, especially if it is something that I believe could be incorrect. It's only logical to back up your statements when there is a disagreement on facts. Its not the fact that it was something negative said about Sony, its the fact that it conflicting with other people's statements. At which point, the most logical thing to do would be to provide proof to end this disagreement, wouldn't you agree? Don't be so paranoid, not everyone is against Sony criticism.

And I'm not even going to defend Kutaragi. I despise the guy too. I am also glad that you are aware that pretty much all companies lie. It irks me when people bash Sony for being evil, but turn blind eyes to their "precious MS or Ninty". To be honest, I think it is stupid to put your faith in any company. I want to play the PS3, not the Sony or the Kutaragi. I could care less what they say because I know how to weed out the BS from all companies. There are very few people I actually trust and respect in the industry (right now the only two being Kojima and David Jaffe). So far, The Playstations have not disappointed me with games, and that is what I base my decision on. I am completely content with my purchase despite all the BS that comes out of Moores, Kutaragi's, and Reggi's mouths.

EDIT: and, your memory seems to be a little short term. Let me remind that the very arrogance that you despise in Sony was also displayed by Nintendo back in the day. Sure they have come around now (mainily because they had to make changes).
Indeed. All companies are out for one thing... your $. If you realize that, then the half-truths, smoke&mirrors, and other tricks will be less likely to peeve you.

I for one hold no loyalty to any company, and have reason to despise each of the "big 3" console companies. (Though I have slightly less contempt for Sony's game division than I do for their music division.) Being apathetic to the companies' "party line" will give anyone who enjoys the hobby the ability to "take it or leave it" when it comes to the offerings, incentives, and tricks said companies will attempt to employ to separate you from your cash.

Having a "righteous crusade" against a company really only works when there are more than a few hundred folks on the bandwagon... that's why I gave up boycotting Disney for their hand in legislation like the DMCA. I don't buy their movies on DVD or Blu-Ray, but I do enjoy renting Pixar flicks. ;)

I'd rather simply enjoy myself playing video games than try to fight city hall. With technophiles like us, it's easy to see the man behind the curtain so to speak, but the Great Unwashed has a hard time grasping things like fair use and interoperability.

I suppose if there's a way to put insight into the water supply, we'd see a very different corporate culture... but since there's no magic pill, we're stuck being the minority who "know the trick", but still can enjoy playing with the fruits of corporate greed like the PS3 (or the 360).

edit: I think we can safely say Sony's not cornering the market on "fibs" before launch. I seem to remember Nintendo saying their console wouldn't be region-locked... but it is now. Not sure why though... But it underscores my first point... it's not about integrity... just about cash.
[quote name='oasisboy']1. "Mar 15th 2006" : IGN reports that the PS3 will be 100% backwards compatible, and that "all legacy titles played on the system will be displayed at high-definition resolutions. This is taken from the PS3 press conference back in March. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/03/15/ps3-press-conference-it-begins/

You will probably cry and complain that this statemet is not from a Sony website... :roll:
Interesting quote, although I notice that the IGN link takes you to a non-existant page. In any case, it's been my experience that a lot of these "lies" by companies are a result of misunderstandings, slight exaggerations, or mistranslations. Remember that all of this in Japanese to begin with, and often when I can track down the original statement, it's rather different (I translate Japanese for a living).

And yes, sometimes companies just change their minds. They find out that doing something isn't going to work the way they thought or that it would be too expensive and so have to do something else. Get over it.
[quote name='icruise']Interesting quote, although I notice that the IGN link takes you to a non-existant page. In any case, it's been my experience that a lot of these "lies" by companies are a result of misunderstandings, slight exaggerations, or mistranslations. Remember that all of this in Japanese to begin with, and often when I can track down the original statement, it's rather different (I translate Japanese for a living).

And yes, sometimes companies just change their minds. They find out that doing something isn't going to work the way they thought or that it would be too expensive and so have to do something else. Get over it.[/QUOTE]I'll also add that when doing an interview, depending on the way you ask the questions (let's say five gaming sites do an interview with the same person), they may write 5 almost completely different stories. Also, I'll add that at times, gaming sites over exaggerate what was really said at time (sometimes confirming something that wasn't said).
[quote name='oasisboy']1. "Mar 15th 2006" : IGN reports that the PS3 will be 100% backwards compatible, and that "all legacy titles played on the system will be displayed at high-definition resolutions. This is taken from the PS3 press conference back in March. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/03/15/ps3-press-conference-it-begins/


Thanks for finally posting an article but theres a few odd points to that article. it says "IGN reports that the PS3 will be "100% backwards compatible" not Sony reports? I'd love to know who exactly in Sony said that and to see actual interview, if its not a direct quote it can merely be what someone at IGN infered from the interview. It also doesn't say that it will be 100% backwards compatible at launch so they can meet that statement anytime in the next 5 years. That's what I was talking about with creative wording. No where has Sony said the PS3 will be 100% backwards compatible at launch. Hence why I said no one at Sony ever claimed it would be 100% at launch, they are too smart for that. I never said no one claimed it wouldn't be 100% eventually.

Thats also a pretty old interview, more then 8 months before launch. So if it is indeed true it doesn't surprise me in the least they'd change it. Everyone does it whether they are Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, or George Bush.
[quote name='dpatel']

EDIT: and, your memory seems to be a little short term. Let me remind that the very arrogance that you despise in Sony was also displayed by Nintendo back in the day. Sure they have come around now (mainily because they had to make changes).[/quote]

Remember the lawsuits against nintendo for illegal business practices. They threatened stores to withold and delay shipments unless their products recieved priority shelf space and treatment.

Oh and why are you even bringing up statements like
So then we can agree that Sony overpromised and then they had to retract their comments?

Also why are you comparing Sony to microsoft and nintendo when this thread is for talking about what PS1 and PS2 games should be played on PS3. Promises on backwards compatibility were relevant but now your just going way off target.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'll also add that when doing an interview, depending on the way you ask the questions (let's say five gaming sites do an interview with the same person), they may write 5 almost completely different stories. Also, I'll add that at times, gaming sites over exaggerate what was really said at time (sometimes confirming something that wasn't said).[/quote]

You have to be kidding me, right? So now maybe IGN exagerated with the 100% BC compatibility statement? :lol:

You guys wanted a link about 100% BC compatibility, and I gave it to you and now we are talking about exagerations and different stories? Please! :roll:
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'll also add that when doing an interview, depending on the way you ask the questions (let's say five gaming sites do an interview with the same person), they may write 5 almost completely different stories. Also, I'll add that at times, gaming sites over exaggerate what was really said at time (sometimes confirming something that wasn't said).[/quote]

[quote name='Icruise']Remember that all of this in Japanese to begin with, and often when I can track down the original statement, it's rather different (I translate Japanese for a living). [/quote]
And more BS, more excuses, can you all for once agree that Sony admitted to 100% backwards compatibility? (I know that later they denied this claim) Now, you are telling me that IGN does not have any employees that speak and understand Japanese? As a FYI They have a permanent office in Japan.
Well my point that they never said 100% compatible AT LAUNCH is still valid. Your article even proves they never said that so let us know when your done trolling and bringing up these stupid arguments.
If the OP actually OWNED a PS3, he would know how the PS3 deals with PS2 memory cards and controller ports. MGS2 plays fine. It reads the cards like a PS2 would.

And KH2 looks fine on my 51" HDTV on my PS3. Sure, I can see pixels and texture stetching, but that was always there, some games just weren't meant to be scrutinized like that.[/quote]

I've been a memeber here for a looong time. And of course I own a PS3. And I know about the virtual memory cards. What I also know is that the PS3 can't produce rumble. Therefore, some games will surley suffer, as I can't stand to play a racing game without rumble.

What I don't know is how the backwards compatibility works with the "virtual" cards. So, I'm asking people for their experiences of playing old PS2 and PS1 games, to find those games, that you may want to play on the PS2, just to get the full original experience. So if someone says that rumble is very important to game "X" and others agree, then maybe I won't play that in my PS3.
You might want to fix your quotes there. I thought you were talking to yourself.

Anyway, I'm not sure what your question is. If you have a PS3, why can't you check out the BC yourself? Or does "virtual cards" mean something different than I think?
Well, I originally didn't have progressive scan on my PS2 and I do now on my PS3, and my ps2 was hooked up to a non-flat screen tube TV, so every game looks better now to me.
I don't understand why interlaced games should look so bad on the PS3. They look fine when the TV is doing the upscaling and deinterlacing. Why is the PS3 doing such a miserable job?
[quote name='Brian9824']Umm its already fixed for every game. All they have to do is get a handful of games working now. Mainly games that use various special controllers.

Oh and Oasisboy why do you pop into every thread and start bashing Sony and praising Microsoft? No one here even talked about comparing the 360 to PS3 and yet you have to pop in and start going on with the same rant you always do. Seems alot like trolling.[/quote]

Oh what I ment by improving the BC is maybe getting the PS3 to make slight graphical improvements to PS2 to make them look better at 480p. Like how the PS2 could smooth out the graphics of PS1 games to give them a less jagged look and smoothed out the textures. I was a huge fan of this feature in the PS2 since it make games like Metal Gear Solid and Vagrant story look so much better. I think the PS3 is probably more than capable of doing this, I hope Sony takes the time to implement it after it fixes other issues. But getting the current 480i games to look good in 480p and on HDTV's is a huge step. I hope they could also get upscaling in DVD playback to work eventually.
Has anyone tested the Driving Force Pro with the PS3? I am thinking about taking that back from my brother since he is moving to California and doesn't have the room to move it.
I've also been wondering if this would work with Ridge Racer V(PS2). If it does, I am going to get the wheel back for certain.
if no one else has mentioned it, a game like The Warriors has several minigames that rely on rumble, making it kind of difficult to play on the PS3.
I'm going to add that Stella Dues in incompatible in PS3. Sony does not have it listed on their official site (I doubt they ever got a copy to test, since the game is very limited). I tested it, half the screen was black and half the screen display the whole images. The image was kind of smashed. I hope to alert SCEA about that.


For comparison, other titles that list issues:
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams after a few levels started going bonkers on me whenever I'm in the shop or enhance item screens
bread's done