Why is every game coming out lately getting an LE...?


102 (100%)
I just noticed this today... espically for the 360. Games are expensive enough at $60, is this just some kind of BS to drag an extra $10 out of us? Now I've seen:

Rainbow Six Vegas LE
Lost Planet LE
Gears of War LE
Smackdown vs Raw 2007 LE
Splinter Cell Double Agent LE
Bully CE

I remember when LE / CE's were few and far between for games that really mattered... why is every single major game getting some kind of collector's edition?

Most of these collectors editions just have some kind of 30 page art book (which used to be free preorder bonuses, remember those days?), and some kind of making of disc thrown together in an hour.

It's just a disturbing trend I've noticed... it seems like for $1 worth of effort and work companies can squeeze an extra $10 out of us. I used to really like LE's / CE's but 99% of them don't get limited and it used to be a huge event when we got one... now it seems like "Hey let's throw together random crap lying around to charge another $10!"

I wouldn't care so much if LIMITED edition meant limited, like the MGS 3 LE.
[quote name='y2jrevolution']Yeah it's the money, plain and simple.[/QUOTE]

It seems like lately gaming has become just about the money... worthless $10 extra CE's / LE's, stripping of features to make us pay for them on 360 (and soon PS3, better believe developers will do it there too)... I don't like the trend the industry is going in.
It is ridiculous. $10 is not alot, but if you think about it, it really is. $10 is 1/6 of a 360 game. To put it in perspective, if a game gives you 30 hours of great gameplay, an extra $10 should give you 5 more hours of entertainment (which no CE ever does).

Its a disturbing trend. NFS: Carbon gives you a few extra cars, but they easily could have put that in the regular version. The sad thing is, this trend won't stop. We are proving to the publishers that we will pay $70 per game, just as we did with the $60 games.
It's more or less the same crap we're seeing on Live! with the microtransactions.

One of these days perhaps they'll stop nickel and diming people to death, but I wonder why kind of wake-up call that will require.
I recently asked the same thing:


It's like games are becoming the new hologram baseball cards or foil cover comics. I think its even worse for brand new franchises getting limited editions. I mean if I made an action figure and called it cool guy (super limited edition version) what would your basis be for wanting a collectible version if you never saw it before? Just a way to milk gamers for even more $$$.
[quote name='Kendro']It is ridiculous. $10 is not alot, but if you think about it, it really is. $10 is 1/6 of a 360 game. To put it in perspective, if a game gives you 30 hours of great gameplay, an extra $10 should give you 5 more hours of entertainment (which no CE ever does).

It's a disturbing trend. NFS: Carbon gives you a few extra cars, but they easily could have put that in the regular version. The sad thing is, this trend won't stop. We are proving to the publishers that we will pay $70 per game, just as we did with the $60 games.[/QUOTE]

The thing is, those extra cars would be worth $10 if you were really into NFS Carbon.... stuff like that wouldn't bother me AS much since developers are doing a little bit extra for that extra $10. $10 isn't alot but if I bought a CE / LE of every game I wanted from October 31st to the end of November I'd be paying a whopping $50 extra.

Look at the Rainbow Six Vegas LE... this is in no way worth $10:

The Rainbow Six: Vegas Limited Edition contains:

The Making of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
Go behind the scenes with the development team of Rainbow Six Vegas.

The Faking-of the Making-of
Designing video games isn't all fun and games. Sometimes it's just FUNNY.

Plus bonus features that show Rainbow Six like you've never seen before!

That stupid shit should really be some kind of preorder DVD, because no way is that worth an extra $10. You don't even get anything that has to do with the game at all!
1. the extra does not cost $10 to make. More profit.
2. People might think it will be gone soon and buy the game right away instead of waiting for a price drop.

Also .hack/GU and Scarface also got CE. Anyway i hope we get some high quality LE like Japanese games isntead of 1 extra CD.
[quote name='jkam']I recently asked the same thing:


It's like games are becoming the new hologram baseball cards or foil cover comics. I think its even worse for brand new franchises getting limited editions. I mean if I made an action figure and called it cool guy (super limited edition version) what would your basis be for wanting a collectible version if you never saw it before? Just a way to milk gamers for even more $$$.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm wondering why old franchises as well as new franchises are getting an LE... I mean, do we really need an LE for Smackdown Vs Raw, Madden, or Rainbow Six Vegas?

Espically since they are yearly or they are pumped out a ton like RSV, an LE is just stupid and will never even hold it's value.
Well, if they include $1 worth of extra content and make us pay $10 for it, that's an easy $9 profit for them.

Also, there have been some decent CEs like Oblivion. That was a mightly nice package.
It's a simple fact that people will buy it. No matter which game franchise it is. The FFXII LE will sell like hotcakes, I may even pick it up, even though I know the extras aren't really worth it imo. And the fact that Circuit City will have the regular edition for about $38 when it's released, I'm still thinking of buying the LE.:cry:
[quote name='Roufuss']Well, I'm wondering why old franchises as well as new franchises are getting an LE... I mean, do we really need an LE for Smackdown Vs Raw, Madden, or Rainbow Six Vegas?

Espically since they are yearly or they are pumped out a ton like RSV, an LE is just stupid and will never even hold it's value.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I definitely agree. It's just madness. People should just stop buying them. Well unless of course its something totally and completely worthwhile. Now that I'm thinking about it Tony Hawk had an LE too. Rubbish.
Why should only DVD companies be allowed to get away with this?

It's not like games have other avenues to make money on unlike Hollywood productions.
I think most of them seem to be of the 'Specific Store' collectors edition (Final Fantasy 12, Bully, etc.), and not the developers ideas. It's the way they get higher profit margins on new games.

There are exceptions like Castlevania: POR and Dark Messiah.
Most of these LEs should just be called MEEs, for "more expensive edition". There have been very few LEs that were worth the extra $10, even the MGS3 one was pretty cheap IMO.
Who cares...they want money.... you don't HAVE to buy it. I mean it's not like they're forcing that price forever, you can eventually buy it for regular price or greatest hits etc if it makes it there...ya it's lame, but if you were them you'd do the same. If the people really want the extra item so bad, they can spend 10 bucks on it.
This has been going on for years. I first noticed when i worked at best buy and madden 05 had a collectors edition. Since then its more common to see an LE or CE than to see normal only.

I never use the extra crap so i pass on all of them.
[quote name='sqyxzylyx']What's next? Full screen and widescreen edition?[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't surprise me, neither would paying EA extra money to download the part of the game that makes Madden two-player.
[quote name='MadFlava']...paying EA extra money to download the part of the game that makes Madden two-player.[/quote]

I LOL'ed.
I can't fault the video game companies for coming out with these LE's. It makes sense for the bottom line. They can just throw in crap and charge extra money for it. It doesn't really take any extra work to make an extra 10 bucks a game. If you found a way to charge a special rate for your time at work, wouldn't you?
I can only think of, like, two or three CE / LE / SE titles that were worth it.

(DOOM 3 comes to mind.)
[quote name='Brak']I can only think of, like, two or three CE / LE / SE titles that were worth it.

(DOOM 3 comes to mind.)[/QUOTE]

I felt so jipped when I bought SW:EAW CE for 60 bucks at EB when it came out, just for the bonus disc, which I later found out I could download for free from some site :( ( the bonus disc that is)
The only Limited Edition I have ever gotten was for Halo 2, never again. I don't care one bit about any of them. The only way I will ever get them is if they have an old game on them like the Doom 3/Mortal Kombat SEs or if it's for a franchise that I absolutely love like Metroid or Zelda.
[quote name='jkam'] I mean if I made an action figure and called it cool guy (super limited edition version) what would your basis be for wanting a collectible version if you never saw it before? Just a way to milk gamers for even more $$$.[/quote]

It's called urban vinyl and it's a sickness that looks like it won't stop.
This trend is getting worse. As the game industry moves to digital distribution, one day stores won't even hold the games, you'll have to buy straight to the console via the internet which means no coupons or specials, or price matching. Its not far off where games are a boutique item because people with families can't afford them.
[quote name='Puzznic']The only Limited Edition I have ever gotten was for Halo 2, never again. I don't care one bit about any of them. The only way I will ever get them is if they have an old game on them like the Doom 3/Mortal Kombat SEs or if it's for a franchise that I absolutely love like Metroid or Zelda.[/QUOTE]

Has Nintendo ever come out with an LE/CE version of one of their games? For some reason, I don't think they ever have.
Games that are rehashed or constantly given poor quality sequals should not be subject to CE/LE/SE treatment. I'm talking Rainbow Six, Medal of Honor, Need For Speed, Madden, Dynasty Warriors, etc. (wow, expectedly most of those are EA games)

Games that are truly original (Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, Trauma Center) or are a very respected series (a la Metroid, Castlevania, Zelda) should have CE/LE/SE released. I also think that RPGs deserve special treatment since they age better than most games out there.
Hey I bet I could put a bouncey ball with link on it as a Collectors edition extra and you guys would pay the extra 10 for it!
I like the LEs that give a lot of new stuff (Oblivion), but not the ones that add hardly anything useful (SCDA). I had to get the SCDA because I went all around town and the only version i could find was the LE... I know, I could of waited a few days, but the gas + the time... it didn't make it worth it.
[quote name='Spades22']Hey I bet I could put a bouncey ball with link on it as a Collectors edition extra and you guys would pay the extra 10 for it![/QUOTE]

Does it come with a DVD with a behind-the-scenes look at making the bouncey ball?
[quote name='MadFlava']Has Nintendo ever come out with an LE/CE version of one of their games? For some reason, I don't think they ever have.[/QUOTE]

Actually they may have been the first for video games, with the Zelda gold carts for the NES I think.

I am a sucker for LE's, but lately I have been less and less intrigued lately. I know they do it because it gives people a reason to buy right away instead of waiting for the drop, because limited is supposed to mean limited. I usually wait on limited editions now, often stores clear out the limited versions before the regular version.

With dvds the limited version usually can be had for just as cheap as the regular version eventually, if you can wait, I think prices end up closer because the market is bigger.
[quote name='msdmoney']Actually they may have been the first for video games, with the Zelda gold carts for the NES I think.

But did you have to pay extra for that?
No...but it does come with an OFFICIAL strand of hair from the Link statue created by Myamoto himself!
This is a cheesy cash grab, but I'm much more upset by $60 game prices. I can't and won't pay that much for 99% of games. Most games are worth $5-20 tops. The former $20-40 pricing for new games made sense. $60 is insane.

And then on top of that this new trend of stripping out game features to sell them back to you on TOP of the already insane $60 price tag. I cringe when I hear producers talking about "extras" they'll have available to purchase, months before the game is even finished. Those "extras" are part of the game.

Incredibly cheesy cash grab. I'm REAAAALLY hoping the Playstation 3 isn't as bad-I'm guessing it will be, but let's cross our fingers.

I'm also guessing Wii WON'T be as bad, probably won't do it at all (or patches). Doesn't that make Wii and DS sound a whole lot better? Buy a game for $30, pop it in your system, and play it whenever you want-and the developers finished the game before releasing it! Imagine that! :whistle2:(
[quote name='Puppy']
I'm also guessing Wii WON'T be as bad, probably won't do it at all (or patches). Doesn't that make Wii and DS sound a whole lot better? Buy a game for $30, pop it in your system, and play it whenever you want-and the developers finished the game before releasing it! Imagine that! :whistle2:([/quote]I can see Nintendo not doing this with their games, but I don't know how tight a leash they will have on third parties, so don't bet against seeing microtransactions in some form (besides VC games) on Wii.
I bet they can completely stop either microtransations or single player patches if they want to though. I especially bet they won't allow patches.

Microsoft has been really weird with this. It's like they take the console licensing fee, but then don't actually do anything for the money. Part of the deal is they're supposed to make sure games run right! From a consumer's perspective, that's why they get the fee.
[quote name='willardhaven']Wait, is FFXII availible Tuesday at Circuit City for 38?[/quote]

The regular edition will be 38 bucks at CC.
I am a sucker for the steel boxes, but more for games I know or think I will like. Sometimes, like with Splinter Cell 3, I found the super rare and ultra hard to find(might be a little bit of sarcasm, maybe) CE for cheaper than the regular version. Metal tins make better weapons than platic ones. From the list, I am going to get Gears of War and FFXII limited. Both because I can and I actually like the artwork on both cases. I am also thinking of getting the NFS:Carbon, cause dammit, I want the RX8(or is it RX7? Either one is fine). I do think more games are getting LE and CE than they deserve. The last MK game before MK:A was pretty sweet. MGS#:S LE was lametactular.
Ya I love the metal tins...artbook or cd on development? I could care less. Except..I don't spend 10 bucks on metal tins
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