"Why XBox Live is so great"

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'd be willing to give most people here a try, and then go from there. I just wouldn't go for the random XBL player simply because of all that I've heard from others and my experiences on other online games.[/QUOTE]

Try a few Big Team Battles during the day, if only to see how good or bad it can get.

A good experiment into the realm of weirdness - like the guy who said, "I'm a Jedi!" over and over again until the entire team put him on mute. :lol:

To be honest, the Brits or spanish speaking XBLers are some of the nicest I've ever played with in Halo 2.
[quote name='shrike4242']I'm mostly harmless.[/QUOTE]
I could've guesses that. :lol:

[quote name='Maizrim']Try a few Big Team Battles during the day, if only to see how good or bad it can get.

A good experiment into the realm of weirdness - like the guy who said, "I'm a Jedi!" over and over again until the entire team put him on mute.

To be honest, the Brits or spanish speaking XBLers are some of the nicest I've ever played with in Halo 2.[/quote]

If I had Halo 2, I'd definitely try that out, but I'm just limited to two titles right now.
Well, I must say, im jealous none of these things happen to me on XBL... but also thankful.

I have had a few 10 year olds who start cursing but if they annoy me I mute em and sometimes leave.
[quote name='Maizrim']Try a few Big Team Battles during the day, if only to see how good or bad it can get.

A good experiment into the realm of weirdness - like the guy who said, "I'm a Jedi!" over and over again until the entire team put him on mute. :lol:

To be honest, the Brits or spanish speaking XBLers are some of the nicest I've ever played with in Halo 2.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's fun to try and eavsdrop on the enemy when they're speaking rapid-fire Spanish. :rofl:

I do have to agree, most of the non-US folks I've run into have been pretty cool.
[quote name='shrike4242']Yeah, it's fun to try and eavsdrop on the enemy when they're speaking rapid-fire Spanish. :rofl:

I do have to agree, most of the non-US folks I've run into have been pretty cool.[/QUOTE]

Crimson Skies and what else?
[quote name='shrike4242']Crimson Skies and what else?[/QUOTE]
SC Chaos Theory, which I'm working on improving somewhat as I tend to get into shootouts too easily.
i would have taken tht xbox and all of the games to gamestop or eb the very next day and sold it. That kid sounded like a little bastard.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']SC Chaos Theory, which I'm working on improving somewhat as I tend to get into shootouts too easily.[/QUOTE]

Add me on Live if you wanna do some co-op action, that'd be fun.. I could help you out. GT: ScorchX
I hear crap like that constantly when I play on Live. More
often, insults towards me, though. :(
I apparently sound like a little girl through the headset. I'm 20. :<

Oh man, was playing Conker last night, and that game seems like a freaking MAGNET for the under-12 variety. I swear, 80% of all the people I encountered yesterday were under 12. Most admitted it ("My parents let me play anything" was a popular line). The best was the kid that told me he was 8. He rambled on and on about how violent the game was, though not nearly as violent as GTA: San Andreas. Then later went on to gloat on his past Perfect Dark abilities, and I quote: "I used to own everybody at that game when it came out". Now, I don't remember the exact year that was released, but he must have been, what, four?

I love you, XBL.
[quote name='Scorch']Add me on Live if you wanna do some co-op action, that'd be fun.. I could help you out. GT: ScorchX[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing a headset is very much needed for online co-op, huh? I can pick one up tomorrow at either Fry's or EB since I have the day off. I'll add you once I'm done playing tonight.
I would smack the shit out of that kid

but Iam pretty sure that video is fake

Why else would that dude Zoom in when ever that kid spoke in a clan match
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'm guessing a headset is very much needed for online co-op, huh? I can pick one up tomorrow at either Fry's or EB since I have the day off. I'll add you once I'm done playing tonight.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, definately, which adds a whole other element.. you have to talk quiet into the headset or the enemies will hear you.. you can turn off that option, of course, which I always do.
[quote name='Logg']I would smack the shit out of that kid

but Iam pretty sure that video is fake

Why else would that dude Zoom in when ever that kid spoke in a clan match[/QUOTE]

To laugh when he kept going "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!".. I remember playing Counter-Strike on PC and my friend making random noises and I would watch the guy's character move his mouth and I was laughing so hard I was crying.
[quote name='organicow']You know, the worst thing about shit like this is the message it sends to non-gamers. This is the sort of thing that has lawmakers pushing bills that could restrict violence in videogames; all parents have to do is say "My kid didn't act like that until he played video games." These little shits and their negligent parents are going to make it much more difficult for publishers to release games for adults.

It really gets me, you know. I mean, I grew up in the late '70s and early '80s, and have played games my whole life. But at the same time, my parents were teaching me to know right from wrong & reality from fantasy; knowing these distinctions have allowed me to enjoy games for over 2 decades without turning into an irresponsible, shit-talking retard.

It's called PARENTING, people. Get with it.[/QUOTE]

I concur

I pretty much just play Rainbow Six 3/BA coop missions with some people I know and it is pretty fun, but many of the random xbox live users can get pretty bad. I'd imagine, however, that I can sound pretty annoying on live sometimes due to my temper. Then again, at least I realize this, and don't use a microphone most of the time.
[quote name='Scorch']Yeah, definately, which adds a whole other element.. you have to talk quiet into the headset or the enemies will hear you.. you can turn off that option, of course, which I always do.[/QUOTE]
Reminds me of the Penny Arcade comic about the conversations with guards to interrogate them. :lol:
[quote name='Zingela']I hear crap like that constantly when I play on Live. More
often, insults towards me, though. :(
I apparently sound like a little girl through the headset. I'm 20. :<

Oh man, was playing Conker last night, and that game seems like a freaking MAGNET for the under-12 variety. I swear, 80% of all the people I encountered yesterday were under 12. Most admitted it ("My parents let me play anything" was a popular line). The best was the kid that told me he was 8. He rambled on and on about how violent the game was, though not nearly as violent as GTA: San Andreas. Then later went on to gloat on his past Perfect Dark abilities, and I quote: "I used to own everybody at that game when it came out". Now, I don't remember the exact year that was released, but he must have been, what, four?

I love you, XBL.[/QUOTE]

I thought that the name Zingela looked familiar, and now I know why. And if I remember correctly, I team killed you atleast once. You going to be playing tonight? I am sure Rabbittreloaded and A crispy donut are playing it right now. I will be joining them as soon as I get done with my NBA 2K5 beating.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I'm guessing a headset is very much needed for online co-op, huh? I can pick one up tomorrow at either Fry's or EB since I have the day off. I'll add you once I'm done playing tonight.[/QUOTE]

Man, for a fat video game kid with a list of 300 games or some shit on IGN you don't have much in the way of new shit huh? Like, you got a fu(kin' modded Famicom and Super Mario 2: Lost Worlds mint in box but you only have 2 XBL games and no headset. Weak sauce Kool Aid man, weak sauce.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Man, for a fat video game kid with a list of 300 games or some shit on IGN you don't have much in the way of new shit huh? Like, you got a fu(kin' modded Famicom and Super Mario 2: Lost Worlds mint in box but you only have 2 XBL games and no headset. Weak sauce Kool Aid man, weak sauce.[/QUOTE]

Why can you not get over his weight?
[quote name='Scorch']Why can you not get over his weight?[/QUOTE]
It's just a descriptive thing I mention, like if he was black or Republican.
[quote name='craven_fiend']I thought that the name Zingela looked familiar, and now I know why. And if I remember correctly, I team killed you atleast once. You going to be playing tonight? I am sure Rabbittreloaded and A crispy donut are playing it right now. I will be joining them as soon as I get done with my NBA 2K5 beating.[/QUOTE]

haha! Yes, that was indeed me. Forgive my total suckfest, was my first time playing multi. And I haven't played since, so I'll still be pretty horrible. I might be on later, I'll keep an eye out for ya.
[quote name='JimmieMac']It's just a descriptive thing I mention, like if he was black or Republican.[/QUOTE]

You're so politically incorrect.. but damnit, it's hilarious
This video gave me mixed emotions. I was laughing when the character was moving his mouth screaming for a beverage, but I was pissed that the kid was talking to his mother like that. If I ever spoke to my mother like that, she would have yanked off my headset, taken off her shoe and beat the shit out of me with it. Then, she would have unplugged my Xbox... and then to add more punishment, she would probably cut off the cable and internet services and grounded me. I thank God that my mom loves me that much to punish me properly.

Also, this video reminded me of trying to play Chaos Theory online this weekend. Nothing but assholes online. Screaming and yelling and bitching galore. I didn't even get through a whole game because of that. Yuck.

I still want to pick up CT though; the game kicks butt. :)
[quote name='Saucy Jack']I was pissed that the kid was talking to his mother like that.[/QUOTE]


Five across the eyes. And then some, perhaps.
[quote name='Zingela']haha! Yes, that was indeed me. Forgive my total suckfest, was my first time playing multi. And I haven't played since, so I'll still be pretty horrible. I might be on later, I'll keep an eye out for ya.[/QUOTE]

Alright cool. We're all playing right now, so feel free to send a friend request my way(gt= craven fiend)
[quote name='JimmieMac']Man, for a fat video game kid with a list of 300 games or some shit on IGN you don't have much in the way of new shit huh? Like, you got a fu(kin' modded Famicom and Super Mario 2: Lost Worlds mint in box but you only have 2 XBL games and no headset. Weak sauce Kool Aid man, weak sauce.[/QUOTE]
Pardon me for not buying 50 games with my Xbox that I've had a few weeks.

Special Weapons And Tactics team member specializing in high-tech demolition, expert marksmanship, and unmatched hand-to-hand combat skills wants some mother fucking chocolate milk, not mountain dew.

This is so common on xbox live.

I've been blessed in the last few online matches I've had that nobody said a word, and when they did, it was actually something intelligent.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']This video gave me mixed emotions. I was laughing when the character was moving his mouth screaming for a beverage, but I was pissed that the kid was talking to his mother like that. If I ever spoke to my mother like that, she would have yanked off my headset, taken off her shoe and beat the shit out of me with it. Then, she would have unplugged my Xbox... and then to add more punishment, she would probably cut off the cable and internet services and grounded me. I thank God that my mom loves me that much to punish me properly.

Also, this video reminded me of trying to play Chaos Theory online this weekend. Nothing but assholes online. Screaming and yelling and bitching galore. I didn't even get through a whole game because of that. Yuck.

I still want to pick up CT though; the game kicks butt. :)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, my Dad would have bitch slapped me if I ever said something like that to my Mom.

Just another reason why I'm curious, yet hesitant to start teaching high school next year...
I was playing Forza before and this guy cuts me off so I hit him in the ass a little and he starts going off on me a bit so I tell him to stop being a baby, then all the other players started asking him if it was a clan match being messed up and if he wanted chocolate milk. Classic
He sounded like the kid off of "The Toy"... that is, before he had the realization that he was a little prick.


Consequently, that actor became a pornstar later in life.

And, rofl... I just watched it again and noticed the little brat calls his mom a "B". The letter "B". I feel bad for her; probably a single parent, or something. If I was his dad, I'd smash the computer with a bat with a nail sticking out of it.
I find a great bit of irony in some of the complaints about Live considering the sources, but oh well. :)

Those looking for a good Halo 2 time look me up. If we run into these kinda babblers I can make it entertaining. Also, my base crew are some pretty decent characters if you don't wanna deal with scumbags.

Scorch and others we need to get on Splinter Cell sometime. I've been trying to get people on there forever, but no luck.
[quote name='snotnose_colossal']Someone should really get that kid kicked off LIVE, or at least kick him square in the nuts[/QUOTE]

If he had any.

I play on Xlink Kai, and out of all the people who I have played Ghost Recon 2 with, there are very few which were the way you people described. Then again, there are only roughly about 50 people average playing at a time. Of course the "EZ" clan is another story...
i guess im lucky or blessed or something because in my memory, i haven't had too many run-ins with little racist noisy little kids all summer... not to say there havent been a few in these past few months... and i only play random... i rarely play with ppl i know... because i dont really know anyone around here with xbox live... all ps2 fans... =/

anyways the thing about the video that interested me the most was the fact that the character's mouth moved when the person talked. I thought that was pretty freakin' cool. i was unaware that the game had anything like that. Man game developers are cool.
I just had a run-in last night. It was on Team Slayer and the guys on MY team were being the racist assholes. I was gonna just play with the mic off but I didn't want to be associated with them so I quit.
bread's done