Wii U - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='Billytwoshoes']I'm still very excited by the possibilities...I'm sure Nintendo could come up with some nice downloadable titles as well that would make for good multiplayer using the tablet.[/QUOTE]
This goes back to Strell's "you either get it or you don't" point. Whereas I bought the Wii at launch, no questions asked, purely on the potential of the motion control, I can't do the same this time around. I don't know a nice way to say that Nintendo missed the boat. The tablet isn't novelty enough -- given that this interface is already familiar to us in a variety of applications, the potential is as limited as the novelty of it is.

But the point remains, what doesn't work for me can and does work for others. The question is how many of those others are out there, and if they're enough to make a decent launch.

[quote name='Billytwoshoes']What I personally would like to see more advertising focused on is the non-TV, direct to tablet gaming (good for when someone monopolizes the TV), as this is another great feature for me, but that probably wouldn't look very appealing in a typical 'American Family' advert.[/QUOTE]
I would like this, too. It could be a powerful print ad. Mom, Dad, and the family watching the Six O'Clock News while Little Billy's off in a poorly lit corner, with a tear in an eye, a shiner in the other, a scowl on his face, and disheveled hair, playing Mario for the WIIU on the tablet. The ad reads at top "WIIU FOR THE FAMILY" and at bottom "TOGETHER? ALONE? DYS-FUN-CTIONAL!"
[quote name='TheLongshot']Most consoles up until this generation typically natively supported two controllers. .[/QUOTE]






In fact since the N64/PS1 generation, basically Sony was the only company to NOT support 4 players natively.

[quote name='dothog']
Aside: Bite your tongue on the wacky controller comment when it comes to the N64 to GC transition. I still don't understand why people like the N64 controller, it was hideous. [/QUOTE]

Yes the GCN controller is up there with the best of them, but the N64 was damn solid. It wasn't about beauty, it was about function. Assuming you held your left hand on the center prong for analog games, it was relatively comfy. I've seen people just use the outer prongs and I don't get that at all. Hell, holding it like that is probably what inspired the wretched Dual Shock layout.
I can't think of many PS3/360 don't support 4-player splitscreen outside of Halo, and 2-player splitscreen was a rarity in favor of online play only. It kind of sucked.
Cap'n_RDM;9958428] I also think that the penetration of the Wii will carry over towards the WiiU to some degree. Nintendo has a presence in a lot of kids homes right now and a lot of them will want the latest Nintendo console in order to play the new Mario & Zelda games. I think a lot of us are used to reading "My Wii has been collecting dust since I bought it" or "I traded my Wii in within a month" doom & gloom posts and are letting that effect our outlook on things (not to mention all the negative gaming media attention Nintendo attracts...granted some of it warranted). The "average" and said:
needs[/i] to be upgraded. That may well point to Nintendo getting it wrong 5 years ago (weak system, no HD, etc) but it is what it is.
Ok so when is the press conference for NA? Joystiq says 10AM JST tomorrow. Need a time so I can get right on an Amazon preorder for the system (assuming it's $249, if it's anything higher than $299, I will wait). Just so I can decide if I want it and I can avoid the Wii situation of no consoles for ages.
Got an e-mail just now (haha, zero minutes ago) saying 10AM EST tomorrow, so 9AM CST, 8AM MST, and 7AM PST. Says it's going to be streamed live at nintendo.com/wiiu.
[quote name='Strell']Got an e-mail just now (haha, zero minutes ago) saying 10AM EST tomorrow, so 9AM CST, 8AM MST, and 7AM PST. Says it's going to be streamed live at nintendo.com/wiiu.[/QUOTE]
Nice, thanks. I will probably be watching it if I am not at a meeting and waiting for Amazon to start preorders. I am hoping the Wii-U turns out like the 3DS where there was no shortages at launch and not the Wii. I don't mind waiting for a console, there is no pressing must play games yet at launch but I don't want to wait like over a year like some people had to with the wii :lol:.
Don't get your hopes up for Amazon preorders, word is they aren't selling any Nintendo hardware, so I would doubt they are going to be selling this one.

If you need an online preorder, you might have to go with newegg.

I think the Gamecube is my favorite Nintendo console too, it is really the first console to have full fledged Pokemon games, as the N64 and the Wii only had the stadium games. Gamecube also wasn't lacking much in the games department, as it had pretty much every game the XBox and PS2 had save for exclusives. If you had one you could play the games your friends were playing without having to buy another system. Needless to say the Wii had none of that, and if you wanted to play the games your friends were playing you had to buy the PS3 or Xbox 360 just to be able to access those games. In the gamecube era the games were the same games that were on the PS2 or Xbox as well, they weren't gimped versions of 3rd party games as we have seen on the Wii. While it had some good exclusives and was cheaper than the other options for consoles, I would be dissatisfied with the Wii if I had paid full price for it. The Pokemon offerings on the Wii were also no where near of the quality offered on the Gamecube.
[quote name='Strell']Got an e-mail just now (haha, zero minutes ago) saying 10AM EST tomorrow, so 9AM CST, 8AM MST, and 7AM PST. Says it's going to be streamed live at nintendo.com/wiiu.[/QUOTE]

It figures they are doing this while I'm waiting in an airport for a flight.
[quote name='TheLongshot']It figures they are doing this while I'm waiting in an airport for a flight.[/QUOTE]

Ehh, for the best, the connection may be spotty. Just pull up a text liveblog and wait to watch until the plane lands. Probably best all around for your sanity.

We'll see if I take my own advice.
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[quote name='SaraAB']Don't get your hopes up for Amazon preorders, word is they aren't selling any Nintendo hardware, so I would doubt they are going to be selling this one.

If you need an online preorder, you might have to go with newegg.

Actually, that reminds me. I am going to have to get it from Newegg. Amazon started charging tax in PA. So if Amazon had it, have to order it from Newegg to save myself the 6%.

I would consider going to gamestop, but I will be at work.
What is with Amazon not selling Nintendo hardware. Did they get in a tiff over something? Surely the 3DS has been selling more than the Vita, and they sell the Vita, so its not due to lack of sales.
[quote name='crunchewy']What is with Amazon not selling Nintendo hardware. Did they get in a tiff over something? Surely the 3DS has been selling more than the Vita, and they sell the Vita, so its not due to lack of sales.[/QUOTE]

No one knows for sure and I guarantee you neither Amazon or Nintendo is going to say anything bad of the other due to a possible defamation suit. My guess is it had something to do with the high amount of defective returns in the initial shipment of 3DS. I'm betting it had something to do with Nintendo being unwilling to cover those losses.
I have work until 4 tomorrow so there better be a pre-order available for me at GS. :D

I still don't think Nintendo will have more than 1 sku available at launch. It's not there thing.
I think if they announce the details and GS starts taking preorders right away we will not have a repeat of the Wii preorder fiasco 5 years ago. Back then (for those who don't remember) they had a few days lead time and said they were going to take preorders starting on a specific date. People lined up overnight to get those preorders. Same thing happened with the PS3.

So I really do hope they just open it up tomorrow and it isn't as hyped up as the Wii. I have been stockpiling GS credit for this very system so as long as we are $300 or less with NintenoLand packed in I will definitely put in a GS preorder. Amazon would be my second choice but really I'd much rather spend that GS credit on this and save my Amazon credit for other things (assuming Amazon even carries it).

And frankly, I don't care if I don't get one of the first batch or two of shipments - as long as I am done shipping for it and they call me when mine is in. So I hope they are willing to take preorders for more than the handful they are likely to get on launch day.
[quote name='Billytwoshoes']For those who are wondering if GS will take pre-orders, GoNintendo thinks so with some evidence (linked to Nintendolife.com). Take it as you will, but I think GS will be your best bet for a pre-order by tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Just received a call from my local GameStop and they will definitely be taking pre-orders when the store opens tomorrow. There will be 3 SKUs available, ranging from $249.99 - $349.99. The specifics are still hush-hush, but I'm getting pretty stoked.
[quote name='FatBoyInside']Just received a call from my local GameStop and they will definitely be taking pre-orders when the store opens tomorrow. There will be 3 SKUs available, ranging from $249.99 - $349.99. The specifics are still hush-hush, but I'm getting pretty stoked.[/QUOTE]

What could they be?

$249.99- System with 1 tablet
$299.99- System with 1 tablet and Nintendo Land.
$349.99- System with 2 tablets and Nintendo Land

Those are my only guesses.
I called my GS. They told me they were taking preorders tomorrow. I'll be there by 7am. In heading over after work to see if there is a line.
[quote name='Josh5890']What could they be?

$249.99- System with 1 tablet
$299.99- System with 1 tablet and Nintendo Land.
$349.99- System with 2 tablets and Nintendo Land

Those are my only guesses.[/QUOTE]

I hope Nintendo land doesn't come in a cardboard sleeve thing like wii sports did.

I'd venture to guess that they all come with Nintendo Land. Lowest price = no hard drive. Then the others are different hard drive sizes.
I'm hoping Best Buy takes their pre-orders on this, I'm signed up for the email when they do start taking them and would like to get it there for the Reward Zone points as I'd prefer that over the PUR points :p
Really hoping I can get a preorder in tomorrow at my Best Buy after class. I get out at noon PST, so I hope I'll be okay.

I might have to send my dad instead.
So is everyone guessing who'll be taking preorders tomorrow? Come on Amazon. I have a feeling they will be very hard to find come holiday season.
Finally the time has come to get some info on this thing that we should have gotten a year ago. How in the world Nintendo botched 2 e3's in a row when it comes to this thing is beyond me.
[quote name='Metal Militia']I hope its released in November just like the rumors say cause my birthday is in November :D[/QUOTE]

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised :)
I was tired after work and opted to just go home and set my alarm for early tomorrow morning. I hope nobody is waiting outside my gamestop.
I was intrigued about the "Nintendo Network Premium" until I heard the discount was only 10%. Though it's nice it's 10% for everything (?) but still, I prefer the XBLA/PSN sales to that. Hopefully Nintendo has more aggressive digital sales for Wii U.
It actually provides Points as well. And NNP is only available with the Premium console and ends in 2 years.

I completely forgot about the possibility of them selling additional gamepads. So that's nice, I guess.

The Premium Console seems to be the one to get though.
[quote name='KingBroly']It actually provides Points as well. And NNP is only available with the Premium console and ends in 2 years.

I completely forgot about the possibility of them selling additional gamepads. So that's nice, I guess.

The Premium Console seems to be the one to get though.[/QUOTE]
Only with the Premium console, and no way to renew? Seems odd, but 2 years is nice, I would have suspected 1 year with the option to renew.

Yeah, the Premium sounds solid, with the extra crap it comes with and all.
I don't think they know if they'll continue Premium or not. It encourages early adoption to the system by saying it'll only be around for X amount of time.

I hope it's for all purchases, meaning Virtual Console games.
The small storage of the premium unit makes me nervous.... seriously only 32GB? My 360 has 120GB and I feel like I'm constantly needing to delete stuff...

Regardless, I'm pre-ordering this the moment it's available online (pretty please, Amazon?)...
Nintendo Network Premium is a 2-year service offered to those who buy the Premium 32gb (Black) system. You get 10% rebate on all games you buy digitally from Nintendo, and a certain percentage back from 3rd party games (at their discretion). This is basically a loyalty/ambassador program.

- Wii U will come in 2 colors, White and Black. White has 8gb of flash storage while Black has 32gb.
- They'll sell Gamepads separately, but for $130-$150
- Gamepad Pros will cost $50
- Console and Gamepad stands will be sold, but come with the Premium System
- Both systems come with a System, a Gamepad, an AC Adapter for both, and an HDMI cable
- No game will be packed-in in Japan
The fuck? If i want a black console i have to pony up more money according to the article? Are they high? Truly i think more colors would be available for the standard model, has to be.
[quote name='renique46']The fuck? If i want a black console i have to pony up more money according to the article? Are they high? Truly i think more colors would be available for the standard model, has to be.[/QUOTE]

The difference will likely be $50. If that's a dealbreaker for anyone, they probably shouldn't be buying a new console in the first place.

From Nintendo's perspective, it's probably a good idea to make it obvious to customers that there is a difference in models.
Obviously have to see what the US prices end up being, but I don't see myself getting the premium model, especially if the storage is expandable in some way (probably sd cards) and it seems like Pikmin 3 isn't going to make launch and no talk about 3rd party launch titles so far.
[quote name='KingBroly']Nintendo Network Premium is a 2-year service offered to those who buy the Premium 32gb (Black) system. You get 10% rebate on all games you buy digitally from Nintendo, and a certain percentage back from 3rd party games (at their discretion). This is basically a loyalty/ambassador program.

- Wii U will come in 2 colors, White and Black. White has 8gb of flash storage while Black has 32gb.
- They'll sell Gamepads separately, but for $130-$150
- Gamepad Pros will cost $50
- Console and Gamepad stands will be sold, but come with the Premium System
- Both systems come with a System, a Gamepad, an AC Adapter for both, and an HDMI cable
- No game will be packed-in in Japan[/QUOTE]

Wii U Basic - ¥26,250
-Wii U Console
-Wii U Gamepad
-Wii U AC Adapter
-Wii U Gamepad AC Adapter
-HDMI Cable

Wii U Premium - ¥31,500
-32 GB SSD
-includes Nintendo Premium
-Wii U Console
-Wii U Gamepad
-Wii U AC Adapter
-Wii U Gamepad AC Adapter
-HDMI Cable
-Wii U Console Stand
-Wii U Gamepad Charging Dock
-Wii U Gamepad Stand
bread's done