Wii Fit to player: You're fat.

[quote name='whoknows']I especially hate fat people that get to park in handicap spots.[/quote] Seriously. If you're that fucking fat that you can't walk, then go on a diet.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I can't be the only old person here who remembers the "four food groups"...[/quote]ooh! I'm old! I remember!
[quote name='SaraAB']This is so true, my doctor who pushes weight loss pills and god knows what else onto people to try and help them lose weight, is very fat, he is much much larger than me, and he is telling me I need to lose weight. He just lost some credibility right there. I know I am fat and I am not trying to deny it by any means but I don't need a fat doctor telling me that I am. And yes I am trying to do something about my fatness.[/quote]
Seriously. There are so many fat nutritionists and fat personal trainers... it doesn't make any sense to listen to them at all! Look at Wii Fit, do you really envy Miyamoto's body? Or most of the Japanese? Sure they're skinny, but they don't got any muscle at all.
Nutritional information isn't very good in this country, and its hard to come by, if not misleading at most times, so even when you think you are using common sense and making the right choices very often you find you are taking in a lot of hidden calories simply because the information you are being provided on what is healthy to eat and what is not is entirely false. Plus there are so many different opinions on what you should eat and what you shouldn't that you don't know what to believe anymore. Its like McDonalds (or any other restaurant) advertising that their salads which contain a package of full fat ranch dressing and extra crispy chicken are healthy because you are eating salad and chicken instead of burgers and fries, when in reality you are still taking in a load of fat and calories from that salad.

Don't even get me started on the food pyramid, doesn't it change constantly so that the food pyramid that was drilled into my head when I was in grade school and high school is not the same as the food pyramid of today? Obviously, this country needs some standards for nutrition, and needs to stop providing false and very misleading info to make people think they are eating healthy and dieting by eating a salad that is loaded with fat and calories!
The best nutritional information that I've received is that we should strive to eat as natural as possible... usually if it comes in a bag or a box and has ingredients that I can't pronounce, I pass it up. If you want more, you can try reading Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan and What to Eat by Marion Nestle although there are some ideas in there that I disagree with it.

Oh man, the food pyramid. Yeah they changed it. Some people think that's why a lot of people are fat, because they recommended 6-12 servings of grains. There was no distinction either, I clearly remember in my youth, I would pile on those Chikin-in-a-Biskit crackers. Yeah they were good, but obviously they didn't meet healthy standards, despite it claiming it was a healthy source of grain. Pfft.
[quote name='kainzero'] Originally Posted by kainzero's friend...
Oh, and if you're like one of the many ectomorphs that are "skinny fat", good fucking luck getting "toned", jackass[/quote]

What the hell is "skinny fat"?
I'd love to know what Gyms you go to are filled with fat personal trainers. I've worked out at 3 Gold's Gyms over the years and a couple of university rec centers and out of shape trainers were certainly few and far between. Most were in exceptionally good shape as they were always working out--be it showing stuff to their clients or hitting the weights and cardio equipment in between clients.
[quote name='Deefuzz']What the hell is "skinny fat"?[/QUOTE]

Small frame, but still a fairly high body fat percentage. Skinny guys with a beer gut or love handles. etc. etc.

They're out there. You see them in every gym, swimming pool etc. Guys/gals that look skinny with their clothes on, but when they come off you see some fat, cellulite etc.
I really think everyone should take a Nutrition class in college. I elected to take one last semester, and it taught me a ton of interesting information.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'd love to know what Gyms you go to are filled with fat personal trainers. I've worked out at 3 Gold's Gyms over the years and a couple of university rec centers and out of shape trainers were certainly few and far between. Most were in exceptionally good shape as they were always working out--be it showing stuff to their clients or hitting the weights and cardio equipment in between clients.[/quote]
24 Hour and LA Fitness, even at UC San Diego I've seen a few fat trainers. I have a terrible story about an LA Fitness trainer, but I'd rather not tell the whole thing; but in short, he felt like showing me his biceps a billion times. Even yesterday, I walk into 24 like I always do and a trainer scans me in. I ask for weight collars like I always do, and he says "We don't have those here."

Me: "Um, what? I've been getting them every time I go here."
Trainer: "Huh. *looks at receptionist* Hey, do we have weight collars?"
Receptionist: "Yeah, they're in that drawer right there."
Trainer: "Oh, you meant the things that go on the end of the barbell."
Me: "Uh, yea, right..."
People might drop some of that weight if they spent time in the gym exercising and not working out their big fat mouth. I'm getting pretty tired of people just sitting around on the benches fucking having a chat. Christ. Then they give you this look like "Oh, you need to use this?" It's usually the "once-a-weekers" or dumb chicks who are guilty of this, and it's just irritating as all hell when you're doing circuit training/timing your rest between exercises.

Also, the squat cage is for squats, NOT fuckING BICEP CURLS. Also-Also, if you can read a magazine or do paperwork while doing "cardio", you're not fucking doing cardio. Quit wasting your time and the time of the person waiting to use the treadmill for what it was designed for.

*end rant*
I hate the people that go and they literally do the smallest out of actual work they can possibly muster. I mean, I need to respect people making it out there to begin with, right? But some of these people might as well just stay home and take up space there as opposed to at the gym.

RF hit on it - it's always the fat middle aged soccer moms doing this. They get on their cell phones while on the elliptical machines, or have a magazine out, or are doing crossword puzzles, all the while going at a pace equivalent to walking at best.

I mean I've run into people who honestly don't buy into the whole "no pain, no gain" mentality, and think that any pain = always doing it wrong. Which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Yeah, you might lift something wrongly and that'll hurt you in a non-productive way. But you HAVE to put in the effort. You gotta sweat, you gotta let your mucles be broken down, and you gotta want to hustle.

Otherwise you can go home and get a Thigh Master and down pizza while you watch Oprah, lamenting about how she's able to drop/gain weight like some kind of genie.
[quote name='Strell']Otherwise you can go home and get a Thigh Master and down pizza while you watch Oprah, lamenting about how she's able to drop/gain weight like some kind of genie.[/QUOTE]

Don't knock my Saturday night :nottalking:
[quote name='kainzero']Seriously. There are so many fat nutritionists and fat personal trainers... it doesn't make any sense to listen to them at all! Look at Wii Fit, do you really envy Miyamoto's body? Or most of the Japanese? Sure they're skinny, but they don't got any muscle at all.

The best nutritional information that I've received is that we should strive to eat as natural as possible... usually if it comes in a bag or a box and has ingredients that I can't pronounce, I pass it up. If you want more, you can try reading Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan and What to Eat by Marion Nestle although there are some ideas in there that I disagree with it.

Oh man, the food pyramid. Yeah they changed it. Some people think that's why a lot of people are fat, because they recommended 6-12 servings of grains. There was no distinction either, I clearly remember in my youth, I would pile on those Chikin-in-a-Biskit crackers. Yeah they were good, but obviously they didn't meet healthy standards, despite it claiming it was a healthy source of grain. Pfft.[/QUOTE]

I remember those crackers too, what they told us in school is basically to eat the most bread, rice and grains and to eat very little fats and sweets, but you are correct in that there is no distinction between what is a healthy grain and what is bad. The four food groups was big too, and our health classes in grade and high school involved a lot of using the food pyramid. I am sure if I ate 6-12 servings of white bread per day that I would not lose weight and I would get even fatter however according to the food pyramid that was a completely legit way of getting your 6-12 servings of grain per day.

There was also a HUGE movement in the 90s where basically one fat gram was considered lethal and very very bad for you. According to this mentality you weren't supposed to have any fat in your diet at all. Unfortunately I was in high school during this time which meant the females in the class were all counting fat grams on a calculator basically and trying to diet based solely on the premise of FAT IS BAD.

Then the low carb movement a few years ago, where they came out with everything from low carb bread to low carb candy bars... This basically was like, ok your not supposed to have any carbs at all in your diet and carbs are as evil as fat if not worse. So now your supposed to eat a diet that does not contain any carbs or any fat. I know people who did this diet and they almost fell over from exhaustion after trying to do any kind of physical activity.

Don't panic, I am not morbidly obese and I have switched to wheat bread (which lets hope, is actually healthy for you) and no I don't eat 6-12 servings a day of it either. There is very little taste difference between white and wheat bread if you can get past the brown color of it. I also lost 10lbs just by switching some of the stuff I eat like switching to wheat bread and eating more fruit instead of packaged snacks. Pretty much everything I eat comes out of the kitchen and not from a bag. I absolutely hate processed foods because to me they taste bad and make me sick, and I don't want to be sick, so thats a pretty big deterrent to eating them. Basically anything with grease makes me sick, so that makes it really easy for me to avoid fast food, that and I don't like the taste either. McDonalds happy meals used to be ok when I was a kid (not that I got them that often) but I had one a few years ago and it just tasted horrible, I wonder if they have lowered the quality of the food they use since the 80s when I was a kid or if its just the adult taste buds maturing.
Reality's Fringe;4376066]Also said:
I hate hate hate hate hate how 99% of the squat rack users do curls and upright rows with weight you can find on the pre-weighted barbell area. GTFO with that crap.
But on the other hand I love it when I get a rack and do my entire workout there. Squats, DLs, Press, Cleans, Lunges, GMs, RDLs, Shrugs, OH Squats... not all in one session but yeah.
I remember when I was learning to exercise I brought a book with me when I rank on the treadmill. I'm lucky if I even read a page, and I wondered how the hell people can read while running. Then I realized they're all walking real slow.
[quote name='Strell']RF hit on it - it's always the fat middle aged soccer moms doing this. They get on their cell phones while on the elliptical machines, or have a magazine out, or are doing crossword puzzles, all the while going at a pace equivalent to walking at best.
No way, I've seen everyone do it. Skinny guys, fat guys, even some pretty girls texting while leg pressing.

The WORST excuse I hear is when girls or guys say "Yeah, I would like to weight train but I don't want to get bulky." That has to be the biggest insult ever. It takes people YEARS to develop huge bodies and these skinny-fat people are scared of getting huge, as if they wake up the next morning and discover that they blew up. pfffffffft~

[quote name='SaraAB']Don't panic, I am not morbidly obese and I have switched to wheat bread (which lets hope, is actually healthy for you) and no I don't eat 6-12 servings a day of it either.[/quote]
Make sure it's 100% whole wheat bread. It should say that. Otherwise it could actually be white bread that's been colored brown.

I saw the video and man, I thought they just called you fat. But they make your Mii fat too? That's kinda messed up. =)
Actually you're going to want the $4 a loaf bread that doesn't have corn syrup in it. Even 90% of the 'whole wheat' loaves of bread are made with corn syrup being one of the first 4 ingredients. I'm tempted to steal my mother's bread machine, she hasn't used that thing in YEARS. Except I don't want my house smelling like beer.

My fat Mii waddles around making conversation with my guy's mii (also fat because miis can't be built like refridgerators), Robocop, Pikachu, and Shin-chan. I wish that could be a screensaver.
Yes, it is 100% whole wheat bread, and it does say that on the package. I do wonder what the difference is between 100% whole grain and 100% whole wheat bread as I eat a mixture of both because my grocery store doesn't always have the 100% whole wheat in stock. Eww white bread colored brown, that sounds pretty gross. I am paying 1.79 a loaf and I really can't afford to be paying 4$ a loaf for wheat bread.

It calls you fat then it makes your Mii fat and then it does a little crying thing, as if to make you feel more insulted about your weight. I can live with being called fat but I can see how the visual representation of it can harm the emotions, especially in impressionable kids and teens, and when they aren't even fat.
Mine came up as OVERWEIGHT..and it said "oh no, overweight" as my Mii grew a belly and was sad about this.
I agreed. LOL

The message I got is: You don't want to be overweight! You SHOULDN'T be overweight. Being OVERWEIGHT is not a good thing. I didn't feel insulted. I am 5'6, 158lbs. My BMI was a little over 25 (not 26 yet) so I'm right at the "OVERWEIGHT" mark. I basically have 5lbs to be normal weight according to BMI.

But that's how I feel it was represented. I guess I could see how people can be offended by that..but it's no way harsh. It's the truth. Despite if your heavy and OK with it, you should KNOW this is not how you should be living. (Problems and illness' aside, of course)

What a great time it would be for a parent to step in and support their child, and then use it as a stepping stone toward self-esteem building and confidence. A perfect and prime moment to teach valuable life lessons and push someone toward self-improvement in a fun and relatively enjoyable way.

But no. Instead people just take the easy way out and just bitch about it.

I mean at some point, we have to draw a line between harsh reality versus artificial consolation.

Of course, all of this could be avoided if properly understood how BMI really isn't the greatest indicator, and breaks down for certain individuals. Such as children.
[quote name='Strell']Seriously.

What a great time it would be for a parent to step in and support their child, and then use it as a stepping stone toward self-esteem building and confidence. A perfect and prime moment to teach valuable life lessons and push someone toward self-improvement in a fun and relatively enjoyable way.

But no. Instead people just take the easy way out and just bitch about it.

I mean at some point, we have to draw a line between harsh reality versus artificial consolation.[/QUOTE]

Yes! Exactly! The game does a great job of letting you know your doing a good job and it also tells you to do better. It tells you what you're doing wrong..like literally. If I fuck up an exercise my sexy trainer (I really have a crush on him, btw) tells me that my left leg needs to be stretched more or I need to focus more on my right...So it TELLS you what you are doing wrong.

It often gives you general fitness tips/advice, and it does a really good job of showing your progress. The balance board (yes, the board is a character in the game, LOL) was really happy with me today because I lost .3 lbs from yesterday. If you GAIN something, I'm sure he probably gets sad..and he has the right to be.

I think the BIG concern is basically what happened to me: I am only 5-6lbs away from that "NORMAL WEIGHT". I'm not fat, I'm not really blob'ish..so I can understand you feeling bad that you got called FAT when you're really only 5 pounds overweight. HOWEVER, 5 pounds overweight is still 5 pounds overweight.
[quote name='SaraAB']Yes, it is 100% whole wheat bread, and it does say that on the package. I do wonder what the difference is between 100% whole grain and 100% whole wheat bread as I eat a mixture of both because my grocery store doesn't always have the 100% whole wheat in stock. Eww white bread colored brown, that sounds pretty gross. I am paying 1.79 a loaf and I really can't afford to be paying 4$ a loaf for wheat bread.[/quote]
I probably eat that one too, the one from orowheat. Sucks because the second or third ingredient is corn syrup, but I can't find any other 100% whole wheat bread around here. Not even a $4 one. Maybe it's time I make my own too.
It calls you fat then it makes your Mii fat and then it does a little crying thing, as if to make you feel more insulted about your weight. I can live with being called fat but I can see how the visual representation of it can harm the emotions, especially in impressionable kids and teens, and when they aren't even fat.
Yea, I can really see the concern. I thought they just classified you under obese... but they can make your Mii look fat when you actually aren't, which is dangerous in a woefully under-educated American society.

[quote name='lilboo']I think the BIG concern is basically what happened to me: I am only 5-6lbs away from that "NORMAL WEIGHT". I'm not fat, I'm not really blob'ish..so I can understand you feeling bad that you got called FAT when you're really only 5 pounds overweight. HOWEVER, 5 pounds overweight is still 5 pounds overweight.[/quote]
I randomly gain and lose 5 pounds so I don't know. My weight fluctuates between 175-183 within days... it's why I don't like weighing myself.
I wouldn't be concerned with being 5lbs overweight, as long as you don't keep putting on weight or 5lbs extra a year or a month, because that will add up fast over time. I think if people are really concerned with their weight they should talk to their doctor, as well as parents of overweight children.

Parents have the responsibility of providing healthy food to their kids and making sure they get enough exercise, if an 8 year old is fat its really not the kids fault if the parents keep feeding the kid processed foods, McDonald's meals after school everyday and tons of prepackaged snacks. Its not like the kid has money and control the food supply getting into the house and you can't expect a young kid to know how to eat healthy when what they eat is controlled by the parents. This is a hard situation to deal with but if a kid is fat the parents have to fully support the kid in every way when it comes to losing weight. This is why I don't think a young kid should be told they are fat by a video game, rather it should be broken to them by their parents or a doctor and with the intent that the parents will fully support the child in losing weight, which will mean many lifestyle changes.

I am concerned about this because I am not sure if its still this way in school but when I was in school you weren't cool unless you were on a diet (doesn't matter your size, this mentality subscribes to the fact that you could always be thinner) and in high school there was constant competition among the girls to see who could live off the least food in a day. So the 90lb girl ended up starving herself just as much as the others. It wasn't so much about exercise but it was about seeing who could live off the least amount of food and who would lose the most weight by doing it. I could only imagine if we had this type of tracking device in high school... oh boy.
[quote name='SaraAB']
I am concerned about this because I am not sure if its still this way in school but when I was in school you weren't cool unless you were on a diet (doesn't matter your size, this mentality subscribes to the fact that you could always be thinner) and in high school there was constant competition among the girls to see who could live off the least food in a day. So the 90lb girl ended up starving herself just as much as the others. It wasn't so much about exercise but it was about seeing who could live off the least amount of food and who would lose the most weight by doing it. I could only imagine if we had this type of tracking device in high school... oh boy.[/quote]

Good times. Only time I ever got to eat was when I had to sit down to dinner with my parents and so I HAD TO eat. Picking at one meal a day doesn't work, by the way. I still stayed a fat cow who was tired all the time.

Really, I also remember health and nutrition classes being mandatory, and they still managed to fuck it up with misinformation about what was healthy eating because it was all so generic and vague it's a miracle nobody died of malnutrition.

I think it's still the in thing because my sister (she's too young so we don't know if she's inherited it) is screwing around eating 'vegetarian for the aminals' and only eating one or two things a day so she can slim down. It's pissing me off because it's working. It's RAGE that the one or two things she chooses to eat is a candy bar (GODDAMN SNICKERS?!?!) and some sort of tofu burger thing.

*twitches* The corn syrup will catch up to her soon... *grinds her teeth*
[quote name='SaraAB']I wouldn't be concerned with being 5lbs overweight, as long as you don't keep putting on weight or 5lbs extra a year or a month, because that will add up fast over time. I think if people are really concerned with their weight they should talk to their doctor, as well as parents of overweight children.[/quote]
If anyone really wants to lose weight, they should look into the bodybuilding community. They're a bunch of people who can gain and lose weight while showing a lot of hard work and commitment, and it's not all steroids, supplements and genetics. There's a lot of people who just put tough it out and their pictures and workout logs are inspiring; so much so, it's making me work hard. You should only see a doctor just so she can tell you if your body is ready for an exercise program, but I don't know if I'd seek advice from her...
[quote name='VioletArrows']I think it's still the in thing because my sister (she's too young so we don't know if she's inherited it) is screwing around eating 'vegetarian for the aminals' and only eating one or two things a day so she can slim down. It's pissing me off because it's working. It's RAGE that the one or two things she chooses to eat is a candy bar (GODDAMN SNICKERS?!?!) and some sort of tofu burger thing.

*twitches* The corn syrup will catch up to her soon... *grinds her teeth*[/quote]
My friend told me a story about how his mom and his sister tried to turn vegetarian, but after a while their doctor said they couldn't because they weren't getting enough vitamins. Your sister will probably get that soon too. =)
It's almost impossible to find organic/whole foods in this piss-ass shitburg I live in. If the whim strikes me, sometimes I'll drive 40 minutes or so to the big city and visit the Whole Foods Market there and buy whatever I can.

The closest thing I have around here is a Kroger, which has a natural section, but it's chock full of nothing but soy bullshit for these skinny vegans. No grass-fed meats (or buffalo), no varied nut butters, no whole cheeses, no raw honey; fuckin' nothing. It's hard enough getting raw milk, but when you have to drive almost an hour for some fucking raw honey you know there's something wrong.

Alas, if everything were organic and whole productivity would plummet and there would be a shit storm. I just pay the price for quality. Seriously, buy yourself a jar of raw honey (I mean, really raw. with pollen and propolis still in it) and tell me it's not a million times better than that heated candy-like goo they sell in the little bears.
Wii fit called me obese, which is a bit of a stretch. I'm 5'11" 221 and I get my build from the Russian side of my family. (I'm built a lot like Igor Vovchanchyn, if any of you know who that is.) My bone structure is broad and stout, my extra weight is dispersed evenly across my body, and I have wrestler's legs despite never doing any leg training. In BMI terms, my normal weight should be about 175, which is hogwash. With that said, I am definitely overweight. I think I'd look best at 190 or so.

I used to be almost 260 about five years ago. I basically dropped the weight by growing out of being a dumbass kid. My taste in food became a bit more refined, and I started to become more aware of how food made me feel 20 minutes or an hour or a day after eating it. I was in the grocery store one day and I looked at my cart and noticed that there were no meat products in it, so I thought to myself, hey, what if I went vegetarian for a week? I tried it as a sort of self-dare, and one week turned into two, and then two weeks turned into two years. I've since gone back to meat-eating, but it's amazing how a couple years of vegetarianism can change your palate and your whole approach to food in general. I'm now one of those dickheads who tries pretty hard to avoid any kind of artificial preservative, except for sulfur dioxide in dried fruit, which is too hard to avoid.

I think I was about 235 when I went back to meat-eating. Then a friend of mine convinced me to sign up on some website where you make a highly detailed log of every single thing you eat in the day, so every instance of eating becomes a miniature data entry ordeal. I did lose a few pounds while doing that, but the real impact was the psychological effect of making me really notice when I'm eating. I was doing a lot of joyless snacking while bored. Autopilot eating, when I wasn't even hungry. I've cut most of that out.

I was just under 230 when I left on a two-week trip through Europe. I didn't feel like bothering to catalog or restrain my eating when in new and exciting lands full of new and exciting foods, so I quit using the site. Due to the ceaseless walking and *gasp* the human-sized food portions in Europe, I actually returned about eight pounds lighter, and with a less stretched-our stomach. My weight has been hovering around 220 ever since.

As soon as the weather warms up a bit, I'm going to start trying to bike to and from work every day – 9 miles each way. I'm hoping that will do it.

There's no question that the actual Wii Fit game has some big flaws, but the fact that it starts dialogues like this among tubby gamers makes it hugely valuable.
2 nephews ages 7 and 5 are both fat.

not really of course, they are just skin and bones... but thier heads are HUGE... all that fat in their heads... hmm

it's funny... their wii ages are 21 and 20.

I think Wii Fit should have came with either a webcam to spot check your measurements or a Wii Tape to take a chest, waist, hip measurement too....

BMI is craptacular.
Its funny that you mention honey because I have a jar of raw honey here the stuff that actually comes from a farm and has pollen and stuff in it. You get a lifetime supply (lol) for about 5$, its way way cheaper than getting honey from the store, you only get a little bottle for like 3-4$ here that way. Its supposed to help with my allergies. I don't eat a lot of it though.

I also checked the label on my bread and the first ingredient is wheat flour and HFCS is the second to last ingredient and is under the "contains 2% or less of" category. I buy the wide-pan wheat bread or 12 grain bread that is sold at Aldi, it costs about 1.79-1.89 a loaf.

I follow my stomach for eating, if its not hungry I don't eat. I also keep myself busy so I don't think about food and if I am busy I often forget I am hungry and sometimes I even forget to eat, then I realize it several hours later lol.

At least this thread shows that some gamers actually care about their bodies, health and what kinds of food they are eating instead of the stereotypical image that gamers live off fast food and soda all their life...

I have no problem eating all healthy foods but the problem comes from the fact that I live with other people, and while my mom and I encourage healthy eating my grandmother just does not get it (even though she heard it directly from my doctor that I am fat and need to lose weight, she still doesn't get it, maybe if I told her what I weigh she would hah), she likes to put butter in EVERYTHING, even on pizza and I catch her putting butter in soup. She's also great at forcing food on people. I am honestly taking an interest in cooking now because at least when I make my own food I know I am not lacing it with tons of butter (I don't even like butter or grease) and I check the package labels to make sure what is going into the food I make is not excessive in calories, fat or anything else harmful.
[quote name='SaraAB']
my grandmother just does not get it (even though she heard it directly from my doctor that I am fat and need to lose weight, she still doesn't get it, maybe if I told her what I weigh she would hah), she likes to put butter in EVERYTHING, even on pizza and I catch her putting butter in soup. She's also great at forcing food on people. I am honestly taking an interest in cooking now because at least when I make my own food I know I am not lacing it with tons of butter (I don't even like butter or grease) and I check the package labels to make sure what is going into the food I make is not excessive in calories, fat or anything else harmful.[/QUOTE]

Sweetheart, if Paula Deen is your grandmother then I'm sorry.... but you can afford to get the finest personal trainer/nutritionist in this country :nottalking:

:rofl: Butter IS amazing but on pizza? soup?! That's nuts!!! :rofl:
You can make soup with butter (more as a flavoring or as a way to sweat veggies such as onions and other aromatics), but putting it on after? Shit is bananas.

I have an uncle I saw making a peanut butter and butter sandwich. I couldn't even begin to imagine that one.
I miss and love my grandmas, but thank the good lord I don't have to eat chit'lins or rice and butter anymore. XP Really, I don't remember there being too much of a problem with butter, just 'slave food' as my mother would hiss (don't know when SHE graduated from the CIA...). >.>

Unfortunately I do have a weakness for scrapple, but since it's a pain in the ass to cook and it rots instantly, I rarely bother. Mmm... delicious hearts....
[quote name='Strell']I have an uncle I saw making a peanut butter and butter sandwich. I couldn't even begin to imagine that one.[/quote]

That's very british. They put butter on everything.

Yet somehow peanut butter and jelly is weird.
[quote name='chasemurata']Plus, it might actually motivate those [overweight people] to do something about it.[/quote]In todays society? Sure will. It'll motivate them to sue somebody. For a big fat wad of cash for hurting their little baby's feelings.

[quote name='PocariSweat']It could be worse it could say "Hey one at a time".[/quote]HA! Beauty. :lol:

[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I can't be the only old person here who remembers the "four food groups"...[/quote]:raises hand:

[quote name='VioletArrows']In before "she's fat and in denial."[/quote]More like she's fat and her parents are in denial and our society is raising an entire generation of idiots who can't deal with reality.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Which fat person murdered everyone you care about? :roll:[/quote]
There should at least one instances where an obese person landing on another person and killed him/her. :roll:
[quote name='destro713']I ate a gigantic burger and my weight was way higher the next morning. I was shamed.[/quote]
if you ate a gigantic burger when you weight trained, you'd lose weight.

think about it.


Here is a PERFECT example of what some of us were talking about. This is a re-post from what I posted in the OTT

The women in this office crack me up, and yet annoy me. I love coming here twice a week because it's so funny to watch how they act.
I've said it before, they are ALL really fat/ugly/flabby...but it's funny how the fridge is FILLED with SALADS! and SALAD DRESSINGS! and YOGURTS! and GRANOLA! and FRUITS!
Wow!!! what HEALTHY eaters!

This moo-cow was in the breakroom for the last 10 minutes cuttin up strawberries. Ok. That's a neat healthy snack. I look closer as she's getting done (I sit right across from it) and she's pouring sugar all over the strawberries.

But in a "fat discussion", I guess she's considered "trying" because she's "eating fruits". I should go in there and see what salad dressings they have...

In conclusion: Women are fat and stupid.

BTW, these women DO talk about diets and exercises and shit like that...it's unebelievable how there's so much food around the office..all fruits, veggies, whole grain shit (english muffins), and yogurts and salads..yet, they do it ALL wrong.

But no one is supposed to call them out on it, right?
[quote name='lilboo']Here is a PERFECT example of what some of us were talking about. This is a re-post from what I posted in the OTT

BTW, these women DO talk about diets and exercises and shit like that...it's unebelievable how there's so much food around the office..all fruits, veggies, whole grain shit (english muffins), and yogurts and salads..yet, they do it ALL wrong.

But no one is supposed to call them out on it, right?[/QUOTE]

Bad Boo! They have raging thyroids :[
[quote name='lilboo']Here is a PERFECT example of what some of us were talking about. This is a re-post from what I posted in the OTT

BTW, these women DO talk about diets and exercises and shit like that...it's unebelievable how there's so much food around the office..all fruits, veggies, whole grain shit (english muffins), and yogurts and salads..yet, they do it ALL wrong.

But no one is supposed to call them out on it, right?[/QUOTE]

My mom has this problem in her office... its kind of sad.
[quote name='SaraAB']My mom has this problem in her office... its kind of sad.[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about how they think "WELL ITS A SALAD SO IT MUST BE GOOD" (despite what's in the salad and what kind of dressing they use?) That kind of mentality.

I'm still in kind of awe how she poured sugar ALL over her strawberries. I would have accepted a TINY bit..but she was using the sugar like WATER :lol:

It's people like that who I don't feel bad. IMO, it looks like they are only willing to meet halfway. "I'll eat fruit..but I want a pound of sugar per strawberry".

"Fine. I'll eat a salad. But I LOVE bacon, ranch, and crispy chicken!"
so how bad is that dressing.. ive actually tried to cut the rice and bread from my diet.. and im only left with a few choices for lunch

chicken ceasar salad is usually the choice (alternated daily with a healthy chicken wrap) ..they usually though load it with ton of ceasar dressing...

and yes i get a kick out of seeing the fat asses eating bacon club salads, etc
I think those packets of salad dressing that come with salads at fast food places are something like 20-30 grams of fat (never mind you're not supposed to use the whole thing, or even half).

And this is now a misogyny thread in addition to general fat hate.
Strawberries are usually sweet enough to not even need sugar, I eat them plain all the time, even if they are a little bitter if you take a pinch of sugar with your fingers and put it in the bowl and mix it up that will make it taste better without adding a whole lot of calories to the snack.

Some people here (in my area, not on this forum) just need to look in the mirror before they step outside the house, half of the reason why people look so fat here is because they dress to make themselves look fat. No offense to the fat people here as I am a fat person but I make an effort to at least make sure my clothes cover my fat, fit properly and look presentable. I am just entirely sick of going to the mall or another store and seeing multiple workers (and shoppers) in skimpy, thin white t-shirts or dress blouses that are probably 3-4 sizes too small walking around with their fat hanging right out of the shirt. There should seriously be a ban on white shirts as a uniform shirt across all retail stores because they are just unflattering, get dirty and washed out too quickly, turn yellow and just make people look ugly in general. You would look a lot better and people would think more highly of you if you just bought the proper size for your body instead of trying to squeeze into that size XL normal womens. No one is gonna see the tag on your clothes. People in the mall walking around in skimpy shorts and mini skirts with huge rolls of fat on their legs hanging out of their shorts and skirt. Also, cover your kids up people, I don't need to see half your 7 year old's stomach hanging out of their shirt while they try to walk in the corridor of the mall in their high heeled sandals. Sorry for the rant, but I have to look at this stuff every day in my area and it just gets sickening after a while.
bread's done