Wii U - General Discussion Thread

But that isn't how Office is used by the majority of customers -- at least the people I work with. The "cloud" features are turned off by almost everyone I know, no one trusts that SkyDrive bullshit. If they're unwilling to trust their saves to the cloud, why would they trust the cloud with the software and computation itself? As if they need it for multiple devices...laptops aren't going anywhere. They're "work devices." If you need something on the go, you'll maybe turn to Google Docs, but it's not considered an Office replacement by any stretch.

I realize that MS sees advantages to moving to cloud-based everything, but it's not going to fly if it's just about doing it for MS's sake. They've got to tie it in to features that actually benefity users. You guys said it, Office is the money maker. They have to be careful when fucking with it: I work with people who are still pissed about the performance loss in going from Excel 2003 to Excel 2007. (Which MS fixed and then advertised in Excel 2010 by comparing 2010's performance to 2007, *not* 2003.)

Tying it to features kind of goes to my point: they need to make Windows an attractive platform for development, they need talent. Win 8 was a step back in that regard, they were actually *paying* developers to support it. That's crazy.
I think you missed one of the points I was making, they're going to have the traditional Office package available but they do not want to lose customers that want to work other ways. It's not easy to predict what people will want in the future but if they aren't there when people want it, they're going to be the next BlackBerry with piles of cash that reach to the moon that they're burning through to play catch up. In other words, you can't look at the way people use Office today and say that's what most people will want in 2020, 2025, 2030, 2050...

Again, they aren't forcing anyone to move to this and I'm sure they'd be happy for people to continue to pay for licenses to their traditional stuff BUT a company like this can't rest on it's laurels because it's got stacks of cash and is used by almost everyone in business.

They don't want to be this guy. Check out the article from 2007.

"It's kind of one more entrant into an already very busy space with lots of choice for consumers," Jim Balsillie said of Apple. "But in terms of a sort of a sea-change for BlackBerry, I would think that's overstating it."

RIM's shares were up 70 Canadian cents, to C$157.90, in morning trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Earlier, its U.S.-listed shares gained more than 1 percent in electronic trading before the opening bell.


edit: If you're looking up the current value of the stock, they changed the ticker symbol to BBRY.

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I know this is a WIIU thread, but is that true? I hope they don't put all their eggs in that basket. I would think he's got to put some effort into keeping developers interested in Windows altogether. Who knows.
No corporation of that size puts all their eggs in one basket but when the market tells you something you tend to follow it. Plus, their actions speak for themselves. I can't speak for what's happening out on the west coast but out here in NYC/east coast venture capitalists are in love with cloud computing. If you are running a startup there is no better field to be in right at this moment than cloud computing.

The reason Mario Kart doesn't satisfy isn't because there's too many characters, it's because as a gaming experience, the amount of skill that differentiates first from last place in any given race is effectively negligible. There's no skill acquisition, there's just "hold on for this cool trick!" or "here's more items, use them lots!" That's good for a party game, anyone can pick it up and feel competitive, but it's lousy for a genuine karting game, which is to say a genuine video game. Without a real need for skill acquistion, for learning the game mechanics and practicing at them, then what the hell am I doing here?
That is a problem. I've played my daughter before and gone to the bathroom when the race started and easily come from behind to beat her. She picked up on it right away (she's 19 and knows how to play). I shouldn't be able to do that. If I miss the first few minute or two of a race there should be no way that I win.

That is a problem. I've played my daughter before and gone to the bathroom when the race started and easily come from behind to beat her. She picked up on it right away (she's 19 and knows how to play). I shouldn't be able to do that. If I miss the first few minute or two of a race there should be no way that I win.
I do think there's some skill but the newer ones seem flooded with item boxes. I remember playing the N64 game and timing the lightening bolt so that the other player in 2nd place would fall off a cliff.

Can't remember last time I payed for ms office so many better opions that are free on internet that can even make the files work on office for others to view
It's looking like MS is going to try to sell Office as a service to folks that need to use it on a lot of devices. They'll still have the regular software package but going forward the cloud is the way to go. People will be able to work on their stuff anywhere and on any device made by any manufacturer. I'm sure you can see the appeal of this?
You greatly overestimate the appeal of this. Anyone with proprietary or personal information will shy away from a new vector of attack. Tech companies won't use it, government won't use it, and health care won't use it.

They've fucked up the whole thing so that now the two systems are competitors instead of being great compliments to one another.
Well there is the Gamepad. What exactly was on the GBA that was so fantastic that it's a must buy. I did have a GBA Advanced (still do somewhere) but that was for Zelda on GC for the tingle stuff. I didn't really play games on it.
Well there is the Gamepad. What exactly was on the GBA that was so fantastic that it's a must buy. I did have a GBA Advanced (still do somewhere) but that was for Zelda on GC for the tingle stuff. I didn't really play games on it.
Golden Sun series, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Zelda, Castlevania, Metroid, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Advance Wars. Those games might not appeal to you but you can't really argue that they weren't good GBA games.

The GBA had a ton of great games for it.

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Golden Sun series, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Zelda, Castlevania, Metroid, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Advance Wars. Those games might not appeal to you but you can't really argue that they weren't good GBA games.

The GBA had a ton of great games for it.
I actually just bought Golden Sun and Advance Wars 2 in the past week (and really wanting to play Zero Mission and Fusion someday), playing catch up since I never owned a GBA in the past. For most people I know, they don't buy both the handheld and the consoles, just either or, so cross marketing the GBA games on a home console that has a portable (well, semi portable) screen isn't a bad idea at all.

Though they should have BOTH Wii U and 3DS VC versions available, no reason they can't do that.

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Well there is the Gamepad. What exactly was on the GBA that was so fantastic that it's a must buy. I did have a GBA Advanced (still do somewhere) but that was for Zelda on GC for the tingle stuff. I didn't really play games on it.
Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, WarioWare, Super Monkey Ball, Prince of Persia, Klonoa, F-Zero, Astro Boy, Boktai, and plenty more beyond that. Plus, it's probably the only way you'll get Yoshi's Island on any Virtual Console.

The thing is that these games were made for a portable, so it makes more sense for the 3DS since they already gave out the Ambassador games there. Blowing up the games for an HDTV or even the GamePad is not going to look that great.

Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, WarioWare, Super Monkey Ball, Prince of Persia, Klonoa, F-Zero, Astro Boy, Boktai, and plenty more beyond that. Plus, it's probably the only way you'll get Yoshi's Island on any Virtual Console.

The thing is that these games were made for a portable, so it makes more sense for the 3DS since they already gave out the Ambassador games there. Blowing up the games for an HDTV or even the GamePad is not going to look that great.
Agreed. There were some fantastic GBA games (I still have my GBA SP and plenty of games for it, hated the dim original GBA but loved the backlit SP), but they're best played on a tiny screen. GBA games have a resolution of 240x160, which would look awful on a 1920x1080 TV (or even a 720p one). Can't imagine why Nintendo doesn't focus on GC games for the Wii U, and keep the handheld game ports to the 3DS.

Eh, although they wouldn't look the greatest, a lot of GBA games look like or were based on SNES games which really hold up well in terms of console TV play.  

I've been playing SNES virtual console games (Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Earthbound) on my TV and they look great. On the Gamepad they look even better, in fact I say they look better on the Gamepad than they would on a 3DS or 3DS XL. 

I'm actually intrigued by GBA and DS games on the Wii U, although reasonable pricing is going to be a major factor on whether I actually pick up some titles. 

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Eh, although they wouldn't look the greatest, a lot of GBA games look like or were based on SNES games which really hold up well in terms of console TV play.

I've been playing SNES virtual console games (Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Earthbound) on my TV and they look great. On the Gamepad they look even better, in fact I say they look better on the Gamepad than they would on a 3DS or 3DS XL.

I'm actually intrigued by GBA and DS games on the Wii U, although reasonable pricing is going to be a major factor on whether I actually pick up some titles.
SNES has a much bigger resolution than GBA, so of course they look pretty good on the Wii U.

GBA games were designed with a smaller screen in mind, so they are a better fit on the 3DS as I've seen from playing them on mine myself. SNES games were designed for a bigger TV display, so they work well on a TV.

SNES has a much bigger resolution than GBA, so of course they look pretty good on the Wii U.

GBA games were designed with a smaller screen in mind, so they are a better fit on the 3DS as I've seen from playing them on mine myself. SNES games were designed for a bigger TV display, so they work well on a TV.
I have gameboy advance player for my gamecube and games look fine on that.

I have gameboy advance player for my gamecube and games look fine on that.
My point still stands that they'd be a better fit on the 3DS than the Wii U and Nintendo ignoring that is a mistake. They should be focusing on getting N64, GC, and Wii games on the Wii U Virtual Console and adding GBA and DS to the 3DS Virtual Console.

My point still stands that they'd be a better fit on the 3DS than the Wii U and Nintendo ignoring that is a mistake. They should be focusing on getting N64, GC, and Wii games on the Wii U Virtual Console and adding GBA and DS to the 3DS Virtual Console.
Not really disagreeing with that but just saying that its not like they havent GBA games on TV before.

This really shouldnt be a shock to anyone since they said a year ago they were going to add GBA games to the Wii U VC.

Not really disagreeing with that but just saying that its not like they havent GBA games on TV before.

This really shouldnt be a shock to anyone since they said a year ago they were going to add GBA games to the Wii U VC.
GBA on an SDTV is probably a bit better than an HDTV, but a 3DS screen would still be the ideal situation.

Never said it was a shocking thing, but I've been against the notion of ignoring the ideal platform for this sort of stuff over putting them on the Wii U instead because they're so desperate for more content. Same with the DS stuff. They really need get their heads out of their ass in regards to making the eShop truly cross-platform with Cross Buy support for applicable VC games and eShop stuff that is on both systems to create a co-operative ecosystem than one that is more combative and childish.

Im following you but why is it "childish?"
The exclusivity between the two gives off the impression of there being a Wii U eShop team making faces at the 3DS eShop team saying "We get these games and you can't have them!" *sticks tongue out at them* It's like they're grade school kids that can't share.

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My point still stands that they'd be a better fit on the 3DS than the Wii U and Nintendo ignoring that is a mistake. They should be focusing on getting N64, GC, and Wii games on the Wii U Virtual Console and adding GBA and DS to the 3DS Virtual Console.
They're probably going to upscale it by a factor of 3 and have it take up the SD space in the center of your screen. 720X480.

Of course the simplest solution is cross-buy/cross-play between Wii U and 3DS.
Nintendo doesn't seem particularly fond of that idea. I think that they believe that if they have to put work in to port it to another platform than you should have to pay for the content (and their hard work) on that platform. I mean, look at the Wii to Wii U games. They obviously don't give a shit if Sony is letting you buy a game once and play it on 2 (and in some cases 3) platforms, they don't think they're in competition with anyone else. Or at least that's what they've believed for quite some time (that belief may be changing finally).

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Do you think the Wii U will see another price drop at E3? My girlfriend is thinking about getting me one for my birthday in March with the Target GC deal next week, but I'm wondering if it's gonna drop further. Even when it comes to gifts, I am a CAG after all ;)
Do you think the Wii U will see another price drop at E3? My girlfriend is thinking about getting me one for my birthday in March with the Target GC deal next week, but I'm wondering if it's gonna drop further. Even when it comes to gifts, I am a CAG after all ;)
Who knows. A lot of people (myself included) have found the 32GB models for $250 or less. They might do a price cut at E3 though the previous price cut was a month or two after that.

Yeah GBA games look fine on TV. But they definitely should be on 3DS also.

I'm much more into playing retro games on handhelds. If I'm sitting down to game on the big screen I want to play a full fledged console game with great graphics and sound like Mario 3D World or The Last of Us. Handhelds I'm much more likely to play old games or little indie games since cutting edge graphics aren't key to the handheld experience.

And they definitely should have cross buy. That's a big reason why I finally bought a Vita--being able to play stuff like Guacamelee on either platform.

Nintendo really needs to get up to speed on that kind of stuff or just stop making hardware since they suck at that and online infrastructure. They make fantastic games, but it's getting old having to buy underpowered and clunky hardware to enjoy them.  But they'd have to fail a few more times for that to happen since they're still sitting on mountains of cash from the success of the Wii and all their handhelds.

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Why does Nintendo need cross buy? 3ds should keep having its own games and wii u the same. Sony only did cross buy to help sell their handheld system. Nintendo don't need that with 3ds.
They could easily make the games available on both systems at the same time, then offer a discount if you buy it both places.

e.g., Metroid Fusion is $5 on 3DS e-shop, $7 on Wii U e-shop, $9 for complete access on both.

Why does Nintendo need cross buy? 3ds should keep having its own games and wii u the same. Sony only did cross buy to help sell their handheld system. Nintendo don't need that with 3ds.
True but it would be nice just to purchase the really old games just once. The price for the virtual console game are pretty steep considering how old they are and some of them can even be found on compilation disc or other means for less what Nintendo is charging.

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Why does Nintendo need cross buy? 3ds should keep having its own games and wii u the same. Sony only did cross buy to help sell their handheld system. Nintendo don't need that with 3ds.
They want to sell their console that gets a lot of the same games as 3DS, so Virtual Console and eShop stuff would be more enticing for people to own both and be able to play them wherever they want to play them.

They want to sell their console that gets a lot of the same games as 3DS, so Virtual Console and eShop stuff would be more enticing for people to own both and be able to play them wherever they want to play them.
Agreed. It seems like a no-brainer. Lots of people have 3DS's. If those people got Wii U copies of the 3DS games they buy, they could eventually get a critical mass of Wii U games. Lots of people would be tempted to pick up a Wii U if they already own say, 10 games on it.

Yeah being able to play games on either the handheld or the tv console is a great feature. Be it remote play of console games or cross buy (and saves) for virtual console or indie games.

I didn't care when I lived alone, but it's great once you live with others and share the tv. Plus being able to get some progress in a game while on the toilet or in the kitchen while cooking ( in between active tasks) is great as well when super busy).

So having cross play makes me much more apt to buy both pieces of hardware and I'm sure many others are the same. Remote play, cross buy and having several games from ps+ are what got me to buy a Vita.
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They could easily make the games available on both systems at the same time, then offer a discount if you buy it both places.

e.g., Metroid Fusion is $5 on 3DS e-shop, $7 on Wii U e-shop, $9 for complete access on both.
Eh. Seeing how efficiently Sony has handled cross buy, both with new digital titles and PS1 games, one flat price is the way to go. These are games that just need an emulator working, something people on the internet have had working for years. No game development cost involved. Hell, the Vita had PS1 support patched in months after release, and suddenly a bunch of games people bought years prior on PSN were playable at no extra cost beyond what they already paid. This is about giving consumers a good value to repurchase old games that they could easily buy used or play on emulators, and so far Nintendo hasn't done that.

Not to mention the slow as snails VC release schedule. There should be a new game every week on both platforms. Its so fucking absurd.
I said before that Nintendo should have released VC titles on the same schedule as the original released titles, +18 years or whatever... steady flow and get people hyped to re-buy all the games they loved as a kid (with Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt as a free download with the console).

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To be fair, the X1 and PS4 have big threads for general discussion.  The 3DS as well.

I'm not a huge fan of big catch all threads either, but it's just the norm here I guess.

Brad Bishop said:
It sort of sucks that all Wii U discussion, no matter what the topic, is contained in this long thread.
I think you'd find that if you broke out several different Wii U topics into multiple threads you wouldn't get nearly the activity you'd want. People tend not to monitor several different threads at once (especially on just one slice of gaming). That's just my observation from 10 years on CAG ;). (Good lord - 10 years...)
bread's done