Why do some poeple buy multiple copies of games?


I was @ BB today and seen some dude buy three copies of Condemmed 2 when I was about to get one for 10 bucks and there was none left. Is it some type of OCD or something to get multiple copies of stuff cause that's (IMHO) retarded.
since I used to manage a gamestop, I use to only give the stink eye if someone would come in with multiple copies of games with no box no instructions. We can really tell who stole
fucking Hoarders. No regard for anyone else looking for the same thing. Only out for themselves. I feel for you OP.
Isn't there usually a limit on advertised games, or was it 3? I know when CC advertises games it usually says limit 3 of each title per customer.
You know, I admit that I pick up multiple copies of games. However, I am not an asshole, in the sense that if a person was standing there in need of one of the copies in my possession, and I wouldn't give it to them. Prime example, yesterday I went to Best Buy and picked up a few copies of Ninja Gaiden II. This particular store had 20 of them in stock so I bought one for my brother, one for my nephew, and 2 extra copies for me. The employee was talking to me about the game and I asked him if he had picked up a copy. He said "Don't worry we have plenty". Well it turned out that they had sold out that fast and he came back to me and asked me for one of mine and I gladly gave it to him. I was at Target tonight and I saw 3 Guitar Hero Aerosmith Limited Edition Bundles for the PS2 on clearance for $27.94. I only picked up 1. But this guy came behind me and picked up the last 2 copies, along with every last copy of the Disney High School Musical Karaoke game. In which, there was about 15 of them on the shelf. I went back to pick one up, and I swear it wasn't even 2 minutes and he had already snatched them up.
If it makes you feel any better, he isn't going to be making much money on that High School Musical game, they are selling for $14.50 new on Half, he paid almost $8 with tax (figuring they were 75% off at $7.48), he will be making a little over $4 each. By the time you factor in time to package them (since they can't just be tossed in a bubble mailer), he seems stupid to have bought them.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']If it makes you feel any better, he isn't going to be making much money on that High School Musical game, they are selling for $14.50 new on Half, he paid almost $8 with tax (figuring they were 75% off at $7.48), he will be making a little over $4 each. By the time you factor in time to package them (since they can't just be tossed in a bubble mailer), he seems stupid to have bought them.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that guy seems to fit the profile of a blind hoarder. Probably never played a video game in his life. Just saw some games for 75% off original retail and figured he could make double. Kind of like the elderly couple I saw that cleared out a TRU a few years back when it was 90% off green tag items. They were literally shoveling every green tagged game into their shopping cart, shitty ones and all. No regard for anyone else looking through the clearance bin :bomb:
That's crazy, I remember that green tag sale and other than the games and a few select other items, almost all of it was garbage, there was stuff I didn't even want for $0.15 - $0.50.
Oh, I don't do it too often, when I do, it's:

1. I bought it by accident not realizing I already have a copy
2. For a friend who "request" to have a lookout for a game for a certain price
3. To add to my trade list
I have to agree. Sealed copies of games make nice coasters. Liquid wipes right off of the wrapping, then BAM! Good as new.
[quote name='badramen']For flipping purposes.[/quote]

Thats my reason...but i buy em online, if i saw someone in a store wanting one id give it to them without a thought...
Target games don't resell well IMO, so anyone who is buying flips at Target is probably losing money, or making very little. Unless your willing to hold the game and wait until next holiday season to sell it on ebay. By then either something new is out that all the kids want or the fad has dissipated and your item has depreciated to less than the price you paid for it. Sometimes you can even get target games for less than target is selling them on ebay, especially if your target is one that is not quick to drop the prices like mine is.

With ebay's imposed fixed shipping rates shipping a big bundle like that isn't even worth it as your going to be out more in shipping fees and packing material, and time than it is worth. Don't even try to craigslist it (just doesn't work around here) and if you try to sell it at your yard sale with target stickers still on it (seen it oh so many times here with many items, they make it totally obvious that they are reseller), I will know and will leave your sale and not buy anything that you have.
I bought two copies of Time Crisis: Crisis Zone w/GunCon 2 for PS2. Why? Because they were $15 each at CompUSA and I wanted two guns. Sold the extra game online for $28 on eBay. =D
[quote name='javeryh']Sometimes you want to play a game twice so I can see why you'd need two copies.[/quote]

Actually, having two copies of games doesn't mean you can play the game twice. The save information goes onto your hard drive or a memory stick, not the cd (For 360, Wii, and PS3 I believe). So it wouldn't matter if you stuck the new cd in there, it's still going to say "Hey you beat this game already!"
Why don't you ask him/her?

Maybe they will feel sorry for you and give you a copy.
Unless the ad states there is a limit, the person has every right to purchase the last 3 copies...you should of gone earlier.
what i hate is that people buy games just to resell it. I knew this one kid who bought games whenever they had even the slightest sale on them. didnt matter the game... just had to be on sale. Then he would try to return it as a "gift" to walmart or gamestop or some other retailer for full value....

its like, ok, if you got something free, i guess thats fine to do. but my god do i hate the people that just buy a deal to merely sell it back for a profit...
capitalistic society....

If I had a product that costs 10 dollars, and sold it to you today for 2 dollars, how many would you buy???

It hurts when someone buys a product just to turn around and sell it at a higher price, but, some people buy the product because they had to. In the OP's case, the guy could have had 2 friends that wanted a copy too.

I see it like this - even if someone bought that to flip, it's still going to benefit the consumer typically. Rarely will someone purchase a game over retail. So, that copy of condemned, let's be real...it's not going anywhere. The guy lists it on ebay and probably has to eat 2-3 dollars off top for listing fees! Then, he gotta hope someone wants it for the price he sells it for.

And lord knows gamestop or blockbuster or whomever isn't going ot give him much for it!

So, I once again think he's doing that for his friends/family...
I somehow wound up with three sealed copies of Ar tonelico for PS2... First I bought one from GameQuestDirect for $20 with a CAG coupon. Then Rosenqueen started selling them for the same price, but with a soundtrack included, so I bought another one just for the soundtrack. Then I found a sealed box set w/ artbook version on Half.com for a price that was actually sane, so I bought that too. At least I "traded up" each time. :) I've already sold one of the game-only copies here on CAG, the other one is still on my list.

Other times I've accidentally won multiple eBay auctions at the same time-- Xenosaga Episode III and Dawn of Mana are a couple I can remember.
Sometimes I buy more so I'll have something to give when birthdays roll around. I have two brothers, two sisters, four brothers-in-law, two nieces, and several cousins. $10 games are God-sends. No one gets angry when they get a video game for their birthday.
[quote name='depascal22']Sometimes I buy more so I'll have something to give when birthdays roll around. I have two brothers, two sisters, four brothers-in-law, two nieces, and several cousins. $10 games are God-sends. No one gets angry when they get a video game for their birthday.[/quote]

That would be my situation as well. I got a large extended family so I have tons of cousins, nieces and nephews to buy for.

Not to mention all the friends (more than 50!) that me and my girlfriend give to at Christmas time. Christmas was easy with Space Invaders Extreme DS/PSP going down to $10 at Gamestop. I bought like 8 copies of the game and everyone who got one loved it. Imagine if I bought a $20...even $15...game for each person.

This week I'm picking up a Les Paul 360 Guitar at Meijer for $10 to give to my little cousin who recently got a 360. And one for my brother since he doesn't have a guitar yet. Other than that, I tend to grab one copy and call it a day.
I picked up 2 copies of Condemned, one for me and one for my boss. My boss picked up 2 copies of Ninja Gaiden, one for him and one for me. That is the only time I buy multiple copies of games, I hate hoarders as much as the next person.
Do you guys also get mad when your parents snatch up all the sale meat at the store and freeze it for later?

You guys seem to forget that business put games on clearance so they can get rid of them as fast as possible. They don't care if one guy buys them all but they sure as hell don't want them sitting there forever so you can take your sweet ass time to mosey on into the store and get one copy for yourself.

Find someone else to hate other than the guy that is hustling just a wee bit harder than you.
Oh my god, you hoarder! I can't believe that you buy games just flip them. I bet all those precious dollars you make just make you feel so guilty.....(sarcasm meter should be going off).

Seriously though, I've made enough money over the last couple months to pay two months worth of rent. It made all the difference since business has been super slow the last couple months. I buy multiple copies. I give some for presents and I sell the rest. It allows me to pay bills and spend more time with my family. It's a win-win for me because people would rather bitch about not getting games than get up early and go get them.
To sell (on ebay or amazon or where ever)
To flip (to GS, BBV/GR, FYE, HV)
To keep (collectors who keep one sealed and open one to play)
To give (I'll often buy more than one copy because it's a title me and my brothers all want. I know there are parents and grandparents who'll buy for each kid.)
I hate it when people hoard, but I'm no saint myself and it is a natural human trait to hoard. I once bought about 200-250 copies of Dark Alliance 2 when they were worth a lot for only about 1000-1500.

everyones a day trader on cag. even if youre not one, once you go into a site called cheap ass gamer youll become one. like depascal said, its a win-win situation. and cuz its gunna be rarez!

but, this is the answer youre looking for :p

[quote name='javeryh']Sometimes you want to play a game twice so I can see why you'd need two copies.[/quote]
I was @ BB today and seen some dude buy three copies of Condemmed 2 when I was about to get one for 10 bucks and there was none left. Is it some type of OCD or something to get multiple copies of stuff cause that's (IMHO) retarded.

I'd appreciate it if you didn't use mental illnesses as an insult. :)
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I bought 18 copies of Quantum Of Solace for 360, 3 copies of Quantum of Solace for PS3 and 4 copies of Blitz II for 360, from the BB RZ Silver Promotion from last week. Sold them all to CAGs for $22 each, bought for $15 + tax.

Not the first time I've bought multiple games and sold them here on CAG to other CAGs, either.

I guess all multiple purchases aren't bad?
[quote name='shrike4242']I bought 18 copies of Quantum Of Solace for 360, 3 copies of Quantum of Solace for PS3 and 4 copies of Blitz II for 360, from the BB RZ Silver Promotion from last week. Sold them all to CAGs for $22 each, bought for $15 + tax.

Not the first time I've bought multiple games and sold them here on CAG to other CAGs, either.

I guess all multiple purchases aren't bad?[/QUOTE]

See, this stuff I have no problems with... I wish more CAGs were like this and not, "oh man, I gotta make as much money as I can, fuck everyone else!".
[quote name='depascal22']? The quote would help then.[/quote]

Sorry, I was referring to the first post.
Looking at my massive game collection turns me on. Actually though I tend to buy people's complete collection when they sell a system and I end up with a few duplicates because people tend to all own the same popular games. My bigger problem is I never want to take the effort to sell or trade my dupes so now I have about 3 extra copies of FFVII-FFXII and FFT sitting in a closet.
[quote name='guinaevere']To sell (on ebay or amazon or where ever)
To flip (to GS, BBV/GR, FYE, HV)
To keep (collectors who keep one sealed and open one to play)
To give (I'll often buy more than one copy because it's a title me and my brothers all want. I know there are parents and grandparents who'll buy for each kid.)[/QUOTE]


I usually buy multiple copies for friends, to keep the other copy as a sealed collector's item, or if the price is low enough, to flip. I usually just buy 1 copy and let anyone and everyone else grab the remaining copies. My friends love me around Xmas time lol.
I only flip inherently shitty games. I don't like to deprave others of good deals. I could have bought two of the PS3 Singstar bundle at Sears for 9.97 to resell, but didn't. Just the one for myself.

But if there's Wii games at Blockbuster with a metacritic of 40 and I can make money at Gamestop, I'm gonna be on it.
[quote name='shrike4242']I bought 18 copies of Quantum Of Solace for 360, 3 copies of Quantum of Solace for PS3 and 4 copies of Blitz II for 360, from the BB RZ Silver Promotion from last week. Sold them all to CAGs for $22 each, bought for $15 + tax.

Not the first time I've bought multiple games and sold them here on CAG to other CAGs, either.

I guess all multiple purchases aren't bad?[/QUOTE]

:applause: Very commendable indeed.

I wonder why there was such a huge difference with the 360 and PS3 versions of QOS. Many more CAG's with 360's I assume?
[quote name='Josef']:applause: Very commendable indeed.

I wonder why there was such a huge difference with the 360 and PS3 versions of QOS. Many more CAG's with 360's I assume?[/quote]Most people in that thread were asking for QoS, plus the CAGs that wanted a copy above and beyond the copies I picked up were asking for 360 copies.

I had a much harder time finding PS3 copies than 360 copies, for some odd reason. I didn't grab the PS3 copies until someone asked for one, and I picked up three.
[quote name='Pck21']Bingo!

I usually buy multiple copies for friends, to keep the other copy as a sealed collector's item, or if the price is low enough, to flip. I usually just buy 1 copy and let anyone and everyone else grab the remaining copies. My friends love me around Xmas time lol.[/QUOTE]

My friends and family always think I spent a lot of money when they always get games for gifts from me. My cousin only has a Gamecube so I gave him 3 different games last month and I spent less than $20 total (and I got him decent games including Metroid Prime 2), it looks like I probably spent $50+. Same with my friend's birthday in May, he just got a PS3 last month so he will be getting the extra Full Auto 2 I got for $0.97 at Sears. No way he will ever know I only spent $0.97 on it. I'll probably also give him Lunar Dragon Song that I just bought tonight for $0.97 as well since he is an RPG fan. 2 games for under $2 total.

That's why I like giving games as gifts, you can appear to give something really expensive but really spent next to nothing as opposed to say a giftcard where they know how much you spent.
For another person, or possibly collecting purposes. I've also purchased games that I already had, but were at such a cheap price (From clearence and stuff) that I picked one up in the event that it breaks XD
[quote name='shrike4242']I bought 18 copies of Quantum Of Solace for 360, 3 copies of Quantum of Solace for PS3 and 4 copies of Blitz II for 360, from the BB RZ Silver Promotion from last week. Sold them all to CAGs for $22 each, bought for $15 + tax.

Not the first time I've bought multiple games and sold them here on CAG to other CAGs, either.

I guess all multiple purchases aren't bad?[/quote]

Damn hoarder. :lol: Juuuuuust kidding. I wish ALL CAG's were like this, but they're not unfortunately.

Even I admit to being guilty of hoarding at times, though thinking back on it now I really should've grabbed all four copies of Singstar for PS3 from my two closest Sears.

Then again, I didn't expect them to drop to $2 from $10 and even at $10 I had trouble pulling the trigger, but the clearance schedule at Sears is a bit more iffy that Kmart and other places.

But had I known they get $35-36 a pop at Blockbuster and I could price adjust the clearance price, I would've gladly plunked down the $40 to buy them ALL.
bread's done