Wii gamers stingy

Well... a pretty unprecedented sale number in the first week... of course it's going to decline drastically, it's common sense. No game, other than wii sports... has gone to a 1:1 ratio with a system... it's like the journalist expects a constant, insane sale rate of a game, but eventually it would hit a 1:1 ratio... and there are a lot of gamers that smash brothers doesn't appeal to, especially with the vast age range of this console.

Sometimes.. journalists... should just... yeah. The wii is printing money for journalists to write stupid editorials. Nice.
[quote name='Kendal']I stopped listening when they mentioned VG charts and Zack and Wiki not selling well. I have seen worse.[/QUOTE]

I haven't looked at it but.. did they reference Wikipedia too?:p

I honestly don't like seeing video game related articles in these main stream papers. Most gaming mag/site writers are bad enough but these guys honestly don't do much real research.

I like how they're mixing in DS games when discussing Wii games. Unless there's a crossword game on the Wii I'm missing.

[quote name='seanr1221']What were Halo 3 sales like weeks after it came out?[/quote]Sold 3.3 million the first week-plus it was out, and 433k the next month. Smash sold 1.4 million its first week, and 1.3 million the next two weeks or so. 360 owners are stingy.
These new gamers are content with the games they have, often going no further than the Wii Sports game that comes with the machine. They don’t buy new games with the fervor of a traditional gamer who is constantly seeking new stimulation.
This is the exact situation I find myself in. Wii sports has enough gimmicky goodness for when people come over and drink. There's no reason to buy anything else for it really.
[quote name='Kendal']I stopped listening when they mentioned VG charts and Zack and Wiki not selling well. I have seen worse.[/QUOTE]Haha yeah. IMO, it's just a very biased article written by one person who is probably just upset with the Wii doing well or something.

I'll admit though I'm concerned about getting SSB Brawl with the fear my Wii won't read the disc, because my Wii already has disc reading problems 10% of the time (Only had it since December). :whistle2:(
Well, I think the article has an interesting take on some items. Sure, the system has 20 million units, but the fact that they are moving less games per unit is interesting. It's a full game less per year than the 360. However, this could be a few trends:

1) People just buying it for Wii Sports (ok, it's some, but is this really that huge a market, did 2 million people buy a Wii for that game?

2) Is the Wii skewing younger? If 12 year olds have the Wii, they don't have access to money that a 30 year old has.

But, it is something to keep an eye on. It'll be interesting if Nintendo crushes everyone in sales, but doesn't have many of the top selling games, would they really have won the generation?
The Wii can be summed up by a conversation I observed last night at Target:

Son: Wow. Guitar Hero Wii!
Daughter: They have High School Musical for the Wii!
Mom: Let's get Dancing with the Stars.
This comes back to the fact that Wii gamers have a low attach rate to their games, these games aren't something they are playing every day for a couple hours a day. They are games they occasionally pick up and play with family or friends when they are over. Since they are only playing occasionally they don't feel the need to constantly buy more games since they aren't finishing games and needing more like traditional gamers.

I also feel that the Wii is more targeted towards children than any other nintendo consoles. Please don't think I am trolling when I say that, its just my honest opinion based on what I have personally seen where I live. There are more kids than ever that have this console, and pretty much every family with kids (yup even those in debt) has a Wii here it seems. However, the parents of these kids are enjoying the games just as much as the kids are while using their kids as an excuse for why they play video games, when they really enjoy it just as much or perhaps even more than their kids do. Its a strange phenomenon, its like people are afraid to admit they play video games.

Kids don't have access to the funds to buy every 50$ game when it comes out, so you will see huge sales for Wii games for Christmas and birthday gifts but more noticeably at christmas time. All the Wii games were pretty much cleaned out here last Xmas. Another thing is people seem to be buying the Nintendo published games more than others and leaving the crap on the shelves however the license games fly off the shelves just as much.

There are people who buy this system just for Wii sports, but I would say the majority are families with kids who buy the system, an extra controller possibly with Wii Play and maybe a couple other games, then they spend a long time playing what they have bought.
Seems silly to do an article about poor game sales and focus on one of it's best selling titles. It does have a lower attach rate, Nintendo systems always do.

1. They gear younger. More kids own it than the other consoles, and they are dependent on their parents to buy them games.

2. Lots of owners are Nintendo fans who only buy the big first party games which are somewhat few and far between which lowers the attach rate. They own one or both of the other consoles and buy third party stuff there.

And with the Wii, it's introduced a third limiting factor:

3. Bringing in casual/non-gamers with Wii Sports who may never buy another game and who in any case are likely to buy many fewer games than say the average PS3 or 360 owner (i.e. more serious gamers).

But in any case, Nintendo is making money hand over fist, so I can't imagine they are too concerned about attach rates since their first party games are selling like gangbusters. They've never given two shits about third parties.
[quote name='daroga']Isn't the Wii attach rate almost equal to the PS3 as of the end of 07?[/quote]

No dumbass, VGChatz sayz it isn't! ;)
i think a lot of the "lack of a sense of urgency" to sell games comes from the fact that Nintendo actually makes money on their console sales and accessories unlike the 360 and PS3. That means that after they sell a console, they are already in the green. Everything else they sell you is profit.

Because of the wide targeted age range and audience, they're allowing a lot of 3rd party developers and ports to try to come over. but most of the best selling games don't have definitive endings and can continue to be played over and over again.

For most 360 and PS3 games, while the good ones have strong single player missions, the real replay and life comes in the multiplayer, especially on the internet multiplayer. The single player, however, is usually finite and ends relatively quickly. Hence why newer games (GTA IV) and other games considered good (dead rising and saint's row) are said to have better repay value.

I wonder if they are also counting the virtual console. Alot of those games are more like nostalgia for adults who buy the console for their kids as well. Plus, those cost Nintendo relatively little since they own the rights to them (sort of like MS points/Wii points)

no matter how you look at it, Nintendo may not corner the market, but with all the news ads, talk show plugs, and word of mouth, Nintendo is doing just fine. Just some food for thought.
[quote name='Kendal']No dumbass, VGChatz sayz it isn't! ;)[/quote]INFRACTION! ;)

VGChartz is the be-all, end-all source of information. I should've known better. The NPD is STUPID!
[quote name='daroga']Isn't the Wii attach rate almost equal to the PS3 as of the end of 07?[/QUOTE]

Probably close. But also keep in mind that the PS3's game line up was super weak until late 2007 when games like Ratchet, Uncharted etc. came out.

While the Wii had their franchises in Zelda, Metroid, Mario Party, Mario Galaxy etc., along with Wii Play selling gang busters.

It will be more interesting to see what the attach rates are like at the end of this year as the PS3 game line up keeps getting better.

[quote name='supermodestmouse']i think a lot of the "lack of a sense of urgency" to sell games comes from the fact that Nintendo actually makes money on their console sales and accessories unlike the 360 and PS3. That means that after they sell a console, they are already in the green. Everything else they sell you is profit.

And again, Nintendo has no reason to have a sense of urgency as their first part games are selling like gangbusters.

Third party games haven't done as well, and that's probably a reason we're still not seeing much beside ports and shovelware from third parties.
Isn't this a bit of a trend in gaming (and film)? Upon release, after months of heated PR pushes, a product comes out to huge sales, then quickly cools.

I think there's a culture of cheap gamers on every platform. Players who know that nearly all titles drop in price if they can wait a few months (or even weeks). Increasingly, if games don't sell well, they're droping by significant margins quickly. It's the nature of the business.

I blame the PR hype machine who creates a huge frenzy, with many of us who follow gaming closely adding fuel to the fire, creating threads, new release lists, etc.

Blame me.
This all makes sense:

Wii gamers are casual gamers, they are going to buy the console, maybe a game or two, and play it once a week, and be entertained for 2 years.

360/PS3 gamers are hardcore gamers. They eagerly await the next big title, they buy games at launch and at full price.

I have probably 2-3x as many 360 games as I do Wii games, and I bought them right around the same time.
[quote name='DAWG26']lol@ the article calling Mario Kart Wii a driving simulator.[/quote]

i often power slide on my way to and from work, saves me like a minute each way
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']i often power slide on my way to and from work, saves me like a minute each way[/quote]
Gotta love that nice boost that you get when coming out of a corner. :rofl:

And don't forget your bananas. You never know when some fucker is gonna start tail-gating you.
We got Wii sports for free with the console! Why would we buy another game geez...

“My in-laws in Texas have a Wii sitting on their living-room floor next to the TV, which to me is kind of amazing. They have Wii Sports, a Brain Age game, Wii Play. That’s about it.”
Describes my parents exactly.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Third party games haven't done as well, and that's probably a reason we're still not seeing much beside ports and shovelware from third parties.[/QUOTE]

Chicken and the egg, amigo.


Upon further reflection, why is the attach rate stat even important all of a sudden? Can someone explain how 21 million systems at 3.7 games each (77.7 million games sold) is worse than 9 million systems, at 4.6 games each (41.4 million games sold)?
[quote name='trq']Chicken and the egg, amigo.[/QUOTE]

Definitely agree, third parties need to put out better games if they want better sales. I wasn't going to stick around and wait on it though, so I ditched my Wii as all you Wii forum regulars well know. ;)

[quote name='trq']
Upon further reflection, why is the attach rate stat even important all of a sudden? Can someone explain how 21 million systems at 3.7 games each (77.7 million games sold) is worse than 9 million systems, at 4.6 games each (41.4 million games sold)?[/QUOTE]

Fair point. Though I guess third parties assume that higher attach rate=more $$$ as owners are being less discerning in what they buy. The Wii game sells probably look much more dismal if you remove first party games from that 77.7 million games sold.

Still, I'd love to see how a good, major, mainstream, traditional genre original Wii game sells. That's a mouth full, but what I mean is all we've seen so far is ports, shovelware and niche genre games (Zak and Wiki, No More Heroes etc.). It would be interesting to see how a major third party game in a traditional genre sold.

Call of Duty 5 could be some indication, but then again it's by Treyarch (CoD3) rather than Infinity Ward so it will probably suck on all platforms.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']i often power slide on my way to and from work, saves me like a minute each way[/QUOTE]

You should learn to snake.

I think there is some truth to this article (that Wii games are not selling well), but thats because Nintendo's targeted audience doesn't buy games that often. It doesn't matter for Nintendo as they make money on each console sold, but it does hurt third party titles such as No More Heroes where they actually spent time and money to make a proper game instead of a port of an existing game or a collection of minigames.
[quote name='akilshohen']Should Wii play really be counted in those numbers in the first place? If so, the zapper sales should of been tallied also.[/quote]The zapper is sold as an accessory with a bundled game. Wii Play is sold as software with a bundled accessory.

Basing any analysis off of this article isn't really worthwhile. Considering Wii software has sold above or on parity with 360 software for the last five months at least, there's really nothing unhealthy about it (360 still has more hardware in the US).
bread's done