Who do you think has it better gaming wise?


21 (100%)
Those of us who grew up with the older systems who now get to see gaming progress and change over time or those gamers who grew up in diff gaming generations IE the nintendo age, the snes genesis days, the ps1 n64 days, the ps2 xbox gamecube age, or the ps3 360 wii age?

I came in near the end of the atari age and the beginning of the nintendo age and though its been years for me to get to this current age its cool to think back to how games used to play and look and see all these games with realistic graphics and know that way back when nobody could have ever imagined games would look this great.

to think they make games that look just like or better than the cartoons i grew up with still boggles the mind but i do question where gaming will really go in the next decade or so or will it reach a plateau and stay there. and im still waiting for a thundar the barbarian game and a decent robotech game. and a darkwing duck game with cell shaded graphics.
I would say those of us who grew up with the classics have it much better as many of those games (particularly during the NES and 16 big eras) are much better playwise than a lot of what comes out now (particularly RPG wise) Kids today don't have any appreciation for what gaming used to be like. BAH! (Shakes his cane around menacingly)
Ya thankfully I got about 2 years of SNES when I started and played a few NES games at my friend(he's always generations behind...), and I Thought the gameplay really owned back then. Now for most games I don't think it's as good, but there are some that definitely are...just in a less simplistic, more action-packish crazy kinda way like ZELDA TP!

The bad thing about games for me are that now they have so many buttons and so much stuff they can do with a game in 3D, that often the hard part of a game is simply trying to move your fingers fast enough to hit 3 buttons in 1 millisecond. In the SNES games I played, the hard parts were being able to jump to a certain platform or dodge something.

But anyway, theres some games that are different than this for sure, and I wonder how awesome SNES type games would be now if they only upped the graphics, but kept the same style and controller and stuff xD
i think about that also spades. i think thats why handheld gaming is so appealing, outside of the portability, its the simplified gaming. ive found myself spending a lot of time with my ds and psp. been playing cv sotn more than anything. i still have every nintendo console hooked up, though they dont get as much play.
the snes to me was the pinnacle of gaming and will always have the best games, i think that feeling may be relative to my age. id imagine younger gamers may hold the last gen in that regard.
Games get better as the times change, there's no arguing that. There's a lot of factors such as technology, more experienced developers, revenue (the monster corporations of today make even PS1-era corporations look like candy companies), etc.. When you put nostalgia aside and rate two similar games, pound for pound, the old games, classics or not, cannot stand toe to toe with the newer games.
Us who grew up with the classics. The people that are starting gaming with Wii, and 360's will never truly appreciate what they hold in their hand. They have the greatest consoles now. When the next consoles that comes out doesn't top the current consoles, they'll be disappointed.

However we the people that started with the classics. Will always like what we see for the better, and appreciate what we have. frankly none of us want to go back to blowing on NES cartridges to get them working.

But in the end we all have a passion for games and thats what brings us together. So it doesn't matter, as long as I can shot you in the face online in CoD3.
I'd have to say that the older generations were of a much higher quality overall, especially in terms of gameplay and fun-factor. Two of my favorite genres, platformers and RPGs, have suffered terribly in the transition from 2-D to 3-D. Many gamers who just started playing in the last 5-10 years will/do have a hard time appreciating games from the past.

In addition, bigger corporations don't necessitate better games, as often the opposite is true. The only way in which great older games can't stand up to newer ones is in terms of graphics, which probably makes no difference to those of us who grew up in the 80's/early 90's(or earlier).
Us older gamers have it way better (I'm just recently turned 30 so I feel funny saying that :lol: ). We got in on the ground floor, when creativity had to be the key to surpassing hardware limitations for great games. Now, with the raw power for today's hardware the younger generation may not have an appreaciation for where the industry has come from.
I'm a youngin (16 to be exact) but i CONSTANTLY played SNES, NES, Genesis, what have you, as a wee lad. Anyone who was around to play these systems and has continued to game is probably a great gamer. Hell, they had to have been; games were so fucking hard back then.
I don't know. I mean we can really appreciate great games now since we started on Atari but a lot of those old games are just pure crap even though they were fun back in the day... and younger gamers are going to outlive us (presumably) so they will get to play some sick shit that we never will...
[quote name='javeryh']I don't know. I mean we can really appreciate great games now since we started on Atari but a lot of those old games are just pure crap even though they were fun back in the day... and younger gamers are going to outlive us (presumably) so they will get to play some sick shit that we never will...[/QUOTE]

But pound for pound the older games had a lower rate of shitty budget titles IMO.
Now in this gaming world you have to shift through the shitty games to find the gold.
[quote name='javeryh']I don't know. I mean we can really appreciate great games now since we started on Atari but a lot of those old games are just pure crap even though they were fun back in the day... and younger gamers are going to outlive us (presumably) so they will get to play some sick shit that we never will...[/quote]

i agree, after trying to play some of the old games i remember fondly, i realized a lot of older games just don't age well at all. a few will truly be timeless (note: Chrono Trigger, DOOM), however many others just plain suck now :)

i'm excited more for the future of gaming. i still have several PS1 rpgs to play but besides those i'm looking ahead. the next 10 years should be very interesting...
Some of you people are looking at older generation's games in rose colored glasses and through your memories... many of those games haven't aged well at all. Well the AAA games of the time (like anything Nintendo put out) are pure quality, MANY other games are simply... not so good.

It's really very hard to put out a game that will be a timeless classic forever... some games are awesome for their time, but as the generations go buy they get worse.

I can't really think of any examples right now... but I know a few games on the Sega Genesis Collection didn't impress me as much as they did when I was a kid.

EDIT: fuck... I should have read all the replies before posting :rofl:

To answer the question, I started gaming with the NES when it first came out... I was 3 or 4. I loved it, but around the PS1 / N64 / PS2 / Xbox game I just got really disillusioned with games and stopped playing. I'm really loving the 360 / Wii though and I really like the direction games are going to go in, in the future.
[quote name='CitizenB']But pound for pound the older games had a lower rate of shitty budget titles IMO.
Now in this gaming world you have to shift through the shitty games to find the gold.[/QUOTE]

No... the NES / SNES had ALOT of shitty games, we just didn't have the internet and didn't have a shit ton of review sites / magazines to mention them to us so many of them just got passed by.
Actually I just played Donkey Kong again and man I love that game. My friend and I beat it in a few hours and I was shocked! I remember it being a lot harder and more difficult. We did have trouble on one snow level though cause we were trying to rush everything xD. Anyway the game still owns and it's still one of my favorite... can't get enough of it! 2 player co-op is so cool...and all the characters are awesome...it feels like the enemies even have personalities :)

For me that game just never ages... games like Mario 64 and Diddy Kong Racing which I loved back when N64 was out, I just can't see myself liking as much anymore. So ya I agree, for the most part games have gotten better, but there are some that are still awesome.
Even AAA+ games like Zelda 64 and Chrono Trigger show its age and how far we've come. I can't even have one sitting with either game and truly enjoy it for more than a few minutes until I start thinking about why I am not playing Gears of War or Viva Pinata instead.

And this criticism is coming from a guy who topped in at about 500+ hours of Chrono Trigger during my 7th grade summer.

I just don't see any reason at all to go back other than for collecting.
As an older gamer I would tend to agree at first, that I'm better because I can look at a game and see how far it has came from.

At the same time though, ignorance is bliss. Newer gamers play games I find short or easy and love them, while I complain.

And a lot of games do show their age, but don't some keep great forever? Earthbound comes to mind, I played it for hours again to beat it last year.

Really, I think there is no "right" answer here, some of the older gamers enjoyed games that did not age well, for instance, when the first Tekken was new I think I played it for 3 months without taking it out of the old PlayStation, but now I can't hardly imagine playing for more than novelty. On the outer hand, the newer gamers can enjoy games without nitpicking them and comparing them to games from the past.
For RPG the classics were limited. Before Playstation no system even got all the Final Fantasy. While Square has a great SNES lineup, many of the games didnt get a US release. With the PS and PS2 we get to see most of the Square Enix games, and even see some series like Tales of and Star Ocean for the first time.
I started playing with Colecovision which was an awesome system for the time.
I played my butt off up until I turned 18 which was in the middle of the PS 1 generation. There were to many games for the PS 1 and many just felt so damn hollow to me.

I had a Saturn that recieved more use than the PS 1 even though it died way to early. The Saturn games seemed of higher quality so I kept playing that.

I got back in hard to gaming with the Dreamcast for a few years then PS 2 screwed that up. I quit for about a year then fell for the Xbox because it was different.

I rarely play my PS 2 but I have been picking up some games here and there for it. It appears as though the Xbox is my new Sega because that is mostly what I play.

Of all the systems the SNES holds the most memory for me and the Genesis at a close second.

I play all those games on my Xbox when I just want a simple mind numbing game.

For me personally the arcade was the ultimate gaming experience and not really a console. The genre that has gone down the toilet the most in the past 10 years are fighting games.
Definitely us, the kids have no idea what gaming really used to be about, not in this society with the internet, digital cable, and hundreds of gaming stores. Back in our days, video game magazines actually mattered, the trade shows actually were relevant, and there was an air of excitement and an energy that just isn't around these days

I mean, there's kids out there that have never even played Street Fighter, they look at things so much differently...in a way it is temporarily better..they don't have such high standards to hold games up to. Yet when they do stumble onto Street Fighter, they'll dismiss it because it doesn't live up to the graphical standards they lived up to.

In the end, the truth of the matter is, when we grew up playing games, our minds had to fill in what all these characters really looked like...now it's all there, beautifully rendered in high definition...

Of course, then there's the other thing, their idea of gaming is Nicktoons Racing and Spongebob. I remember licenses from the old days, but they were all good licenses: Aladdin, Lion King, X-Men, Ninja Turtles: they were all GOOD games, not crap.

So yeah, we definitely are the lucky ones, we got to be the beginning of a whole new way of seeing entertainment, we got to be a part of the evolution of an art form, and the development of a technology.
bread's done