wife VS gaming systems

[quote name='gaelan']getting her to "accept" your hobby is going to be difficult. i wouldn't concentrate on changing her attitude because that is too much work. just play your games, and tell her to stfu at the appropriate times.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty good advice. There's nothing more pointless than trying to change the way a woman thinks or acts.
[quote name='supadupacheap']If the gal aint a gamer she just aint a gamer. So be it. My woman despised football but part of the baggage that comes with me is that so she had to learn to deal with it or walk.
I think a lot of gamers think there is some magic game, system, etc. that will turn their loved one into a gamer so all will be wonderful in the land of DSes and Unicorns. Sometimes people you love just dont love WHAT you love. They need to learn that as long as its harmless theres no reason for them to get upset about it. If they cant, you ve got a bad woman/man on your hands and need to reacess whether they are good for you.[/QUOTE]

My wife was not a gamer at all... (she will play mario party with the kids once in a while) but SHE bought Nintendogs which surprised me to no end and she now plays the DS every day.
It's amazing to actually read one of these threads that has real world advice. Javeryh, Supadupacheap, you guys all hit the nail on the head. There is no "magic game" to get your gf / wife to start playing that will get her hooked on games. It's not like she will start playing Nintendogs, and then be like "Awesome let's try some Halo 2, or Marvel Vs Capcom 2!!". Chances are, she'll like Nintendogs, and still hate everything else.

Every girl I've ever known that hated games, only liked the ones where they were in complete control (what a surprise...). The Sims is probably the best one out there - I've never met a girl who DIDN'T like it, after all it is just controlling little people. They still hated every other game, though.

To the OP, you're fucked, you should have discussed this with your wife before, you know, you decided to get married? Isn't this something most people discuss in the first few months of dating?
There is the common situation where the lady will tolerate it during the dating stage, or maybe she doesnt make it fully known the extent to which she has disdain for gaming. What both you and probably she doesnt know is that she intends to change you at some point. And so that conversation doesnt happen

I heard this story once about this couple who had been married for at least 20 years, and he was big into tabletop gaming. It wasnt a problem really, and then one day she just busts out with, "so, when are you going to stop this gaming thing.". Marriage ends.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']There is the common situation where the lady will tolerate it during the dating stage, or maybe she doesnt make it fully known the extent to which she has disdain for gaming. What both you and probably she doesnt know is that she intends to change you at some point. And so that conversation doesnt happen

I guess I prompt the conversation early, when they come over and see my ps2 + gamecube plus one or two games sitting around. She'll say "So, you like the video games thing?" and I'll say something like "Yea, it's ok, but if you have a problem with it, let me know".

To which I open up the closet and there are at least 850 or so games in there.. that's pretty much when I can tell if she'll be cool with it, or if she's going to make it a big issue.

But I guess everyone dosen't have a closet with 850 games :lol:
[quote name='Jedi1979']beat her...and anytime after you beat her she says something about video games beat her again and again and again[/QUOTE]

wrong so wrong... :rofl:

How much do you play. If you're playing 12 hours a day I can understand.
[quote name='Roufuss']...I open up the closet and there are at least 850 or so games in there...[/QUOTE]

That's the easy way to find out if your date will think you're a complete freak or not. It's akin to bringing her back to your place on a first date, pulling your pants down around your ankes, and showing her your "castration accident".

BTW, I showed my wife the Nintendogs Demo at TRU, and the first thing she said was "I want this". We don't have a DS, and we won't be getting one, but that's the power of Nintendogs. I don't care what anyone else says, if you have a wife and a DS, GET her Nintendogs. She may not convert to fragfests, but she can spend hours petting her poodle while you're whittling away on your 360. (It counts as semi-quality time if you're in the same room together) :)
[quote name='Roufuss'] The Sims is probably the best one out there - I've never met a girl who DIDN'T like it, after all it is just controlling little people.[/QUOTE]

I'm a girl. I hate The Sims.

And to all you people saying buy the pink DS and Nintendogs. Aww..cutie girls want pink and puppies. bleh. If you tried to do that to me back in the day, those games would of turned me OFF to gaming.

There is no magical game to start with. You should know your significant other, know her intrests, know what game could possibly intrest her whether it be RPG, strategy, cutie puppies, FPS, whatever.

I'm so glad my boyfriend and I are both hardcore gamers. Only problem is fighting over the TV.
[quote name='SierraNight']I'm a girl. I hate The Sims.

And to all you people saying buy the pink DS and Nintendogs. Aww..cutie girls want pink and puppies. bleh. If you tried to do that to me back in the day, those games would of turned me OFF to gaming.

There is no magical game to start with. You should know your significant other, know her intrests, know what game could possibly intrest her whether it be RPG, strategy, cutie puppies, FPS, whatever.

I'm so glad my boyfriend and I are both hardcore gamers. Only problem is fighting over the TV.[/QUOTE]

Your actually in the minority. Those games arent just played by girls, or girly, they just have a much broader appeal to non gamers. This is why most girls can easily like gaming with things approachable like the sims, nintendogs, DDR, donkey konga. Sure the other games might interest her, but those games are a stepping stone to try other games to see if she likes them.

As for the OP, i dunno. You wont let "Crap" like nintendogs into your house...even though it could make her see your DS purchase was a good thing and gaming isnt bad. Yet you expect her to find a way to tolerate the games you might like?
My .02 - my girlfriend hates video games, no DS, no nintendogs, no DDR, no Kirby not nothing - until my family started playing Halo 2 on LAN on the occasional weekend that I make it home from school - she jumped right in (shes not CAGTACULAR but she can get 10 or so kills in a team slayer match and loves nothing more than owning me with the shotgun and talking shit about it for a week ;) So I have t agree with some of the points above - I think a lot of women would like the social aspect more - my sister's also addicted to Halo 2 on live/LAN but hates campaign mode (and shes actually pretty damn good - level 26 :shock:). So thats my scientific theory - girls like to talk.
I guess I'm just lucky.
I'm engaged to a cute girl who doesn't want kids, plays video games, and actually loves me back. :)

We play most PC games online together, and co-op games on the PS2. Our exercise consists of DDR sessions.

She typically does much better than me in games like Warcraft and Age of Empires. I win at Unreal Tournament though. :)

Guys, if you're a gamer in need of a gamer girl, bars aren't where you'll find them. I met mine on the internet 7 years ago. :)
[quote name='Dezuria']

Guys, if you're a gamer in need of a gamer girl, bars aren't where you'll find them. I met mine on the internet 7 years ago. :)[/QUOTE]

:rofl: Best. Quote. Evar.
And you're totally right.
I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but the Mario Party games are a good gateway too. My wife is super competitve though so I let her win occassionally to keep the peace. She also likes the Sims but it is my 6 yo daughter who is pushing for nintendogs
Here's my thang. My girlfriend also hates the fact that I buy and own games. Hates it. No changing that fact. However, on occasion, she'll say, "Can we play Mario Kart / Super Smash Bros / Mario Tennis?" It's a very rare thing, but when I get the chance, I jump on it. This seems to ease her off of my video game habit for awhile, as she can relate to games being fun at least for a very short period of time after she has played one.

Bottom line, listen to these other, er, intelligent people.

1) If she is open to the possibility of trying some games, introduce her to some socially-oriented titles.

2) If she is absolutely and completely against your gaming habit, make sure she is not misdirecting her anger toward your games.

3) If there is no room for compromise there may be larger issues in your relationship than you think.

Anyway, I wish you luck.
[quote name='Dezuria']I guess I'm just lucky.
I'm engaged to a cute girl who doesn't want kids, plays video games, and actually loves me back. :)[/QUOTE]

2 out of 3 ain't bad. Having and raising a kid is the most amazing experience I could ever hope to have in my life though I realize it's not for everyone.
[quote name='javeryh']2 out of 3 ain't bad. Having and raising a kid is the most amazing experience I could ever hope to have in my life though I realize it's not for everyone.[/QUOTE]
ditto on child raising although I have found two rugrats is my limit.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Only dating gamers is not a realistic option. Outside of Japan, that would leave
98%+ of the males in this country single.[/QUOTE]

There are more of us out there then you think. Well, it depends on your age too. The younger you are, the more luck you'll have finding a girl brough up around video games.
I do agree that their numbers will continue to rise among the youth. I imagine in 20 years, I might walk into the living room on a Sunday evening and they'll be a bunch of kids drinking and watching TV. Except instead of watching the Football, they'll be watching the Quake 7 finals. And it will be sad, because I will have grown up in the wrong time.

As far as more than I think, I dont currently have any reason to think otherwise.
Next time you have sex, start calling her Princess Peach and see how she reacts, I think it would be funny
Convince her that the 360 will replace the xbox and that it will be a multi-media device like a computer, and will compliment your computer. That paired with an ipod nano for her should do the trick. Oh yeah, and then hit it.
Wow...Ive been with my fiancee for 10 months now and she is a 'lite' gamer.
Keep in mind I ran a game store for 2 years so I amassed a HUGE collection of not only Games/Systems, but Promo items (Display Standee, Display Systems, Statues, Etc.). Since Im usually pretty busy, I only really play portable consoles (So that means my DS, GBA, N-Gage, and somtimes PSP). I was able to slowly get my girl to play games (Zoo Keeper) and she enjoyed it so much I bought her a DS. Now she enjoys Zoo Keeper, Puyo Pop, Yoshi (She loves this), Nintendogs (Again, CRACK), and a few other DS games.

Ive even gotten her into some NES games, so I picked up *gasp* a cheap Flashcart and loaded some NES Roms on for her to play. This is the best thing for her as these games are fairly simple and 2D, which won't overwhelm her at first. I have yet to decide if I want to introduce her to Animal Crossing.
My ex girlfriend of 4 years pretended to be ok with me playing games, but she would tell her friends and family how it was stupid and a waste. It ended up being she had major control issues and I broke it off. But the best thing you can do is get her involved. Have her play Burnout or a little bit of Grand Theft Auto. You'd be suprised at how girls like fast cars and things blowing up.
Im lucky enough that my Wife is very into gaming. She loves the Sims, especially online, mostly for the social aspects. But even that got boring for her after awhile. So then we got into a coop console game kick. We played every Baldurs Gate clone there is.

But then it got to the point where I was doing all my gaming with her. And single player games I really wanted to play like GT4 & MGS3 were sitting on the shelf collecting dust. I had the opposite problem of most guys, I had to find a way to get my woman to stop playing games with me, lol.

Then I discovered 3 magic words... World of Warcraft. Now my wife lives in Azeroth, has several lvl 60's, her own Guild, and I get to play whatever I want. I can wait for X-men legends II to go down to $20 cos theres no chance that she will touch it before then. Hell, she even considers her playing wow and me playing consoles in the same room 'spending time together'. I just have to help her pick out a new breastplate once in a while and be attentive enough to answer her questions.

Yup, between that and her kicking me out of the house every Sunday to go watch NFL ticket at my friends house I'd say I have damn near the perfect marraige. ;)
I've been pretty lucky with my wife (granted I've only been married a week and a half). She let's me play the single player games, but loves to play Mario Kart and NES. As a matter of fact, both GBAs we have are hers, I don't have one for myself. On Saturday she started playing Katamari Damacy with me and she seemed to like it a lot. She knew about my gaming habit ever since we started dating when I was 14, now I'm 22 so she isn't even gonna try to talk me out of it. Every now and then she does get mad at me for playing, but that's only when there is something that needs to be done around the house.
Play some easy to grasp games( DDR, Supermonkey ball, Bust-A-Move, Taiko Drum Master, Katamari Damacy, etc) with your woman, and most importantly, let her win! It takes a real man to lose on purpose and lose with grace. She'll be much more inclined to get into games if she thinks she's naturally really good at them. Let her win at about a 70% ratio and she'll be hooked. Eventually she'll get better and she'll turn into really good competeition for you, and then everyone wins.
My girlfriend isn't and probably never will be a gamer, but she accepts my gaming. Games just aren't social enough for her, and even some of the more social games wouldn't replace real life social situations for her. She does enjoy Mario Kart, but isn't into it enough to where I could transition her to other games. As far as spending money on games, she buys clothes, I buy games. I really don't understand her clothes, she doesn't understand my gaming but neither of us try and control the other.

I had an ex who hated my games, the word stupid always preced the word games with her. But that was just a symptom of larger problems between us, and getting rid of her was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Funny thread

I'm amused by all the stories of typical gamer relationship troubles. My wife plays plenty of different kinds of games.

I tease my wife calling her a "flighty gamer". As in, she has interest in a few different types of games, but rarely makes much headway/progress on them, and flits from game to game.

For example, the only game she's ever beat was Jak & Daxter. Everything else she just plays for a little while and doesn't get back to. Gran Tourismo 3, Jak 2, Fable, Animal Crossing, Silent Hill 3, RE4, Guild Wars, etc all sitting around. Besides the Sims & DDR (and a bit of Nintendogs lately which she can play at work), she doesn't actually play her games much.

Realistically, it's really her 200+ DVD movies, 30+ TVonDVD boxsets, and 300+ anime DVDs on the shelf that keep her from finishing many games. She spends her time watching TVonDVD and movies and working fulltime. (And lately fulltime grad school as well).
I used to tell my ex's that the reason I liked games so much is because games don't bitch at me all day.
meh, as far as my gaming habit is concerned i use it as a balance. She buys a shit ton of clothes i don't say a word, i buy games/systems/gizmos its my thing. if fairness doesn't work. I would point out that instead of going out and hitting the bars/getting drunk/getting high you choose to decompress by playing games. if she can't respect your relaxation method, then she's a bit controlling.

hell, come to think of it, my woman encorages me to game a bit when i get a bit bitchy b/c of finals...
[quote name='jdevlin7756']NOOOO, I don't want that schmarmy crap in my house.[/QUOTE]

i was going to help , until i seen that....moron dont judge a game by the way it looks , perfect example is katamari damaci
[quote name='jdevlin7756']NOOOO, I don't want that schmarmy crap in my house.[/QUOTE]

After reading this it looks like you may be an ass
bread's done