Wii MotionPlus - Add-on for Wiimote for 1:1 Motion

I don't see any difference...

disc dog looked ok, but isn't gonna have the same appeal as something like bowling or baseball... too many people will blame mistakes on the dog and get frustrated

jetski looks less than impressive... controls almost looked broken, separating the wiimote and chuk as handlebars will just be difficult

and sword fighting? that's ALWAYS the first thing I do at a resort... beat up the other guests...

I get the feeling that this is a $20 game that needed a way to justify the inevitable $50 price, so they made a useless accessory on the cheap to bundle it with
I hope its $20 - $30. I think there's a good chance of it based on the potential sell-through volumes, and it's not bundled with a full remote like Wii Play is.
[quote name='coolsteel']I'm all for this if it leads to better controls and hopefully a lightsaber game.[/QUOTE]

You'd think the new Star Wars (The Clone Wars, I think) which uses the Remote as a lightsaber would use MotionPlus but it will not. It would make sense and seeing as how there's still time, I'm guessing it's still possible.
[quote name='Vinny']You'd think the new Star Wars (The Clone Wars, I think) which uses the Remote as a lightsaber would use MotionPlus but it will not. It would make sense and seeing as how there's still time, I'm guessing it's still possible.[/QUOTE]

Talk about a wasted opportunity.

Instead, it'll suck like that Unleashed game, full of half-ass waggle and stupid gestures.

Nintendo ought to tell Retro to make a lightsaber game at this point, and let them use this tech.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Is there a reason why there is no Wii Press Conference thread? Is it because it was to embarrassing?[/quote]
There are half a dozen threads for everything they talked about, what's the point in having another thread where the same stuff would be discussed?
[quote name='ChibiJosh']There are half a dozen threads for everything they talked about, what's the point in having another thread where the same stuff would be discussed?[/quote]
General trolling would be easier in one all-encompassing thread, as opposed to the slightly more targeted bitching that is required in specific threads.
I still don't understand how an attachment can offer real 1:1 control without an outside reference point. The Wii Sports Resort demo didn't really prove much either.
[quote name='botticus']General trolling would be easier in one all-encompassing thread, as opposed to the slightly more targeted bitching that is required in specific threads.[/quote]

Apparently you haven't met that kid, KillJoi-something-or-other, he's been generally bitching up a storm in a couple of the Wii threads.
[quote name='SNAKE EYES EX']I'm really torn on what I think about this. I think I'd rather just have a new WiiMote with this functionally built in.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but what happens to the millions of Wiimotes already out there? This is the smoothest way to do it
[quote name='coolsteel']Yeah but what happens to the millions of Wiimotes already out there? This is the smoothest way to do it[/quote]
You're right - It is the smoothest way. I think I'd probably prefer an all-in-one remote too, but I bet if they announced it that way we'd all be bitching about having to buy new remotes (and we're way more prone to spend money on something we already have than the bulk of the Wii userbase). This way alienates far fewer people.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']I still don't understand how an attachment can offer real 1:1 control without an outside reference point. The Wii Sports Resort demo didn't really prove much either.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it looks like you can "calibrate" the Wiimote by initially pointing it at the screen to give it an initial sense of direction.
So looking at the demo again, it looks like the remote gets its reference point when the game prompts you to point at the center of the TV. How this works all makes sense now.

[quote name='BlueLobstah']Actually, it looks like you can "calibrate" the Wiimote by initially pointing it at the screen to give it an initial sense of direction.[/quote]

Didn't see you reply before posting. Looks like we came to the same conclusion. :)
So the highlight of Nintendo's E3 conference was an accessory that allows the remote to work. Fantastic. This should've been built into the remote at launch.

I want to love the Wii, but it just all seems to go downhill once Smash Brothers came out.
[quote name='botticus']General trolling would be easier in one all-encompassing thread, as opposed to the slightly more targeted bitching that is required in specific threads.[/quote]


It's really hard to troll that disaster on like 10 different threads.
Although... I am totally excited about the 1:1 controls. But I think it would have benefited to wait till Wii2 to have it. Hopefully it catches on and doesn't segregate any games. I'm also happy for Animal Crossing, although it looks exactly like the Gamecube version...

No more positives! *ergh!*
[quote name='chakan']So will this make Red Steel playable?[/quote]

Yea, maybe Red Steel 2 has a chance to be decent. And actually fulfill all those vast promises of the first Red Steel (IE Holding the blade up to the guy's neck and threatening him.)
Uh Oh



So yeah, we got a chance to check out Nintendo's new MotionPlus accessory. Wii Sports Resort is the only title announced right now that requires (or supports) MotionPlus, and we gave a couple of the games a run (like sword fighting and jet-skiing). Basically we're at a loss as to how this does anything truly differently or more effectively than the current controllers. We get that it's got additional MEMS accelerometers that supposedly bring the relationship of motion and gameplay to a more 1:1 ratio, and for the motion types we tested, it worked well enough. We guess. But the experience felt basically the same, so what's the deal?

We had booth rep to explain why we needed the MotionPlus for Sports Resort. Not just because the software requires it, but why it NEEDS it, and not just a regular Wiimote. We were told that with previous Wii Sports games, players could kind of get by with a waggle (this is where he started gesticulating with some what random movements), but now you could play all this crazy stuff, like swords and jet skis. But there was absolutely nothing here that felt like it couldn't be accomplished with the regular Wiimote -- or what the Wiimote originally promised. So if it is more accurate and effective in real space, why not just improve the Wiimote experience instead of trying to hock another $30 accessory? As of right now, we'll pass.

and some funnies

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Maybe this dongle will make putting more accurate and, maybe, enjoyable enough to not make me want to chuck my Wiimote out the front window while playing Tiger Woods 09 or Wii Golf 2.
i'm really looking forward to this. but i hope hope hope hope hope that nintendo sells it for real cheap (5 dollars or less) so it doesn't divide the market

We asked several third-party Wii developers about the Wii MotionPlus, and the general feeling was one of annoyance and betrayal. None of them said they had any advance notice about the peripheral, and we were told that they were as surprised as everyone else when Nintendo revealed its existence on stage. That lack of prior notice means that, aside from Nintendo’s own roster of games, users won’t likely see any support for the device for at least six to nine months. The developers we spoke to said they hadn’t received any information from Nintendo about how to implement Wii MotionPlus into their upcoming projects, and they also expressed doubt that they would be able to incorporate it into games that are currently deep in development.
Miyamoto said as much, that they had not shown it off to third-parties before revealing it at e3. But six to nine months... based on what exactly? The reveal date? The date that they get the kits? The release date?
We asked several third-party Wii developers about the Wii MotionPlus, and the general feeling was one of annoyance and betrayal. None of them said they had any advance notice about the peripheral, and we were told that they were as surprised as everyone else when Nintendo revealed its existence on stage. That lack of prior notice means that, aside from Nintendo’s own roster of games, users won’t likely see any support for the device for at least six to nine months. The developers we spoke to said they hadn’t received any information from Nintendo about how to implement Wii MotionPlus into their upcoming projects, and they also expressed doubt that they would be able to incorporate it into games that are currently deep in development.

...Yamauchi lives!
Somehow, I can't say I'm really surprised that Nintendo remained so secretive on this. Probably didn't want it to be leaked via a 3rd party developer.

[quote name='Cao Cao']Miyamoto said as much, that they had not shown it off to third-parties before revealing it at e3. But six to nine months... based on what exactly? The reveal date? The date that they get the kits? The release date?[/quote]

I would assume from E3? I imagine most third parties probably got development kits not soon after.

Are the controls for The Force Unleashed waggle, or is it more akin to No More Heroes?
Wait a sec - 6 to 9 months? Wii Sports Resort isn't suppose to come out until Spring 2009. Guess what? That's 8 months away! I.e. they'll be able to get games out by the release date of the motionplus add-on. Oh, such a happy land after all!
The more I contemplate this add-on the angrier I get that I have an inherently broken Wii console and I'll be forced to pay $30 to make it work properly with one game.
[quote name='bmulligan']The more I contemplate this add-on the angrier I get that I have an inherently broken Wii console and I'll be forced to pay $30 to make it work properly with one game.[/QUOTE]

i don't believe they've put a price on it. and i would be very surprised if it were 30.
[quote name='buttle']i don't believe they've put a price on it. and i would be very surprised if it were 30.[/QUOTE]

same... i think the confusion is with wiispeak... didn't they say THAT would cost $30?
Wii Sports Resorts w/ this for $30 is fair, IMO.

The motion plus by itself? $10. This makes Wii Sports a $20 game witha $10 accessory.
It makes me wonder if this means Wii Play will get a sequal with a remote AND motion plus?
Anyone that feels ripped off by Nintendo because of an should just get on Craigslist right now and sell their console for market price(which is probably more than what they paid for it).
[quote name='Strell']Solution: Don't buy it.[/quote]

Correct answer.

I think Cheapy should change the forum subheading to 'Do they even have a slogan?' to 'Put up or shut up.' Just kidding.

I don't understand why people are having such an issue with the MotionPlus. There's only one title announced for it so far and if it doesn't appeal to someone, he or she shouldn't buy it. I'm interested to see if this peripheral will get 'real' support instead of the tepid backing the Balance Board is seeing thus far. I suppose that will change the whole debate.
[quote name='cochesecochese']I don't understand why people are having such an issue with the MotionPlus. There's only one title announced for it so far and if it doesn't appeal to someone, he or she shouldn't buy it. I'm interested to see if this peripheral will get 'real' support instead of the tepid backing the Balance Board is seeing thus far. I suppose that will change the whole debate.[/QUOTE]

I guess my problem with it is the non-apologetic nature of this product roll-out. It's a virtual admission that they didn't get it right the first time and duped us all into buying a console with a remote that wasn't finished yet. Not revealing it's development to 3d parties was another insult and more proof that Nintendo could give a shit about 3d parties and their offerings to the library. I'm sure Nintendo would be more than happy to be the only publisher for their machine because they act like this towards publishers at every turn. This is not good for us, the people who actually PLAY the games, when 3d parties are the last to know about new developments, aren't privy to Nintendo's in-house programming "secrets", or given inadequate development kits, and not allowed to use tools and properties of the system to their full potential.

Lastly, this shit is completely out of left field. Was anybody pleading for this new functionality? Could Nintendo pick out the voices of finer control over the din of downloadable content, real online play, and the freaking storage issue? Do they grow some mind fucking grade of weed in Japan or something? Cause they've obviously been smoking something that I'm not.

I'm probably also pissed because I'll have to buy it as soon as it comes out, just like every other fucking piece of white plastic thats hung on the shelf for the last year and a half. I damn well better get more games for that white door stop that tells me how fat I am every day, that's for goddamn sure ! They could have announced Mario fucking Ice Skating or Yoshi Butter Churning, at the very least. Snowboarding was a no brainer. Give me something to chew on instead of more things to get pissed about - is that too much to ask for ?
my problem with it, and perhaps i need to see/feel it in action... is that i don't see the difference.

i was always, and continue to be, amazed at how accurate the motion control already is in something like wii sports baseball. i swing my bat around and it moves where i move. is it 1:1? well no, i suppose not, but it's so close that i don't care.

this is closer? i don't get it. i don't see the point. it seems to me like this stuff was already possible, at least to a point where most people, myself included wouldn't really notice.

on top of that, as has been said before, it goes against the 'pick-up-and-play' casual gamer mantra that nintendo has been preaching. if a gamer can't tell the difference, a casual definitely won't see anything added. plus, part of the appeal of the wiimote has always been its non-threatening to casuals, looks like a tv remote design. i guarantee, when i tell my parents (who also own a wii) that they'll need to plug in something else to play a game... they're gonna give up and not play. it's too complicated.
How is plugging something in too complicated? They already have a nunchuck.

I know the world IS retarded, but c'mon now
[quote name='DocRamon']my problem with it, and perhaps i need to see/feel it in action... is that i don't see the difference.

i was always, and continue to be, amazed at how accurate the motion control already is in something like wii sports baseball. i swing my bat around and it moves where i move. is it 1:1? well no, i suppose not, but it's so close that i don't care.

this is closer? i don't get it. i don't see the point. it seems to me like this stuff was already possible, at least to a point where most people, myself included wouldn't really notice.

on top of that, as has been said before, it goes against the 'pick-up-and-play' casual gamer mantra that Nintendo has been preaching. if a gamer can't tell the difference, a casual definitely won't see anything added. plus, part of the appeal of the wiimote has always been its non-threatening to casuals, looks like a tv remote design. i guarantee, when i tell my parents (who also own a wii) that they'll need to plug in something else to play a game... they're gonna give up and not play. it's too complicated.[/QUOTE]

To me its a few things..

First Nintendo wanted to bring it out, before say Microsoft "improved" on their design with a true 1:1 ratio... this would not bode well for Nintendo and might have attached a Stigma that would kill the Wii off.

Secondly my presumption is it was not intended for the casual market. It will have no effect on your parents the game that this will use will probably be too intimidating for them right off. My thoughts were it was to answer some genre gaps, and other gamers/developers desires.

The games that put this to use (after the initial pack in, will probably be few and far between. I doubt it will ever be a pack in with the system... unless their is a game that comes out 1st party that gains a lot of attention and is user friendly.
[quote name='lilboo']How is plugging something in too complicated?[/QUOTE]
:rofl: Don't you dare go away for another week. I love you.

Man-love aside, I like how they let you calibrate a starting point by pointing to the screen . However the problem still remains that the sensor bar does not give you 1:1 pointing. They need to really update the calibration options for this. I've mentioned it before but Time Crisis 4's sensor works much better. It places an IR sensor on both sides of the screen to determine the center of the screen. Something like that would be much more accurate for the Wii's current setup. Adding calibration options to the Wii's option menu is more likely though, which should have been there to begin with.
The wiimote should have been a gamecube add on. The wii should just be coming out now, with better motion controls and actual next gen graphics. I find it disgusting their is no lithium battery in the wiimote and I have wires getting in the way with the numchuck and classic controller. I know they are trying to save money on costs, but it just makes them look like a cheap knockoff. I saw better motion contols in a baseball game at a fair 15 years ago. That baseball game also had better graphics than wii baseball games.

I wonder why this isn't coming out for so long? They must be trying to make it work right, while also making it as sickeningly cheap as possible.
The best part about the entire E3 presentation for Nintendo was that I was convinced that if any of those presenters had simply stopped moving entirely, the games they were playing would have easily just kept on going.

The add-on to the remote is a real head turner....the standard Wiimote's problem wasn't accuracy, it was lag....and when I twisted my wiimote the arrow twisted too, so how in the hell is this any different from the standard wiimote...
[quote name='lilboo']How is plugging something in too complicated? They already have a nunchuck. I know the world IS retarded, but c'mon now[/QUOTE]

and ask me how many times they've played wii sports boxing? for us 'gamers' who have been playing for years and post on message boards, plugging something in is not hard. for an older 'non-gamer' that wants to get into the game as quickly and effortlessly as possible, it means a great deal. like it or not, this only adds complication.

my parents' response to the nunchuk was essentially: "it's not used with every game? how do you know when to use it? only certain games use it? how do you know which games? this is stupid, let me bowl."

as an extension of this point... my mother thought for a second about asking me how to download simple VC games for her to play. when the mere concept of having a SECOND page of channels on the menu came up, she totally bailed out on the idea because it was becoming too hard for her.

again, like it or not, this is one of the hurdles that nintendo faces. i don't understand how motionplus isn't going to be just a turn off for the blue ocean crowd that nintendo seems to be targeting so aggressively.

[quote name='Snake2715']Secondly my presumption is it was not intended for the casual market.[/QUOTE]

really? it's not? why is it packed in with wii sports resort then? if it was intended for 'gamers' why would it not come packed with something casuals won't care about?

i think they packed the two together in an attempt to force the casual market to quickly understand the concept, because nintendo knows it's too complicated for casuals. unfortunately, i don't think it'll work. sure, i can see the casual market buying the game simply for the wii sports title, but when it comes to actually playing it, i think many will become frustrated, give up, and wind up with a bad taste in their mouth for further nintendo products... something along the lines of: "well how do i know i'm not gonna need another crazy gadget to plug in this time? screw that, i'm not buying anything else. i'll just keep bowling."
[quote name='Mr. 420']The wiimote should have been a gamecube add on. The wii should just be coming out now, with better motion controls and actual next gen graphics. I find it disgusting their is no lithium battery in the wiimote and I have wires getting in the way with the numchuck and classic controller. I know they are trying to save money on costs, but it just makes them look like a cheap knockoff. I saw better motion contols in a baseball game at a fair 15 years ago. That baseball game also had better graphics than wii baseball games.

I wonder why this isn't coming out for so long? They must be trying to make it work right, while also making it as sickeningly cheap as possible.[/QUOTE]

This is pure flamebait. Keep on trolling you may get lucky.
bread's done