Wii MotionPlus - Add-on for Wiimote for 1:1 Motion


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Nintendo's upcoming Wii MotionPlus accessory for the revolutionary Wii Remote controller again redefines game control, by more quickly and accurately reflecting motions in a 3-D space. The Wii MotionPlus accessory attaches to the end of the Wii Remote and, combined with the accelerometer and the sensor bar, allows for more comprehensive tracking of a player’s arm position and orientation, providing players with an unmatched level of precision and immersion. Every slight movement players make with their wrist or arm is rendered identically in real time on the screen, providing a true 1:1 response in their game play. The Wii MotionPlus accessory reconfirms Nintendo’s commitment to making games intuitive and accessible for everyone. Nintendo will reveal more details about the Wii MotionPlus accessory and other topics Tuesday morning at its E3 media briefing.

Didn't expect this.
I don't really know what I expect of this, but uh... still don't know.

Looking forward to Tuesday to see how they're going to use it and how they're going to distribute it to make it worth developing for. And hopefully not charge an obscene amount of money.
As I said in the OTT, this is a horrible idea that would bring down a lesser company.

You dont fracture a 30 million strong install base + the development community. Theres also the impossibility of having true 1:1 response from the game. If you swing a sword, for instance, if you hit a block, the in game swing stops, but you can keep swinging.

This shouldve waited till next cycle. If Nintendo fails, this marks the day it began.

Edit: Additionally, they might sacrifice one of their main strengths, the single SKU. Otherwise, it gets bundled with a game and fails harder. Either option is bad.
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I think Wii owners have proved that accessories are totally acceptable and if it makes games better, I am all for it. I'm sure nintendo will be packing it in with something.

But again, early adopters get screwed, I'm glad I haven't bought a wii yet. I wonder if they will start packing them in with the systems.
wait, what? I don't get it. So it's motion controls... but better? Hopefully they'll show something Tuesday that makes it worth it (LIGHTSABER GAME!) but for now, I'm completely baffled.

Did they really just make the Wiimote bigger, longer, and thicker? For her pleasure?

Edit: So long as we're here, when is the conference tomorrow? AIM chat meet-up during it?
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I'm not exactly sure what to make of all this...maybe tomorrow I'll have a better idea, but then again, I might just end up scratching my head even harder.

Also: anyone know where the E3 conferences will be available to watch after the fact? I'm working literally all day through each conference (Mon-Wed, 7a-8p), and I'd like to get caught up on my days off.
Nintendo conference is tomorrow at Noon EST/9 AM PST.

[quote name='PRMega']
Also: anyone know where the E3 conferences will be available to watch after the fact? I'm working literally all day through each conference (Mon-Wed, 7a-8p), and I'd like to get caught up on my days off.[/quote]

I'd say Youtube, but I dunno where else.
If you have G4, maybe you could Tivo?

[quote name='PRMega']I'm not exactly sure what to make of all this...maybe tomorrow I'll have a better idea, but then again, I might just end up scratching my head even harder.

Also: anyone know where the E3 conferences will be available to watch after the fact? I'm working literally all day through each conference (Mon-Wed, 7a-8p), and I'd like to get caught up on my days off.[/QUOTE]
Well...people do want true 1:1 so if this delivers it might just be worthwhile. I have a feeling this is in anticipation of the possible motion controllers from Sony and Microsoft. If this is Nintendo's effort to not once again get beat at their own game then I applaud them. Hopefully this won't be too expensive and it will work well with whatever software is going to be released for it. 1:1 Zelda...hmmm...

I'll file this under wait and see if this was the right move until after E3.
[quote name='hufferstl']If you have G4, maybe you could Tivo?[/QUOTE]

I've got G4, but no Tivo. Joystiq and Gamespot are both blocked at work :roll: I'm open to other suggestions, otherwise I'll be relying on CAG to keep me in the loop.
I dunno what to make of this.

I'll need to see the games/application before I can really get excited.

Either way though, I'm not excited about spending any more money on Wii.

Too bad this can't be a freebie like the Wiimote condoms were.
Of course they'd come up with another peripheral.

So what does this say about the original motion sensing capabilities of the Wiimote? Should I buy these add-ons or wait for an upgraded Wiimote to come out? How much will these bastards cost? Between the $39 Wiimote, the $20 Nunchuck, the $20 Classic Controller, and the Ext HDD that's supposedly on its way, I'm more than accessorized for the Wii. In fact I'd say I'm tapped.
[quote name='Strell']Shut up DMK. I know you want to waggle+ your way into tea baggin' some bitches.[/quote]

[quote name='PRMega']I've got G4, but no Tivo. Joystiq and Gamespot are both blocked at work :roll: I'm open to other suggestions, otherwise I'll be relying on CAG to keep me in the loop.[/quote]

what about Kotaku?
[quote name='DJSteel']what about Kotaku?[/QUOTE]

Kotaku, Joystiq, Destructoid, Gamespot, 1UP...pretty much any gaming website I've tried is blocked. I'm only able to get to CAG using cheapyd.com.
[quote name='dothog']
So what does this say about the original motion sensing capabilities of the Wiimote? [/quote]

I think the games released in the first two years speak to that. But in case you can't tell - and I'm sure you can - it's that the motion controls suck and basically only register "am I moving" versus "....seriously, I can't tell, am I moving?"

Should I buy these add-ons or wait for an upgraded Wiimote to come out?

Nintendo's never upgraded a controller mid-stream with some sort of new gizmo. See N64: Rumble Pak. They luvs them expansion ports.

How much will these bastards cost?

Well that's assuming we have to buy them. Though I can't see Nintendo sending them out for free...I could see a pack-in with a game for an extra ten bucks. At least then they can claim you get a game + some new tech for the same price as a 360 game.

I'm guessing $20 stand-alone.

Between the $39 Wiimote, the $20 Nunchuck, the $20 Classic Controller, and the Ext HDD that's supposedly on its way, I'm more than accessorized for the Wii. In fact I'd say I'm tapped.

Mmmm. Tiered design, but we all know that. Some games only need the 'mote, most don't use the CC, etc.

HDD is never coming. Come on now. Never.

(Nintendo, you have ~24 hours to prove me wrong.)
Sounds like they announced it right on time for the Microsoft press conference and their likely announcement of some sort of motion dongle.

Color me interested but they still need a better IR bar or a firmware update with better calibration options for 1:1 pointing. I think Time Crisis 4's IR sensor is the best since it actually designates the center of the screen.

And I hope there isn't a reason to buy four of these. Two is reasonable if they're like $9.99-$14.99 a pop. I only have two nunchucks anyway.
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I'm wondering if Samba de Amigo and a lack of a good way to handle the posing in it was one of the inspirations behind this attachment. I hope Samba de Amigo will support it.
Good point. If Samba De Amigo comes with two of these then sold. We'll also be set for anything in the future that chooses to use these. Which brings in another issue, if you don't own these, you're stuck with waggle. 1:1 is only for the rich!
My concerns:

What about past games? Will this new "accessory" add or take away to the motion capabilities of older games (say WiiSports or Zack & Wiki).

Cost. That's all I need is another new accessory to drive up the price. I suppose this could be snuck in by something similar to WiiPlay.

True 1:1 mapping. Dr. Mario Kart touched on this, and I agree completely. 1:1 mapping is great, but what happens when there is resistance or something blocks said movement. This works great for things like sports games, but say in something like Zelda if an enemy blocks your 1:1 sword movement, what now? It will take some extreme amount of creativity here to be able to solve this problem.

I will say this, this was one of the last things I ever expected to see from Nintendo at this E3. I don't think anyone ever expected to see an "improved" Wiimote this generation.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']Will this new "accessory" add....[/quote] Probably not, but it's not impossible
or take away to the motion capabilities of older games (say WiiSports or Zack & Wiki).
You can always unplug it.
Accessory-happy or not, I'm going to go ahead and give them the benefit of the doubt on this one, at least until they explain it better.

In terms of their market, this is a HUGE move, and I want to see how they'll compensate for it (i.e., cost, usefulness, etc).

What excites me MORE, however, is the fact that every major accessory for the Wii has been bundled with a game that plays to its strength (ie. zapper, wheel, board)... so if these ARE bundled, what will they be bundled WITH?
[quote name='Blaine']Probably not, but it's not impossible You can always unplug it.[/QUOTE]

I'm just wondering how software, be it old or new, will interact with this. I imagine that it will give a more accurate pinpoint as to the controller's pitch/motion, and am just merely speaking my thoughts on ways it could affect things.

In any case, I suppose I should hold off on my concerns until tomorrow until they actually demo it.
This move opens up a treasure trove of questions, but I do think it resolves one big thing I've thought about for a while now. Since it improves the interface tech, and since I'm at a loss to know where Nintendo would go from there, it's possible that their next system won't require new controllers (outside of - as dothog hinted - a controller that's all-in-one).

That could be a huge advantage in 2-3 years. Since the graphics are really the only thing that need bumping up at this point, they could save money on R&D cycles and instead use it to subsidize a powerful system instead.

But that's wild hyperbole on my part right now.
I think your dreaming Strell. Nintendos gone the way of the MAC and their so attachment happy now its ridiculous. You guys do realize that if you get all the attachments for the Wiimote its the most expensive controller on the market right?

Wiimote $40
nunchuck $20 - bare minimum you would get with a new wiimote
classic controller $20
gamecube controller $20 -$40 (more if you REALLY want a wavebird and don't already own one of these)

now your looking at "another" attachment for 1:1 waggle. This isnt' mentioning third party stuff like.

The kama (wireless nunchuck this should have been standard ninendo!)
Zapper (this ones worth the money so is the perfect shot)
Wiifit board

really I think I've spent more money on my Wii than my 360 and I"ve got about half as many games for it O_O. I love the little system but give me a break here Nintendo your already printing freaking money!
[quote name='Strell']This move opens up a treasure trove of questions, but I do think it resolves one big thing I've thought about for a while now. Since it improves the interface tech, and since I'm at a loss to know where Nintendo would go from there, it's possible that their next system won't require new controllers.
If they did this, and rolled the current Wiimote (with extra length for your pleasure) into the Gamecube 2.0, that would be the Balls. Which is precisely why it will not happen and why we will be purchasing Nintendo lightsabers 2 years from now that aren't only capable of acting as Wiimotes, they're also BUTTER KNIVES and PET GROOMERS.

You heard me, son: Groomer Has It comes to your Wii in the summer of '10.
[quote name='Strell']
HDD is never coming. Come on now. Never.
Don't do this. I've already budgeted for it. It's gonna be so awesome. The first thing I'm saving to the HDD is 300 copies of Mother 3, to be announced for Wii Ware shortly.
[quote name='PhoenixT']I think your dreaming Strell. [/QUOTE]

Yeah. I've said as much.

But you're not really being clear in what I'm supposed to understand your argument to be, so I don't know how to respond.

Edit: Oh yeah. This thing should - should - mean Miyamoto is going to come out and Zelda sword + shield it up again, but this time, 2.0. I want to see him whip it out and let the ladies gawk in astonishment.
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[quote name='cochesecochese']Stop kidding yourselves. This is for Captain Rainbow.[/QUOTE]

Well, it is going to take Wangmotation to the next level.

Wangmotation 2.0 - This times it's personal.
Alright, since MS didn't announce anything, either they were going to, and had to ditch it at the last minute, or Nintendo did this because they have lots of awesome shit to show and don't want it to interfere, like "Wii".

... right?
[quote name='cochesecochese']Stop kidding yourselves. This is for Captain Rainbow.[/quote]

Will MotionPlus will allow you to go twice as high as a butterfly in the sky?

MotionPlus can be anything.
Between plastic guitars, zappers, classic controllers, nunchuks, etc., I don't know if I even have room for more doodads in my entertainment center.

But if this waggle thinger is compatible with this thing, I just might crap my pants.
[quote name='Strell']Yeah. I've said as much.

But you're not really being clear in what I'm supposed to understand your argument to be, so I don't know how to respond.

Edit: Oh yeah. This thing should - should - mean Miyamoto is going to come out and Zelda sword + shield it up again, but this time, 2.0. I want to see him whip it out and let the ladies gawk in astonishment.[/quote]

I'm referring mostly to not needing to buy a new controller whenever nintendo releases their next system. They might let you use the Wiimote to play some of the "older" games that don't support Waggle version 2.0 or 3.0 along with keeping your gamecube controller around...again. But you will likely need an all new contoller with all new attachment for other things they have planned.
[quote name='Blaine']MotionPlus can be anything.[/QUOTE]
The sky really is the limit here. Smooth Moves got me so close to a true fly swatting sim, but now with MotionPlus it is REALITY.
So this will come packaged with Link's Sword Training right?

...or maybe Wii Sports 2.
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[quote name='PhoenixT']I'm referring mostly to not needing to buy a new controller whenever nintendo releases their next system. They might let you use the Wiimote to play some of the "older" games that don't support Waggle version 2.0 or 3.0 along with keeping your gamecube controller around...again. But you will likely need an all new contoller with all new attachment for other things they have planned.[/QUOTE]

And I SAID it was hyperbole on my part. It's equally viable that we'll get a Wiimote 2.0 versus we won't.

Look - I've got a big, big problem with Nintendo's next system, because it's practically guaranteed to not emulate the success the Wii has. On top of that, I even think it could be a substantially bad move for them primarily because the audience now - who seems to have a problem with attachment rates, generally buying software, and continuing to use the system longer than the initial two month window - isn't the sort that is going to pick up a new system within 2-3 years of buying one already.

Additionally, since the Wii is being touted as multiplayer friendly, most owners are buying many sets of Wiimotes. And on top of that, they are buying all sorts of add-ons and attachments (zappy, balance board).

So the investment for controllers ALONE is huge.

Meaning it's going to be a huge kick in the nuts if they roll out the Wii 2.0 and have it require the same investment all over again. We're talking hundreds of dollars.

If they think they've reached a pinnacle and make everything modular - which they could very well do at this point - then they wouldn't have any reason to make a new interface. If this little dongle adds that much to the interactivity and precision, what's left to debate about? You've got the classic controller for normal inputs, Wiimote for simple games, nunchuck for traditional inputs, and now a bolstered motion interface.

I'm saying it's possible that they could trot out the Wii 2.0 with HD graphics and whatnot if they wanted and not worry about interfaces anymore. There's no need to piss off the installed fanbase by forcing another system AND controllers out of them, when really the only major difference seen between the Wii versus Sony/MS is the graphics (and online, but that's a different discussion). Fix the graphics and keep the interface and you've got something appealing to a big market.

That would be something new for this industry, and yeah - Nintendo probably has some serious R&D going on right now. But that doesn't mean it isn't possible.
Mmm, I like the sound of this news. It seems obvious that they would have to bundle something with the initial batches of this peripheral, as I imagine that many people would want to see how well the 1:1 motion control works in comparison to control without the attachment.
If during the conference...
-Reggie calls out Miyamoto: It will be bundled with a small minigame collection to show off the capability of this peripheral. Included games would be something like Wii Baseball 2, Wii Paint, Wii Catch, Wii Fish, Wii Fence, Wii Snipe etc.
--Nintendo is in an older (N64-era) mood: It will be bundled with some previously unknown Triple-Awesome title that will totally make us want the bundle.
-Reggie calls out Suda 51: SqueeeeEee! Bundled with No More Heroes 2!
-Reggie calls out some random Ubi Soft PR guy: Meh. [size=-2]Bundled with Red Steel 2[/size].
-Reggie calls out Harrison Ford: Bundled with Star Wars or Indiana Jones, with 1:1 lightsaber/whip controls.
-Reggie calls out some medium: The medium brings forth the spirit of Gunpei Yokoi, who then shows off something totally awesome, you know, like a Super Metroid caliber of awesome.

(Yes yes, I know that 4 or 5 of the above scenarios are totally not going to happen, but feel free to list your own)
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[quote name='BlueLobstah']
True 1:1 mapping. Dr. Mario Kart touched on this, and I agree completely. 1:1 mapping is great, but what happens when there is resistance or something blocks said movement. This works great for things like sports games, but say in something like Zelda if an enemy blocks your 1:1 sword movement, what now? It will take some extreme amount of creativity here to be able to solve this problem.
Theoretically? You're given a brief grace period to pull your arm/the remote back after a block. If you over-swing, Link stumbles and you're left open as punishment for swinging too hard and getting blocked.


That would probably be a total pain in the ass to implement or something.
bread's done