Wii Music- Gen. Discussion & Info: Out Now!


2 (100%)

Format: Wii™
Launch Date: October 20, 2008
ESRB: E (Everyone)
Game Type: Music
Accessories: Wii Remote™, Nunchuk™, Wii Balance Board™
Players: 1-4
Developer: Nintendo


General Information:

Create a musical masterpiece with up to four players. Anyone can play the huge selection of instruments in Wii Music with simple motions—like strumming and drumming.

• It’s easy to play improv jams. Musicians in your band jam by simply playing their instruments to the beat of a song or by improvising to their heart’s content. Play faster. Play slower. Skip a beat, or throw in 10 more. No matter what you do, Wii Music automatically transforms your improv stylings into great music. There are no mistakes—just playing for the pure joy of playing.

• Wii controls immerse you in the music. You can play most of the 60-plus instruments in Wii Music using simple motions with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers. Strum to play guitar, banjo and sitar. Drum to play jazz drums, congas and marching drums. Hammer away to play piano, vibraphone and marimba. Unlike most music games, Wii Music doesn’t make you use complex buttons. You only need to imitate playing the instrument.

• Wii Music offers virtually endless ways to make music. You choose the song and instruments and decide whether to blaze through a rock take on classical songs, put a jazzy spin on folk tunes or transform Nintendo classics like the Super Mario Bros.® theme into Latin-flavored numbers. The song list is only a takeoff point—it’s how you improvise with the songs that matters.

• Send your band-jam recordings to Wii Friends who have Wii Music. They’ll see your Mii™ band members, your players’ improv styles and your instrument selections. They can watch your recordings, or play over parts of your song, then send their modified recording back to you. Improv jams can be sent back and forth over WiiConnect24 and changed again and again.

Beyond the Jam:

Wii Music includes many other modes besides the main band jams, including several musical games and an enhanced video playback mode for recorded jams.

• Play it again: Use the playback mode to see your jam recordings brought to life with dramatic camera angles.

• Pick up the baton: Command an orchestra in the conducting game where you’ll wave the Wii Remote controller like a conductor’s baton to lead a Mii orchestra through orchestrated music. Make them play quickly, slowly, strongly or gently.

• Ring a bell? Play a handbells game where you’ll swing your Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers to play your two handbells as part of a larger ensemble. Everyone on the team has a job to do: Play one of your notes only when the tune demands it.

• An ear for music: Take a tone quiz that tests your musical ear by giving you challenges, like putting note-playing Miis in order from lowest to highest pitch.

• Bang the drum: Play a virtual drum set in the drumming mode, the one mode in Wii Music that also uses the Wii Balance Board accessory (sold with Wii Fit™). You’ll use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers as drumsticks, and place both feet on the Wii Balance Board—which work as virtual pedals for the bass drum and hi-hat cymbal.
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I was listening and it sounded like shit. I mean comeone if you want music theres Rcok Band or Guitar Hero. Actually nothing Nintendo showed me today impresses me. They sounded like Bush "stay the coarse"
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It's like Rock Band for babies.... :lol:

I'm sure I'll end up buying it eventually, but man am I disappointed that it was the "big" game this year.
I hope it sucks. As a music teacher, the idea of kids thinking they can play music without any effort or rhythm whatsoever is infuriating.
[quote name='dothog']Didn't see it, only read about it, but I'm sold. This thing will sell like Wii Play.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, watch the videos when you can. The gameplay is so bad. The hit detection is horrible as well.

This is really disappointing. There are over 50 different instruments in the game and that may be the only thing good about it. Hopefully some of them are good.

The Wii Fit Board as drum pedals is pretty cool though.
They did say there will be drum lessons in this. If the drums are dead on and the lessons actually work, then I might be interested in this just to learn drums. But this is Nintendo so this will be fucked up like they normally do.
Its Band Brothers without points and the need for pressing it on time. Its like a big music toy/tech demo. It will sell like hot cakes.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']They did say there will be drum lessons in this. If the drums are dead on and the lessons actually work, then I might be interested in this just to learn drums. But this is Nintendo so this will be fucked up like they normally do.[/QUOTE]
RB2 has drum lessons. Who needs air drums when you can actually hit something?
I liked how you could literally do ANYTHING as you played and it still worked. How is that even a game?
[quote name='CouRageouS']RB2 has drum lessons. Who needs air drums when you can actually hit something?[/quote]

Oh then fuck this, RB2 all the way :lol:.

Plus RB2 has Dream Theater, lol.
the only thing i thought was cool was the fact that it had 6 player co-op.

Did I hear them right....no scoring just video recording? So your big game of the year Nintendo is uhhh NOT A GAME!

Looks like I won't be dustin' off the Wii anytime soon.
Whoa whoa whoa whats with all the negativity? I think it'll be a fun game for people who just want to mess around without spending big bucks on RB/GH.

Oh but the guitar did sound like crap.
I guess I just don't understand how it's entertaining to flail about and you get the same results as someone whose actually trying to mimic an instrument movement. A far more profitable idea for Nintendo would have been to work with Activision and develop a Guitar Hero expansion of oldie Nintendo hits starring their characters. I assume half the appeal of Rock Band and Guitar Hero is that kids get to play around on imitation instruments.
Whats so sad about this is it might sell more than Gears and Resistance COMBINED. Thanks *insert random celebrity obviously non-gamer name here*
[quote name='SoulReaver']Whoa whoa whoa whats with all the negativity? I think it'll be a fun game for people who just want to mess around without spending big bucks on RB/GH.

Oh but the guitar did sound like crap.[/quote]

Yeah if your a middle aged stay at home mom.
[quote name='gareman']the only thing i thought was cool was the fact that it had 6 player co-op. [/QUOTE]

No - he said you could choose from 6 parts, but only 4 people can play at the same time. Moreover, when selecting parts, it then showed only 4 players. Having said that, the drum guy also seemed to be playing yet there were 4 other people playing. Was he faking it?

I have to admit that this game looks pretty awful. Maybe it will be more fun in practice, but I don't know. I wonder if this will sell like Wii Fit or not. Wii Fit at least had the notion that it would get you in shape. What will this game do? Teach you to play air guitar? Air guitar that isn't free?
I'm going to go turn on The Cure and play some Wii music right now.

Oh damn! I don't even have to turn on my Wii for this!

*fuck yes, throws up the horns*
I honestly don't understand this game at all. You do anything to play music. This basically equates to a kid's toy where you pull a string and music comes out. Pure crap. If people actually pay money for this they are insane.

EDIT: The drum lessons could be cool...but that's about it.
[quote name='jkam']I honestly don't understand this game at all. You do anything to play music. This basically equates to a kid's toy where you pull a string and music comes out. Pure crap. If people actually pay money for this they are insane.[/quote]
I love kids toys. They have lasting appeal. This looks fun to me.
[quote name='KillJoi99']that sounds like the Wii to me.[/quote]
Yes, in fact it is pretty close to encapsulating everything Nintendo has worked towards with the Wii.

All the complaints here and about the Wii in general seem to be from people wanting things Nintendo doesn't plan on providing. Which is smart on their part - they have found success in simplicity and don't want to deal with the fickle mess that traditionally comes with a "real" game system.
Haven't seen any gameplay myself (I'll search the youtubes when I get home), but it sounds solid (although you guys make it seem very lackluster...idk what to think).

My favorite thing about this: Nintendo isn't introducing new peripherals/equipment solely for this game (I know, unheard of this gen lol).
[quote name='mephitical']I love kids toys. They have lasting appeal. This looks fun to me.

Yes, in fact it is pretty close to encapsulating everything Nintendo has worked towards with the Wii.

All the complaints here and about the Wii in general seem to be from people wanting things Nintendo doesn't plan on providing. Which is smart on their part - they have found success in simplicity and don't want to deal with the fickle mess that traditionally comes with a "real" game system.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on the kids toys. Imagination is still a useful thing in life.

The Wii is definitely not the kind of gaming we're used to. Given that most of Microsoft's marquee titles are first person shooters with pretty graphics and that Sony's having huge problems getting their exclusives out the door (I'm looking at you, Home and Little Big Planet), that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

That said, I am disappointed that we didn't see any titles along the lines of Mario Kart and Smash Brothers. They seem to be focusing on the non-gamer and casual crowds to the complete exclusion of the rest of their fanbase, and the fact that Animal Crossing is the only one of their established franchises we've seen at E3 makes me worried.
Based on the video and game description and without ever having played it, I nominate Wii Music as an early candidate for GOTY. It's that good.
[quote name='crunchewy']No - he said you could choose from 6 parts, but only 4 people can play at the same time. Moreover, when selecting parts, it then showed only 4 players. Having said that, the drum guy also seemed to be playing yet there were 4 other people playing. Was he faking it?

I have to admit that this game looks pretty awful. Maybe it will be more fun in practice, but I don't know. I wonder if this will sell like Wii Fit or not. Wii Fit at least had the notion that it would get you in shape. What will this game do? Teach you to play air guitar? Air guitar that isn't free?[/quote]

It's not 6 player co-op? I don't remember them saying it was only 4 people, and on the instrument/mii select screen all six people were represented. And there was also 6 miis on the in-game screen. I could be wrong and that would make me even more sad, because it shows that you can have as much "fun" pretending to play as you can actually playing.
[quote name='mephitical']I love kids toys. They have lasting appeal. This looks fun to me.

If you can please explain to me what seems fun about this game. I'm not being an asshole I'm just trying to understand what about this remotely appeals to you. I like the Wii and I own one but honestly I hate this game. It seems pointless.
[quote name='DustBoogie']I hope it sucks. As a music teacher, the idea of kids thinking they can play music without any effort or rhythm whatsoever is infuriating.[/quote]

you sound like a DJ who uses vinyl all bitter about iPod turntables...
[quote name='DustBoogie']I hope it sucks. As a music teacher, the idea of kids thinking they can play music without any effort or rhythm whatsoever is infuriating.[/quote]

Whoever you are, DustBoogie, thank you.

I've been studying music since I was 6, which makes it one year short of two decades. I'm a master's student in Music Composition, feel free to tell me what an elitist fuck I am for mentioning this.

I certainly find it amusing that many of my friends - performers who are studying / playing music for a living - spend hours poured into practicing Guitar Hero - a game that requires a bit of practice in its own right. Seeing them run through crazy shit on Expert (while drunk) can make any afterparty to a shittily predictable jazz gig they played ever that much better. Plus, there's something magical about someone who practices their instrument all day only to "take a break" by practicing another, plastic, instrument.

And here comes WiiMusic.

If WiiSports and WiiPlay took something that'd be "barely challenging" if half-assed and made it crazy-go-nuts with a minimal layer of perfectly polished little twist (the Tennis target game in WS, for example), WiiMusic seems to be more fun to write and code for that it will be to actually play.

Funny thing is - I'm curious as shit. ElektroPlankton had several abstractions of pure quality (of the "raw idea" kind) which I've ripped directly for implementation for ElectroAcoustic composition - interface design mostly. Academia is disgustingly crazy about the Wii Remote, writing shitty electro-acoustic music which involves some chode waving the WiiMote around, looking smug that he figured out how to connect well-documented Wii Remote signal to Max/MSP (which already has downloadable objects for, basically, plug-and-play interface). This is coming from a guy who specializes in that "shitty pompous electro-acoustic avant garde," and if you think I'm being elitist, name -one- good academic piece written for a Wii Remote. I've not touched it, so you can't (HA!), because unlike the Wii, the academic use of the Remote -is- a fucking fad. And a stupid one, at that. I was anxious to see how Nintendo would do it, and what the result would be.

Yes, I'm the one that thought it would be exciting to see how Nintendo treats rhythm and melody, and how articulation can be achieved through motion. The final product, however, seems retarded. It's not a progressive music toy (like ElektroPlankton) - it's something that I can't fathom anyone enjoying, period. Look, the fun that comes from fucking around on a guitar or a keyboard is in trying something, and something new coming out. That's a fundamental part of the music experience. In short, the ability to fuck up is the only thing that makes not-fucking-up fun in the first place (sorry to go all Nietzsche here).

The reason why I feel this game can't "sell like Wii Play" is because I'd fucking hate that piece of shit if I was a parent. There's a reason you don't buy your kid a drum at an early age, and the reason is simple: he/she will beat that fucking thing until you go insane and give your otherwise somewhat entertaining child the worst case of "toddler-onset shaken baby syndrome" ever. And if with Guitar Hero/Rock Band, at worst you'd have to suffer a song you don't like, WiiMusic ensures that whatever the choices of Nintendo music classics will quickly become rhythmless cacophony of bullshit. Shaken toddler syndrome confirmed. But really, it's not the children's fault. Someone should go over to Nintendo and shake them all for a bit. Just so they can understand how fucking ever-important rhythm is in music.

I think next they should do WiiScience. You wave a remote, and watch your Mii come up with a brilliant new scientific theory while you shake it. You choose what field it is, and shake away while living a dream of making JELLO GROW EARS a bullshit virtual reality.

[quote name='DestroVega']you sound like a DJ who uses vinyl all bitter about iPod turntables...[/quote]

You sound like you understand what a simile is, but you don't understand how to make an effective one.
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I like the implementation of the balance board as something other than a downhill riding board, and as someone who gets tired after a couple songs of drumming in Rockband, I welcome the lack of resistance in the pedal.
[quote name='MarioColbert']I'm a master's student in Music Composition, feel free to tell me what an elitist fuck I am for mentioning this.
The big tip-off isn't that you put your CV in the front of your post, it was that in referring to someone you wrote...
[quote name='MarioColbert']. . .which involves some chode. . .
Seriously, "chode"? Who else talks like that but the condescending liberal elite? Oooh, look at mr. ivory tower and his big fancy degrees and foo-foo cuss words! fucking elitist swine.
[quote name='MarioColbert']
If WiiSports and WiiPlay took something that'd be "barely challenging" if half-assed and made it crazy-go-nuts with a minimal layer of perfectly polished little twist (the Tennis target game in WS, for example), WiiMusic seems to be more fun to write and code for that it will be to actually play.

Funny thing is - I'm curious as shit. ElektroPlankton had several abstractions of pure quality...
I agree with this completely. I think Strell's earlier post about simply turning off the TV and playing along with the music sums up my feelings, which boil down to What is WiiMusic good for? However, I want to play around with it in spite of these limitations. If it were to somehow integrate ElectroPlankton-style composition or improvisation into the mix, that would be incredibly cool and worth getting.

In the end, though, I guess I'm still not sure what WiiMusic does exactly.
I'm playing multiplayer right now with zero lag with people all over the world.

The best part is that they don't even know it. Which works out for me because I have the highest score AND the most imaginary groupies.

Suck it, people around the world!
[quote name='dothog']The big tip-off isn't that you put your CV in the front of your post, it was that in referring to someone you wrote...

Seriously, "chode"? Who else talks like that but the condescending liberal elite? Oooh, look at mr. ivory tower and his big fancy degrees and foo-foo cuss words! fucking elitist swine.

God damn. I've been fucking owned. I'm going to call you callipygian, hoping that lilboo will notice. :bouncy:
[quote name='MarioColbert']Whoever you are, DustBoogie, thank you.

I've been studying music since I was 6, which makes it one year short of two decades. I'm a master's student in Music Composition, feel free to tell me what an elitist fuck I am for mentioning this.

I certainly find it amusing that many of my friends - performers who are studying / playing music for a living - spend hours poured into practicing Guitar Hero - a game that requires a bit of practice in its own right. Seeing them run through crazy shit on Expert (while drunk) can make any afterparty to a shittily predictable jazz gig they played ever that much better. Plus, there's something magical about someone who practices their instrument all day only to "take a break" by practicing another, plastic, instrument.

And here comes WiiMusic.

If WiiSports and WiiPlay took something that'd be "barely challenging" if half-assed and made it crazy-go-nuts with a minimal layer of perfectly polished little twist (the Tennis target game in WS, for example), WiiMusic seems to be more fun to write and code for that it will be to actually play.

Funny thing is - I'm curious as shit. ElektroPlankton had several abstractions of pure quality (of the "raw idea" kind) which I've ripped directly for implementation for ElectroAcoustic composition - interface design mostly. Academia is disgustingly crazy about the Wii Remote, writing shitty electro-acoustic music which involves some chode waving the WiiMote around, looking smug that he figured out how to connect well-documented Wii Remote signal to Max/MSP (which already has downloadable objects for, basically, plug-and-play interface). This is coming from a guy who specializes in that "shitty pompous electro-acoustic avant garde," and if you think I'm being elitist, name -one- good academic piece written for a Wii Remote. I've not touched it, so you can't (HA!), because unlike the Wii, the academic use of the Remote -is- a fucking fad. And a stupid one, at that. I was anxious to see how Nintendo would do it, and what the result would be.

Yes, I'm the one that thought it would be exciting to see how Nintendo treats rhythm and melody, and how articulation can be achieved through motion. The final product, however, seems retarded. It's not a progressive music toy (like ElektroPlankton) - it's something that I can't fathom anyone enjoying, period. Look, the fun that comes from fucking around on a guitar or a keyboard is in trying something, and something new coming out. That's a fundamental part of the music experience. In short, the ability to fuck up is the only thing that makes not-fucking-up fun in the first place (sorry to go all Nietzsche here).

The reason why I feel this game can't "sell like Wii Play" is because I'd fucking hate that piece of shit if I was a parent. There's a reason you don't buy your kid a drum at an early age, and the reason is simple: he/she will beat that fucking thing until you go insane and give your otherwise somewhat entertaining child the worst case of "toddler-onset shaken baby syndrome" ever. And if with Guitar Hero/Rock Band, at worst you'd have to suffer a song you don't like, WiiMusic ensures that whatever the choices of Nintendo music classics will quickly become rhythmless cacophony of bullshit. Shaken toddler syndrome confirmed. But really, it's not the children's fault. Someone should go over to Nintendo and shake them all for a bit. Just so they can understand how fucking ever-important rhythm is in music.

I think next they should do WiiScience. You wave a remote, and watch your Mii come up with a brilliant new scientific theory while you shake it. You choose what field it is, and shake away while living a dream of making JELLO GROW EARS a bullshit virtual reality.

You sound like you understand what a simile is, but you don't understand how to make an effective one.[/quote]

Someone has a potty mouth.
I was so excited for this when they first showed a screen or two TWO YEARS AGO. It's like they've been dicking about all this time and suddenly went, "Shit! I forgot about those, have someone throw somethin' cute together right quick!"

And what the fuck ever happened to WiiChess? I wanted some of that too.
People, you guys dont realize what this is. This game is about having an experience, not gaining experience. The game is to not learn how to play an instrument, but improvise the beat to make it feel like you are. I think that Nintendo is using this to get you to get interested in the music, and feel like you are a part of it. And at the end of the day, isnt the involvement and experience what a video game is all about? You aren't going to be a big time gangster in real life, but it is cool to feel like it (GTA). You aren't going to be a rock star, but it is cool to have the feeling (guitar hero). You aren't going to gun down aliens and take down an entire army yourself, but it's cool to have the feeling (Halo, Metroid). And in this case, most of the demographic audience isn't going to be making music, but it's cool to have the feeling.I am not one who usually sticks up for wii games with wii in the title, but this is different. And yes, I'm buying the game (as long as I can get a standalone scale thing). And yes, this will make millions of dollars.

[quote name='w00t_culafi']You aren't going to be a big time gangster in real life, but it is cool to feel like it (GTA). You aren't going to be a rock star, but it is cool to have the feeling (guitar hero). You aren't going to gun down aliens and take down an entire army yourself, but it's cool to have the feeling (Halo, Metroid). And in this case, most of the demographic audience isn't going to be making music, but it's cool to have the feeling.[/QUOTE]

What if in GTA, the game was simply pressing a button through cutscenes?
What if Guitar Hero was simply strumming along to whatever beat you wished and having the notes automatically played for you?
What if Halo had you simply pressing a button and the enemies onscreen died without you having to aim?
Ugh. This game disgusts me. What a waste of precious development time, money, and potential that could have gone towards an exciting new Nintendo game... Wii Music? Who the fuck wants to play this?
[quote name='antlp89']Ugh. This game disgusts me. What a waste of precious development time, money, and potential that could have gone towards an exciting new Nintendo game... Wii Music? Who the fuck wants to play this?[/QUOTE]


She seems to be enjoying it.
[quote name='Zing']What if in GTA, the game was simply pressing a button through cutscenes?
What if Guitar Hero was simply strumming along to whatever beat you wished and having the notes automatically played for you?
What if Halo had you simply pressing a button and the enemies onscreen died without you having to aim?[/quote]
If it somehow enchances the experience, I wholeheartedly welcome Grand Theft Auto: Resident evil 4 cutscenes
But it won't enhance anything, just like Wii music won't. If all you do is press anything to get the desired effect on screen, then you've basically done nothing. Nintendo has made a game that will even make the brain dead go "damn this is easy." This is a prime example of a game that attracts people at a party but when you're by yourself, you'll realize it sucks. No scoring or evaluations? C'mon, Nintendo, this is stupid even for you.
Looks like most journalists aren't digging Wii Music either. Here is the summary of IGN's thoughts on Wii Music from their Podcast:

Wii Music
- Worst game of E3 for Matt
- 10 and under crowd will only enjoy it
- First game for mainstream audience Craig won’t give to his parents
bread's done