Wii Storage Space - I Don't Get It


14 (100%)
Ok ok, I've read thread after thread of people bemoaning the lack of storage on the Wii. Before I get started, let me state I am a pretty big user of the Virtual Console, with 22 VC games, and just got my first WiiWare game, Dr. Mario. So with that out of the way, I just have to say...

I don't understand all the complaints. I don't understand, because there are a lot of different options if you "run out" of space:

1) Dump the games you don't play often to an SD memory card. Those are dirt cheap these days, MUCH cheaper than any storage device Nintendo - or any third party - may come out with.

2) Delete the games, then when you get in the mood, re-download them later. This is better than cheap - it's FREE.

I mean, come on. Is it worth all the bellyaching and moaning? How many of these games we've downloaded do we actually play on anything remotely resembling a regular basis?

And since this is, I thought, CHEAP ASS GAMER, don't we want a cheap/free solution? Why is everyone looking to shell out money on something that's unneeded?

I'm sure I'll regret ever posting this, so let the flaming begin!

I don't understand all the complaints.

They can be addressed.

1) Dump the games you don't play often to an SD memory card. Those are dirt cheap these days, MUCH cheaper than any storage device Nintendo - or any third party - may come out with.

Because the cards are slow. It takes forever to dump data to them - I counted 9 minutes for an N64 game, which at best couldn't have been more than 64 MB. That's unacceptable. I don't know if it's the drive, the card, or both, but it's slooooooooooooow.

2) Delete the games, then when you get in the mood, re-download them later. This is better than cheap - it's FREE.

This is inconvenient. It doesn't matter that we can do it - we shouldn't have to. If I want to download FF:King and it requires some XXX blocks (I just know it's a lot) and that requires me deleting that many blocks worth of space, and then if I want to get them again, I have to go through the slow-as-molasses download procedure all over again, it doesn't work.

It doesn't help that each game is wrapped with the system's emulator, instead of one central emulator being loaded onto the memory. So if you have 12 NES games, you have 12 iterations of the emulator. That's just stupid.

I mean, come on. Is it worth all the bellyaching and moaning? How many of these games we've downloaded do we actually play on anything remotely resembling a regular basis?

How many times do you listen to all the MP3s on your comp?
How many times do you read the various documents you've written over the years?
How many times do you look at the movies/pictures/whatever on your comp?
How many times do you wear a certain piece of clothing/shoe/belt?
How many DVDs do you own that you haven't watched in years?
How many tools do you own that you aren't regularly building tables with?
How many books do you own that you haven't read, or have only read once?
How many spices in your cupboard that you aren't using everyday?

Too many reasonable cases where it makes no sense to dump something "just because we aren't using it actively."

Granted, I'll agree that in these other cases, you can't freely ditch the item in question and get it back free later on.

And since this is, I thought, CHEAP ASS GAMER, don't we want a cheap/free solution? Why is everyone looking to shell out money on something that's unneeded?

You said so yourself how cheap SD cards are. Allowing us to load data directly from them would solve every memory issue in the world. If homebrew hackers can do it in their spare time, a big corporation full of programmers like Nintendo can do it, can do it well, and allow me the freedom that should be guaranteed by the little slot on the front end of my system.

I'm sure I'll regret ever posting this, so let the flaming begin!

Not flaming - just factual responses.
[quote name='Strell']
How many times do you listen to all the MP3s on your comp?
How many times do you read the various documents you've written over the years?
How many times do you look at the movies/pictures/whatever on your comp?
How many times do you wear a certain piece of clothing/shoe/belt?
How many DVDs do you own that you haven't watched in years?[/QUOTE]

Actually, a lot of these illustrate my point exactly.

On my laptop, I have limited space. Therefore, when I need space, I delete off old MP3s, movies, pictures. Why? Because I don't need immediate access to them, so I clear up space by dumping things I don't need. Why keep what you won't use? So you can say, "Look! I filled up my laptop with MP3s I will never listen to!"? What's the point?

DVDs? You have to get up, find whatever it is you are looking for on a shelf, take it out of its case, throw it in the player. So you don't have immediate access to those either.

Unless you have a changer, which, ironically, I do. I have it not so much for accessibility, but rather to save space elsewhere in the house - I don't want a shelf of DVD cases when I can just throw those all in a closet.

Look, I totally understand. It's not as convenient as if there was unlimited storage on the Wii, or fast access to the SD card. My point is that it's not as big a deal as what some people make it out to be. Seriously, some folks seem to think this is a gargantuan problem that is going to doom Nintendo.

I just don't understand that thinking.

Inconvenient? Yes.

Huge problem? No. Not by a long shot.

i'm with strell on this one
we shouldn't have to jump through hoops and barrels (is that even a term? lol) to enjoy the games we payed for
It's not going to doom Nintendo, but it certainly is costing them, albeit a small amount of, money. I ran out of room, so I simply stopped buying stuff. I guarantee you that I would have purchased every single N64 game they put on the VC... but why do that if I have to wait 9 minutes if I want to access one? On a personal level, from the last VC I bought (likely Sin and Punishment) and now, I would estimate I would have spent an extra $200-300 on points if I had had the room.

I admit that it's laziness. I look at even NES games that I've moved to an SD card. TMNT, for instance, I might play if I'm bored on the Wii menu... but I doubt I'll ever actively take the time to re-download it to play it. Essentially, then, because of my own laziness and the lack of space, I spent 600 points on a game I will likely never play again until I get more storage on the console itself. Does that mean I should probably look into making smarter purchases? On a personal level, sure, but Nintendo is banking on this as an impulse purchase sort of thing. They should WANT me to wantonly spend my money to download stuff. Unfortunately, until I get more space, that simply isn't going to happen.

WiiWare is out now, which we all envisioned would be an issue. However, the other new occurance is channels for DISC games taking up over 100 blocks to do the same things as the disc could. Do you NEED the Mario Kart or WiiFit channel? No, not at all... but why give them to us if they're going to take so much space that we could be filling with other things we spent money on? How about game saves that require over 100 blocks? Most of what I see is directed to Virtual Console games... however, Nintendo will eventually get to the point that officially released Nintendo channels and saves requiring over 100 blocks would fill the console ALONE. Then what?

It's been a simple inconvinience for almost two years now, but it *will* eventually become a problem that needs to be addressed, and it would be better if Nintendo did it sooner rather than later.
it's also not always as easy as *I* don't use something so *I* can delete it... i don't regularly mess around with the everybody votes channel or the check mii out channel, but my wife does and i'd be dead if i deleted them for another game. and if i had kids that played VC games that i don't regularly play... catering to multiple people on one system is/would be difficult. there's a lot less that can be deleted.

they have channels that take up memory and are regularly used by someone in my house.
they have vc games that take up memory and are regularly used by someone in my house.
they have wiiware that takes up memory and is regularly used by someone in my house.

then there's game save data... oh man. i have a lot of wii games, more than i'd like to admit. i use some of it regularly, but some of it i do not and that gets moved to sd cards... but then what about the save data that cannot be transferred? like smash bros? or endless ocean? or mario kart? or any other online game? i'd love to delete some of it that i'm not using, but i'm not going to toss away my progress in the game for when i go back to it.

for example, smash bros. i'm playing it less now that i have wii fit, but i'm not willing to unlock all the characters again. so there's over 100 blocks that are blown because i can't (1) transfer it anywhere and (2) refuse to delete, rendering the time i spent before damn near useless.

i think it's really easy for SOME people to look at this and say it's not a big issue. people living and playing alone. casuals that don't download anything and only play wii sports. people that have other consoles and aren't buying as many games for wii because some are being bought for xbox or ps3.

but for a wii only gamer catering to myself, my wife, my family and my friends that all come here often to get their wii on... the storage issue is a big problem. certainly not a nintendo-killer by any means, but it's keeping me from purchasing and leaving me with a sour taste in my mouth.
WrestleCrap'sRD;4406327] On my laptop said:
DVDs? You have to get up, find whatever it is you are looking for on a shelf, take it out of its case, throw it in the player. So you don't have immediate access to those either.

Ahh, but when you bought the DVD player, you understood that was the case to begin with.

Now, I never thought 512 megs of space would allow me infinite storage (especially when you consider a good portion has to be tied to the OS). I did have an expectation that the SD card slot would be used to alleviate and expand it. That's not exactly outlandish given that the PS2/Xbox already did onboard memory to an acceptable degree, and that the 360 - a year earlier - also pulled it off (assuming you got the correct SKU).

Unless you have a changer, which, ironically, I do.

You're conceding that getting up to change discs is enough of an issue that you took the measures needed to solve it. That's the same thing I want with SD accessibility.

Beyond that, you have further options - you could hook a computer up to your TV, slap a huge hard drive on it, and rip DIVX quality videos of your entire collection. No more looking up DVDs in your changer's inventory.

Those are good options to have. They are not required, no - I'll concede that. But you still have the ability to decide on an option, which is what I want.

I have it not so much for accessibility, but rather to save space elsewhere in the house - I don't want a shelf of DVD cases when I can just throw those all in a closet.

And I don't want to have to trudge out to the Wii Shop channel because my buddy from out of town wants to play Ice Hockey like we did when we were kids. But first I had to delete something off my system or move it to the SD card. And not to bring up a slippery slope, but this is all assuming I'm not getting the wild 30X1blabla errors I occasionally get when trying to get online, since the infrastructure is pretty shaky on even a good day, and even when it worked flawlessly months before.

Plus I already jumped through enough hoops in the early days of the Wii securing a second Wiimote and a second nunchuk, to say nothing of sitting out in the cold for the damn thing to begin with. This is right with what GunCrazy was getting at.

Look, I totally understand. It's not as convenient as if there was unlimited storage on the Wii, or fast access to the SD card. My point is that it's not as big a deal as what some people make it out to be. Seriously, some folks seem to think this is a gargantuan problem that is going to doom Nintendo.

I just don't understand that thinking.

Inconvenient? Yes.

Huge problem? No. Not by a long shot.


And that's fair enough. Me? I hate loose cords. I buy velcro cord wraps by the gross and I tie everything up. All my Gamecube controllers are nicely packed away in a box on my entertainment center, and all of them look crisp and clean. Other people don't care and choose to let their controllers sprawl out on the floor, or get shoved into a drawer, or go for a Wavebird, etc.

That's all we really want here - options. And frankly, since we're the ones running this joint by putting money into a near pure profit sector for Nintendo, we're the driving force. Again, this is one of the few and distinctly unique areas of Nintendo's strategy where you can strongly make the argument that the pure hardcore people are running the show, since it only makes sense that we'd be the ones online downloading VC games and Wiiware. As such, when we start to complain, we should be heard.

That's what makes this so tiresome. It's not like Zack and Wiki or No More Heroes selling "poorly" in the grand scheme of this industry, where you could always turn to the "soccer moms and grannies don't want to slice jerks up with a light saber." As much as I don't like that argument, I have to admit it's grounded in some form of reality.

But I base all of this as "legitimized" because the solution seems so flip-a-switch, assuming you don't take Nintendo's paranoia about piracy into effect (which, in an ideal world, would be poissible).

[quote name='007']It's not going to doom Nintendo, but it certainly is costing them, albeit a small amount of, money... I would have spent an extra $200-300 on points if I had had the room.[/quote]

Bingo. Nintendo doesn't want to admit it, but again - this tiny thing is costing them money. I can safely say I'd have a few more SNES games if space wasn't an issue, especially since I tend to use Gift Cards and Rewardzone to get points cheaply.

Then there's the other side to consider, which is not letting devs have DLC. Like it or not, that's pissing off the third parties Nintendo claims to want to work peacefully with.

Both of these are big instances where no room to download/dynamically load data = lost business prospects. The rest of 007's post furthers this idea.

I mean, now we have VC games, Wiiware, and channels to take up the space. And as much as I never use the Internet Channel and know it's functionally useless to me, I still want it! But I got rid of it - along with all my N64 games - so I could play Lost Winds and Dr. Mario. Which meant I wasted a bunch of time moving, saving, and deleting stuff. And again, it doesn't help when I consider that the entire way this has all gone along has been so short-sighted to begin with (again, the multiple emulators instead of a central one).

Look, I'm the first to admit that the problems ranted about online are somewhat blown out of proportion, since we're largely a group of gamers who are aware about certain things in the industry. If you ask Joe Grandma down at the retirement center playing Wii Bowling every Saturday night, she doesn't know a thing about this stuff. And since Nintendo seems intent on making that audience their bread and butter, it hurts the people who built them up to begin with.

It just sucks to think I'm being turned down, even though I'm one of the better customers. But hey - I guess Nintendo has my money so they aren't that worried, aye?
[quote name='Strell']
It just sucks to think I'm being turned down, even though I'm one of the better customers. But hey - I guess Nintendo has my money so they aren't that worried, aye?[/quote]
Strell, first off, wow amazing speech.

This is the part that really annoys me though. The ones who are complaining about storage are the ones who are the best customers to Nintendo. Hell I bought products like the e-Reader, the Game Boy Camera and other things that most people would not buy over the years, but then what do they do? They say well thanks but fuck you, we are going to focus more on casual gamers now since they make us money.

When the N64 and GC came out I didn't really care that it didn't have third party games or anything because the PS2 was cheap had a lot games on it and well Nintendo had a lot of good first party games.

Now when the gaming costs a lot more, I myself can't afford tons of $60 games and well the Wii is the only system I can afford to really put my money into which is fine. So since I really do only have one system to put my money into, you better believe I am going to be buying a lot of stuff for it. Also with the promise of great games from third party devs, I would love to be giving my cash to Nintendo.

So onto the storage issue. While a SD card seems like a good option, I been looking at the games on the Wii right now and it is just hard to put some of them on a SD card. Sure it sounds odd, but there are some games I just want on the Wii incase someone asks me hey whats a good VC game and thats my 4 games on the front page (Gunstar Heroes, Sin and Punishment, Startropics and Dynamite Headdy), I don't want to have to transfer them over if someone asks because they might get the wrong idea. Also I am NOT moving Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Metroid over because well that needs no explanation. The rest of the space is Nintendo games I purchased and still need to beat, Doremi, and my two WiiWare games. I moved ALL of my third party stuff over except for Doremi and Treasure. Personally it's just too much of a hassle to start figuring out ok what game do I want to delete because I am the type of guy that thinks his Wii as a form of expression, and I must have certain games on there just because.

Also my current router is a piece of fucking garbage. So going online to re download a game could take about 5+ (around 20 for some Wiiware games) minutes that is if it is in within wifi range. Although my router is crap I do like the internet channel in case I need to check gamefaqs or something quickly without having to wait for my laptop to boot up just for 2 mins of searching.

I am the type of person who likes to have everything just there. I never delete songs of my computer no matter how much space they take up because I may be in the mood to listen to them even if it is once every 6 months, and if something is not there I am more than likely going to say fuck it then spending 10 minutes finding and ripping a CD. Same thing goes with Wii stuff. I usually am like oh I want to play (insert game here), and if I have to spend 5+ minutes deleting games and copying it from a SD card I will say fuck it and play something else.

With the storage issue I have been on a hiatus of buying games unless something really amazing comes out. The last game I bought was lost winds, but with 37 blocks of storage left I am not planning on buying anything really until it is worth getting rid of one of my current games on the system.
lol, ill be honest i came to this site cos i googled waffles invite.
checked back today cause i was bored.
great post/s!

I'm in the surely it couldn't of been that hard to allow sd cards to be in there group. i mean we hit the nail on the head earlier, they are bloody cheap, what $8 [AUD] for a gig now?
and they will obviously keep up with technology so as the games get bigger the cards get bigger... Problem solved.

although i have to raise the point, what with the simplicity of wad installer/uninstaller wouldn't allowing us to play off the sd card make it even easier for ppl to steal the games?
I'm assuming this is the reason they aren't so keen to jump on the sd bandwagon.
You know, the WiiWare and VC storage problems are one thing. But where it really hurts is when games are missing key features found on other consoles -- such as DLC for Guitar Hero or Rock Band.
All good responses to a critical issue. The function I've used more than any other on the Wii (including gaming) is the photo channel, and we've got an SD card absolutely loaded with 1000s of photos for my daughter to watch in a slideshow. Family stuff, animals, cars, airplanes, so on. It's her version of TV.

It's a lazy request, but I'm tired of swapping SD cards every time I want to game. People can say, "Hey, take it easy, there's a workaround," but I don't want a workaround. The demand and the need is there for a number of reasons...why not respond to it ASAP? Especially given the online commerce angle: If you've put even one customer in a position where she/he is actually talking his/her self out of an impulse purchase because of storage concerns, you done fucked up.
Yeah... loading games onto SD cards for storage isn't a big deal, but when Nintendo's stubbornness resulted in a completely ruined version of Rock Band, it became personal.
I don't feel like jacking Strell off. He must be rubbed raw by now by the rest of you.

There will always be a counter-argument to either side of this (and apparently the more verbose you are the more you get jacked off), because it all boils down to personality and personal preferences. I also don't see storage as a major issue, despite having games stored that need to be transferred. I'm willing to go through minimal time/effort to play what I have and not whine about it, but that is my personality. Add that to the fact that there is not enough time in a month for me to play everything I currently have on my maxed-out Wii (let alone what I have stored) and it stopped being a concern a long time ago.

At this point, the only reason I want a storage system is so I don't have to sift through the 50% of posts in this forum complaing about storage.

And yes, while I am not masturbating Strell, I am baiting him.
I really don't see how you could argue that less space is good. Fine, you may not need the space but there are people out there who do. How in any instance providing additional storage options going to hurt you? So what if a hard drive is released? Don't buy it.

The problems with some of the current solutions of storage mentioned is that it requires an extra point of failure. What if my internet goes out? What happens if/when Nintendo decides to stop hosting the Virtual Console? Providing the ability to re-download a title once deleted is nice, but should not be the go to option for a storage solution, especially when there are other more viable and cheap alternatives.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Just because a majority of users are experiencing a problem, does not make it a minority issue.

More options for consumers is a good thing.
Mephy, do you find yourself deleting game saves as well?
I know you have a lot of games (retail and downloads) so that's clearly a lot of saves (which of course take up more blocks)

I really do think this is a huge problem and no one seems to notice it. Check your Wii. Check the amount of blocks your using JUST for save data. I'm sure it's probably more than you think.
One more thing: extra space would allow developers to patch games. Now, this isn't always a good thing (since it also means that unfinished software is more likely to hit the shelves), but it would have been nice in situations such as the GHIII fiasco, or the Zelda lock-ups.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']I really don't see how you could argue that less space is good. Fine, you may not need the space but there are people out there who do. How in any instance providing additional storage options going to hurt you? So what if a hard drive is released? Don't buy it.
More options for consumers is a good thing.[/quote]

No one has said that less space is good. You are misinterpreting; I agreed with the OP that, while it is a limitation, it is not a crippling or endlessly irritating limitation for us as it is for others. And since it is a matter of personality, it is always difficult to understand someone who has tendencies opposite of your own. No one has said that more options are not a good thing, just that we can work within what we currently have without a huge amount of mental anguish.
[quote name='lilboo']Mephy, do you find yourself deleting game saves as well?
I know you have a lot of games (retail and downloads) so that's clearly a lot of saves (which of course take up more blocks)

I really do think this is a huge problem and no one seems to notice it. Check your Wii. Check the amount of blocks your using JUST for save data. I'm sure it's probably more than you think.[/quote]
I do delete game saves occasionally, but only when I am sure I'll never play a game again. I've never done it for space, despite the fact that I am obsessive about maintaining my channels and save files. I actually have 500 blocks free right now because I stored a lot of VC games and deleted crappy WiiWare (Defend Your Castle). I'm not going to fill it up with the VC games I have stored because I have either played them out or they are like the retail games in my closet - I have too many to play all of them so there's no point in taking them out right now.

I chimed in on this argument mostly to play devil's advocate, but also because I really do see it as dependent on the person, not the console. Yes, more storage would be nice, but even as a person with way too many games I don't see it as necessary for continued enjoyment.
[quote name='mephitical']No one has said that less space is good. You are misinterpreting; I agreed with the OP that, while it is a limitation, it is not a crippling or endlessly irritating limitation for us as it is for others. And since it is a matter of personality, it is always difficult to understand someone who has tendencies opposite of your own. No one has said that more options are not a good thing, just that we can work within what we currently have without a huge amount of mental anguish.[/QUOTE]

Let me reclarify.

I understand the point you are trying to make, there are probably plenty of people out there of which space is not an issue, or don't mind readjusting their games/saves to account for the lack of space. I just happen to disagree on the point that you think there is a counter-argument to the space issue. Beyond "I don't need/want it" I fail to see how one could attempt to argue against it.

I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over the issue. However, what irks me is not that the issue exists in the first place, but rather how easy a solution could be.
I think the storage space is crippling for the vc in that it denies the release of titles from sega cd, ps1, sega saturn, and neo geo cd. Additionally, there are a number of pc titles that would be great as vc/ wiiware but which face artifial market entry barriers from sparse storage.
The end result is gamers being potentially denied great gaming experiences for little reason.
Next year at this time, we will most likely be 300 titles into the VC.
I'd like to think would have roughly 50 or more titles on WiiWare.
We would also have a good handful of games that offer 'pay to play', otherwise known as DLC.
I'm sure there's going to be at least a new channel or 2 from Nintendo, on top that there may be a few more games that have their own channel (Like MK or Wii Fit)

They just have to. Even the most casual of gamers will be running low on space.
[quote name='mephitical']No one has said that less space is good. You are misinterpreting; I agreed with the OP that, while it is a limitation, it is not a crippling or endlessly irritating limitation for us as it is for others. And since it is a matter of personality, it is always difficult to understand someone who has tendencies opposite of your own. No one has said that more options are not a good thing, just that we can work within what we currently have without a huge amount of mental anguish.

I do delete game saves occasionally, but only when I am sure I'll never play a game again. I've never done it for space, despite the fact that I am obsessive about maintaining my channels and save files. I actually have 500 blocks free right now because I stored a lot of VC games and deleted crappy WiiWare (Defend Your Castle). I'm not going to fill it up with the VC games I have stored because I have either played them out or they are like the retail games in my closet - I have too many to play all of them so there's no point in taking them out right now.

I chimed in on this argument mostly to play devil's advocate, but also because I really do see it as dependent on the person, not the console. Yes, more storage would be nice, but even as a person with way too many games I don't see it as necessary for continued enjoyment.[/QUOTE]

My point exactly.

Oh, and BTW, I totally agree with your line about how you want a storage solution just so we don't have 50 threads about it. That made me laugh.

[quote name='vherub']I think the storage space is crippling for the vc in that it denies the release of titles from sega cd, ps1, sega saturn, and neo geo cd. Additionally, there are a number of pc titles that would be great as vc/ wiiware but which face artifial market entry barriers from sparse storage.
The end result is gamers being potentially denied great gaming experiences for little reason.[/QUOTE]

Storage solution or no, I'm pretty sure that you won't be seeing any PS1 titles on the VC. ;)

maybe, maybe not- but isn't it odd that there is a good chance games from that era will not be made available?
The backlists are filled with classics that shamefully are forgotten.
Vagrant Story and Breath of Fire 3 clock in under 100mb, for example
[quote name='vherub']maybe, maybe not- but isn't it odd that there is a good chance games from that era will not be made available?
The backlists are filled with classics that shamefully are forgotten.
Vagrant Story and Breath of Fire 3 clock in under 100mb, for example[/QUOTE]
Sony + Nintendo wat.
Like Strell said, allowing us to save directly to/play off of SD cards would solve most of the complaints (I think, well, mine at least and as I live/play mostly alone, that's enough).
[quote name='Halo05']Like Strell said, allowing us to save directly to/play off of SD cards would solve most of the complaints (I think, well, mine at least and as I live/play mostly alone, that's enough).[/quote]

Exactly. A 2gig SD gives you a little over 15000 blocks. Not Fifteen Hundred... Fifteen THOUSAND. HDD, my ass, if you're filling up 15000 blocks on the Wii, perhaps it's time to rethink your Wii-ing. ;)
my beef is with the wii not being able to play off the SD card. that would pretty much solve the entire issue with a hefty card.

i have 15+ VC games on my wii and im nowhere near close to running out of space.
I just thought of something. You'll have to take my word for it since I don't have any proof, but here I go. Shitty slow ass USB SD card reader:

^The exact one that I used. Okay, for testing purposes, I theoretically have loaded a N64 emu and the largest N64 game that I also own in real life on a 512MB Sandisk SD card. (don't think brand of card matters, just reader) Donkey Kong 64 is the test dummy here.

Time to download ROM (compressed) - 2 minutes
Time to transfer ROM to SD card (uncompressed) - 11 seconds
Start loading ROM to done loading ROM - 18 seconds
Transferring entire thing (emu and ROM) from slow SD card reader to PC - 6 seconds
Bringing it all back (emu and ROM) from PC to slow SD card reader - 23 seconds
Total file size (ROM+Emu) - 41 MB

Lets recap: Downloading ROM from unofficial site: 2 minutes. Granted this is compressed, so I'll give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt here.
ROM+Emu from Wii to SD card - FOREVER (from what people tell me, never done it)
ROM+Emu from PC to SD card - 23 seconds

I know there's encryption and all that jazz but seriously. Maybe Nintendo could consider an encryption option that doesn't take so damn long, considering hackers have blown the Wii wide open already.
[quote name='Doomed']I just thought of something. You'll have to take my word for it since I don't have any proof, but here I go. Shitty slow ass USB SD card reader:

^The exact one that I used. Okay, for testing purposes, I theoretically have loaded a N64 emu and the largest N64 game that I also own in real life on a 512MB Sandisk SD card. (don't think brand of card matters, just reader) Donkey Kong 64 is the test dummy here.

Time to download ROM (compressed) - 2 minutes
Time to transfer ROM to SD card (uncompressed) - 11 seconds
Start loading ROM to done loading ROM - 18 seconds
Transferring entire thing (emu and ROM) from slow SD card reader to PC - 6 seconds
Bringing it all back (emu and ROM) from PC to slow SD card reader - 23 seconds
Total file size (ROM+Emu) - 41 MB

Lets recap: Downloading ROM from unofficial site: 2 minutes. Granted this is compressed, so I'll give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt here.
ROM+Emu from Wii to SD card - FOREVER (from what people tell me, never done it)
ROM+Emu from PC to SD card - 23 seconds

I know there's encryption and all that jazz but seriously. Maybe Nintendo could consider an encryption option that doesn't take so damn long, considering hackers have blown the Wii wide open already.[/quote]
To totally jump around here, I have noticed that the file sizes for the VC games are significantly larger than the ROM sizes. Even if every VC game included it's own emulator, they should not be anywhere near the size they are. Does anyone have an explanation for this?
I would say wait for E3. If Nintendo doesn't announce a solution, then feel free to come back here and continue complaining. I really hope Nintendo just takes advantage of the ability to update their system software and add further functionality to the SD slot (like being able to play games off of SD cards). Theoretically, every system has it's own unique serial number and friend code, so they should be able to somehow tie purchases to one of those system identifiers.

However, knowing Nintendo, they will probably further milk the peripheral madness that has taken over this gen and they'll release some kind of USB hard drive. If they continue to ignore the problem altogether, then they truly are an oblivious company. As popular as Wii Fit and Wii Sports are, the core audience of those games aren't paying your bills, Nintendo.
[quote name='morphineseason']As popular as Wii Fit and Wii Sports are, the core audience of those games aren't paying your bills, Nintendo.[/quote]
Everything else you said made sense. This didn't. It's actually contradictory to one of your main points. The trick for Nintendo at this point is to figure out how to sell a hard drive to the Wii Fit/Wii Sports audience. Because otherwise, it may take a very long time to recoup all the R&D and production costs if it's only being marketed to "gamers", and this doesn't fit their current business model of "make something that everyone who owns a Wii has to have right now".
[quote name='mephitical']To totally jump around here, I have noticed that the file sizes for the VC games are significantly larger than the ROM sizes. Even if every VC game included it's own emulator, they should not be anywhere near the size they are. Does anyone have an explanation for this?[/QUOTE]


1) The emulator has to be wrapped to each ROM. I've mentioned it a few times in here that this is a shortcoming of the VC's planning. Every SNES game has the emulator on the file, which is just stupid, since multiple SNES games = multiple emulators = more space being occupied by redundant data. I still maintain Nintendo could have just let us have a centralized emulator for each system being loaded onto memory once.

2) The digital manuals, which are nothing more than HTML files. I don't know how much data those things are, nor do I know if they are using high-res pictures or not, but this is definitely padding the space.

Kind of reminds me in Futurama when Fry was making Oreo cookies, and he had to unwrap each thing individually, and then just ended up eating the cream. Same idea here - I don't need all those emulators - just gimme dat sweet, sweet cream.

Lilboo, shut up. Or take it to PM, mister.

As for the manuals/HTML files - I can take or leave those. Obviously there's at least one instance where it is absolutely required to have it - Startropics. Otherwise, they can be considered extraneous.

And yet, I really hate the fact that Wiiware games require you to exit the game and connect to the Wii Shop channel to download the manual into temporary RAM. That's just stupid.
[quote name='mephitical']Everything else you said made sense. This didn't. It's actually contradictory to one of your main points. The trick for Nintendo at this point is to figure out how to sell a hard drive to the Wii Fit/Wii Sports audience. Because otherwise, it may take a very long time to recoup all the R&D and production costs if it's only being marketed to "gamers", and this doesn't fit their current business model of "make something that everyone who owns a Wii has to have right now".[/QUOTE]

My point was that I have a feeling if Nintendo turns down the idea of releasing a way of getting more storage, they'll try to reason by saying "Well, you see, the casual Wii gamer doesn't use up all their storage space, so we don't think it's necessary." And my point to Nintendo is that the everyday "casual gamer" that buys a Wii for Wii Sports or Wii Fit isn't going to appreciate games like Super Mario Galaxy or Legend of Zelda any more than they already do (which is usually zero appreciation).

For example, did you ever see any of those folks in the nursing homes playing anything other than Wii Sports when they were shown on the news? I realize that example is a stretch, but my point is that the casuals aren't the ones downloading practically every virtual console game based on impulse, and I could see Nintendo highlighting this point to justify the lack of storage.

Nintendo has this idea that Wii Sports and Wii Fit are like gateway drugs into getting casuals to play their other titles, and it just doesn't work that way. If anything, the kids are getting the Wii, and then maybe their parents say, "Hey, I wouldn't mind checking out Wii Fit." Meanwhile, those kids are downloading all the virtual console games and WiiWare games and find themselves quickly running out of storage space.
Pretty sure it was brought up before, but the very fact that you CAN'T transfer save data for most games (Brawl being a big one) to an SD card is really fucking stupid. When the Wii starts getting more games that are actually playable, the space is going to get TIGHT. Then save data will become a problem when you're down to very little space. You'd be forced to either delete whatever Virtual Console/WiiWare games you have, or delete some save data from your Wii games.

I wouldn't mind using SD cards if Nintendo would STOP LOCKING SAVE DATA.
[quote name='Tsukento']Pretty sure it was brought up before, but the very fact that you CAN'T transfer save data for most games (Brawl being a big one) to an SD card is really fucking stupid. When the Wii starts getting more games that are actually playable, the space is going to get TIGHT. Then save data will become a problem when you're down to very little space. You'd be forced to either delete whatever Virtual Console/WiiWare games you have, or delete some save data from your Wii games.

I wouldn't mind using SD cards if Nintendo would STOP LOCKING SAVE DATA.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what I was saying. Switching out the VC & WiiWare games is at least SOMETHING..however, if the save data is NOT able to transfer I doubt most people will want to delete it. After I moved all the save data onto my SD card (clearly that was ABLE to do it) AND after I deleted some save data that I could have done without.. I am left with using 433 blocks just for that.

I don't think anyone else sees the save data as being the bigger problem in all of this.
I guess the best argument I can make for needing more storage space (or at the very least a better option than slow-ass SD cards) is this:

Two days ago I went out and bought a new points card for the sole purpose of downloading Dr. Mario. I went into the Nintendo Shop Channel and tried to download the game only to be told I didn't have enough space (for a fitness program WiiFit sure eats a lot). So I sat there for twenty seconds and thought about how annoying and time consuming it was to transfer games to the SD card and decided that it just wasn't worth the hassle.

Nintendo lost $10 right there. Now if I wasn't prepared to go through all the hassle for Dr. Mario then there is a pretty good chance that I won't be willing to do it for any other VC/WiiWare games.

I've decided that I just won't be buying anymore games until I finish what I have. That will probably mean three or four months of Nintendo not getting my money. Hey, I'll probably save myself at least $100 in that time.
And to think I thought it was bad when Nintendo locked saves on the Gamecube (I'm looking at you, FZero). Releasing bigger and bigger memory cards means nothing if your FZero save is stuck on the 59 block card.

I really wish Nintendo would do something right on the first try, and show themselves as actually being interested in the semi-serious to serious gamers that make up most of their customers, rather than screwing them over time and time again.

Personally, I have no love for Nintendo anymore, especially after Brawl was such a big disappointment (Melee was the sole game our GC ever got used for, Brawl sold the Wii for me), so they certainly aren't going to get my money for VC/Wiiware. I'll live with PC emulators.
ok. hold up.
i think we have missed a MAJOR fly in the ointment.

lets just all take a breath and look at nature boys signature.
nelly furtado!!!! come on man!!! :(

*dies a little inside*
[quote name='Tsukento']Pretty sure it was brought up before, but the very fact that you CAN'T transfer save data for most games (Brawl being a big one) to an SD card is really fucking stupid...I wouldn't mind using SD cards if Nintendo would STOP LOCKING SAVE DATA.[/QUOTE]

For those who really want to backup locked saves, you can install the "Homebrew Channel" (http://hbc.hackmii.com/) and install a program that allows you to copy any save to a SD card (found here: http://wii.waninkoko.info/). Of course this isn't an ideal solution (nintendo potentially might detect unauthorized software installs or break the hack) but it works fairly well and installing homebrew on the wii has become fairly easy (all you need is twilight princess and an sd card). Also you can easily uninstall the homebrew software if you don't want it anymore.

I realize that many find installing homebrew unacceptable given the potential risks, but so far its the only solution available.
[quote name='pongpoo']ok. hold up.
i think we have missed a MAJOR fly in the ointment.

lets just all take a breath and look at nature boys signature.
nelly furtado!!!! come on man!!! :(

*dies a little inside*[/QUOTE]

LOL - I've got admit that I like that song...don't really know her other stuff though so your ridicule might have been lost on me a little.

I'd hate to think how you'd react if I had been listening to Miss Saigon or Les Miz when that playlist posted.

Remember, my friend, variety truly is the spice of life. Some days are Pearl Jam, or the Beatles and others are indeed show-tunes.
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']RD, I'm curious have you downloaded any Wiiware games?[/QUOTE]

Yes, I have Dr. Mario. Nothing else just grabbing me by the short & curlies yet.

I understand that these games take more space, I totally get that. I just think that Nintendo giving us the ability to delete and then re-download for free is something that people either ignore or believe is not any type of solution whatsoever. Seriously...I have like 20+ VC games, and I can't tell you the last time I've played half of them. So for me - FOR ME! - it's absolutely no big deal to delete those games and re-download them later.

I guess everyone else just plays every single game they have every single day. ~shrug~

Personally, I just hope Nintendo starts allowing folks to play directly from the memory card or releases a $200 hard drive. Then everyone will complain about that instead of the lack of storage. You folks who want a hard drive for the system do realize it won't be cheap, right? ;)

bread's done