Why do people hate gamestop?

I honestly don't understand what all the hate is about. If a game is new and gutted then DON'T BUY IT. But I guess all of you guys hating that are either blind or don't look at your copy before leaving the store.

I personally love gamestop, they allow you to buy a used game and return it in 7 days for a full refund, and not just store credit. Tell me anywhere else that does that in Southeast Texas? Anytime I am buying a game I always check to see if gamestop has a used copy in case I don't like it. Did that with Skyrim. I wasn't sure if I'd like it because I hated Oblivion so I waited a week or so and bought it used. It was gutted but I didn't care because I still wasn't sure about it. Then found out that they were having a B2G1 deal and since I bought Skyrim during the holiday season I was able to return it and rebought it with the deal. At that same time some guy was trading in his copy and the employee that wasn't helping me removed the other guys map and booklet and put it in my copy that I was rebuying WITHOUT ME HAVING TO EVEN ASK!! Now granted, if he didn't I was gonna ask for his copy because it didn't have stickers on it yet but I didn't have to do that lol.

To me, they have really great employees from what I've seen, I've been to all of the stores around me(around 6 or so) and haven't ran into any issues at all. I was even able to return a headset that I bought and opened it just to find out that it acted just like my old one and they gave me cash back for it.
I can't speak for everyone but I certainly don't buy their gutted games. My annoyance is largely that they seem offended when I don't want their finger-banged "new" copies. I'm the customer assholes, if I say I want a sealed copy, either give me one or say, "I'm sorry, we don't have any." Don't try and convince me that it's the same thing.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Because a true CAG never shuts off an avenue for deals. When they have deals like the fat 360 hard drives for super cheap or converting new PS2 slims to used, I honestly don't care that they rip off soccer moms and grandparents. Not my problem. I'm an informed shopper, and I will use them to my advantage.

EDIT: Just noticed that the guy right above me made the same point. Good show.[/QUOTE]

I do use them when it benefits me, $20 wireless 360 controllers, $2 PS2 remotes, I can't get those prices anywhere else, a $2 copy of Thrillville for the PS2 in perfect condition etc.. When shopping its best not to swear off any stores because you never know when they might have a deal that is better than everyone else. Look at how BB absolutely trampled Amazon this year for holiday game deals.

If you play it smart with GS you can make them work to your advantage, just don't buy those $54.99 games, those are never a good deal (unless you are doing buy 2 get 1 free).
Exactly! Needless to say, GS is not where I pre-order or buy regularly priced merchandise. For the most part, that's silly, unless they have the rare deal or some kind of killer pre-order bonus. But there are definitely times when GS pulls a rabbit out of its hat. A few years back, I got a used 120GB HDD for the 360 for about $70 after coupon and EDGE, and that's when the things were still retailing for $150.
I found some good deals on gamestop.com; but then the assholes blacklisted me for taking advantage of them...

The best is when they have a decent price drop on a new game but won't proportionally drop the used price. I can remember when Castlevania was $29.99 new but still something like $44.99 used.

So there are tons of horror stories and a few scattered posts along the lines of "I don't know why people hate on Gamestop, they're actually really cool." Some of you must have something to gain because I don't think anyone has ever gone into a Gamestop and had a pleasant experience. I do everything I can to avoid supporting such a shit company. The only time I ever buy anything from them is when I want to play a game on launch day and it happens to be a Sunday (thanks a lot Nintendo). Even then I check every other retailer before Gamestop. I'm embarrassed to even be seen in there.
[quote name='pippin']So there are tons of horror stories and a few scattered posts along the lines of "I don't know why people hate on Gamestop, they're actually really cool." Some of you must have something to gain because I don't think anyone has ever gone into a Gamestop and had a pleasant experience. I do everything I can to avoid supporting such a shit company. The only time I ever buy anything from them is when I want to play a game on launch day and it happens to be a Sunday (thanks a lot Nintendo). Even then I check every other retailer before Gamestop. I'm embarrassed to even be seen in there.[/QUOTE]

That's good for you. Personally I've not had any issues what so ever, and I have no problem saying such. I've gotten some really nice older games, in great shape. Filled out my PS2 collection with the recent (and the one before that) buy 2 get 2 free sale, GBA games with Buy two get one, and 40 % off (30+ the reward card), loaded up on the buy 2 get 4 free sale for the old x box. Bought whole seasons of really great shows and anime with buy 1 get one free. Loaded up on .99 cent N-Gage games (hey, there were a couple of decent ones, damn it).

So yeah I shop there, and I admit it and I am hardly embarrassed when it comes to saving money for a hobby that is sick expensive to begin with.

Then again when the buy 2 get 2 sales happen, this whole board goes ape shit on fire and everyone and their mother is on the hunt for games, and posting deals. So I am guessing a lot more people shop there than not, depending on the sales of course. Cause a real CAG looks past petty crap to get to the deal, and pass it along to others.

So what do I have to gain? A shit load of games, at a good price every once in a while, and that works for me.
I kinda hate Gamestop too. If they have a significantly better deal than someone else, I'll buy it there. But if they're within $5 less of someone, I'd rather give my money to anyone else but Gamestop.
I only hate their employees. I think their prices are a joke, but that's not worthy of an emotional reaction; it's merely a reason to shop elsewhere.
Not much I can add that hasn't already been said. I haven't been there in years, but I like options when I shop, so I would use them if it wasn't such a crapshoot. Used games in terrible condition, "new" games that are often worse...
[quote name='DuelLadyS']Seeing as the reasons not to go to Gamestop are basically covered, the main reason I do shop there- online inventory. When you have half a dozen stores within 20 minutes of you, it's handy to know which games are at what store before you leave the house.[/QUOTE]
Sometimes even that's not reliable. I've had times where the inventory will show the game is in stock, I get to the store and they either don't have it or have just the case but the game is mysteriously missing. Got fucked out of picking up 999 during a Buy 2, Get 1 Free deal because they had just the case in stock but couldn't find the game.
majority of my experiences with GS employee's is they seem to be very arrogant and cocky.

there were a few great employees but mainly I think it's due to personal preference. one guy hooked me up at a local GS because of the ethinic code (hee hee) and another girl hooked me up because she was blindsided by my charm. (3DS story posted in another thread).

...but my gripes are their general attitude, while I know a lot of GS's are very strict with their policies a lot of them aren't very professional but very casual, too casual at times.

Their gutted games thing is also crap, especially when it comes to PC games. "well what if it doesn't work?" "well you can't return it because it's opened..." "but you're selling me it opened." "yeah...it's the only copy we have."

I'm not a fan of their refurbishing fee either, i've traded i alot of games in the past to them and not once did they ever tell me there's a refurb fee they just give me a receipt and say thank you.

While their prices are generally MSRP, I can't hate them for that...I just don't shop there anymore unless it's a CAG find or an errand for a friend.
There's one thing that Gamestop will always be my go-to place for:

Older current-gen games for myself or someone I know who's just starting out with that system. There's nowhere else that I know of that has a great selection of good older titles for
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[quote name='100xp']
I'm not a fan of their refurbishing fee either, i've traded i alot of games in the past to them and not once did they ever tell me there's a refurb fee they just give me a receipt and say thank you.[/QUOTE]
Judging by the condition of their used games, I'd say that fee is not going to its intended purpose.
[quote name='sdragon']1) They don't carry retro games
2) They sell opened games as "new"
3) They give crap trade-in-value
4) They take in games without books/cases and give same value
5) Gamestop.com USED products usually are without books/cases/all scratched
6) Nearly everyone beats them in price
7) Pushing that stupid card/magazine
8) Firing employees who don't sell enough cards/magazine subscriptions
9) Banning people who actually take advantage of their trade-in system
10) Sub-par customer service[/QUOTE]

1. They carry what the market ask for. There isn't a huge demand for Atari 2600 games.
2. I have never run into this, but yea its kind of shitty. This is probably do to the lack of storeroom space their stores have.
3. Then use Ebay or Craigslist. I have never traded in a game there because of that. I got $10 for a used copy of Halo 2 last year on craigslist.
4. Ok this i will give you. This pisses me off. I call these games the chain snatcher games. Most likely stolen or its that stupid unwritten policy that they have about throwing out cases and manuals.
5. Yea I dont order used from the .com site. But I just assume they are all crap condition.
6. Every once in a while they have decent sales. But the same could be said for a lot of stores.
7. Honestly if you just say no when they start to ask its not a big deal, also if you sign up for the free card they usually dont ask.
8. I would need some proof on this one, but its corporate america.
9. You mean scammers, people who find a loophole and exploit it. No sympathy.
10. Again this can be an issue at any store, but most of the time im pleased with GS employees, i usually engage in a conversation when im there.
I don't dislike them enough to be horribly vocal about it, but given the choice I'd rather give my money to someplace else. The thing is, if I'm going to buy anything from one place instead of another I need to have some incentive to do so. More often than not, Gamestop doesn't give me anything different than any other place, so they get placed at the bottom of the list. When they do, I buy from them. It's as simple as that. Here's a variety of examples of what I'm talking about.

1) They sell all of their used DS, 3DS (and GBA when they sold those) games without cases and manuals. They go so far as to just throw out perfectly good ones that come in with trades. This alone is enough to make me completely rule out shopping for used games for those platforms from GS. There's no incentive to pay the same for games without cases and manuals.

2) Xenoblade Chronicles and the Circle Pad Pro are both going to be retail exclusives for Gamestop. It made me sad to see that, but it puts GS on top for these items. The incentive for these is simply that they are available.

3) B2G1 (and B2G2) sales have given me clean, complete copies of Beyond Good and Evil (GC), SMT: Nocturne, SMT: Digital Devil Saga 1&2, Xenosaga III, Shadow Hearts, Disgaea (back when that meant something), and others at a fraction of what they sold for elsewhere.

4) New Games that have been opened already. Several have touched on this, but there's more to it that makes it important. In general, there's no incentive to pay retail price for a game that has already been opened. However, I have had several instances (SMT: Overclocked, Ys Seven LE, etc) where unopened versions of the game were not available for retail price anywhere else. In these cases, I found that gutted new copies were often times even cheaper than buying used copies off the secondary market.
[quote name='Allnatural']Judging by the condition of their used games, I'd say that fee is not going to its intended purpose.[/QUOTE]

haha...i wish every game I bought used was in the same condition as I bring in my games. the only refurbed game I brought in was because I flipped it from BBV but after that fee there was very little return.

so I will say, I don't hate GS it's just the employees that make me prefer to shop elsewhere.
[quote name='Slappybob']4. Ok this i will give you. This pisses me off. I call these games the chain snatcher games. Most likely stolen or its that stupid unwritten policy that they have about throwing out cases and manuals.[/QUOTE]
A lot of people trade in disc-only games so they can turn around and sell the other stuff on eBay. There are times when the game itself actually sells for less than its manual and case. Or some games (i.e. Beastly for Wii) will bring in less than what you can get for selling the empty case...so you can either trade in everything for $2, get nothing for trying to sell it online, or trade in the disc for $2 and then sell the case for $2. Not a huge profit, of course, but at least it's something.

[quote name='100xp']so I will say, I don't hate GS it's just the employees that make me prefer to shop elsewhere.[/QUOTE]
Yup. Every once in a while, I will run into a cool employee (they never work there long), but most of them are dicks. Every time I go to the store nearby, they treat me like I don't know a damn thing about games. They're actually pretty nice to me, even when I run into them elsewhere, but they act like I don't know any more than the average soccer mom or grandparent despite me looking like a fat nerd who has never left his mom's basement.
I despise them for charging refurbishing fees without even telling you, but even worse is when they do it when you trade in a game without case/box or manual.

I proceed to ask them how that's fair when they charge the same amount for their preowned disc only copy of games. They have no good retort and that's where I tell them to fuck themselves and I'm not trading my games in unless you take away the fees, which they usually do.
I've never actually been hit with refurb fees, but I do hate that you get treated like a criminal if you bring in sealed games or multiple copies. If I was going to go through the trouble of stealing games, GameStop would be my absolute last resort.
[quote name='Slappybob']
2. I have never run into this, but yea its kind of shitty. This is probably do to the lack of storeroom space their stores have.

I have had other people give that reason, but it still makes no sense to me. It takes less room to just have all the games in the cases sealed. All the GS I've been to have all the discs in drawers and all the empty cases elsewhere. They are actually taking up more space by separating them.
Last year (2011) I only visited GS 3 times for three different games which were " Dead Island ", and " Saints row Double Pack " both sealed copies along with a used copy of Fable 2. Well the Fable 2 copy looked like someone had been chewing on the case, luckily the disc and booklet inside were in amazing conditions.

The only main problem i've had with gamestop/ EB games back in the days has always been the trade in value. Besides that everything's fine.
I went to GS to pick up a new game. It was gutted and they acted like I was the asshole for wanting it not to be all grubby with stickers on it and countless people touching it.
time for me to chime in. I actually like GameStop simply because they are a video game store. Same reason i like mom&pop video game stores, same reason I like Plan n Trade. I'm in the minority, but I don't care about gutted new games as long as the sticker doesn't leave residue, and yes, I see if it can be peeled off before I leave the store if they don't have any sealed copies. The stickers really aren't that bad though. I have only had one instance where I couldn't get the damn thing off. The only stickers they use that I hate are the big circle clear things they put on the gutted new games. I always ask them to use a blank price tag sticker instead. Serves the same purpose and is much easier to remove.

For me though, two things FAR outweigh anything I dislike from gamestop:

1) Online look-up
2) B2G1 used sales + PUR discount

Online look-up is a huge help, especially for games such as Afrika and Hyperdimension Neptunia that simply aren't stocked at other B&M stores. And the B2G1 used sales are excellent. So much money is saved. Even games that just came out, three $54.99 games (one for free) + PUR is a much better deal than three new $59.99 games (none for free). And the online look-up is huge during those sales as well. Every time GS has a B2G1, I write down a list of every single game I want to get and havn't purchased yet. I go to GS's website, and write down the price for each of those games. Then, I use in-store look-up to find store with three like-priced games that I want. Using this system, i've saved hundreds and gotten virtually every game on my list almost every time.

So that's why I like GameStop.

My pecking order tends to be GameStop/Amazon>Newegg>Ebay>Walmart/Best Buy>K-Mart>Craigslist>Target/Sears/Hastings
[quote name='sdragon']1) they don't carry retro games
2) they sell opened games as "new"
3) they give crap trade-in-value
4) they take in games without books/cases and give same value
5) gamestop.com used products usually are without books/cases/all scratched
6) nearly everyone beats them in price
7) pushing that stupid card/magazine
8) firing employees who don't sell enough cards/magazine subscriptions
9) banning people who actually take advantage of their trade-in system
10) sub-par customer service[/quote]

[quote name='Slappybob']
9. You mean scammers, people who find a loophole and exploit it. No sympathy[/QUOTE]
How is it 'scamming' the company when you're giving them working products that they can then turn around and resell to someone else for 2-5x(or sometimes MORE) than what you were given in store credit for them?

It still benefits Gamestop in the end, since unless you sell the gift card they give you on a site like Plastic Jungle or sell it on Craigslist you're stuck buying crap from them with the credit.

If they don't want something or think they can't sell it, then simply block it's trade in in the system. Otherwise, I treat trade places like Gamestop(and Best Buy) like a slightly upscale pawn shop. I have something to trade in. They are willing to give me a set value for these items. If I have more than 1-2 of these, then it's fine to set a limit to how many I can trade in. But in the end I am still giving them a product they can resell to others for much more than they gave me.

Case in point: HDMI cables-$4 tiv. They turn around and slap a $19.99 pricetag on them. So at most, you get $4.40 per cable, then they make a $15.59 profit on each.
I can't imagine that HDMI cable trade in lasting long, HDMI cables have come down in price a lot within the last year and they can commonly be found at retail stores for around $5-6 a cable or perhaps even less. It is not hard to find them at this price at all. Heck Ollie's here had a HDMI cable for $3 at one point, needless to say I bought one of those before they were sold out. There was a 3 pack of HDMI cables at another store here for 11.99. If they are selling them for 19.99 each then they are gonna find themselves with a lot of unsold cables.

Ironically Walmart and Target seem to have the most expensive cables, but they are coming down in price, however the premium cables are just displayed more prominently than the generic, cheaper ones.
Don't forget about Best Buy with their Monster brand ones for $80+ each.:roll: But for most normal shoppers, they just grab whatever a sales rep tells them about or points out to them. If more people actually tried hunting for the best deals BEFORE buying though, then BB(and GS) would have to worry.
[quote name='GBAstar']Really?

Gamestop tried to hide the fact that they were doing it. If Gamestop was so against it they should have decided NOT to carry the PC version of the game or they should have asked the distributer to give them an exclusive version.

At the very least they should have advertised that they were removing the voucher.[/QUOTE]
Get your facts straight square Enix apologized for the fact they didn't tell gs about the coupon
Don't expect people to support their hate with legitimate facts when nerd raging against GameStop. That would imply logic and reason went into their post.
I didn't really have a problem with them until a bad experience.

Otherwise, don't like gutted games? Don't buy them. People overexaggerate on this like crazy, it's not like they open ever copy.

Don't like their trade in values? Dont trade in. No one is holding a gun to your head.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Don't forget about Best Buy with their Monster brand ones for $80+ each.:roll: But for most normal shoppers, they just grab whatever a sales rep tells them about or points out to them. If more people actually tried hunting for the best deals BEFORE buying though, then BB(and GS) would have to worry.[/QUOTE]

I guess if you are spending $1000+ on a TV an extra hundred for a cable doesn't seem like that big of a deal...

Though I can vouch for the fact that people are buying discount HDMI cables because I do see people buying them and they are selling out so someone must be buying them.

If you want 3D though you do need to spring for a more expensive cable that supports 3D, the regular cables don't support it. I can't see 3D so this obviously will never be an issue for me. But for anyone hooking up a PS3 or a Xbox 360 then the regular cable works just fine.
[quote name='SaraAB']I guess if you are spending $1000+ on a TV an extra hundred for a cable doesn't seem like that big of a deal...

Though I can vouch for the fact that people are buying discount HDMI cables because I do see people buying them and they are selling out so someone must be buying them.

If you want 3D though you do need to spring for a more expensive cable that supports 3D, the regular cables don't support it. I can't see 3D so this obviously will never be an issue for me. But for anyone hooking up a PS3 or a Xbox 360 then the regular cable works just fine.[/QUOTE]

You just need a high speed HDMI cable, which you can find easily for $6-10 online (if not cheaper). I don't know how "expensive" a cable you're referring to, but even before 3d was given standards I didn't pay more than $6-10 for an 6ft HDMI cable (that includes shipping), and many of the HDMI cables I have (if not all of them) work just fine with 3d video despite them being 3+ years old.
[quote name='pjb16']You just need a high speed HDMI cable, which you can find easily for $6-10 online (if not cheaper). I don't know how "expensive" a cable you're referring to, but even before 3d was given standards I didn't pay more than $6-10 for an 6ft HDMI cable (that includes shipping), and many of the HDMI cables I have (if not all of them) work just fine with 3d video despite them being 3+ years old.[/QUOTE]

monoprice.com hdmi cables are like $2-4 depending on what you want.

edit: it is also my understanding that since hdmi transmits a digital signal the quality of the cable shouldn't really matter.....
[quote name='gpgorbosjr']monoprice.com hdmi cables are like $2-4 depending on what you want.

edit: it is also my understanding that since hdmi transmits a digital signal the quality of the cable shouldn't really matter.....[/QUOTE]

Yea, it's like $3.50 or so from Monoprice, but with shipping it's like $6. Of course if you order a bunch of stuff then it makes shipping more palatable.

And yea, it's a digital signal, so it either works or it doesn't. You don't need some monster bull shit for your cable to work.
[quote name='pjb16']Yea, it's like $3.50 or so from Monoprice, but with shipping it's like $6. Of course if you order a bunch of stuff then it makes shipping more palatable.

And yea, it's a digital signal, so it either works or it doesn't. You don't need some monster bull shit for your cable to work.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I recently bought a bunch of HDMI and micro-USB cables off them. Got more than I could ever ask for in my life for about $15.
Guess this is a packaging scam then in the retail stores they have regular, cheaper cables, but the more expensive ones tout 3D capability and whatnot.
[quote name='confoosious']I went to GS to pick up a new game. It was gutted and they acted like I was the asshole for wanting it not to be all grubby with stickers on it and countless people touching it.[/QUOTE]

This happened to me a few times and the girl employee got smart with me and said something like I should of pre-ordered or that's what I get for not pre-ordering.

I don't even get how corporate still lets their stores do that to display the game. Trade in value is one thing its no different then a pawn shop. But opening manufacturers seal then still selling for MSRP is wrong to me and its tarnishing their company.
Personally, I very, very much dislike them as a corporation. The pay is god awful, the employees are treated terribly, and their practices really set me on edge.

Do you know what they do if they have a bunch of unsold merchandise? Throw it in the dumpster. I witnessed about 50 or more copies of Assassin's Creed Lineage go into a compactor. If you try to push to have them donated, or at least given away randomly to customers, the answer will be NOPE, shut up if you want to keep your job. (I understand that this kind of stuff is very common in American companies, but damn, it really bothers me).

If someone pushes you to preorder or sign up for their Pro Rewards, it's because that employee's job literally hangs on their preorder/Pro sign-up percentages despite the fact that they do not get paid commission. It's ridiculous.

Employees are also pushed to harass you on the sales floor. Please don't hate the employee if they seem too persistent, because they're frankly trying to stay employed. After having to "greet" you AND "assist" you, managers tell the employees to go make conversation. Literally. It's basically like saying, "Hey, go bother those people. I don't care if they told you they're just browsing, go figure out what they're going to preorder because I want those numbers."

As far as the unsealed games goes, the issue with selling gutted games as new is not just the fact that they're gutted, but that they let employees take them home and play them and still sell them as new. They don't tell you if an unsealed game has been played, and in fact the person selling it to you can lose their job if they tell you.

While I understand the idea of not letting a bad company keep you from going there to get a good deal, I've pretty much sworn to myself not to buy from them because I don't like to support awful policies by giving them any of my business. I sincerely hope they peter out and die.
[quote name='SaraAB']Guess this is a packaging scam then in the retail stores they have regular, cheaper cables, but the more expensive ones tout 3D capability and whatnot.[/QUOTE]

It just needs to be a "high speed" cable. There can be a difference between cables, but the cheaper one isn't automatically any different in its capabilities than a more expensive counterpart.
Ceol, situations like those where the store just throws product in the trash isn't just because it wasn't selling. It's also because of the agreement they have with the vendors who send Gamestop the product.

Most hintbooks for example will be trashed if they don't sell after a while. Prima or other publishers have told Gamestop, as well as other retailers, to throw them away rather than send them back because it would cost more to ship them than to just take the loss and trash them.
Used to be my go-to place for rarer PS2 games, until they started just selling them in stupid cd things, i dont even know what they're called. little paper cd holders with plastic on the front to see thru. Doesnt even carry xbox games anymore, im sure PS2 will soon follow.
The open-as-new thing is also annoying ESPECIALLY for collector/limited editions!
The employees are usually cool at least for the most part though.
[quote name='pjb16']It just needs to be a "high speed" cable. There can be a difference between cables, but the cheaper one isn't automatically any different in its capabilities than a more expensive counterpart.[/QUOTE]
It all comes down to testing and certification. The basic design of HDMI cables hasn't change at all since their inception. An older cable will likely support newer features just fine, but a so-called "high speed" or "3D compatible" cable has been tested specifically for that.
there has been some damn good deals late first $40 for new PS2s, now $30 for WWE brawl sticks, what a great price!
[quote name='Allnatural']It all comes down to testing and certification. The basic design of HDMI cables hasn't change at all since their inception. An older cable will likely support newer features just fine, but a so-called "high speed" or "3D compatible" cable has been tested specifically for that.[/QUOTE]

Yup, you said it with much more clarity than I did.
Well I have another reason to hate them-pre order bonuses

After swearing them off several years ago, my friend talked me into getting Resident Evil Revelations pre-ordered, with the premise you get the bonus case if you do, even the jackass manager confirmed, sounds simple, right?

Well if your still reading, then you know the rest.....

So long story short, go in this morning to get both items, game arrived but not the case, then he proceeds to tell me, the other GS got only one case in (not sounding good), then he said he would call if he managed to find the case....BUT, it gets better....

He then suspected that Kelsey, another employee, might have stolen them....he proceeded to call her, only to get no answer....

*Le Sigh* so tomorrow I am getting a refund, fuck GS
bread's done